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Grooming tool designed for fur-bearing pets
Target Market
In the broadest sense, the overall consumer market for our product is all household pet owners
with at least one dog or cat. The age group range from 21 and up. To be more specific, people
who enter their pets in dog or cat shows. The scope of our product in this targeted market is
huge. There are approximately 74.8 million dogs and 1.7 million cats owned in the United States
by (U.S. Pet Ownership Statistics). 39% of US household own one dog, 25% own two dogs and
12% own two or more dogs. An average each owner owns almost two dogs which is 1.7.
Moreover, approximately 34% of U.S. households (or 38.4 million) own at least one cat.
Historically, 57% of American households today own either a dog or cat, a substantial increase
from the four in ten households (44%) which had these pets in 1956 (American Humane
Association). We as a marketer could assume that the opportunity of future business for our
product is wide.
To reach this consumer market, our product will be sold through wholesalers to selected retailer
and directly to major national retail chains. It will be also available on web retail sites such as
Petsmart and Pet Supplies. At this moment, our product will be only available nationally in the
U.S. because we want to make sure that we’ll be meeting consumer demand in one specific
market before going internationally. Plans to expand our current market will be based on
customers’ respond to our product in the U.S.
The present product is a grooming/cleaning apparatus assembly in the form of a radial hairbrush
that separates into a head and a handle portion and that performs two different activities. In one
aspect of the product, it will pick and collect falling or very weak hair from fur-bearing pets such
as dogs and cats by using static electricity. In another aspect of this product, it will sanitize,
condition, and deodorize a pet’s fur by utilizing different liquid compounds placed inside the
brush handle or using different and interchangeable handles containing specific grooming
First, the head portion of the brush will carry out the activity of attracting and collecting falling
or especially feeble hair by means of static electricity. It is generally made of hard plastic and has
a cylindrical shape. Inside the head portion, there is a lead-coated cavity that will house three
small spheres made of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), a synthetic compound most well known
by the DuPont trademark Teflon. These three small spheres whenever are moderately shaken and
consequently rubbed against the lead-coated cavity’s wall will create static electricity. The
amount of this type of electricity will depend on how long and how intense the PTFE spheres are
shaken inside the brush head. Besides this head portion’s cavity and its three PTFE spheres, this
part will include first and second rows of teeth made of vinyl (PVC). These teeth will serve as
electrical conductors that will carry the already mentioned static electricity. Once the brush head
is electrically charged, its teeth will attract and collect falling and weak hair whenever it is
combed or passed onto the pet’s fur.
Furthermore, the head portion will have first and second columns of very little holes from which
the sanitizer, conditioner, and deodorizer mixtures will be released. These liquid compounds will
come from the handle portion of the brush through a thread connector placed at the very base of
the brush head that will attach the brush handle to its head. This specific function is better
described together with the brush’s handle portion’s explanation.
The brush handle part will perform the activity of containing and then releasing grooming
substances to the head portion by squeezing its structure. It will be made of hard rubber and will
have a bowling pin shape. As it was mentioned before, the handle portion will be attached to the
brush head by means of a thread connector. Once the handle portion is correctly connected to the
brush head base, it can be pressed or squeezed so that the liquid compounds contained inside its
cavity start passing through the connector and begin to come out through the little holes located
on the head portion. The amount of sanitizer, conditioner, or deodorizer will depend on how
much pressure is applied to the handle. Once the grooming substance is finished, the handle can
be filled up with water and serve as a cleaning tool for the head portion every time a different
substance is used. The same squeezing or pressing methods will be applied for this purpose and
will be repeated until the brush head is completely clean.
Needless to say, the handle can be interchangeable and refillable holding up to 8 FL OZ or 240
ML of any liquid compound. Since it will serve three main different purposes - sanitizing,
conditioning, and deodorizing - the handle will have three different colors. A white-colored
handle will represent its sanitizing function, a light purple-colored handle will mean its
conditioning utility, and a gold-colored handle will indicate its deodorizer purpose.
Product’s value
Our product is new, ingenious and necessary and in some cases it might be even compulsory to
own one. Many people want their dog or cat groomed at professional places, but the general
public can't afford to have their pet groomed at a groomer every time. This radial hair brush is
the right grooming tool for grooming your pet at home. It's 2 in 1 product, which is convenient
and easy to use. It will save time and money for pet owners and create very productive quality
time with their pets. Cats and dogs cannot look after themselves. They need a lot of love and
care. Although cats require different grooming needs than dogs, routine brushing is beneficial.
Every dog and cat, regardless of size, breed, age, or coat type, needs to be groomed on a regular
basis. Grooming is more than just a “beauty session” for your pet. Grooming is an essential part
your dog health and physical wellbeing. Dogs which are consistently spruced up tend to have a
better and shinier fur simply because the act of brushing and combing the dog’s hair stimulates
the blood supply to the skin, thus making it in better health.
Regular grooming can prevent problems such as excessive shedding, skin and paw disorders,
painful mats, and bad breath, as well as help you identify other problems that might go unnoticed
without the extra attention. The care of furs varies and depends on the breed. Short-haired dogs
require brushing while Terrier coats are plucked to remove dead hair. They may need some
brushing and combing in between the plucking. Longhaired dogs are combed and then brushed.
Mats are common and can sometimes be removed by teasing or picking apart with one or two
teeth of a comb. Often they must be cut out but this must be done carefully so the skin is not also
This radial hair brush can be used on many different breeds of dogs and cats. Frequent brushing
of long haired pets will promote shiny and healthy coats and remove loose hair which could
otherwise accumulate on furniture, clothing and present health problems for persons with allergic
reactions or breathing problems.
Other users for the product
Animal shelters, pets' spas and pet training schools may use this product, because it is very
comfortable, convenient and easy to use. The price is really reasonable and affordable, which
will guarantee consumer's demand and, as a result, produce respectful revenue.
Product’s name
• Your pet deserves to look sexy as well•
We naming the product “Pet’s Secret” because we believe that giving a pet personal attributes
will look more appealing or attractive to prospective customers who would like their pets to look
good or even in some cases better than them. We want to make sure that our product is NOT a
regular grooming tool. We want our possible customers think and realize that “Pet’s Secret” is
the only grooming accessory that really works. WHAT’S THE SECRET OF YOUR PET?
Environment analysis
Environmental scanning provides marketers with necessary information, opportunity, and threat
that should be managed. Current social, economic, and technological life of our target market
which is the people who own furred pet will have tremendous impact over the success of Pets
Secret's marketing strategy. The competitive products and present government regulations on
pet's products will bring the major obstacles in successful marketing of “Pets Secret.” as well.
These obstacles and threats could be prevented and bring positive result toward the successful
marketing by analyzing followings forces:
Social Forces: The families of the United States call them “Our children and fur babies,
mommies and daddies, brothers and sisters” (USA Today). They are emotionally connected to
their pets. The USA household who owns two pets spends an average $1700 per year on each
pet. Having a pet in the family is now a custom of the American culture. According to USA
Today “It's no wonder we spend oodles on organic foods, shell out thousands when they're sick,
and lavish them with the kind of attention any human child would happily lap up, too.” A 63% of
dog owners and 58% of cat owners surveyed said that they give their pets presents at Christmas.
Also, 65% of cat-owning households, cats are permitted to sleep at night on some family
member's bed compared with 39% of dogs. It seems that the Americans are paying same
attention to their pets as they do to their children. From the marketing point of view, this cultural
custom of American is a crucial opportunity to promote “Pets Secret.” if a family can spend
$1700 a year to buy organic food for their pets, they would love to spend $12.99 to make their
babies look lovely. The range of “Pets Secret” in our market is enormous. As mentioned before,
there are approximately 74.8 million dogs and 1.7 million cats owned in the United States by
(U.S. Pet Ownership Statistics). 39% of US household own one dog, 25% own two dogs and
12% own two or more dogs. An average each owner owns almost two dogs which is 1.7.
Moreover, approximately 34% of U.S. households (or 38.4 million) own at least one cat. In term
of social forces according to these statistics we as a marketer could assume that the opportunity
of future business for “Pet Secret” is wide.
Economic Forces: An uncovered macroeconomic issue could harm entire marketing
strategy. The particular concern at the macroeconomic level is the inflation or recession state of
current economy (Kerin, Hartley, Rudelius, Marketing, p. 78). Generally, if the price of goods or
services increases faster than the consumer’s income, buying power of consumers decreases.
This statement is a fact when economy is in inflationary state. On the other hand, when it is
recessionary state of economy, unemployment rate increases. As a result, the consumer spending
decrease or increases based on the state of the level of the economy. According to Bureau of
Labor Statistic from 1999 to October 2009 the consumer Price Index (CPI) went up from $164.3
to $216.177 which is about 31.71%. Whereas, the GDP Per Capita of USA increase from 2000 to
2009, $33900 to $46300 which is proximately 36.57% increase nominally. The income or GDP
Per Capita increased 4.86% more than the increased in price of goods and services. The other
factor that might affect the marketing strategy is the increasing unemployment rate and slow
growth of GDP. For instance, from January 2009 to October2009 official unemployment rate
went up from 7.6% to 10.2%.While the real GDP growth for last three quarters in 2009
contracted from -3.30%, and -3.30 to -2.30%, which is an average decline of -3.13% in real
GDP (Trading Economics, Global Economics Research. 11/21/09). Even though the economy
had its down turn in recent years, the dog owners have acted differently. According to an online
free article directory “Article Base,” posted that “Increasing Demand of Dog Fashion
Accessories” shows that demand for dogs and cats accessories have dramatically increased.
Some fashion design schools have even started offering specialized programs in Dog fashion
designing and accessories. It seems that the economic down turn and unemployment rate has
very little or no significance on dogs or cats products. Because pets Secret cost only $12.49, it
would be a smart choice for dogs and cats owners who love fashion and cleanliness even this
recessionary period of economy.
Technological Forces: The technology is continuously changing. Therefore,
organizations are affecting both ways, negatively and positively. The dogs and cats owner are
attracted by the usefulness of the technology. Pet products are already developed by Elam USA,
a world leader in electroluminescent (EL) technology. Notable products are glowing collar and
leashes powered by tiny replaceable batteries ( “The pet owners are always
interested in new products that protect, certain, and comfort their four legs family member,” says
Douglas Grabe, Managing Director of Atomic Products ( In our “Pets Secret”
we used a magnetic energy that is capable of identifying overly week hair. This is possible
because of improvement in manufacturing technology. Since the cost of technology is
plummeting, the consumer value is directing to the quality, service, and relationships. The
magnetic energy brings a huge value to the pet owners, no need to use batteries. It is high quality
magnetic roller that easily usable.
Competitive Forces: These are the producers of similar products of “Pets Secret” who
can provide the similar services and satisfy consumers. The degree of their services and goods is
depending on the barrier of entrance to the market, bargaining power of buyer and supplier, and
existing rivalries. In the pure competition market structure, it is very easy for other business to
enter in the pet accessory industry. There are already many business organizations producing pet
accessories specially grooming products. The internet base business offers
products that have similar functions of Pet’s Secret, for example, “Lambert Kay Fresh 'n Clean
Cologne,” that supposed to give the dogs and their owners fresh feelings. The powerful buyer
power is the competitive advantage for the manufacturer. There are about 188 suppliers around
the world for the pet accessory industry.
Regulatory forces: government has posted restrictions state and federal laws on
businesses regard to the conducts of its business. According to the NAICS code 5999 any role
that apply for retail buss will apply to our “Pet’s Secret.” For example, A section A 5914requires manufacturers or importers to assess the hazards of substances which they produce or
import, and all employers to provide information to their employees about the hazardous
substances to which they may be exposed, by means of a hazard communication program, labels
and other forms of warning, material safety data sheets, and information and training. In
addition, this section requires distributors to transmit the required information to employers”
(General Industry Safety Orders”. Other than these laws the government protects competition by
Sherman antitrust, consumer protection with consumer product satisfaction act 1972( Kerin,
Hartley, Rudelius, Marketing. P. 86).
Competing products
“Pet’s Secret is a unique product. It can meet the needs of two attributes. Basically, “Pet’s
Secret’ has no real competitors. It uses no batteries and is made of sturdy material. Let’s take a
look at they don’t provide a product that is convenient enough to shed loose hair
and provide an aroma. The customer would have to purchase two items to fulfill his/her needs.
He/she would need to purchase “Lambert Kay Fresh 'n Clean Cologne” which aids in control of
pet odor between baths and can be purchased for $7.99. The customer needs to also purchase a
product to remove dead hair. The customer might consider “FURminator”. FURminator is a
shedding tool works like a large stripping comb. Its tiny metal teeth are not sharpened so it
doesn’t cut the coat, but pulls out huge amounts of dead hair and can be purchased for $31.99.
So if you were going to purchase the two items from this website your total cost would be $39.98
plus tax and shipping and handling.
If the customer wants to purchase such similar items at retail store such as Petland Discounts.
An item they would consider is called Austin Rose Citrus Pet Air Freshener. The product
eliminates pet odor, repelling insects, and eliminating airborne pollutants. The product can be
purchased for $7.99. A tool that removes loose hair and undercoat effortlessly is called
Furbuster Deshedding Tool & Blade. The product can be purchased for $24.99. If the customer
bought both items their total would be $32.98 plus tax. Our price is way below that amount.
The initial price of “Pet’s Secret” will be $12.49. At this price a prospective customer will get
the complete brush, its cylindrical case for proper storage and a specific handle of his or her
choice. Individual colored handles containing different grooming substances will be priced at
$4.99. Customers can always refill the particular handle for extensive use without having to buy
new ones. After visiting different pet shops and reviewing online pet stores, we have concluded
that this price is very competitive considering the functions it performs, collecting falling and
weak hair and grooming pet’s fur. Most brushes and related items in these stores are priced
between $7 and $32 dollars and only carry out one activity in most cases. We believe these
competitive products do not satisfy as many customers’ needs as our product does.
Moreover, we want our possible customers believe they are buying two products for the close
price of one. We also want them to think they are buying quality first before quantity. Pet’s
Secret” is a product that will last longer if it is properly used. $12.49 will be the initial price of
“Pets Secret” but this price will may increase if different changes or innovations are applied.
Our product can be obtained by ordering it from our commercial ad. Also, we will be supplying
it to chain pet stores, small business pet stores and retail stores. We will advertise our product by
commercials and billboards which would help pet owners get to know the product and get a
visual of it. We chose chain stores such as, Petco, Petsmart etc. because they are known stores
and it is located in many places of the United States. These stores' locations are near
communities which makes it easier for the customers to shop. However small business pet stores
are located in neighborhoods and can be more convenient and trust worthy for the customers.
Unlike chain and small pet stores, retail stores such as, Wal-Mart, BJ's, and Target has a great
variety of merchandise for pets plus pet owners who shops at retail stores saves money. Our
product can belong to any of these stores and be easily able to fit in their shelves because our
product meets the needs and wants of pet owners. Our product has two things in one, first it is a
grooming tool that collects weak hair such as cats and dogs' fur and secondly it's an aroma that
sanitizes and deodorizes the fur and just for the price of $12.49. We are supplying these products
where statistically speaking can be more easily sold to pet owners.
“Pet’s Secret” will come in a small rectangular cardboard box with a small attached hook on the
back if the box is hanged on peg hooks. Since “Pet’s Secret” can be disassembled into two parts
(the head and handle) it will be easy to place the product in such a small box. In addition, the
front face of the box will have an opening covered by a clear plastic film from which “Pet’s
Secret” can be viewed by shoppers.
This box will be made of 100% recyclable cardboard, strong enough to bear moderate weigh. It
will be purple colored and its cavity will be plastic-covered to protect “Pets’ Secret” from water
or humid conditions.
There are many types of advertising tools. Such tools are TV, radio, magazine, newspaper,
billboard, internet and many more. Our product will be on the internet because it is cheaper than
the other alternative methods. The subscription to make a website at is $19.99 a year.
In addition, the website will create revenue for the company. Our prototype website will be This website will determine how effective our online camping is
to the company. Additionally, we also have ads on Google,,, and
many more well known sites.
Additionally, one of the media our group decided on is doing a TV commercial. We chose this
specific media because there are many people who are influenced by TV. Statistics shows that an
average American watches TV for about 4-5 hours a day. We feel a TV commercial can catch
our customer's attention quicker. It can help visualize what our product can do and what effects
can it has. A commercial makes it easier for buyers to buy our product by calling our hot line.
This means our customers won't have to search for pet stores or retail stores while trying to
determine if our product is being sold at their business. TV commercials can be more
convincing for pet owners. Here are some statistics to TV watching and our reason for choosing
a TV commercial.