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 Aztec king of Tenochtitlan was part of
triple alliance, makes decisions of war.
 3 kings of Triple alliance control the
kings of the city-states they conquer.
 City-states send regular tribute.
 Copy chart from page 210.
Aztec king
Government cont…
 When an Aztec king dies council of
nobles chooses next king from king’s
 3 councils advise the king: Supreme
Council (chooses him), War Council
and Council of Four (runs daily
 Polytheism-worship many gods. Who else?
 Give blood to god, Huitzilopochtli so he can stay
 1000s of victims are sacrificed each year, hearts cut
 Part of Aztec wars are to gain more victims for
Social hierarchy
 Kings: rule with unlimited power
 Nobles: believed to be family of 1st
king, own slaves, eat best food, large
house. Many are government officials.
 Commoners: farmers, artisans, traders.
Live simply.
 Men tend fields. Grow crops like corn,
beans, tomatoes, chili peppers and squash.
Raise dog and turkey.
 Women cook, clean and raise children.
 Artisans make fine goods for nobles.
 Traders travel empire and exchange goods.
 Each town specializes in a particular craft.
Artisans at work
 Engineering of capital,
Tenochtitlan- aqueducts,
causeways, dikes, palaces, Great
 Art: Jewelry from gold, silver
precious stones. Feather work and
stone sculptures.
Great Temple
Very Similar to Mayan Temple
at Chichen Itza
 Aztec had writing, but not very
 Very skilled orators, or public
 Poets are highly respected.
 Pass down Aztec history and religion.
Poem from Aztec king
Not forever on earth, only a little while
Though jade it may be, it breaks;
Though gold it may be, it is crushed;
Though it be Quetzel plumes, it shall not
Not forever on earth, only a little while
 Tenochtitlan, capital of Aztec,
becomes Mexico City, capital of
 Today Mexicans cook with corn,
beans and chili
 Words like chocolate, tomato and
avacado come from Aztec
language: Nahuatl