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Chapter 18 Chemical
Thermodynamics –
Entropy and Free Energy
3 Laws of Thermodynamics
 1st-
Energy is Conserved (Chapter 5)
 2nd-Spontaneous
 3rd-Entropy
Processes and Entropy
at Absolute Zero
1st- Energy is Conserved (Chapter 5)
System – portion of the universe that we are concerned
Surroundings- everything outside the system
ΔE = q + w
q = ΔH at constant pressure
- ΔH = exothermic
+ ΔH = endothermic
1st- Energy is Conserved (Chapter 5)
Energy can be transferred between a system and its
Energy can be converted from one form to another
ΔE = q + w
“ΔE” is the change in the internal energy of a system
 “q” is the heat absorbed or released by the system or
from the surroundings
 “w” is the work done on the system or by the system
1st- Energy is Conserved (Chapter 5)
Helps us determine how the energy is
transferred and if work is done on the system or
by the system
If q > 0 means the system is absorbing heat
from the surroundings
If w > 0 then the surroundings are doing work on
the system
1st- Energy is Conserved (Chapter 5)
State functions- properties that depend on the
initial and final state, not on how the change
was made.
 ΔH
and temperature are state functions
 Work
is not a state function
Calorimetry – process used to measure heat
changes, by using ΔT of water in a calorimeter
1st- Energy is Conserved (Chapter 5)
Two ways a system can exchange energy with the
 Change
 ΔE
in heat(q) or work (w)
 W= fxd
 Doing work on a system increases the potential
 Work done by the system decreases the potential
energy of the system
1st- Energy is Conserved (Chapter 5)
 Hess’s
Law –total energy change is a
sum of all the changes(steps) that
occur during a reaction
 ΔHf-
the energy required to form a
mole of a substance from its elements
 ΔHf
of an element = 0
 ΔHreaction
= ΔHf products –ΔHf reactants
Chapter 18
Energy lost to universe
(entropy- amount of
During a
energy is
in 3
Energy lost or gained
Energy that can be used
to do work (Gibbs free
Spontaneous Processes
A process that occurs on its own without any outside
Spontaneity is independent of time it takes for the
process to occur (that is kinetics)
Most reactions and processes have a directionality
A spontaneous process occurs in one direction.
The reverse reaction is nonspontaneous
Some processes are spontaneous without being
energy-driven; these processes are driven by an
increase in disorder
Spontaneous Processes
Example 1:
Predict whether each process is spontaneous as described,
spontaneous in the reverse direction, or at equilibrium
A. Water gets hotter when a piece of metal heated to 150° C is
B. Water at room temperature decomposes into hydrogen and
oxygen gas
Spontaneous – heat is always transferred from the hot object to the
cool one
Not spontaneous
C. ice cube melts at room temperature
Spontaneous- heat is transferred from the hot object to the cool one
Spontaneous Processes
Processes that are spontaneous at one temperature
may be nonspontaneous at other temperatures.
Above 0 C, it is spontaneous for ice to melt.
Below 0 C, the reverse process is spontaneous.
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Second Law of Thermodynamics
2nd Law of Thermodynamics-
States that for any spontaneous process
the total entropy of the universe must
(The universe is becoming more disorderly)
Entropy (S) – degree of disorder.
Maximum entropy, most
disorder S > 0
Second Law of
If S > 0
If S < 0 disorder
Minimal entropy, most
order, S < 0
What causes a reaction to be
2 Laws of Nature drive spontaneous processes.
Law of Nature #1
Systems tend to attain a state of minimum
energy, (lose energy, cool off)
large negative ∆H are spontaneous
2Na + 2H2O  NaOH + H2
∆H = -281.9 kJ (exothermic)
Reaction is spontaneous forward
2Ag2S + 2H20  Ag + 2H2S + O2
∆H = 595.6kJ (endothermic)
not spontaneous, but the reverse reaction is.
Some endothermic processes may be spontaneous
ex. cloth drying, ice melting
Law of Nature #2 –Systems tend to attain a state
of maximum disorder (entropy)
Entropy (S) -randomness, or the amount of
disorder, of a system.
State function ( doesn’t depend on how you
got there)
Entropy increases in spontaneous processes.
Greater the disorder, the higher its entropy.
Every substance has a characteristic entropy
∆S = Sfinal –S initial
Calculate change in Entropy (ΔS)
If a process is at constant temperature (isothermal)
ΔS = qrev
Units of ΔS are J/K
qrev = heat
T = temp in Kelvin
Calculate change in Entropy for
phase changes
ΔS for phase changes – remember that during a
phase change temp remains constant so
substitute ΔH of the phase change for qrev
ΔSphase change = qrev = ΔHphase change
Tabulated value
Example 2:
Elemental mercury is a silver liquid at room
temperature. Its normal freezing point is -38.9
°C, and its molar enthalpy of fusion for mercury
is ΔHfusion = 2.29 kJ /mol.
What is the entropy change of the system
when 50.0 g of Hg (liquid) freezes at the normal
freezing point?
Example 2:
A few notes : fusion is melting, the question is
asking for entropy change when mercury
freezes, so reverse the sign of ΔH
ΔH is given to us in kJ / mol, so use
stoichiometry to get q into J
Answer = -2.44 J/K
ΔH =
50.0g Hg
1 mole Hg
200.59g Hg
-2.29 kJ
1 mol Hg
= -571J
Step 2 –convert -38.9oC to 234.1K
Step 3
ΔSsys = ΔH =
-571J = -2.44J/K
ΔS is negative b/c heat is flowing from the system to the surroundings when it is freezing
Total Entropy
Reversible : ΔSuniverse = ΔSsystem + ΔSsurroundings = 0
Irreversible (spontaneous) =
ΔSuniverse = ΔSsystem + ΔSsurroundings = 0
The entropy of the universe increases in any
spontaneous process
It is possible for the entropy of a system to decrease as
long as the entropy of the surroundings increases
Molecular Entropy
Microstate – single possible arrangement of the
positions and kinetic energies of molecules in a
particular thermodynamic state
 Each thermodynamic state has a characteristic
number of microstates, W
 Boltzmann developed an equation
S = k ln W
k = Boltzmann constant, 1.38 x 10-23 J/K
Molecular motion
When a substance is heated, the motion of its
molecules increases
The higher the temperature the faster the molecules
Hotter systems have a larger distribution of molecular
3 different types of motion
 invisible
 Computational chemistry
Entropy and Physical States
Entropy increases with the freedom of motion of molecules.
S(g) > S(l) > S(s)
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Entropy increases
a. in a reaction that goes from a solid to a liquid or gas
b. in a reaction from fewer moles to more moles
c. simpler molecules to more complex molecules
d. smaller molecules to longer molecules
e. ionic solids with strong attractions to ionic solids with
weaker attractions
f. ionic salts dissolve in water (involves disorder of ionic
solid but ordering of water molecules – overall
increase in disorder)
g. gas dissolved in water to escaped gas
Example 3
Predict whether ΔS is positive or negative or 0 for each
process, assuming constant temperature
H2O (l) → H2O (g)
Ag+ (aq) + Cl- (aq) → AgCl (s)
4 Fe(s) +
3 O2 (g) → 2 Fe2O3 (s)
N2 (g) + O2 (g) →
2 NO (g)
Entropy changes in chemical
standard molar entropies (S°)
1. standard state – the state of a pure substance at
2. standard molar entropy of ELEMENTS at 298 K are
NOT 0 like enthalpy
3. standard molar entropy of gases are greater
than solids and liquids
4. standard molar entropy generally increase with
increasing mass of compound
The entropy change for a chemical
The entropy change for a chemical reaction
ΔS° =
𝑛𝑆 ° 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑠 −
𝑛𝑆 ° (𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑠)
Example 4
Calculate the change in the standard entropy of the
system, ΔS° , for the synthesis of ammonia from N2 (g)
and H2 (g) at 298 K
N2 (g) + H2 (g)
2 NH3 (g)
ΔS° = 2 S° (NH3) – [S° (N2) + 3 S°(H2) ]
Look up S° values in table and plug in
ΔS° = -198.3 J/K
Entropy changes and the surroundings
. ΔSsurroundings =
- qsystem
recall that if a reaction is taking place
at constant pressure that the q = ΔH so
For a chemical reaction,
ΔSsurroundings =
- ΔH system
Can use to find ΔS °universe = ΔS °system + ΔS °surroundings
Gibbs Free Energy (G)
 Another
way to determine if a
process is spontaneous or not is to
look at the energy that’s used to do
work…. Gibbs Free energy
There are two equations to determine
One involves reaction in standard conditions ( 298K 0r
25oC and 1 atm)- use Appendix C
Other involves calculating values for ΔH, temperature
and ΔS and using them to determine Gibbs free energy
They may differ a little due to errors in experimentation
Entropy Change in the
Ssurroundings =
qsystem = Hsystem
This becomes:
Suniverse = Ssystem +
Multiplying both sides by T, we get
TSuniverse = Hsystem  TSsystem
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Gibbs Free Energy
TSuniverse is defined as the
Gibbs free energy, G.
When Suniverse is positive, G is
Therefore, when G is
negative, a process is
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Gibbs Free Energy
If G is negative, the
forward reaction is
If G is 0, the system is
at equilibrium.
If G is positive, the
reaction is
spontaneous in the
reverse direction.
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Standard Free Energy Changes
similar to standard enthalpies of formation
are standard free energies of formation
G = SnGf (products)  SmG f (reactants)
where n and m are the stoichiometric
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Free Energy Changes
At temperatures other than 25 C,
G = H  TS
How does G change with
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Determination of Gibbs Free Energy Changes
∆G = ∆H - T (∆S)
Gibbs free energy
Temperature in
Change in
enthalpy (heat)
in kJ
Change in entropy
ΔS is change in entropy
∆S is given in joules in Apprendix C so
convert to kJ
T is in kelvin
Look at Appendix C in textbook
 Use
Appendix C page 1059-1061 to find
 ΔH
 ΔGf
(J/mol) * be careful to convert to kJ
 Now
let’s try a problem…..
Example 5: Calculate ΔG for the reaction below
at 25oC (298K)
N2(g) + 3H2(g)  2NH3(g)
Appendix C
Convert to kJ ΔS
ΔHf = 2mol(-46.19) – (0) +3(0) = - 92.38kJ
ΔS = 2 mol(.1925) – [1(.19150) + 3(.13058)] =-.19824
ΔG = -92.38- 298(-.19824)
ΔG = -33.33kJ
Example 6: Using Appendix C,
calculate ΔG at 298K for the following
reaction using both equations.
CH4(g) + 2O2(g)  CO2(g) + 2H2O(g)
Ans. -800.7kJ vs. (-853kJ)
Why the difference? Experimental data can be off
Interpreting ΔG
 if
∆G is negative, the reaction is
spontaneous in the forward direction
 if
∆G is positive, the reaction is
spontaneous in reverse
 If
∆G is zero, the reaction is at
The equilibrium constant is related to both ∆H and the
∆S in the following way: ln Keq = ∆H/(RT) + ∆S/R
lnKeq = -∆H + ∆S
Since ∆G =∆H - T∆S then……
∆G = -RT ln Keq
Free Energy and Equilibrium
At equilibrium, Q = K, and G = 0.
The equation becomes
0 = G + RT ln K
Rearranging, this becomes
G = RT ln K
Example 7:
The standard free-energy change for the
formation of NH3 from N2 + H2 is
-33,000 J/mol. Calculate the equilibrium
constant for the process at 25°C.
Answer : K = 7 x 105