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English Language
Grade 6
Parts of Speech 2: Complete the activities
Complete the table:
The main hallway of the Sternwood Place was
two stories high.
Sternwood Place
In the front of the garage, a young chauffeur in
shiny black leggings, all happiness, dusting a
maroon BMW 320i.
Above the doors, which would have let in
a troop of elephants, there was a broad panel
showing a knight in dark armour. The shining of
his sword almost blinding.
Fill in an appropriate pronoun.
Sandy went to the park with _________________ mother and father. ________________ ran
on the lawn. Then ______________ father pushed _____________on the swings while
__________________ mother smiled and watched. ___________ spread out a blanket on the
lawn and read a book while Sandy and ______________ father played catch with a ball. Sandy
threw ________ too hard, and ____________ father had to chase after __________. Sandy did
some somersaults, rolling forward on ______________ head and kicking _______________ feet
up over ________________ head. _____________giggled and lay on the grass until
_____________ dad came back. All three of ____________ate sandwiches
together before ___________________ went back home.
Circle the verb that best fits:
1. Mrs. Merit will (teach, taught) us to do subtraction.
2. He came from a poor immigrant family and (growed, grew) up in Chicago.
3. An e-mail hoax posing as a virus advisory (is, are, am) surfing across the Internet.
4. The sly squirrel (stealed, stole) seeds from the bird feeder.
5. The roses (is, are, am) in blossom this month.
English Language
Grade 6
Helping verbs: fill in the correct verb on the line.
1. Mary and Larry ________ helping Mr Anderson.
2. Trudy ________ bake the cakes yesterday.
3. Lori ________ clean her room tonight.
4. Will you ________ planting spinach in the vegetable garden?
5. She ________ overcome all the obstacles ahead of her.
Describe the noun:
Directions: Read the sentence, then read the question. Write
the adverb on the line.
1. The kids go everywhere to skate. Where do the kids go to skate? ______________
2. There is a skate park nearby. Where is the skate park? ______________
3. You should not skate inside. Where should you not skate? ______________
Sort the following words into the correct column:
...of time
...of place
… of manner
...of number
...of degree
...of frequency
English Language
Grade 6
Using the map below, fill in the missing prepositions.
1. The school is _________________ the theatre.
2. The hospital is _________________ the supermarket car park.
3. The Korean restaurant is _________________ the bank and the library.
4. The _________________ is behind me.
5. Palm street and Lane street are _________________ to each other.
6. The art gallery is _________________ Queen avenue.
7. From the vet, I have to walk _________________ the aquarium to get to the Italian
8. To learn about things of the past I must go _________________ the _________________.
9. _________________ the phone booth I will be _________________ the hotel and town hall.
10._________________ the club is the church and the _________________.
Fill in an appropriate interjection.
English Language
Grade 6
Identify the conjunction in each sentence and state
which type of conjunction it is.
Example: Jack painted the bathroom and the hallway. and, coordinating conjunction
1. Although the car was new, it did not work very well. _________________________________
2. After Kyle refused the salad served with the meal, he then would not touch the green
vegetables put on his plate. ____________________________________________________
3. Whether I stay home or not I still have to wash my hair. _____________________________
4. I have to clean my own shoes whenever I dirty them. _______________________________
5. At a red light, Maria jumped out of Martin's car and slammed the door, for she could not
tolerate one more minute of the heavy metal music that he insisted on blasting from the stereo.
Write in your own words what the 2 different types of
articles are.
Name the part of speech of the underlined word:
1. The worst teacher quickly gave the students homework.
2. Hey! Be, careful, my phone is under your chair!
3. The records indicate that the first fight with boxing gloves was fought in 1818 in France.
4. "Ordinarily, I would not leave so soon, but I have so much to do," he told his host.
5. Oh, she and young John walk to school slowly!
English Language
Grade 6
Crossword puzzle:
4 Names a person, place or thing. (boy, ball)
1 Describes a noun.
7 A short exclamation. (Hi!, Ouch!)
2 A word that joins two parts of a sentence.
8 Substitutes a noun or a noun phrase to show
another name for a person, place or thing. (he,
3 A word that connects a noun or pronoun to
another word in the sentence. (before, into)
9 The part of speech that describes a verb,
adjective or adverb. (very, rapidly)
5 A word that is put next to a noun.
6 An action word.
English Language
Grade 6
A. Nouns - Complete the table:
The main hallway of the Sternwood Place was
two stories high.
Common noun
Sternwood Place
Proper noun
Common noun
Common noun
Common noun
Abstract noun
BMW 320i
Proper noun
Common noun
troop of elephants 
Collective noun
Common noun
Common noun
Common noun
Common noun
In the front of the garage, a young chauffeur in
shiny black leggings , all happiness, dusting a
maroon BMW 320i.
Over the doors, which would have let in
a troop of elephants, there was a broad panel
showing a knight in dark armour. The shining of
his sword almost blinding.
B. Pronouns - Fill in an appropriate pronoun.
Sandy went to the park with her mother and father. She / They ran on the lawn. Then her father
pushed her on the swings while her mother smiled and watched. She spread out a blanket on the
lawn and read a book while Sandy and her father played catch with a ball.
Sandy threw hers/ it
too hard, and her father had to chase after it. Sandy did some somersaults, rolling
forward on her head and kicking her feet up over her head. She giggled and lay on the grass until
her dad came back. All three of them ate sandwiches together before they went back home.
C. Verbs - Circle the verb that best fits:
1. Mrs. Merit will (teach, taught) us to do subtraction.
2. He came from a poor immigrant family and (growed, grew) up in Chicago.
3. An e-mail hoax posing as a virus advisory (is, are, am) surfing across the Internet.
4. The sly squirrel (stealed, stole) seeds from the bird feeder.
5. The roses (is, are, am) in blossom this month.
English Language
Grade 6
Helping verbs: fill in the correct verb on the line.
1. Mary and Larry are helping Mr Anderson.
2. Trudy had to/needed to bake the cakes yesterday.
3. Lori can/will/must clean her room tonight.
4. Will you be planting spinach in the vegetable garden?
5. She will overcome all the obstacles ahead of her.
D. Adjectives - Describe the noun:
happy, fortunate, comfortable, bountiful, content, sufficient, cheerful, wealthy
greedy, dishonest, materialistic, wicked, obsessed, poaching, ungrateful, sly, poor, needy
lots - more - the most
little - less - least
wealthy - wealthier—wealthiest
happy - happier - happiest
E. Adverbs - Directions: Read the sentence. Then read the question. Write the adverb on the line.
1. The kids go everywhere to skate. Where do the kids go to skate? Everywhere
2. There is a skate park nearby. Where is the skate park? Nearby
3. You should not skate inside. Where should you not skate? Inside
Sort the following words into the correct column:
...of time
...of place
… of manner
...of number
...of degree
...of frequency
English Language
Grade 6
F. Prepositions - Using the map below, fill in the missing prepositions.
1. The school is next to the theatre.
2. The hospital is opposite the supermarket car park.
3. The Korean restaurant is between the bank and the library.
4. The park is behind me.
5. Palm street and Lane street are parallel to each other.
6. The art gallery is in Queen avenue.
7. From the vet, I have to walk past the aquarium to get to the Italian restaurant.
8. To learn about things of the past I must go to the museum.
9. At the phone booth I will be between the hotel and town hall.
10. Next to the club is the church and the hospital.
H. Interjection - Fill in an appropriate interjection.
I. Conjunction - Identify the conjunction in each sentence, state which type of conjunction it is.
Example: Jack painted the bathroom and the hallway. and, coordinating conjunction
1. Although the car was new, it did not work very well. Although, subordinating conjunction
2. After Kyle refused the salad served with the meal, he then would not touch the green
vegetables put on his plate. After, subordinating conjunction
3. Whether I stay home or not I still have to wash my hair. Whether...or, correlative conjunction
4. I have to clean my own shoes whenever I dirty them. Whenever, subordinating
5. At a red light, Maria jumped out of Martin's car and slammed the door, for she could not
tolerate one more minute of the heavy metal music that he insisted on blasting from the
stereo. For, coordinating conjunction
J. Articles - Write in your words what the 2 different types of articles are.
Articles signal that a noun will follow. Definite article is “the” and indefinite articles are “a” and
English Language
Grade 6
Name the part of speech of the underlined word:
1. The worst teacher quickly gave the students homework.
worst = comparative adjective, gave = verb
2. Hey! Be, careful, my phone is under your chair!
Hey! = interjection, is = aux verb, under = preposition
3. The records indicate that the first fight with boxing gloves was fought in 1818 in France.
The = definite article, first = adjective—describing the fight, boxing = adjective—describing the gloves
4. "Ordinarily, I would not leave so soon, but I have so much to do," he told his host.
Ordinarily = adverb of manner, but = coordinating conjunction, he = pronoun
5. Oh, she and young John walk to school slowly!
Oh = interjection, she = pronoun, and = conjunction, young = adjective, John = proper
noun, walk = verb, to = preposition, school = common noun, slowly = adverb of manner