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CPU is the abbreviation for Central Processing Unit or it is simply referred as the central processor but it is
more commonly called the processor. The CPU is the brains behind the computer where most of the
calculations take place, anything from basic instructions to more complex functions. so this makes it the most
important element of a computer. The form, design and use of CPU’s have changed over the course of their
history but their primary operations have stayed the same.
A computer can have more than one CPU this is called multiprocessing. Some IC’s (intergrated circuits) can
contain multiple CPU’s on a single chip these IC’s are called multi-core processors. There are two typical
components of a CPU, one is the arithmetic logic (ALU) unit which performs arithmetic and logical tasks and
you have the Control Units (CU) which takes instructions from the memory and decodes and executes them as
well as calling on the ALU when needed.
Clock rate is the speed in which a processor will execute instructions. Every computer contains an internal
clock that controls the rate at which instructions are executed as well as synchronising all the various
computer components. The CPU has to have a fixed number of clock cycles (or clock ticks) to complete each
instruction. The faster the clock is the more instructions the CPU will complete per second. The performance
or speed of the CPU is usually measured multiples of hertz . Processing performance of computers can be
increased by using multi-core processors which means plugging in two or more individual processors (also
known as cores) into one integrated circuit. So by increasing the number of cores in a processor (dual-core,
quad-core, etc.) will increase the workload that can handled by the processor.
GPU stands for ‘Graphics Processing Unit`. It is similar to CPU being a single-chip processor but the GPU is used
for computing 3D functions. The functions include lighting effects, object transformations and 3D motion.
These functions are more difficult for the CPU to cope with but compared to the GPU when it can run the
functions more efficiently. The first company to develop the GPU was NVidia, Inc. Its GeForce 256 GPU can
process 10 million polygons per seconds as well as having over 22 million transistors.
A GPU can be a stand-alone chip or it is usually integrated into a complete chip design that includes one or
more CPU cores. There are two types of GPU’s, Dedicated Graphics or Integrated Graphics. Integrated graphics
cards or Integrated graphics processors is a chip that is integrated into the computers motherboard. It serves
the same purpose as a video card, which is to able to process the graphics displayed on the computer. An
integrated graphics processor takes the graphics portion away from the main CPU. IGP’s typically don’t have
the same performance as video cards, this is because they cannot be removed or upgraded.
Power Supply
A power supply is a hardware component that gives power to an electrical device. It takes power from an
electrical outlet and at the same time it converts the current from a AC (altering current) to a DC (direct
current) and this is what a computer requires. A power supply will also regulate the amount of voltage to an
acceptable amount which will make the computer run smoothly. Most computers have internal power
supplies but many devices use external power supplies, for example some monitors and external hard drives
have external power supplies. Power supplies are designed to handle fluctuations in the electrical current and
still be able to provide a controlled and consistent power output.
Memory is very important. Computers need memory to process and store data. Computers store data in a
digital format which allows them to call the information exactly the same way it was store. RAM (random
access memory) is made up of small memory chips that form a memory module. When you open a program it
loads from the hard drive into the RAM, this is due to the fact that it is much faster reading data from the RAM
compared to the hard drive. When running programs from the RAM it will allow them to work without any lag
time. The more RAM you have the more data can be loaded from the hard drive into the RAM as well as
speeding up your computer. Volatile memory also knows as Volatile storage is a computer memory what
needs power to keep the stored information, which means it needs power to be able to get the computer’s
memory. Volatile memory stores the information as long as the power supply is on. Non-volatile memory is a
another type of computer memory but it is able to store information without needing power. Some examples
of Non-volatile memory are flash memory, hard disks, floppy disks and optical discs. This is usually used as a
secondary storage or long-term storage.
Human Computer Interface includes the study, planning and design of the interaction between people and
computers. The basic goal of HCI is to improve the interaction between the user and the computer. This is
done by making the computers more usable and open to the user’s needs. The HCI is concerned with many of
things such as
 Approach and process for designing the interfaces
 The way how the interfaces will be implemented
 Different ways for evaluating and comparing interfaces
 Making new interfaces and interaction techniques
The long term goal of HCI is to design systems that cut the barrier between what the human wants to
accomplish and the computers understanding of the user’s task. HCI is applied to various types of computer
systems, such as air traffic control, nuclear processing, offices and computer gaming.
When talking about hardware, Audio can divide into many different categories, for example Audio Inputs and
Audio Outputs. Audio Input devices allows the user to send audio signals to a computer which will then
process, record or carry out any commands. A microphone is an audio input device. Audio input devices are
used as well to record live music to a computer. Most software packages do offer sound editing for musical
enthusiasts. The MIDI-in settings allow musical instruments like synthesizers and drums to be recorded on to
tracks. Audio output devices are pieces of hardware that connects to a computer for the purpose of playing
sound such as music or speech, the term can also be referred to a computer sound card. Speakers are the
most common type of an audio output device. Other examples of audio output devices are headphones and
sound cards.
There are many different ways how you can connect to the internet. One way is through Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi or
wireless local area network is built using one or more wireless routers; the router is then connected to the DSL,
cable modem or any other internet technologies. The range of the router is fairly short, usually from 20 to 250
meters. These ranges do depended on a few things such as the Wi-Fi protocol, location, frequency, building
construction or any interference from any other devices. An Ethernet cable is another way how you can
connect to the internet. Ethernet is the most common type of connection for computers in a local area
network (LAN). The cable can used to connect your computer to another computer, a local network or an
external DSL or cable modem. There are two forms of Ethernet, 10BaseT and 100BaseT. The 10BaseT Ethernet
connection can reach transfer speeds of 10mbs and the 100BaseT Ethernet can reach speeds of 100 mbs.
LAN is a computer network which is used in a small area such as an office or a university. LAN’s make it easier
for people to share information espiecally for the people working in the office. However with the advancement
in technology there is the option to have wireless LAN’s now and this is becoming a popular choice.