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Lesson 2. What are some
Adaptations for Living in
Water and on Land?
November, 2013
Mrs. Giselle Aguilar
Adaptations for Water
• Plants and animals much or all of their time
in water have a variety of adaptationsfor
surviving in an aquatic environment.
• Many aquatic animals such as fish,
octopuses, and diving birds have adaptations
that enable them to move quickly in water.
Fish, clams, and sea slugs have gills to extract
oxygen from the water.
• Aquatic plants have adaptations such as
floats and broad, flat fronds that help them
capture the maximum amount of sunlight.
• The basic needs animals living in water have
are the same as other living things such as:
find food, avoid being eaten, attract mates,
protect young, and survive in its
Examples of Animals with
Adaptations for Living in Water
• Sea otters have powerful lungs,
the front paws can group and pry
open shelfish. Has a thick,
waterproof fur that keeps the sea
otter warm and dry.
This sea slug has a gill-like organ
that takes in oxygen from water
and gets rid of carbon dioxide
from its body.
The clam gets oxygen from
water that flows over its gills.
Jet Propulsion
An octopus takes in water and
removes oxygen from it. Then it
sends the water out of its body
through a short funnel.
Fish have gills to absorb oxygen
from the water and release
carbon dioxide into water.
Barracudas have a slik
body, a slender body,
a strong tail fin, and
skin that secrets
1. What are the basic needs of an animal that
lives in water?
2. How do fish breathe underwater?
3. Name two adaptations that enable the
barracuda to swim swiftly through the
Adaptations for Land
• Animals on land face challenges not faced by
organisms that live in the water. They must
get and retain water, extract oxygen from the
air, and support their weight.
• Land animals have a variety of
adaptations that enable them to
move around, including jointed legs and wings.
Examples of Adaptations on
• Owls have strong wings.
Their special feathers make
the swishing sound most birds
make as they fly. This
Adaptation helps owls hunt.
• Hard-shelled Eggs
The hard-shelled eggs of birds have tiny holes.
The holes are large enough for oxygen to pass
through, but they are too small for water to
pass though easily. This adaptations prevents
the developing bird from drying out.
• Skin
The skin that covers the deer´s body has many
functions. It keeps the deer´s body from drying
out by slowing water loss.
The white-tailed deer has strong legs.
Bones and muscles are adaptations
that support the weight of
the deer and help it run
away from enemies.