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Review for the Final FOR LEVEL 2
Allah has created everything
Know what the word “Subhanaallah” means and when do we say it- when we see something
beautifulWhat does AL-bari and Al-khaliq mean
Know at least 3 names of Allah
Al-Khaliq – the creator
Al-Bari – the inventor
Al-Musawwir – the shape-maker
Al-Wahid – the one
As-Samad – the self-sufficient
Al-Hayy – the living
Al-Qayyum – the self-existing
Al-Aliyy – the most high
Al-Atheem – the great
Al-Wadood – the loving
Taweed means the believing in one God
In Shahadah we say: “There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah”
Alhamdulillah- when we thank Allah
Allah has given us the 5 senses. Name all 5 senses.
 Eyes to see
 Nose to smell
 Ears to hear
 Mouth to smile,
 Sense to touch
Prophet Dawud(PBUH)
the name of the book that was given to Prophet Dawud(PBUH) from Allah was Zabur
To help the Prophet Dawud(PBUH) to make decisions in Community Affairs Allah gave him the
Wahi (revelation from Allah)
Jalut was the gaint that was killed by Dawud
Prophet Yusuf(PBUH)
Prophet Yusuf’s father was Yaqub
Prophet Yusuf(PBUH) has a dream about 11 stars, 1 moon and 1 sun, what did it mean
Prophet Muhammad
Prophet Muhammad(SAW) was the last prophet and the messenger of Allah(SWT)
Whenever you hear the prophet’s name we say “Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam” which means
peace be upon him
Prophet Muhammad(SAW) was born in Makah and died in Medina
Haleemah As Sa diyyah took care of the prophet Muhammad(PBUH) when he was a
young boy as his mother died when he was a young boy
Abdul Mattalib was the name of prophet Muhammad(PBUH) grandfather
Aminah was the name of prophet Muhammad(PBUH) mother
Muhammad becomes a Prophet
Rasoolullah mean Messenger of Allah
Ghar Hirra is the cave that the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) used to go to
Jibreel was an angel, who asked the Prophet to read
Al-Ameen means the trustworthy
the name of the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) first wife was Khadeeja
5 Pillars of Islam
Shahadah is the Declaration of Muslim faith
To perform Prayers is called Salah
To fast in the month of Ramadan is called Sawm
Zakah is to give Charity
To perform pilgrimage to Makah is called Hajj
 Required prayers are called in Islam are called Fard
 We say Allahu Akbar,when you raise your hands to your ears , before you say your prayers
 during Rukoo we say Subhana Rabiyal Atheem
 Qiblah is the place you face when you pray
 This is when you have the intention of making Wudoo we do Niyyah
Niyyah  have the intention of making Wudoo
Say “Bismillah”
Wash hands 3 times
Rinse mouth 3 times
Rinse inside of nose and blow it using left hand 3 times
Wash face 3 times
Wash right arm then left arm up to the elbows 3 times
Wipe head front and back 1 time
Wipe inside and back of ears
Wash right foot then left foot up to the ankles 3 times
At last say: “Ash-hadu an La Illaha Ill-Allah, Wa Ash-hadu anna Muhammadan Rasoolullah!”
5 Prayers
Know the 5 prayers, when do we pray them and number of Rakahs:
Fajr (before sunrise  2 rakahs)
Duhr (early afternoon  4 rakahs)
Asr (late afternoon  4 rakahs)
Maghrib (after sunset  3 rakahs)
Isha (night-time  4 rakahs)
My Muslim Brothers and Sisters
Muslims come in all different colors and looks.
We are all brothers and sisters in Islam.
Ummah – means Community of Mulims
Akh –means brother in Arabic
Ukht –means sister in Arabic
Muslims are found all over the world.
: Assalamu Alaykum
Assalamu Alaykum – means “Peace Be Upon You”
Assalamu Alaykum is the Muslim greeting.
We should say Assalamu Alaykum to all Muslims (Family, Friends…)
When someone says Assalamu Alaykum to you ; you should respond by saying “Wa- Alaykum
Assalam” (Peace Be Upon You, Too)
Allah is As –Salam
As-Salam – means The Source of Peace
Eid Mubarak
Muslims all over the world celebrate Eid together.
Muslims celebrate Eid 2 times a year.
Eid- Ul-Fitr
Celebrated after month of Ramadan when we see the new moon
We celebrate this Eid for 3 days
Eid- Ul- Adha
Celebrated during the month of ThulHijjah during the time of Hajj.
We celebrate fo 4 days
Muslims make Udhiyah (Sacrifice)
On Eid morning, Muslims dress up and go to Eid Prayer.
Eid Prayer
Say Eid Takbeer together
Pray 2 rak’aat
Listen to special Eid Khutbah(speech)
Then Everyone hugs and says “Eid Mubarak”
Beautiful Makkah, The Holiest City
Makkah is the most special city for Muslims
Prophet Adam and his family were the 1st family to live on earth and he lived in Makkah
Prophet Ibraheem and his son Prophet Isma’eel built the Kabah in Makkah
Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) was born in Makkah
Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) became a prophet in Makkah
Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) received the 1st Ayaat of the Quran in Ghar Hirra(cave) on top of
Jabal-un-Noor (Mountain of Light)
Many of the 1st Muslims were born and lived in Mecca
All Muslims pray in the direction of the Kabah
Al – Kabah is special because it is first Masjid built on Earth
The Kabah is in Al-Masjid Al Haram (The Sacred Mosque)
The Well of Zam Zam is holy water created by Allah for Prophet Isma’eel and his mother.
Makkah is in Saudi Arabia
Chapter 5 : Madina, The City of Light
Madina in the 2nd most holiest city for Muslims
Madina is special because when Muslims were not treated right in Mecca, the moved to Madina
Madina was first called Yathrib.
Madina is also called Al-Madina Al- Munnawwarah (The City of Light_
Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) masjid is in Madina
It is called Al-Masjid An Nabawi ( The Mosque of The Prophet)
built near Prophet’s house
The Masjid was expanded over the graves of The Prophet and his close friends.
Al – Baqea – Place near Masjid where other Sahabah and good
Muslims are buried.
Know the meanings
Al-falaq - Daybreak
sharr - evil
Ghasiq - darkness
A’udhu – I seek refuge
Min – from
The surah was revealed in Makah
Allah send this Surah to prophet Muhammad (SAW) when the disbelievers said “Worship our
Idols and We will worship your God (Allah)”
There is no compromise in Islam, we should ONLY believe in one God (Allah
Din – religion “Islam”
Al-Kafirun – the disbelievers
A’bada – to worship
the meaning of Al-maun is the help
The surah was sent in Makah
The disbelievers of Makah were Kaffars
Al-miskin- the needy and poor
Al- yatim- the orphan
Salat-i-him-their prayers
Ara’aita- did you see
The Quraish tribe where traders
The Quraish used Camels to carry there goods
Khawf - fear
Ash-shita’i - the winter
Rihlata - journey
Wa-saif – and the summer
In Surah Al-Fil, Abraha’s army wanted to invade Mecca and destroy the Kabah
Abraha’s army approached Mecca with an army of with elephants
The Quarish tribe took care of Kabbah
Allah defeated the People of the Elephant by sending small birds
Al-fil- elephants
REMEMBER: read from RIGHT to LEFT.