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Cell Organelle Campaign
Objective: You and your team are going to run a campaign for the 2016 Organelle Elections. Your
candidate has been nominated for the post of Most Important Organelle. In order to win, you will have
to successfully convince your voters that without your candidate, they would be in dire straits, unable to
survive. In fact, if your candidate were gone, the whole ecosystem would collapse! Your voters are
students in your AP Biology classes. These voters represent the plant, animal and bacterial cells of our
world. Therefore, you must be sure to include relevant arguments for why your candidate is the best
candidate for plant cells, animal cells, and bacterial cells on all assignments in this campaign. Do not skip
on detail, because they will know it. They are informed, educated voters and they expect a quality
List of Candidates
 Nucleus
 Ribosome
 Endomembrane system (golgi, smooth ER, rough ER)
 Cytoskeleton (microfilaments, microtubules, intermediate filaments)
 Mitochondrion
 Chloroplast
 Vesicles (Vacuole, Lysosome)
Your campaign will be organized into the following positions.
1. Campaign Poster & Pamphlet Makers—Two people.
These two team members will be responsible for developing a campaign poster and pamphlet
(and other propaganda, if desired). You are required to hang at least one poster championing
the greatness of your candidate (organelle). This should be very visual (think of the iconic
“Obama Hope” poster). The poster cannot simply be a picture and name. You must also include
a brief, simple catchy slogan that not only attracts the random passer-by voter but paints a clear
picture on the importance of your candidate
The campaign pamphlet describes how totally awesome your candidate is. Be sure to relate the
structure of your candidate to their function. Be sure to make the connection for your voters as
to why your candidate is so important. Be creative with this. Use quotes from doctors, find
creative pictures, whatever it takes to (fairly) win. The following items should be included:
a. A catchy graphic on the front
b. Structural details of candidate (how does your candidate visually appeal to voters?)
c. Function of candidate (What does your candidate do for your voters?)
d. Description of why your candidate is crucial to the survival of your community, ecosystem,
even the planet (hey, it’s a political campaign, go crazy).
Campaign Speech—One or Two people. Both team members will be responsible for writing and
possibly delivering a campaign speech, no longer than five minutes. Your speech should include the
a. The importance of your candidate to your voters
b. Your most important attributes
c. A description of how your candidate, once elected, will work in cooperation with all of the other
organelles to create the best community/ecosystem/planet possible.
3. Smear campaign- One or two people. This smear campaign will run as a radio ad so keep that in mind
in your writing. You will design this ad to discourage others from voting for the competition. There will
be one for each of the other organelles, your competition. You will need to research actual
disorders/problems to use in the smear. Keep it clean!
Good luck, and may the best candidate win! (PS: For a fun website on presidential campaigns, check
 Nucleus
 Ribosome
 Endomembrane system (golgi, smooth ER, rough ER)
 Cytoskeleton (microfilaments, microtubules, intermediate filaments)
 Mitochondrion
 Chloroplast
 Vesicles (Vacuole, Lysosome)
 Nucleus
 Ribosome
 Endomembrane system (golgi, smooth ER, rough ER)
 Cytoskeleton (microfilaments, microtubules, intermediate filaments)
 Mitochondrion
 Chloroplast
 Vesicles (Vacuole, Lysosome)
 Nucleus
 Ribosome
 Endomembrane system (golgi, smooth ER, rough ER)
 Cytoskeleton (microfilaments, microtubules, intermediate filaments)
 Mitochondrion
 Chloroplast
 Vesicles (Vacuole, Lysosome)
 Nucleus
 Ribosome
 Endomembrane system (golgi, smooth ER, rough ER)
 Cytoskeleton (microfilaments, microtubules, intermediate filaments)
 Mitochondrion
 Chloroplast
 Vesicles (Vacuole, Lysosome)
 Nucleus
 Ribosome
 Endomembrane system (golgi, smooth ER, rough ER)
 Cytoskeleton (microfilaments, microtubules, intermediate filaments)
 Mitochondrion
 Chloroplast
 Vesicles (Vacuole, Lysosome)