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Name ________________________
Date ________________
Unit 4 Test
Block ________
Form A
1. Which of the following is NOT a type of stress seen in rocks?
a. shear stress
c. compressional stress
b. tensional stress
d. transitional stress
2. Tensional stresses commonly cause which of the following?
a. strike-slip faults
c. thrust faults
b. reverse faults
d. normal faults
3. Compressional stresses can result in the formation of ____.
a. rift valleys
c. thrust faults
b. horsts and grabens
d. normal faults
4. Faults in which movement is mainly horizontal and parallel to the trend of the fault surface are
called ____.
a. reverse faults
c. strike-slip faults
b. thrust faults
d. normal faults
5. The major forces that form folded mountains are ____.
a. shear stresses
c. compressional stresses
b. tensional stresses
d. volcanic in nature
6. What is the major type of stress that occurs at convergent plate boundaries?
a. shear stress
c. tensional stress
b. compressional stress
d. erosional stress
7. Which of the following mountain ranges was formed by a continental-continental convergent boundary?
a. the Andes Mountains
c. the Himalayas
b. the Black Hills
d. the Sierra Nevada
8. Which of the following can be produced at an ocean-continental convergent boundary?
a. volcanic island arc
c. continental volcanic arc
b. shrinking ocean basin
d. graben bounded by horsts
9. What type of stress is dominant at divergent plate boundaries?
a. stress from the plates moving together
c. compressional stress
b. tensional stress
d. shear stress
____10. What is the difference between continental crust and oceanic crust?
a. Continental crust is lighter than oceanic crust
b. Continental crust is denser than oceanic crust
c. Continental crust is thinner than oceanic crust
d. Continental crust is igneous and oceanic crust is metamorphic
____11. What creates the electromagnetic field?
a. The outer core
b. The inner core
c. The mantle
d. The inner core and outer core working together
____12. Which is true regarding the impact of the boundaries on the lithosphere?
a. Divergent boundaries destroy the lithosphere
b. Convergent boundaries destroy the lithosphere
c. Transform fault boundaries destroy the lithosphere
d. Transform fault boundaries create lithosphere
____13. Which structure can form as a result of a divergent plate boundary?
a. a continental volcanic arc, due to the collision of two plates
b. a continental mountain, due to the collision of two plates
c. a mid-ocean ridge, due to the separation of two plates
d. an ocean trench, due to the separation of two plates
____14. Your friend asks you to describe how convection currents move in the mantle. You
explain that
a. Hot material and cold material rises in the mantle
b. Hot material sinks and cold material rises in the mantle
c. Hot material and cold material sink in the mantle.
d. Hot material rises and cold materials sink in the mantle
____15. Scientist state that _______________________ are responsible for plate movement and
a. Density differences in the crust
b. Gravitational and tidal forces
c. Mantle convection cells
d. The polar bear force
____16. During slab-pull
a. Mantle material flows through weakened spots in the lithosphere
b. Continental crust is pulled down into the mantle
c. Oceanic crust is pulled into the mantle
____17. What happens when continental crust and oceanic crust move towards each other?
a. An island chain is quickly formed
b. Subduction ceases
c. Subduction switches to the other plate
d. The oceanic plate is subducted
____18. Which of the following boundaries is correctly matched with its plate motion in the
a. Slab Pull transform plate boundaries
b. Ridge Push  Convergent plate boundaries
c. Ridge Push  Divergent Plate boundaries
d. Mantle Plume  Hot Spot
____19. Why will oceanic plates always sink in a subduction zone?
a. Oceanic plates are less dense
b. Oceanic plate are thinner
c. Oceanic plates are more dense
d. Oceanic plates never sink in a subduction zone
For the diagram to the right, identify each layer by the letter on the diagram.
______ 20. Mantle
______ 21. Lithsophere
______ 22. Outer Core
______ 23. Oceanic Crust
Obj. 2.1.1 ________________/23=________________________