Download Department of Zoology and Anthropology Faculty of Bilology

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Did you know ....?
......entomologists are estimating that
there are between 6 and 10 million
species of insects on arth?
......the fastest known insect is a butterfly
Agrotis ipsilon that has been clocked at
100 kilometers an hour?
…….a flea can jump 130 times its own
......some mosquitoes can beat their
wings 600 times a second? A midge fly
holds the record, with a wing beat of
1046 times a second.
…..many insects can carry 50 times their
own body weight?
….If all the insects in the world were put
on a scale, they would out weigh all
..... A caterpillar grows roughly 27,000
times its size when it first emerges as an
ad of Master’s Program
Assist. Prof. Ganina Nacheva, PhD
Office: 262
phone: (+359 2) 8167374
E-mail: [email protected]
Secretary office:
phone: (+359 2) 8167250
Anthaxia candens
Sofia University
St. Kliment Ohridski
Faculty of Bilology
Department of Zoology
and Anthropology
Master’s Program
The admitting is according to average
score formed by sum of the scores from
Final Bachelor’s examination, the Zoology
of Invertebrates exam and the entrance
examination in Entomology.
Educational goals
Studies of fundamental and practical
entomological courses.
• to discover the steps in the scientific
method, as they apply to entomology;
• to question and summarize what they
know and practice their writing skills;
• to find out about what researchers do;
• to discover the scientific and
technological applications of entomology.
Obligatory courses
Comparative Insect Morphology, Anatomy and
Insect Reproduction and Development
Taxonomy and Faunistics
Natural sites of transmission infections and parasitic
Insect Physiology and Biochemistry
Medical and Veterinary Entomology and Acarology
Agricultural and Forest Entomology
Biological Control of Insect Pests
Research practice
Master Practicum
Elective courses
Methods in Entomological Investigation
Ecology of Soil Invertebrates
Cell Pathogens
Insect Evolution and Phylogeny
Insect Behavior
Biology of Pollination
Prediction, signalization and quarantine in pest
Examination and assessment regulations
Practical and theoretical exams
Final examination
Diploma thesis
Possibilities of professional realization
and further development
of Entomology have the possibilities to
continue their professional development,
making a PhD Thesis or to work as scientific
researchers and lecturers at universities and
institutes. They also could work as experts
at different institutions, firms and etc.
9 Taxonomy and Faunistics
9 Biodiversity, Ecology, Environmental
9 Medicine – human and veterinary.
The aim is the students to be able to:
1. Formulate a hypothesis.
2. Develop a methodology or work method.
3. Gather data (observation).
4. Analyze the data.
5. Interpret the data.
6. Draw a conclusion
7. Communicate the results.
Technical facilities
Educational and research laboratories with
microscopic and computer equipment.
Research areas
Taxonomic, ecological, toxicological and physiological
investigations of insects.
9Agricultural Forest economy.
9 Biological and integrated management.
9 Criminology.
9 Disinsection.