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Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 May 12, 2017 1 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT 2 Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Division 3 6 CCR 1007-1 4 STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 5 RULES AND REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO RADIATION CONTROL 6 PART 6: 7 X-RAYS IMAGING IN THE HEALING ARTS 8 RH 6.1 Purpose and Scope. 9 6.1.1 10 11 12 RULES AND REGULATIONS SET FORTH HEREIN ARE ADOPTED PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTIONS 25-1-108, 25-1.5-101(1)(L), AND 25-11-104, CRS. 6.1.2 13 14 15 16 BASIS AND PURPOSE. A STATEMENT OF BASIS AND PURPOSE OF THESE REGULATIONS ACCOMPANIES THIS PART AND CHANGES TO THIS PART. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DEPARTMENT. 6.1.3 17 18 19 20 21 AUTHORITY. SCOPE. This Part 6 establishes requirements, for which a registrant is responsible, for use of xray equipment IMAGING SYSTEMS by or under the supervision of an individual authorized by and licensed in accordance with State OF COLORADO statutes to engage in the healing arts or veterinary medicine. 6.1.4 APPLICABILITY 22 23 The provisions of this Ppart are in addition to, and not in substitution for, other applicable provisions IN PART 1, 2, 4, 7, 10 OR OTHER PARTS of these Rregulations. 24 25 PART 9 AND PART 24 SPECIFICALLY APPLY TO SOME PARTICULAR HEALING ARTS X-RAY IMAGING REGISTRANTS. 26 27 28 THE REQUIREMENTS AND PROVISIONS OF THIS PART APPLY TO EACH REGISTRANT OR APPLICANT FOR REGISTRATION SUBJECT TO THIS PART UNLESS SPECIFICALLY EXEMPTED. 29 30 31 6.1.5 PUBLISHED MATERIAL INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE. PUBLISHED MATERIAL INCORPORATED IN PART 6 BY REFERENCE IS AVAILABLE IN ACCORD WITH 1.4. 6-1 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 32 May 12, 2017 RH 6.2 Definitions. 33 AS USED IN PART 6, THESE TERMS HAVE THE DEFINITIONS SET FORTH AS FOLLOWS. 34 35 36 “AAPM ONLINE REPORT 03” MEANS “ASSESSMENT OF DISPLAY PERFORMANCE FOR MEDICAL IMAGING SYSTEMS”, AAPM ONLINE REPORT NO. 03 BY TASK GROUP 18 OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PHYSICISTS IN MEDICINE (APRIL 2003). 37 38 39 40 “AAPM REPORT 4” MEANS “BASIC QUALITY CONTROL IN DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY”, AAPM REPORT NO. 4 BY THE DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY COMMITTEE, TASK FORCE ON QUALITY ASSURANCE PROTOCOL OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PHYSICISTS IN MEDICINE (NOVEMBER 1977). 41 42 43 “AAPM REPORT 74” MEANS “QUALITY CONTROL IN DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY”, AAPM REPORT NO. 74 BY TASK GROUP 12 OF THE DIAGNOSTIC X-RAY IMAGING COMMITTEE OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PHYSICISTS IN MEDICINE (JULY 2002). 44 45 46 47 48 “AAPM REPORT 93” MEANS “ACCEPTANCE TESTING AND QUALITY CONTROL OF PHOTOSTIMULABLE STORAGE PHOSPHOR IMAGING SYSTEMS”, AAPM REPORT NO. 93 BY TASK GROUP 10 OF THE RADIOGRAPHY AND FLUOROSCOPY SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING COUNCIL CT COMMITTEE OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PHYSICISTS IN MEDICINE (OCTOBER 2006). 49 50 51 52 53 “AAPM REPORT 96” MEANS “THE MEASUREMENT, REPORTING, AND MANAGEMENT OF RADIATION DOSE IN CT”, AAPM REPORT NO. 96 BY TASK GROUP 23 (CT DOSIMETRY) OF THE RADIOGRAPHY AND FLUOROSCOPY SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING COUNCIL CT COMMITTEE OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PHYSICISTS IN MEDICINE (JANUARY 2008). 54 55 “Accessible surface” means the external surface of the enclosure or housing provided by the manufacturer. 56 “Added filtration” means any filtration which is in addition OF A FILTER to the inherent filtration. 57 58 59 60 “Aluminum equivalent” means the thickness of ALUMINUM (type 1100 aluminum alloy1 WITH A NOMINAL CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF ALUMINUM 99.00 PERCENT MINIMUM AND COPPER 0.12 PERCENT MAXIMUM) affording the same attenuation, under specified conditions, as the material in question. 61 62 1 63 64 65 66 67 “Attenuation block” means a block or stack, having THAT HAS A THICKNESS OF dimensions 20 centimeters by 20 centimeters by 3.8 cmentimeters, IS MADE of ALUMINUM (type 1100 aluminum alloy1 WITH A NOMINAL CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF ALUMINUM 99.00 PERCENT MINIMUM AND COPPER 0.12 PERCENT MAXIMUM), or other material(s) having equivalent attenuation, AND IS LARGE ENOUGH TO INTERCEPT THE ENTIRE X-RAY BEAM. 68 69 70 “Automatic exposure control” (AEC) means a device which THAT automatically controls one or more technique factors SETTINGS in order to obtain at a THE pre-selected location a required quantity of radiation. (See also “Pphototimer”). The nominal chemical composition of type 1100 aluminum alloy is 99.00 percent minimum aluminum, 0.12 percent copper. 6-2 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 May 12, 2017 71 72 73 74 “AUTOMATIC EXPOSURE RATE CONTROL” (AERC) MEANS A DEVICE THAT AUTOMATICALLY CONTROLS ONE OR MORE EXPOSURE SETTINGS IN ORDER TO OBTAIN AT THE PRE-SELECTED LOCATION(S) A REQUIRED QUANTITY OF RADIATION PER UNIT TIME. 75 76 “AUTOMATIC FILM PROCESSOR” MEANS A DEVICE THAT PRODUCES AN IMAGE FROM A FILM-SCREEN SYSTEM IN MECHANICAL STEPS WITH LIMITED HUMAN INTERVENTION. 77 “Barrier”. (See “Pprotective barrier”). 78 79 “Beam axis” means, FOR PURPOSES OF PART 6, a line from the source through the centers of the x-ray field. 80 81 “Beam-limiting device” means a device which THAT provides a means to restrict the dimensions of the x-ray field. 82 83 84 “BONE DENSITOMETRY SYSTEM” MEANS A DEVICE THAT USES ELECTRONICALLYPRODUCED IONIZING RADIATION FOR THE SOLE OR PRIMARY PURPOSE OF DETERMINING THE DENSITY OF BONE STRUCTURES IN HUMAN PATIENTS. 85 86 87 88 “C-arm x-ray system” means an x-ray system in which the image receptor and x-ray tube housing assembly are connected by a common mechanical support system OR COORDINATED in order to maintain a desired spatial relationship. This system is designed to allow a change in the projection of the beam through the patient without a change in the position of the patient. 89 90 “Cephalometric device” means a device intended for the radiographic visualization and measurement of the dimensions of the human head. 91 92 93 “Certified components” means components of AN x-ray IMAGING systems COMPONENT THAT IS which are subject to regulations promulgated under Public Law 90-602, the Radiation Control for Health and Safety Act of 1968. 94 95 “Certified system” means any x-ray system which THAT has one or more ANY certified component(s). 96 97 98 “Changeable filters” means any filter, exclusive of inherent filtration, which THAT can be removed from the useful beam through any electronic, mechanical, or physical process under operator control. 6-3 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 99 100 May 12, 2017 “Coefficient of variation” (or “C”) means the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean value of a population of observations. It is estimated using the following equation: x x 101 s 1n C x x i 1 102 where 103 s = Estimated standard deviation of the population 104 x = Mean value of observations in sample 105 xi = ith observation in sample 106 n = Number of observations in sampleD i n 1 2 1/ 2 107 108 “COMPUTED RADIOGRAPHY” (CR). SEE “PHOTOSTIMULABLE STORAGE PHOSPHOR SYSTEM”. 109 110 “Computed tomography” (CT) means the production of a tomogram by the acquisition and computer processing of x-ray transmission data. 111 112 “CONTRAST-TO-NOISE RATIO” (CNR) RELATES THE CONTRAST OF AN OBJECT IN AN ACQUIRED IMAGE TO THE INHERENT NOISE IN THE IMAGE. 113 114 115 “Control panel” means that part of the x-ray control upon which are mounted the switches, knobs, pushbuttons, and other hardware necessary for the operator's use for TO manually SELECT EXPOSURE setting the technique factors. 116 “Cooling curve” means the graphical relationship between heat units stored and cooling time. 117 “CT”. (See “Ccomputed tomography”). 118 119 120 121 “CT CONDITIONS OF OPERATION” MEANS ALL SELECTABLE PARAMETERS GOVERNING THE OPERATION OF A CT X-RAY SYSTEM INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, NOMINAL TOMOGRAPHIC SECTION THICKNESS, FILTRATION, AND THE EXPOSURE SETTINGS. 122 123 124 “CT GANTRY” MEANS THE TUBE HOUSING ASSEMBLIES, BEAM-LIMITING DEVICES, DETECTORS, AND THE SUPPORTING STRUCTURES AND FRAMES THAT HOLD THESE COMPONENTS. 125 126 “Dead-man switch” means a switch so constructed that a circuit-closing contact can be maintained only by continuous pressure on the switch by the operator. 127 “Detector”. (See “Radiation detector”). 128 129 “Diagnostic source assembly” means the tube housing assembly with a beam-limiting device attached. 6-4 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 May 12, 2017 130 131 132 133 134 135 “Diagnostic x-ray imaging system” (ALSO “DIAGNOSTIC X-RAY IMAGING SYSTEM” OR “DIAGNOSTIC X-RAY SYSTEM”) means an assemblage of components for the generation, emission, and reception of x-rays and the transformation, storage and visual display of the resultant x-ray image,.“Diagnostic x-ray system” means an x-ray system WITH THE ASSEMBLED SYSTEM designed and used for irradiation of any part of the human or animal body for the purpose of diagnosis or visualization. 136 137 138 “DIGITAL RADIOGRAPHY” MEANS USE OF AN X-RAY IMAGING PROCESSING SYSTEM TO PRODUCE A RADIOGRAPHIC IMAGE DISPLAYED ON A VIDEO MONITOR AFTER MATHEMATICAL TRANSFORMATION. 139 140 “Direct scattered radiation” means that scattered radiation which THAT has been deviated in direction only by materials irradiated by the useful beam. (See “Sscattered radiation”). 141 “DOSE PROFILE” MEANS THE DOSE AS A FUNCTION OF POSITION ALONG A LINE. 142 143 144 “ELEMENTAL AREA” MEANS THE SMALLEST AREA WITHIN A DIGITALLY ACQUIRED IMAGE FOR WHICH THE X-RAY ATTENUATION PROPERTIES OF A BODY ARE DEPICTED. SEE ALSO “PICTURE ELEMENT”. 145 146 “Entrance exposure rate” means the exposure per unit time at the point where the center of the useful beam enters the patient. 147 “Equipment”. (See “x-ray equipment”). 148 149 150 “ESTABLISHED OPERATING LEVEL” MEANS THE VALUE OF A PARTICULAR QUALITY ASSURANCE PARAMETER THAT HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED AS AN ACCEPTABLE NORMAL LEVEL BY THE FACILITY'S QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM. 151 152 153 154 155 156 “FACILITY”, FOR MAMMOGRAPHY (TO SUPPLEMENT THE PART 1 MEANING OF “FACILITY”), MEANS A HOSPITAL, OUTPATIENT DEPARTMENT, CLINIC, RADIOLOGY PRACTICE, MOBILE UNIT, OFFICE OF A PHYSICIAN, OR OTHER FACILITY THAT CONDUCTS MAMMOGRAPHY ACTIVITIES, INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING: OPERATION OF EQUIPMENT TO PRODUCE A MAMMOGRAM, INITIAL INTERPRETATION OF THE MAMMOGRAM, AND MAINTAINING VIEWING CONDITIONS FOR THAT INTERPRETATION. 157 158 “Field emission equipment” means equipment which THAT uses an x-ray tube in that electron emission from the cathode is due solely to the action of an electric field. 159 “Filter” means material placed in the useful beam to preferentially absorb selected radiations. 160 161 162 “FLOOR PLAN” MEANS, FOR PURPOSES OF PART 6, A PLAN VIEW OF THE OVERALL LAYOUT TO SCALE OF A ROOM OR GROUP OF ROOMS, INCLUDING THE LOCATION AND CONFIGURATION OF ANY RADIATION PRODUCING MACHINE IN EACH ROOM. 163 164 165 166 “FLUOROSCOPIC AIR KERMA DISPLAY DEVICE” MEANS A DEVICE, SUBSYSTEM, OR COMPONENT THAT PROVIDES THE DISPLAY OF AIR KERMA RATE AND CUMULATIVE AIR KERMA. IT INCLUDES RADIATION DETECTORS (IF ANY), ELECTRONIC AND COMPUTER COMPONENTS, ASSOCIATED SOFTWARE, AND DATA DISPLAYS. 167 168 169 170 “Fluoroscopic imaging assembly” means a subsystem in which x-ray photons produce a SET OF visible imageS. It includes the image receptor(s) such as the image intensifier and spot-film device, electrical interlocks, if any, and structural material providing linkage between the image receptor and diagnostic source assembly. 6-5 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 May 12, 2017 171 172 173 “FLUOROSCOPIC IRRADIATION TIME” MEANS THE CUMULATIVE DURATION DURING AN EXAMINATION OR PROCEDURE OF OPERATOR-ENABLED X-RAY TUBE ACTIVATION IN ANY FLUOROSCOPIC MODE OF OPERATION. 174 175 “FLUOROSCOPY” MEANS A TECHNIQUE FOR GENERATING X-RAY IMAGES AND PRESENTING THEM SIMULTANEOUSLY AND CONTINUOUSLY AS VISIBLE IMAGES. 176 177 “Focal spot (actual)” means the area projected on the anode of the x-ray tube bombarded by the electrons accelerated from the cathode and from which the useful beam originates. 178 179 “General purpose radiographic x-ray system” means any radiographic x-ray system which THAT, by design, is not limited to radiographic examination of specific anatomical regions. 180 “Gonad shield” means a protective barrier for the testes or ovaries. 181 182 183 184 185 “Half-value layer” (HVL)” means the thickness of specified material that attenuates the beam of radiation to an extent such that the exposure rate is NEEDED TO reduced A RADIATION BEAM TO by one-half of its original valueINTENSITY. In tThis definition EXCLUDES, the contribution of all scattered radiation, other than any that might be present initially in the beam, is deemed to be excluded. 186 187 “HAND-HELD X-RAY EQUIPMENT”. SEE “X-RAY EQUIPMENT”, UNDER “PORTABLE XRAY EQUIPMENT”. 188 189 “HARD COPY PROCESSOR” MEANS A DEVICE THAT PRODUCES A PRINTED IMAGE FROM DIGITAL IMAGE DATA. 190 191 192 193 194 195 “Healing arts screening” means, FOR PURPOSES OF THESE REGULATIONS, the testing of EXPOSURE OF ANY human beings using AN x-ray IMAGING machines for the detection or evaluation of health indications when such A tests are IS not specifically and individually ordered by a licensed practitioner of the healing arts PHYSICIAN, CHIROPRACTOR, DENTIST OR PODIATRIST legally authorized to prescribe such x-ray A test for the purpose of diagnosis or treatment. 196 197 "Heat unit" means a unit of energy equal to the product of the peak kilovoltage, milliamperes, and seconds (, that is, kVp x• mA x• second). 198 “HVL”. SEE “HALF-VALUE LAYER”. 199 200 201 “Image intensifier” means a device, installed in its housing, which THAT instantaneously converts an x-ray pattern into a corresponding visible light image and electronically amplifies the brightness of that visible image. 202 203 204 205 206 “Image receptor” means any device, such as a fluorescent screen or radiographic film, X-RAY IMAGE INTENSIFIER TUBE, PHOTOSTIMULABLE PHOSPHOR, OR SOLID-STATE OR GASEOUS DETECTOR, which THAT transforms incident x-ray photons either into a visible image or into another form which THAT can be made into a visible image by further transformations. 207 208 209 “Image receptor support DEVICE” means, for mammographic systems, that part of the system designed to support the image receptor perpendicular to the beam axis during a mammographic examination AND ALSO DESIGNED TO PROVIDE A PRIMARY PROTECTIVE BARRIER. 210 211 “Inherent filtration” means the filtration of the useful beam provided by the permanently installed components of the tube housing assembly. 6-6 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 May 12, 2017 212 “Irradiation” means the exposure of matter to ionizing radiation. 213 “Kilovolts peak”. (See “Ppeak tube potential”). 214 “kV” means kilovolts. 215 “kVp”. (See “Ppeak tube potential”). 216 “kWs” means kilowatt-second. 217 218 219 220 221 222 "LAST IMAGE HOLD RADIOGRAPH" (LIH) MEANS AN IMAGE OBTAINED EITHER BY RETAINING ONE OR MORE FLUOROSCOPIC IMAGES, WHICH MAY BE TEMPORARILY INTEGRATED, AT THE END OF A FLUOROSCOPIC EXPOSURE OR BY INITIATING A SEPARATE AND DISTINCT RADIOGRAPHIC EXPOSURE AUTOMATICALLY AND IMMEDIATELY IN CONJUNCTION WITH TERMINATION OF THE FLUOROSCOPIC EXPOSURE. 223 224 “LATERALITY”, IN MAMMOGRAPHY, MEANS THE DESIGNATION OF EITHER THE LEFT OR RIGHT BREAST. 225 226 “Lead equivalent” means the thickness of lead affording the same attenuation, under specified conditions, as the material in question. 227 228 “Leakage radiation” means radiation emanating from the diagnostic source assembly except for the useful beam. 229 230 231 “Leakage technique factors CONTROL SETTINGS” means the technique factors EXPOSURE SETTINGS associated with the diagnostic source assembly which THAT are used in measuring leakage radiation,. They are defined as follows: 232 233 234 235 236 237 (1) For diagnostic source assemblies intended for capacitor energy storage equipment, the maximum-rated peak tube potential and the maximum-rated number of exposures in an hour for operation at the maximum-rated peak tube potential with the quantity of charge per exposure being 10 millicoulombs, i.e.THAT IS, 10 mAilliampere second, or the minimum obtainable from the unit, whichever is larger; 238 239 240 241 (2) For diagnostic source assemblies intended for field emission equipment rated for pulsed operation, the maximum-rated peak tube potential and the maximum-rated number of x-ray pulses in an hour for operation at the maximumrated peak tube potential. 242 243 244 (3) For all other diagnostic source assemblies, the maximum-rated peak tube potential and the maximum-rated continuous tube current for that MAXIMUMRATED PEAK TUBE potential. 245 246 247 “LEAKAGE RADIATION” MEANS THE PORTION OF IONIZING RADIATION ORIGINATING FROM THE X-RAY IMAGING SYSTEM THAT IS NOT PART OF THE USEFUL BEAM. SEE “USEFUL BEAM”. 248 249 250 251 “Light field” means that area of the intersection of the light beam from the beam-limiting device, and one of the set of planes parallel to, and including, the plane of the image receptor, whose perimeter is the locus of points, at which the illumination is one-fourth of the maximum in the intersection. 6-7 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 May 12, 2017 252 253 254 255 “Line-voltage regulation” means the difference between the no-load and the load line potentials expressed as a percent of the load line potential. It is calculated using the following equation: Percent line-voltage regulation = 100 (Vn-Vl)/Vl , where: Vn = Nno-load line potential and Vl = Lload line potential. 256 257 “LUMINANCE” MEANS THE AMOUNT OF LIGHT THAT PASSES THROUGH OR IS EMITTED FROM A PARTICULAR AREA AND FALLS WITHIN A GIVEN SOLID ANGLE. 258 “mA” means milliampere. 259 260 “MAMMOGRAM” MEANS A RADIOGRAPHIC IMAGE PRODUCED THROUGH MAMMOGRAPHY. 261 “MAMMOGRAPHY” MEANS RADIOGRAPHY OF THE BREAST. SEE ALSO 262 263 264 265 “MAMMOGRAPHY PHANTOM” MEANS A TEST OBJECT USED TO SIMULATE RADIOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS OF COMPRESSED BREAST TISSUE AND CONTAINING COMPONENTS THAT RADIOGRAPHICALLY MODEL ASPECTS OF BREAST DISEASE AND CANCER. 266 267 268 “MAMMOGRAPHY MEDICAL OUTCOMES AUDIT” MEANS A SYSTEMATIC COMPARISON OF POSITIVE MAMMOGRAM ASSESSMENT DATA TO CORRESPONDING PATHOLOGY RESULTS. 269 270 “MAMMOGRAPHY MODALITY” MEANS A TECHNOLOGY FOR RADIOGRAPHY OF THE BREAST. 271 272 “MANUAL FILM PROCESS” MEANS A WAY TO PRODUCE AN IMAGE THAT REQUIRES HUMAN INTERVENTION TO MOVE THE FILM FROM DEVELOPER TO FIXER TO WASH. 273 “mAs” means milliampere second. 274 275 “Maximum line current” means the root-mean-square current in the supply line of an x-ray machine operating at its maximum rating. 276 “Mini-c-arm x-ray system(s)” means a system that meets the following criteria: 277 (1) Ssource-image receptor distance less than or equal to 450 cm (18 INCHES); 278 (2) Ffield of view less than or equal to 15 cm six (6) inches); 279 (3) MAXIMUM kVp less than or equal to 7580 kVp; AND 280 281 (4) MAXIMUM mA less than or equal to 0.25 mA; and entrance exposure rate less than or equal to 10 roentgen (1.29 mC/kg) per minute at the exit port. 282 “Mobile x-ray equipment”. (See “x-ray equipment”). 6-8 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 283 284 285 286 May 12, 2017 “MODE OF OPERATION” MEANS A DISTINCT METHOD OF FLUOROSCOPY, MAMMOGRAPHY OR RADIOGRAPHY PROVIDED BY THE MANUFACTURER AND SELECTED WITH A SET OF SEVERAL EXPOSURE CONTROL SETTINGS UNIQUELY ASSOCIATED WITH THE MODE. 287 288 (1) THE SET OF DISTINCT SETTINGS FOR THE MODE MAY BE SELECTED BY THE OPERATION OF A SINGLE CONTROL. 289 290 291 292 293 294 (2) EXAMPLES OF DISTINCT MODES OF OPERATION INCLUDE NORMAL FLUOROSCOPY (ANALOG OR DIGITAL), HIGH-LEVEL CONTROL FLUOROSCOPY, CINERADIOGRAPHY (ANALOG OR DIGITAL), DIGITAL SUBTRACTION ANGIOGRAPHY, ELECTRONIC RADIOGRAPHY USING THE FLUOROSCOPIC IMAGE RECEPTOR, MAMMOGRAPHY AND PHOTOSPOT RECORDING. 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 (3) IN A SPECIFIC MODE OF OPERATION, CERTAIN SYSTEM VARIABLES AFFECTING AIR KERMA, AKR, OR IMAGE QUALITY, SUCH AS IMAGE MAGNIFICATION, X-RAY FIELD SIZE, PULSE RATE, PULSE DURATION, NUMBER OF PULSES, SOURCE-IMAGE RECEPTOR DISTANCE (SID), OR OPTICAL APERTURE, MAY BE ADJUSTABLE OR MAY VARY; THEIR VARIATION PER SE DOES NOT COMPRISE A MODE OF OPERATION DIFFERENT FROM THE ONE THAT HAS BEEN SELECTED. 302 303 304 “NCRP REPORT 147” MEANS NATIONAL COUNCIL ON RADIATION PROTECTION AND MEASUREMENTS REPORT NO. 147, “STRUCTURAL SHIELDING DESIGN FOR MEDICAL IMAGING FACILITIES” (NOVEMBER 2004). 305 306 307 “NOISE” MEANS THE FLUCTUATION OF A SIGNAL WITHIN A MEASURED REGION OF INTEREST, FOR EXAMPLE, AS A RESULT OF STATISTICAL FLUCTUATION OF THE SIGNAL AND ELECTRONIC NOISE IN THE DETECTOR. 308 309 “Optical Density” (OD) =EQUALS Llog(1/Ttransmittance), where the transmittance of the film is the fraction of incident light transmitted by the film. 310 311 312 313 314 315 “Patient” means an individual HUMAN BEING or AN animal subjected to WHOM RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS OR MACHINE-PRODUCED RADIATION IS DELIVERED FOR healing arts examination, diagnosis, or treatment. IN ADDITION, FOR MAMMOGRAPHY, PATIENT MEANS ANY INDIVIDUAL WHO UNDERGOES A MAMMOGRAPHY EVALUATION IN A FACILITY, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THE PERSON IS REFERRED BY A PHYSICIAN OR IS SELF-REFERRED. 316 “PBL”. SEE “POSITIVE BEAM LIMITATION”. 317 318 “Peak tube potential” means the maximum value of the potential difference across the x-ray tube during an exposure. 319 320 321 “Phantom” means an object designed such that the interaction of ionizing radiation with the object is suitable for the evaluation of the particular characteristics of the x-ray system or anatomic region under consideration. 322 323 324 325 “PHOTOSTIMULABLE STORAGE PHOSPHOR IMAGING” (PSP) MEANS AN X-RAY IMAGE PROCESSING SYSTEM THAT EMPLOYS REUSABLE IMAGING PLATES AND ASSOCIATED HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE TO ACQUIRE AND DISPLAY DIGITAL PROJECTION RADIOGRAPHS. 6-9 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 May 12, 2017 326 327 328 329 “Phototimer” means a method for controlling radiation exposure to image receptors by the amount of radiation which THAT reaches a radiation monitoring device(s). The radiation monitoring device(s) iAs part of an electronic circuit which THAT controls the duration of time the tube is activated. (See “Aautomatic exposure control”). 330 331 “PICTURE ELEMENT” (PIXEL) MEANS AN ELEMENTAL AREA OF A DIGITALLY ACQUIRED IMAGE. 332 “PID”. SEE “POSITION INDICATING DEVICE”. 333 “PIXEL”. SEE “PICTURE ELEMENT”. 334 “PORTABLE X-RAY EQUIPMENT”. SEE “X-RAY EQUIPMENT”. 335 336 337 “Position indicating device” (PID)” means a device on dental x-ray equipment used to indicate the beam position and to establish a definite source-surface (skin) distance. It may or may not incorporate or serve as a beam-limiting device. 338 339 340 “Positive beam limitation” (PBL)” means the automatic or semi-automatic adjustment of an x-ray beam to the size of the selected image receptor, whereby exposures cannot be made without such adjustment. 341 342 “PRIMARY PROTECTIVE BARRIER” MEANS THE MATERIAL, EXCLUDING FILTERS, PLACED TO ATTENUATE THE USEFUL BEAM FOR RADIATION PROTECTION PURPOSES. 343 344 “Protective apron” means an apron GARMENT made of radiation-absorbing materials used to reduce radiation exposure to the TORSO OF THE wearer. 345 346 347 348 349 “Protective barrier” means a barrier of radiation absorbing material(s) used to reduce radiation exposure. The types of protective barriers are as follows:(1) SEE “Pprimary protective barrier” AND , means the material, excluding filters, placed in the direct useful beam, for protection purposes, to reduce the radiation exposure; (2) “Ssecondary protective barrier”, means the material which attenuates stray radiation. 350 351 “Protective glove” means a glove made of radiation-absorbing materials used to reduce radiation exposure to the wearer. 352 353 354 "PULSED MODE" MEANS OPERATION OF A FLUOROSCOPIC X-RAY SYSTEM SUCH THAT THE X-RAY TUBE CURRENT IS PULSED BY THE X-RAY CONTROL TO PRODUCE ONE OR MORE EXPOSURE INTERVALS OF DURATION LESS THAN ONE-HALF SECOND. 355 356 “Radiation detector” means a device which in the presence of radiation provides a signal or other indication suitable for use in measuring one or more quantities of incident radiation. 357 358 359 “Radiation therapy simulation system” means a radiographic/or fluoroscopic x-ray system OR A COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY SYSTEM intended for localizing the volume to be exposed during radiation therapy and confirming the position and size of the therapeutic irradiation field. 360 361 “Radiograph” means an image receptor on which the image is created directly or indirectly by an x-ray pattern and results in a permanent record. 362 363 “Radiographic imaging system” means any system whereby a permanent or semipermanent image is recorded on an image receptor by the action of ionizing radiation. 6 - 10 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 May 12, 2017 364 365 366 “RADIOGRAPHY” MEANS A TECHNIQUE FOR GENERATING AND RECORDING AN X-RAY PATTERN FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING THE USER WITH THE IMAGE(S) AFTER TERMINATION OF THE EXPOSURE. 367 “Rating” means the operating limits as specified by the component manufacturer. 368 369 “Recording” means producing a permanent RETRIEVABLE form of an image resulting from x-ray photons. 370 371 “REFERENCE PLANE” MEANS A PLANE THAT IS DISPLACED FROM AND PARALLEL TO THE TOMOGRAPHIC PLANE. 372 373 374 “Response time” means the time required for an instrument system to reach 90 percent of its final reading when the radiation-sensitive volume of the instrument system is exposed to a step change in radiation flux from zero sufficient to provide a steady state midscale reading. 375 376 377 378 “SCAN” MEANS THE COMPLETE PROCESS OF COLLECTING X-RAY TRANSMISSION DATA FOR THE PRODUCTION OF A TOMOGRAM. DATA CAN BE COLLECTED SIMULTANEOUSLY DURING A SINGLE SCAN FOR THE PRODUCTION OF ONE OR MORE TOMOGRAMS. 379 380 381 382 “Scattered radiation” means IONIZING radiation that, during passage through matter, has been deviated in EMITTED BY INTERACTION OF IONIZING RADIATION WITH MATTER, THE INTERACTION BEING ACCOMPANIED BY A CHANGE IN direction OF THE RADIATION. (See ALSO “Ddirect scattered radiation”). 383 384 “SECONDARY PROTECTIVE BARRIER” MEANS A BARRIER SUFFICIENT TO ATTENUATE SCATTERED AND LEAKAGE RADIATION FOR RADIATION PROTECTION PURPOSES. 385 386 387 “Shutter” means a device attached to the tube housing assembly which THAT can intercept the entire cross sectional area of the useful beam and which THAT has a lead equivalency not less than that of the tube housing assembly. 388 “SID”. SEE “SOURCE-IMAGE RECEPTOR DISTANCE”. 389 390 391 “SIGNAL-TO-NOISE RATIO” (SNR) MEANS THE MAGNITUDE OF THE SIGNAL OF INTEREST COMPARED TO THE MAGNITUDE OF THE NOISE OF THE BACKGROUND OF THAT SIGNAL. 392 393 394 395 396 “Single-occupancy room” means a room which has walls on all sides (excluding the room entrance) of a minimum of seven (7) feet high that has an x-ray attenuation (for the x-ray beam in use at the facility) equivalent to at least two (2) thicknesses of one-half inches of gypsum wallboard which is occupied by one individual at a time. This only applies to rooms with dental intraoral or panoramic machines. 397 398 399 400 “SOLID STATE X-RAY IMAGING DEVICE” MEANS AN ASSEMBLY CONFIGURATION THAT INTERCEPTS X-RAY PHOTONS AND CONVERTS THE PHOTON ENERGY INTO A MODULATED ELECTRONIC SIGNAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE X-RAY INTENSITY OVER THE AREA OF THE IMAGING DEVICE. 401 “Source”, FOR AN X-RAY MACHINE, means the focal spot of the x-ray tube. 402 403 “Source-image receptor distance” (SID)” means the distance from the source to the center of the input surface of the image receptor. 6 - 11 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 May 12, 2017 404 405 “SOURCE-SKIN DISTANCE” (SSD) MEANS THE DISTANCE BETWEEN THE SOURCE AND THE SKIN OF THE PATIENT. 406 407 “Spot check” means a procedure which THAT is performed to assure that a previous calibration continues to be valid. 408 409 “Spot film IMAGE” means a radiograph which THAT is made during a fluoroscopic examination to permanently record conditions which THAT exist during that fluoroscopic procedure. 410 411 412 413 414 “Spot-film IMAGE device” means a device intended to transport and/or position a radiographic image receptor (FOR EXAMPLE, A FILM-SCREEN CASSETTE OR A CR CASSETTE) between the x-ray source and fluoroscopic image receptor. It includes a device intended to hold a cassette over the input end of an THE FLUOROSCOPIC image RECEPTOR intensifier for the purpose of makPRODUCing a radiograph. 415 416 “Source-to-skin distance (SSD)” means the distance between the source and the skin of the patient. 417 “SSD”. SEE “SOURCE-SKIN DISTANCE”. 418 419 “STANDARD BREAST” MEANS A 4.2-CM-THICK COMPRESSED BREAST CONSISTING OF FIFTY (50) PERCENT GLANDULAR AND FIFTY (50) PERCENT ADIPOSE TISSUE. 420 “STATIONARY X-RAY EQUIPMENT”. SEE “X-RAY EQUIPMENT”. 421 “Stray radiation” means the sum of leakage and scattered radiation. 422 423 “Technique chart” means a chart which specifies, for common examinations performed with a specific system, the following information: 424 (1) technique factors to be utilized versus patient's anatomical size; 425 (2) type and size of the film or film-screen combination to be used; 426 (3) type and focal distance of the grid to be used, if any; and 427 (4) source to image receptor distance to be used. 6 - 12 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 428 429 May 12, 2017 “Technique factors” means AN EXPOSURE CONTROL SETTING the following conditions of operation THAT SPECIFIES THE PEAK TUBE POTENTIAL IN kV AND: 430 431 (1) EITHER TUBE CURRENT IN mA AND EXPOSURE TIME IN SECONDS, OR THE PRODUCT OF TUBE CURRENT AND EXPOSURE TIME IN mAs; OR 432 433 (12) For capacitor energy storage equipment, peak tube potential in kV and quantity of charge in mAs; OR 434 435 (23) For field emission equipment rated for pulsed operation, peak tube potential in kV, and number of x-ray pulses; OR 436 (34) For CT x-ray systems, EITHER: 437 (a) TUBE CURRENT IN mA AND SCAN TIME IN SECONDS; OR 438 439 (b) THE PRODUCT OF TUBE CURRENT AND ROTATION TIME IN mAs, AS MODIFIED TO ACCOUNT FOR HELICAL PITCH. 440 441 442 443 designed for pulsed operation, peak tube potential in kV, scan time in seconds, and either tube current in mA, x-ray pulse width in seconds, and the number of x-ray pulses per scan, or the product of tube current, x-ray pulse width, and the number of x-ray pulses in mAs; 444 445 446 447 (4) For CT x-ray systems not designed for pulsed operation, peak tube potential in kV, and either tube current in mA and scan time in seconds, or the product of tube current and exposure time in mAs and the scan time when the scan time and exposure time are equivalent; and 448 449 450 (5) For all other equipment, peak tube potential in kV, and either tube current in mA and exposure time in seconds, or the product of tube current and exposure time in mAs. 451 452 “Termination of irradiation” means the stopping of irradiation in a fashion which THAT will not permit continuance of irradiation without the resetting of operating conditions at the control panel. 453 454 “Tomogram” means the depiction of the x-ray attenuation properties of a section through the body. 455 456 “TOMOGRAPHIC PLANE” MEANS THE GEOMETRIC PLANE THAT IS IDENTIFIED AS CORRESPONDING TO THE OUTPUT TOMOGRAM. 457 458 “TOMOGRAPHIC SECTION” MEANS THE VOLUME OF AN OBJECT WHOSE X-RAY ATTENUATION PROPERTIES ARE IMAGED IN A TOMOGRAM. 459 460 “TOMOSYNTHESIS” MEANS TO MATHEMATICALLY RECONSTRUCT A PLANAR IMAGE USING VIEWS ACQUIRED FROM MULTIPLE X-RAY BEAM PROJECTION ANGLES. 6 - 13 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 May 12, 2017 461 “Tube” means an x-ray tube, unless otherwise specified. 462 463 464 “Tube housing assembly” means the tube housing with tube installed,. It includesING high-voltage and/or filament transformers and other appropriate elements when such are contained within the tube housing. 465 466 467 “Tube rating chart” means the set of curves which TYPICALLY DISPLAYED ON A GRAPH, THAT specify the rated limits of operation of the tube in terms of the technique factors EXPOSURE SETTINGS. These curves are typically displayed on a graph. 468 469 470 “Useful beam” means the radiation emanating from the tube housing port or the radiation head and passing through the aperture of the beam limiting device when the exposure controls are in a mode to cause the system to produce radiation. 471 472 “Variable-aperture beam-limiting device” means a beam-limiting device which THAT has capacity for stepless adjustment of the x-ray field size at a given SID. 473 474 “Visible area” means that portion of the input surface of the image receptor over which incident x-ray photons are producing a visible image. 475 476 477 478 479 480 “VOLUMETRIC DENTAL IMAGING SYSTEM” MEANS AN X-RAY MACHINE THAT PRODUCES, FOR ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL STRUCTURES, A THREE-DIMENSIONAL TOMOGRAPHIC DATA SET OR A TIME SEQUENCE OF THREE-DIMENSIONAL TOMOGRAPHIC DATA SETS. A DENTAL X-RAY MACHINE ONLY CAPABLE OF PRODUCING A TWO-DIMENSIONAL IMAGE IS NOT CONSIDERED TO BE A VOLUMETRIC DENTAL IMAGING SYSTEM. 481 482 “Wedge filter” means an added filter THAT effectSing continuous progressive attenuation CHANGE IN TRANSMISSION OVER on all or A part of the useful beam. 483 484 485 “X-ray exposure control” means a device, switch, button or other similar means by which an operator initiates and/or terminates the radiation exposure. The x-ray exposure control may include such associated equipment as timers and back-up timers. 486 487 “X-ray equipment” means an x-ray system, subsystem, or component thereof, INCLUDING: . Types of x-ray equipment are as follows: 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 (1) “Mobile OR PORTABLE x-ray equipment” means x-ray equipment THAT IS DESIGNED TO BE TRANSPORTED FROM PLACE TO PLACE. MOBILE EQUIPMENT IS OFTEN mounted on a permanent base with wheels and/or casters for moving while completely assembled. MOBILE X-RAY EQUIPMENT INCLUDES EQUIPMENT TRANSPORTED IN A VEHICLE. (2) “Portable x-ray equipment” means x-ray INCLUDES equipment designed to be hand-carried AND HAND-HELD DURING USE. 495 496 (32) “Stationary x-ray equipment” means x-ray equipment which THAT is installed in a fixed location. 6 - 14 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 May 12, 2017 497 498 499 “X-ray field” means that area of the intersection of the useful beam and any one of the set of planes parallel to and including the plane of the image receptor, whose perimeter is the locus of points at which the exposure AIR KERMA rate is one-fourth of the maximum in the intersection. 500 501 502 503 504 “X-ray high-voltage generator” means a device which THAT transforms electrical energy from the potential supplied by the x-ray EXPOSURE control to the tube operating potential. The device may also include means for transforming alternating current to direct current, filament transformers for the x-ray tube(s), high-voltage switches, electrical protective devices, and other appropriate elements. 505 506 “X-RAY IMAGE PROCESSING SYSTEM” MEANS AN ASSEMBLAGE OF COMPONENTS FOR CREATING A VISIBLE OR VIEWABLE IMAGE. 507 508 “X-ray IMAGING subsystem” means any combination of two or more components of an x-ray IMAGING system. 509 510 “X-RAY IMAGING SYSTEM” OR “X-RAY SYSTEM” MEANS AN ASSEMBLAGE OF COMPONENTS FOR THE CONTROLLED PRODUCTION OF X-RAYS. 511 512 513 514 (1) AT A MINIMUM, AN X-RAY IMAGING SYSTEM INCLUDES AN X-RAY HIGH-VOLTAGE GENERATOR, AN X-RAY EXPOSURE CONTROL, A TUBE HOUSING ASSEMBLY, A BEAM-LIMITING DEVICE, AND NECESSARY SUPPORTING STRUCTURES. 515 516 517 (2) ADDITIONAL COMPONENTS SUCH AS THE IMAGE RECEPTOR(S) THAT FUNCTION WITH THE SYSTEM ARE CONSIDERED INTEGRAL PARTS OF THE SYSTEM. 518 519 520 521 522 “X-ray table” means a patient support device with its patient support structure (tabletop) interposed between the patient and the image receptor during radiography and/or above table fluoroscopy. This includes, but is not limited to, any stretcher equipped with a radiolucent panel and any table equipped with a cassette tray (or bucky), cassette tunnel, FLUOROSCOPIC image intensifierRECEPTOR, or spot-film device beneath the tabletop. 523 524 “X-ray tube” means any electron tube which THAT is designed to be used primarily for the production of x-rays. 525 “X-RAY SYSTEM”. SEE “X-RAY IMAGING SYSTEM”. 6 - 15 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 526 GENERAL REGULATORY PROVISIONS 527 RH 6.3 General Requirements. 528 529 530 531 532 533 May 12, 2017 Effective July 1, 1995, all human use radiation machines used in Colorado shall meet the Federal Performance Standards, Subchapter J - Radiological Health, 21 CFR 1020.30 through 1020.33, effective April 1, 1997. The Department may grant exemptions to machines manufactured prior to August 4, 1974, provided the registrant can demonstrate that the exemption will not result in undue risk from excessive exposure and will benefit the patient. 6.3.1 Administrative Controls. 534 535 536 Registrant.EACH RADIATION MACHINE USED IN THE HEALING ARTS IN THE STATE OF COLORADO SHALL BE REGISTERED WITH THE DEPARTMENT AS REQUIRED BY 2.4 AND INSPECTED AS PRESCRIBED IN 2.5. 537 538 539 EACH RADIATION MACHINE USED ON HUMANS SHALL MEET THE FEDERAL PERFORMANCE STANDARDS, SUBCHAPTER J - RADIOLOGICAL HEALTH, 21 CFR 1020.30 THROUGH 1020.33 (JULY 1, 2009). 540 541 542 543 (1) X-RAY IMAGING SYSTEMS AND THEIR ASSOCIATED COMPONENTS CERTIFIED PURSUANT TO 21 CFR 1020.30 THROUGH 1020.33 (JULY 1, 2009) SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF 21 CFR 1020.30 THROUGH 1020.33 (JULY 1, 2009). 544 545 546 547 (2) DIAGNOSTIC X-RAY COMPONENTS AND SYSTEMS CERTIFIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 21 CFR PART 1020 SHALL NOT BE MODIFIED SUCH THAT THE COMPONENT OR SYSTEM FAILS TO COMPLY WITH ANY APPLICABLE REQUIREMENT OF 21 CFR PART 1020 OR PART 6. 548 549 (3) THE OWNER SHALL KEEP A RECORD OF THE DATE, SERVICE PROVIDER AND DETAILS OF EACH COMPONENT OR SYSTEM MODIFICATION . 550 551 552 553 (4) LIMITED EXEMPTION FROM THIS REQUIREMENT MAY BE GRANTED BY THE DEPARTMENT FOR A RADIATION MACHINE MANUFACTURED PRIOR TO AUGUST 4, 1974, PROVIDED THE REGISTRANT DEMONSTRATES THAT SUCH EXEMPTION WILL NOT RESULT IN UNDUE RISK. 554 555 The registrant shall be responsible for directing the operation of the x-ray IMAGING system(s) under his THE REGISTRANT’S administrative control. 556 557 558 The registrant or the registrant's agent shall assure that the ALL APPLICABLE requirements of RH 6.3.1 PARTS 1, 2, 4, 6 AND 10 are met in the operation of the x-ray IMAGING system(s). 559 560 561 562 563 564 THE REGISTRANT OR THE REGISTRANT'S AGENT SHALL, including the use of licensed/certified/registered persons or companies (APPROVED providers) to provide OF services, CONSISTENT WITH 2.6.1, to the facility. Such services includeING BUT NOT LIMITED TO the operation of x-ray equipment, interpretation of exams, inspection of xray RADIATION machines and facilities, AND ASSEMBLY, installation, service and/or calibration of x-ray RADIATION machines. 6 - 16 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 May 12, 2017 565 566 567 568 569 AN X-RAY IMAGING SYSTEM THAT CONTINUES TO BE IN NONCOMPLIANCE WITH A REQUIREMENT OF THESE REGULATIONS SHALL NOT BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE UNLESS SUCH USE OR OPERATION IS EXPLICITLY AUTHORIZED BY THE DEPARTMENT, FOR EXAMPLE, BY CORRECTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH 2.6.3 AND/OR FORM 59-1. 570 571 572 An x-ray IMAGING system which THAT does not meet the provisions of these Rregulations, and is determined AS PROVIDED IN APPENDIX 6D to be unsafe for human use, shall not be operated for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. 573 574 575 576 USE OF A RADIATION MACHINE IN THE HEALING ARTS SHALL BE BY OR UNDER THE GENERAL SUPERVISION OF A PHYSICIAN, CHIROPRACTOR, DENTIST, PODIATRIST, OR VETERINARIAN WHO HAS A CURRENT ACTIVE STATE OF COLORADO LICENSE TO PRACTICE THE HEALING ARTS. 577 578 ADEQUATE RADIATION SAFETY TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE FOR A RADIATION MACHINE OPERATOR. 579 580 6.3.(1).1.2 shall: EACH Iindividuals who will be operating the AN x-ray IMAGING systems 581 (a) Bbe adequately instructed in the safe operating procedures; 582 (b) and Bbe competent in the safe use of the equipment.; AND 583 584 (c) MEET EACH APPLICABLE REGISTRATION REQUIREMENT OF 2.6.1. 585 586 587 In addition to RH, operators, except for the licensed practitioners, shall meet the training requirements, if any, of the appropriate licensing board.; 588 589 590 In addition to RH and, operators of x-ray machine systems in mammography facilities shall meet the requirements in RH 591 592 593 IF RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS ARE ALSO PRESENT AT THE FACILITY, THE FACILITY REGISTRANT SHALL COORDINATE AS APPROPRIATE REQUIREMENTS UNDER PART 6 WITH ANY RELATED REQUIREMENT OF THE LICENSE. 6 - 17 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 594 595 596 597 6.3.2 May 12, 2017 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR FACILITY AND EQUIPMENT DESIGN, CONFIGURATION AND PREPARATION. EVALUATION OF SHIELDING DESIGN PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF OPERATION. 598 599 600 601 602 (1) THE FLOOR PLAN AND EQUIPMENT CONFIGURATION OF A RADIATION MACHINE FACILITY SHALL BE DESIGNED TO MEET ALL APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF THESE REGULATIONS AND IN PARTICULAR TO PRECLUDE AN INDIVIDUAL FROM RECEIVING A DOSE IN EXCESS OF THE LIMITS IN 4.6, 4.12, 4.13, 4.14 AND 4.15. 603 604 605 606 (2) THE FLOOR PLAN AND EQUIPMENT CONFIGURATION OF EACH RADIATION MACHINE FACILITY SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO A QUALIFIED EXPERT FOR DETERMINATION OF SHIELDING REQUIREMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPENDICES 6A, 6B AND 6C. 607 608 (3) THE QUALIFIED EXPERT SHIELDING DESIGN REQUIRED BY SHALL BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO: 609 (a) CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW FACILITY; 610 611 612 (b) ANY RENOVATION OR MODIFICATION OF AN EXISTING FACILITY THAT HAS A POTENTIAL TO REDUCE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF EXISTING SHIELDING FROM X-RAY RADIATION; OR 613 614 (c) INSTALLATION OF A NEW RADIATION MACHINE IN AN EXISTING FACILITY. 615 616 617 618 (4) A QUALIFIED EXPERT WHO COMPLETES THE SHIELDING DESIGN REQUIRED BY SHALL PROVIDE THE SHIELDING DESIGN TO THE FACILITY REGISTRANT, INCLUDING THE ANNOTATED DIMENSIONAL DRAWING SPECIFIED IN 619 620 621 622 (5) THE FACILITY REGISTRANT SHALL CONSTRUCT THE SHIELDING AND CONFIGURE THE EQUIPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RECOMMENDATION(S) PROVIDED BY THE QUALIFIED EXPERT PURSUANT TO 6 - 18 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 623 624 625 626 May 12, 2017 EVALUATION OF SHIELDING DESIGN AFTER COMMENCEMENT OF OPERATIONS. (1) A QUALIFIED EXPERT SHALL REVIEW AND MODIFY THE SHIELDING DESIGN, CONSISTENT WITH AND APPENDICES 6A, 6B AND 6C, WHENEVER: 627 628 629 (a) A CERTIFICATION EVALUATION OR A SURVEY DURING OPERATION SHOWS THAT A DOSE IN EXCESS OF A LIMIT IN PART 4 IS POSSIBLE; 630 631 (b) AN EXISTING FACILITY IS TO BE MODIFIED SUCH THAT EXISTING SHIELDING MIGHT BE INADEQUATE; 632 (c) THE PRIMARY BEAM ORIENTATION IS CHANGED; 633 634 (d) THE PRIMARY SHIELDING IS ALTERED DUE TO THE MODIFICATION OR RENOVATION OF A FACILITY; 635 636 (e) MOBILE OR NON-HANDHELD PORTABLE X-RAY EQUIPMENT IS USED REGULARLY IN THE SAME LOCATION; 637 638 639 640 (f) RADIATION MACHINE WORKLOAD (FOR EXAMPLE, mA-MINUTE PER WEEK WORKLOAD) HAS INCREASED OR IS PROJECTED TO INCREASE ABOVE THAT WHICH WAS THE BASIS FOR THE ORIGINAL SHIELDING DESIGN; OR 641 642 643 (g) THE REGISTRANT IS UNABLE TO PRODUCE FOR INSPECTION A WRITTEN SHIELDING DESIGN COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AND/OR 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 (2) IF QUALIFIED EXPERT ANALYSIS OF OPERATING CONDITIONS REQUIRED BY INDICATES THAT AN INDIVIDUAL MIGHT RECEIVE A DOSE IN EXCESS OF THE LIMITS IN 4.6, 4.12, 4.13, 4.14 OR 4.15, THEN THE FACILITY REGISTRANT SHALL MODIFY THE SHIELDING AND/OR EQUIPMENT CONFIGURATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RECOMMENDATION(S) OF THE QUALIFIED EXPERT. THE REGISTRANT SHALL RETAIN, FOR EACH ROOM IN WHICH A STATIONARY X-RAY IMAGING SYSTEM IS LOCATED, A CURRENT DIMENSIONAL DRAWING THAT INCLUDES INDICATION OF THE: 653 654 (1) USE OF EACH AREA ADJACENT TO THE ROOM AND AN ESTIMATION OF THE EXTENT OF OCCUPANCY IN EACH SUCH AREA; AND 655 656 657 (2) RESULTS BY A QUALIFIED EXPERT FROM CALCULATION(S) FOR THE TYPE AND THICKNESS OF MATERIAL(S) IN EACH PROTECTIVE BARRIER (FOR EXAMPLE, LEAD EQUIVALENCY): 658 659 660 (a) AFTER INSTALLATION AND, IF POSSIBLE, PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF OPERATION, CONSISTENT WITH; AND 661 662 (b) WHENEVER SHIELDING IS MODIFIED, CONSISTENT WITH; AND/OR 6 - 19 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 (3) May 12, 2017 IF THE REGISTRANT IS UNABLE TO PRODUCE FOR INSPECTION THE CALCULATION(S) REQUIRED BY, RESULTS FROM SURVEY(S) CONDUCTED BY A QUALIFIED EXPERT TO DETERMINE RADIATION LEVELS PRESENT UNDER SPECIFIED TEST CONDITIONS AT THE OPERATOR'S POSITION AND AT COGNIZABLE POINTS OUTSIDE THE ROOM. A FACILITY AREA IS EXEMPT FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF (AND CONSEQUENTLY EXEMPT FROM AND IF: 671 672 (1) ONLY DENTAL INTRAORAL, DENTAL PANORAMIC, MINI-C-ARM OR BONE DENSITOMETRY EQUIPMENT IS USED IN THE AREA; 673 674 (2) MOBILE OR PORTABLE X-RAY EQUIPMENT IS USED INFREQUENTLY NOT ROUTINELY IN THE SAME LOCATION; OR 675 676 (3) EXEMPTION FOR A PARTICULAR AREA OR LOCATION HAS BEEN APPLIED FOR IN WRITING AND GRANTED BY THE DEPARTMENT. 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 THE REGISTRANT SHALL MAINTAIN FOR INSPECTION, FOR EACH X-RAY IMAGING SYSTEM, THE MODEL AND SERIAL NUMBER OF EACH TUBE HOUSING ASSEMBLY AND CONTROL PANEL: (1) 684 685 686 687 688 689 (a) (2) 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 ONE UNIQUE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER THAT DESIGNATES THE ENTIRE RADIATION MACHINE SHALL BE PERMANENTLY ASSIGNED BY THE FACILITY REGISTRANT TO EACH RADIATION MACHINE AND PROVIDED IN ALL CORRESPONDENCE WITH THE DEPARTMENT. IF AVAILABLE, THE SERIAL NUMBER(S) FROM THE MANUFACTURER SHALL BE CLEARLY VISIBLE AS A LABEL OR STENCIL ON THE CONTROL PANEL AND THE TUBE HOUSING ASSEMBLY. (a) (3) IF FEASIBLE, THE SERIAL NUMBER(S) SHALL BE THE “CONTROL SERIAL NUMBER” IN ITEM 4 ON FDA FORM 2579, OR EQUIVALENT. EACH SERIAL NUMBER SHALL BE THE SAME AS THE CORRESPONDING NUMBER FOUND ON FDA FORM 2579, UNLESS PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL IS OBTAINED FROM THE DEPARTMENT. IF EITHER THE CONTROL PANEL OR THE TUBE HOUSING ASSEMBLY SERIAL NUMBER FROM THE MANUFACTURER IS USED AS THE ONE UNIQUE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER THAT DESIGNATES THE ENTIRE RADIATION MACHINE, AND THEN SUBSEQUENTLY THE DESIGNATED CONTROL PANEL OR THE TUBE HOUSING ASSEMBLY IS REPLACED, THE REGISTRANT SHALL ASSIGN A NEW UNIQUE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER FOR THE ENTIRE RADIATION MACHINE AND IMMEDIATELY PROVIDE THAT NEW NUMBER TO THE DEPARTMENT. 6 - 20 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 702 703 May 12, 2017 THE REGISTRANT SHALL MAINTAIN FOR INSPECTION, FOR EACH X-RAY IMAGING SYSTEM FOR WHICH A SHIELDING DESIGN IS REQUIRED: 704 (1) THE INSTALLATION AS-BUILT DRAWING(S); AND 705 706 707 708 709 (2) THE SIGNED STATEMENT REQUIRED BY (WITHOUT EXCEPTION AFTER JUNE 30, 2010) AND RETAINED IN ACCORD WITH, THAT ALL FLOOR PLAN AND EQUIPMENT CONFIGURATION SPECIFICATIONS IN ANY APPLICABLE WRITTEN SHIELDING DESIGNS REQUIRED BY 6.3.2 WERE EXPLICITLY FOLLOWED. 710 711 712 A technique chart shall be provided in the vicinity of the diagnostic x-ray system's control panel which specifies, for all examinations performed with that system, the following information: 713 714 Patient's body part and anatomical size, or body part thickness, or age (for pediatrics), versus technique factors to be utilized; 715 Type and size of the film or film-screen combination to be used; 716 Type and focal distance of the grid to be used, if any; 717 718 Source to image receptor distance to be used, (except for dental intraoral radiography; 719 720 Type and location of placement of patient shielding (i.e. gonad , etc.) to be used; and 721 For mammography, indication of kVp/target/filter combination. 6 - 21 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 722 723 724 6.3.3 May 12, 2017 GENERAL RADIATION SAFETY AND CONTROL OF RADIATION EXPOSURE. Written safety procedures shall be DEVELOPED AND PROVIDED FOR SAFE OPERATION OF EACH X-RAY IMAGING SYSTEM. 725 726 727 728 729 (1) THE WRITTEN SAFETY PROCEDURES SHALL BE READILY AVAILABLE provided to each individual RADIATION MACHINE OPERATOR PRIOR TO operating x-ray IMAGING equipment. These procedures shall include any restrictions of the operating technique required for the safe operation of the particular x-ray system. 730 731 (2) The operator shall be able to demonstrate familiarity with these procedures APPLICABLE TO SAFE USE OF THE SYSTEM BEING OPERATED. 732 (3) THE PROCEDURES SHALL INCLUDE: 733 734 (a) ANY RESTRICTION ON TECHNIQUE PARTICULAR TO THE SYSTEM, CONSISTENT WITH; 735 736 737 (b) LIMITATIONS ON BEAM SIZE, TO THE SMALLEST AREA THAT IS CLINICALLY NECESSARY, INCLUDING APPROPRIATE COLLIMATION: 738 739 740 741 (i) FOR EACH TUBE WITH VARIABLE COLLIMATION, THE COLLIMATION PROCEDURE SHALL SPECIFY WHETHER POSITIVE BEAM LIMITATION (PBL) OR MANUAL COLLIMATION SHALL BE USED; 742 743 744 745 (ii) FOR TUBES COLLIMATED MANUALLY, ALL IMAGES SHALL PROVIDE A POSITIVE INDICATION OF COLLIMATION, EXCEPT AS PROVIDED BY OR WHEN DIAGNOSIS MIGHT BE COMPROMISED; 746 (c) PATIENT HOLDING INSTRUCTIONS CONSISTENT WITH 6 - 22 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 747 748 749 750 751 752 May 12, 2017 TO REDUCE RADIATION EXPOSURE TO THE MINIMUM THAT IS NECESSARY, THE REGISTRANT SHALL MAINTAIN A DOCUMENTED PROTOCOL FOR TECHNIQUE SELECTION FOR EACH TYPE OF EXAMINATION PERFORMED BY EACH X-RAY IMAGING SYSTEM. (1) 753 754 755 756 A CHART BASED ON THE PROTOCOL(S) SHALL BE LOCATED NEAR EACH SYSTEM’S CONTROL PANEL. (a) THE CHART SHALL STATE THE EXPOSURE SETTINGS TO BE USED CORRESPONDING TO THE PATIENT’S BODY PART AND ANATOMICAL SIZE, OR BODY PART THICKNESS, OR AGE (FOR PEDIATRICS), INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: 757 (i) TYPE OF IMAGE RECEPTOR TO BE USED; 758 759 (ii) TYPE AND FOCAL DISTANCE OF THE GRID TO BE USED, IF ANY AND IF VARIABLE; 760 761 762 (iii) SOURCE TO IMAGE RECEPTOR DISTANCE TO BE USED, EXCEPT FOR INTRAORAL RADIOGRAPHY IN ACCORDANCE WITH; 763 (iv) kVp; 764 (v) MODE OF OPERATION; AND 765 (vi) mAs, IF MANUAL MODE IS USED; AND 766 767 (b) TYPE AND LOCATION OF PLACEMENT OF PATIENT SHIELDING (FOR EXAMPLE, GONAD OR THYROID SHIELDING) TO BE USED. 768 769 (2) THE REQUIREMENT OF IS CONSIDERED MET IF ANATOMICALLY PROGRAMMABLE CONTROLS ARE USED. 770 771 (3) FOR COMPUTED AND DIGITAL RADIOGRAPHY, THE CHART REQUIRED BY SHALL: 772 773 (a) PORTRAY HOW TO DETERMINE APPLICABLE EXPOSURE SETTINGS IN ACCORD WITH DOCUMENTED PROTOCOL; 774 775 776 (b) SPECIFY A CONTROL RANGE FOR THE EXPOSURE INDICATOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER’S RECOMMENDATION; AND 777 778 (c) SPECIFY PEDIATRIC PROTOCOL FOR EACH UNIT THAT IMAGES PEDIATRIC PATIENTS. 6 - 23 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 779 780 (4) May 12, 2017 THE SETTINGS TO BE USED DURING AN EXPOSURE SHALL BE INDICATED BEFORE THE EXPOSURE BEGINS. 781 782 783 (a) IF AUTOMATIC EXPOSURE CONTROLS ARE USED, THE EXPOSURE SETTINGS THAT ARE SET PRIOR TO THE EXPOSURE SHALL BE INDICATED. 784 785 (b) THE REQUIREMENT OF MAY BE MET BY PERMANENT MARKINGS ON EQUIPMENT HAVING FIXED EXPOSURE SETTINGS. 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 (5) THE CHART SHALL BE REVISED AS NECESSARY WHENEVER A CERTIFIED COMPONENT IS REPLACED OR ADDED. EXPOSURE UNDER PART 6 OF ANY HUMAN BEING TO THE USEFUL BEAM SHALL BE SOLELY FOR HEALING ARTS PURPOSES AND ONLY AFTER SUCH EXPOSURE HAS BEEN AUTHORIZED BY A LICENSED PHYSICIAN, CHIROPRACTOR, DENTIST OR PODIATRIST WHO HAS A CURRENT ACTIVE STATE OF COLORADO LICENSE AND HAS MET ALL APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF PART 2. 794 795 796 (1) DELIBERATE EXPOSURE OF A HUMAN BEING FOR TRAINING, DEMONSTRATION OR OTHER NON-HEALING-ARTS PURPOSES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED; AND 797 798 799 (2) AUTHORIZATION FOR HEALING ARTS SCREENING MAY BE GRANTED BY THE DEPARTMENT PROVIDED THE REGISTRANT DEMONSTRATES THAT SUCH HEALING ARTS SCREENING WILL NOT RESULT IN UNDUE RISK. 800 801 (a) EACH HEALING ARTS SCREENING PROGRAM SHALL OBTAIN PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL BY THE DEPARTMENT. 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 (b) EACH APPLICANT FOR DEPARTMENT APPROVAL OF A HEALING ARTS SCREENING PROGRAM SHALL SUBMIT TO THE DEPARTMENT A COMPLETED FORM R-300, “APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION – HEALING ARTS SCREENING,” INCLUDING AS PROVIDED IN ALL OF THE INFORMATION REQUIRED BY APPENDIX 6F AND/OR BY FORM R-300 AND ANY ACCOMPANYING INSTRUCTIONS, TOGETHER WITH THE REQUIRED FEE(S). 809 810 811 (c) THE DEPARTMENT SHALL BE NOTIFIED IMMEDIATELY IF ANY INFORMATION SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT BECOMES INVALID OR OUTDATED. 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 (3) FDA/MQSA-CERTIFIED FACILITIES THAT ARE REGISTERED WITH THE DEPARTMENT FOR THE USE OF DEDICATED MAMMOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT FOR MAMMOGRAPHY SCREENING ARE APPROVED FOR MAMMOGRAPHY SCREENING ONLY AND ARE CONSIDERED TO HAVE MET Except for patients who cannot be moved out of the room, only the staff and ancillary personnel required for the medical procedure or training shall be in the room during the A radiographic or fluoroscopic exposure. 6 - 24 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 May 12, 2017 820 821 822 823 EACH FACILITY SHALL HAVE PROTECTIVE APRONS AND GLOVES AVAILABLE IN SUFFICIENT NUMBERS TO PROVIDE PROTECTION TO ALL INDIVIDUALS WHO ARE INVOLVED WITH X-RAY IMAGING OPERATIONS AND WHO ARE OTHERWISE NOT SHIELDED. 824 825 826 827 TO REDUCE DIRECT RADIATION EXPOSURE, INDIVIDUAL SHIELDING SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR ALL MODALITIES (EXCEPT FOR A CASE IN WHICH SHIELDING WOULD INTERFERE WITH THE GONAD, THYROID, DENTAL OR OTHER DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURE). 828 829 830 831 (1) FOR A HUMAN PATIENT WHO HAS NOT PASSED BEYOND THE REPRODUCTIVE AGE, DURING RADIOGRAPHIC PROCEDURES IN WHICH THE GONADS ARE IN THE USEFUL BEAM, GONAD SHIELDING OF NOT LESS THAN 0.5 MILLIMETER LEAD EQUIVALENT SHALL BE USED. 832 833 834 (2) FOR A HUMAN PATIENT DURING ALL RADIOGRAPHIC PROCEDURES IN WHICH THE THYROID IS IN THE USEFUL BEAM, THYROID SHIELDING OF NOT LESS THAN 0.25 MILLIMETER LEAD EQUIVALENT SHALL BE USED. 835 836 837 838 (3) IN A CASE WHERE THE PATIENT MUST HOLD THE IMAGE RECEPTOR, ANY PORTION OF THE BODY OTHER THAN THE AREA OF CLINICAL INTEREST STRUCK BY THE USEFUL BEAM SHALL BE PROTECTED BY NOT LESS THAN 0.5 MILLIMETER LEAD EQUIVALENT MATERIAL. 839 840 841 (4) EACH INDIVIDUAL Oother than the patient being examined: individuals shall be positioned such that no part of the body will be struck by the useful beam unless protected by a minimum of 0.5 millimeter lead equivalent. 842 843 844 845 846 847 TO REDUCE SCATTER RADIATION EXPOSURE, INDIVIDUAL SHIELDING SHALL BE PROVIDED AS FOLLOWS: (1) THE OPERATOR, OTHER sStaff and ancillary personnel, AND EACH OTHER INDIVIDUAL REQUIRED FOR THE MEDICAL PROCEDURE OR WHO CANNOT BE REMOVED FROM THE ROOM shall be protected from the direct scatter radiation: 848 849 (a) bBy A protective aprons or whole body protective barriers of not less than 0.25 millimeter lead equivalent;, AND/or 850 851 (b) sShall be so positioned that the nearest portion of the body is at least A DISTANCE OF 1.832 meters (MORE THAN 6 feet) from both the: 852 (i) tTube head; and the 853 (ii) nNearest edge of the image receptor; AND 854 (iii) PATIENT; 855 856 857 858 (c) EXCEPT THAT PROTECTIVE POSITIONING SHALL BE AS DETERMINED BY THE OPERATOR OF A MINI-C-ARM X-RAY SYSTEM OR A PORTABLE HAND-HELD X-RAY DEVICE (AS PROVIDED IN APPENDIX 6E). 6 - 25 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 May 12, 2017 859 860 861 862 863 Human patients who cannot be removed from the room shall be protected from the direct scatter radiation whole body protective barriers of 0.25 millimeter lead equivalent or shall be so positioned that the nearest portion of the body is at least 1.83 meters (6 feet) from both the tube head; and the nearest edge of the image receptor 864 865 866 867 Gonad shielding of not less than 0.25 millimeter lead equivalent shall be used for human patients, who have not passed beyond the reproductive age, during radiographic procedures in which the gonads are in the useful beam, except for cases in which this would interfere with the diagnostic procedure. 868 869 870 871 Individuals shall not be exposed to the useful beam except for healing arts purposes and unless such exposure has been authorized by a licensed practitioner of the healing arts. This provision specifically prohibits deliberate exposure for the following purposes: 872 873 exposure of an individual for training, demonstration or other non-healing arts purposes; and 874 875 exposure of an individual for the purpose of healing arts screening except as authorized by RH . 876 877 When a patient or film IMAGE RECEPTOR must be provided with auxiliary support during a radiation exposure: 878 879 AND mMechanical holding devices shall be used when the technique permits.; 880 881 (2) 882 883 884 (a) Indicate the requirements for selecting a holder and the procedure the holder shall follow; AND 885 886 887 888 (b) EXPRESSLY LIMIT ROUTINE USE OF PERSONNEL WHO ARE SUBJECT TO THE OCCUPATIONAL DOSE LIMITS IN 4.6 FOR HOLDING A PATIENT SOLELY TO IMMOBILIZE THE PATIENT DURING RADIOGRAPHIC EXAMINATIONS; AND The written safety procedures, required by RH, shall: list individual projections where holding devices cannot be utilized; written safety procedures, as required by RH, shall i 889 890 tThe human holder shall be INSTRUCTED IN PERSONAL RADIATION SAFETY AND protected as required by RH; 891 892 nNo individual shall be used routinely to hold film IMAGE RECEPTORS or patients.; and 893 894 895 896 in those cases where the patient must hold the film , except during intraoral examinations, any portion of the body other than the area of clinical interest struck by the useful beam shall be protected by not less than 0.5 millimeter lead equivalent material. 897 898 899 each facility shall have leaded aprons and gloves available in sufficient numbers to provide protection to all personnel who are involved with x-ray operations and who are otherwise not shielded. 6 - 26 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 May 12, 2017 IMAGE PROCESSING procedures and auxiliary equipment designed to minimize patient and personnel exposure commensurate with the needed diagnostic information shall be utilized. The speed of film, or FILM-screen and film combinations, IMAGING PLATE OR RECEPTOR AND IMAGE PROCESSING, shall be the fastest speed OR SPEED EQUIVALENT consistent with the diagnostic objective of the examinations. 907 908 The radiation exposure to the patient shall be the minimum exposure required to produce images of acceptable diagnostic quality. 909 910 911 Portable or mobile x-ray equipment shall be used only for examinations where it is impractical to transfer the patient(s) to a stationary x-ray installation, or when portable or mobile equipment is most suitable for the diagnostic procedure. 912 913 914 X-ray systems subject to RH 6.6 shall not be utilized in procedures where the source to patient distance is less than 30 cmentimeters, except for veterinary systems. 915 916 917 If anti-scatter grids are used between the patient and the image receptor to decrease scattered radiation to the film and improve contrast, the grid shall BE: 918 919 be pPositioned properly, i.e., WITH THE tube side facing the correct direction, and grid centered to the central ray; AND 920 be oOf the proper focal distance for the SID being used. 921 922 923 All EACH individuals who areIS associated with the operation of an x-ray IMAGING system are subject to SHALL MEET the requirements of RH 4.6, 4.10, 4.12, 4.13, 4.14, and 4.18 of these Regulations. In addition: 924 925 926 927 When protective clothing or devices are worn, personnel DOSIMETRIC monitoring devices ARE REQUIRED, THEY shall be worn, such that the requirements of 4.6, 4.10, 4.12, 4.13, 4.14, and 4.18 shall be met IN ACCORDANCE WITH 4.6.3. 928 929 930 EACH OPERATOR OF PORTABLE HAND-HELD X-RAY EQUIPMENT SHALL WEAR WHOLE BODY AND EXTREMITY PERSONNEL DOSIMETRIC MONITORING DEVICES. 931 932 (3) DELIBERATE Eexposure of a personnel DOSIMETRIC monitoring device to deceptively indicate a dose delivered to an individual is STRICTLY prohibited. 933 934 935 936 937 938 Healing Arts Screening. With the exception of FDA/MQSA-approved facilities which are registered with the Department for the use of dedicated mammographic equipment, any person proposing to conduct a healing arts screening program shall not initiate such a program without prior approval of the Department. When requesting such approval, that person shall submit the information outlined in Appendix C of this Part. If any information submitted to the Department becomes invalid or outdated, the Department shall be immediately notified. 939 940 Information and Maintenance Record and Associated Information. The registrant shall maintain the following information for each x-ray system for inspection by the Department: 6 - 27 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 May 12, 2017 941 942 943 model and serial numbers of each tube housing assembly and control panel; 944 945 946 947 948 The facility registrant shall assign a unique identification number to each tube housing assembly and/or control panel which lacks a clearly visible serial number from the manufacturer. The tube housing assembly and/or control panel shall be labeled or stenciled with this number. This number shall be used by the registrant to identify this machine in all correspondence with the Department. 949 950 6.3.4 maximum technique factors for which the machine has been rated; Tube rating charts and cooling curves; MEASUREMENTS, MAINTENANCE AND RECORDS. 951 952 953 954 955 956 The registrant shall maintain the following information for each x-ray system for inspection by the Department: records for the previous three (3) years of surveys, measurements, calibrations, maintenance, and modifications, CERTIFICATION EVALUATIONS PURSUANT TO 2.5, DEPARTMENT FORMS 59-1 AND 59-2, AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS FOR EACH performed on the x-ray IMAGING system(s) with the names of persons who performed such services;. 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 Except for single occupancy rooms using only dental intraoral or panoramic machines, THE REGISTRANT SHALL RETAIN a dimensional drawing AND ACCOMPANYING CALCULATION(S) AND/OR SURVEY(S) AS PROVIDED IN of the EACH room in which a stationary x-ray system is located, EXCEPT AS EXEMPTED UNDER such drawing indicatIng the use of areas adjacent to the room and an estimation of the extent of occupancy by an individual in such areas. In addition, the drawing shall include: results of a survey for radiation levels present at the operator's position and at pertinent points outside the room at specified test conditions, or type and thickness of materials, or lead equivalency, of each protective barrier; and 967 968 969 CONSISTENT WITH 2.4.1 AND 6.3.2, THE REGISTRANT SHALL RETAIN ON FILE AT THE FACILITY FOR THE LIFE OF THE FACILITY EACH SHIELDING DESIGN ALONG WITH INSTALLER AS-BUILT DRAWINGS. 970 971 972 EACH FACILITY SHALL HAVE AVAILABLE A PRINTED OR ELECTRONIC RECORD CONTAINING EACH PATIENT’S NAME, THE TYPE OF EXAMINATION(S), AND THE DATE(S) THE EXAMINATION(S) WERE PERFORMED. 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 Collimation. The registrant shall provide safety training to all operators on radiation safety procedures including collimation. The collimation procedure shall specify for each tube with variable collimation whether positive beam limitation (PBL) or manual collimation shall be used. If manual collimation is used, then there shall be positive indication of collimation on all films except as provided in RH, or when contraindicated and diagnosis could be compromised. Tubes collimated manually need not comply with PBL requirements. Regardless of the method of collimation, the beam size shall be limited to the smallest area which is clinically necessary. 982 a copy of all correspondence with this Department regarding that x-ray system. Film Processing QUALITY ASSURANCE (QA) Program. 6 - 28 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 May 12, 2017 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 TO AVOID UNNECESSARY OR DUPLICATIVE RADIATION EXPOSURES, Every EACH human use facility which is required to be inspected on an annual basis shall have an active filmIMAGE processing QUALITY CONTROL AND QUALITY ASSURANCE (QA) program which includes THAT FOLLOWS MANUFACTURERS’ SPECIFICATIONS AND/OR THE STANDARDS OF AN APPROPRIATE NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED ORGANIZATION, FOR EXAMPLE, THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF RADIOLOGY OR AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PHYSICISTS IN MEDICINE. 990 991 992 993 994 995 EACH REGISTRANT THAT USES A HARD COPY IMAGING SYSTEM WITH TRANSMISSION VIEWING, WHETHER WITH OR WITHOUT LIQUID CHEMISTRY, SHALL DOCUMENT THAT QUALITY CONTROL AND QUALITY ASSURANCE HAVE BEEN PERFORMED ACCORDING TO SPECIFICATIONS OF THE MANUFACTURER OR A REGISTERED MEDICAL PHYSICIST AND/OR A NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED ORGANIZATION, INCLUDING: 996 (1) PERIODIC PRINTING OF A SENSITOMETRIC STRIP OR PATTERN; 997 998 999 1000 (2) DOCUMENTATION OF LOW, MEDIUM AND HIGH DENSITY CALIBRATION AND THAT ANY CALIBRATION WHICH FAILED TO MEET A MANUFACTURER’S SPECIFICATION WAS CORRECTED BEFORE THE IMAGE PRINTER WAS USED TO PRINT ANOTHER IMAGE; AND 1001 (3) ANNUAL REVIEW OF ALL QUALITY CONTROL TESTS. 1002 1003 EACH REGISTRANT THAT USES AN AUTOMATIC FILM PROCESSOR SHALL ADOPT AN ACCEPTABLE SENSITOMETRIC QUALITY CONTROL PROGRAM. 1004 1005 1006 (1) FILM PROCESSORS USED TO DEVELOP RADIOGRAPHS SHALL BE ADJUSTED AND MAINTAINED TO MEET THE TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENT SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE RADIOGRAPHY FILM IN USE. 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 (2) FOR ALL X-RAY IMAGING SYSTEMS, A CONTINUOUS AND DOCUMENTED SENSITOMETRIC QUALITY CONTROL PROGRAM SHALL BE , INCLUDING QUALITY CONTROL TESTS FOR SPEED, CONTRAST AND FOG, SHALL BE PERFORMED ACCORDING TO SPECIFICATIONS OF THE MANUFACTURER AND/OR A REGISTERED MEDICAL PHYSICIST AND/OR A NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED ORGANIZATION. 6 - 29 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 May 12, 2017 The x-ray film must be developed following the specifications of the film manufacturer for development time and temperatureEACH REGISTRANT THAT USES A MANUAL FILM PROCESS SHALL: (1) 1019 1020 Those FOLLOW APPLICABLE manufacturer’s recommendations DEVELOPMENT TIME AND TEMPERATURE SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH SHALL must be available for review.; lieu of the requirements of RH, the facility may adopt a continuous, documented sensitometric quality control program. 1021 1022 1023 (2) 1024 1025 an automatic film processor is used then its developer temperature must be monitored and logged at least once per week. 1026 1027 both manual and automated processing there must be an adequate method used to monitor and/or determine processing time. 1028 1029 adequate developer replenishment system must be functional to meet the manufacturer's recommendations for automated film processors. 1030 1031 1032 (3) 1033 manual processing of films is done the temperature of the developer must be mMeasured and logged DEVELOPMENT TEMPERATURE each day OF USE; AND the processing system is used. For manual developing procedures the DOCUMENT IN A WRITTEN LOG THE CHANGE OF developer chemicals must be changed at least every month. and documented in a written log. The REGISTRANT SHALL CONTROL darkroom lighting must be such that: 1034 1035 1036 1037 (1) eExposure of a film to the darkroom safelight for one minute does not increase the optical density of that film by more than 0.1 optical density units when the test film has a latent image sufficient to produce a density between 1.0 and 2.0 optical density units prior to safe light exposure.; 1038 (2) If used, daylight film handling boxes shall preclude fogging of the film.; AND 1039 1040 1041 The base plus fog of an unexposed film must DOES not exceed 0.25 optical density units when developed by the routine procedure used by the facility. 1042 1043 1044 1045 All film storage, including pass boxes, if provided, shall be so constructed as to exclude light from the darkroom when cassettes are placed in or removed from the boxes, and shall incorporate adequate shielding from stray radiation to prevent exposure of undeveloped film. 1046 1047 1048 Every human use facility which is required to be inspected on a three-year basis shall have their film(s) developed according to the film manufacturer's recommendation for development time and temperature. 6 - 30 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 May 12, 2017 THE REGISTRANT SHALL ENSURE THAT EACH MONITOR USED FOR PRIMARY IMAGE INTERPRETATION IS EVALUATED ACCORDING TO SPECIFICATIONS OF THE MANUFACTURER OR A REGISTERED MEDICAL PHYSICIST AND/OR A NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED ORGANIZATION, FOR EXAMPLE, IN AAPM ONLINE REPORT OR-03 (APRIL 2005), INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: 1054 1055 1056 (1) FREQUENT CAREFUL CLEANING OF EACH PRIMARY IMAGE INTERPRETATION WORKSTATION AND DATA ACQUISITION WORKSTATION MONITOR; 1057 1058 1059 (2) PERIODIC VISUAL ASSESSMENT OF SOCIETY OF MOTION PICTURE AND TELEVISION ENGINEERS (SMPTE) PATTERN OR EQUIVALENT TEST PATTERN; 1060 1061 1062 1063 (3) INITIAL AND ANNUAL VERIFICATION THAT MONITOR CALIBRATION CONFORMS WITH THE DICOM PART 14 GRAYSCALE STANDARD DISPLAY FUNCTION (SEE AAPM ONLINE REPORT OR-03), OR EQUIVALENT: 1064 (a) VISUALIZATION OF LOW CONTRAST PATCHES; 1065 (b) VISUALIZATION OF SPATIAL RESOLUTION TARGETS; 1066 (c) MEASUREMENT OF AMBIENT LIGHT LEVELS; 1067 1068 (d) MEASUREMENT OF THE LUMINANCE FROM A SUFFICIENT NUMBER OF DRIVING LEVELS; 1069 1070 1071 1072 (e) MEASUREMENTS TO ASSURE THAT THE LUMINANCE FOR MULTIPLE MONITORS ARE WITHIN 5% OF EACH OTHER WHEN MORE THAN ONE MONITOR IS BEING UTILIZED AT A PRIMARY IMAGE INTERPRETATION WORKSTATION. 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 THE REGISTRANT SHALL ENSURE THAT COMPUTED RADIOGRAPHY CASSETTES AND CASSETTE READERS USED FOR PRIMARY IMAGE INTERPRETATION ARE EVALUATED PERIODICALLY ACCORDING TO SPECIFICATIONS OF THE MANUFACTURER AND/OR A REGISTERED MEDICAL PHYSICIST AND/OR A NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED ORGANIZATION, FOR EXAMPLE, IN AAPM REPORT 93, IN A PROGRAM REVIEWED ANNUALLY BY A REGISTERED MEDICAL PHYSICIST. 1080 SPECIAL REQUIREMENT FOR VIEWBOXES AND LIGHTING IN MAMMOGRAPHY. 1081 1082 1083 (1) A VIEWBOX USED FOR CLINICAL QUALITY REVIEW AND INTERPRETING MAMMOGRAMS SHALL BE CAPABLE OF PRODUCING A LUMINANCE OF AT LEAST 3,000 CANDELA PER SQUARE METER (CD-M-2). 1084 1085 1086 1087 (2) THE REGISTRANT SHALL MAKE SPECIAL LIGHTS FOR FILM ILLUMINATION (THAT IS, HOT LIGHTS), CAPABLE OF PRODUCING LIGHT LEVELS GREATER THAN THAT PROVIDED BY THE VIEW BOX, AVAILABLE TO THE INTERPRETING PHYSICIAN. 6 - 31 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 1088 6.3.2 May 12, 2017 Plan Review and Shielding Design. 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 Prior to the construction of a new x-ray facility, the floor plans and equipment arrangement shall be submitted to a qualified expert for the determination of shielding requirements. Prior to the modification or renovation of an existing x-ray facility, or installation of a new x-ray machine in an existing x-ray facility, the plans and equipment arrangements shall be submitted to a qualified expert for determination of shielding requirements when there is a change in primary beam orientation, or a change in primary shielding due to the modification or renovation of a facility, or there is a projected increase in the x-ray workload from that which was used for the original x-ray shielding design. In such cases shielding shall meet the criteria in Appendix B and the recommendations of the qualified expert. The required information is denoted in Appendices A and B of this Part. 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 Facilities using only dental intraoral machines in an open bay area are exempt from the requirement of RH, provided that there is a distance of at least 1.83 meters (6 feet) between two (2) adjacent chairs. Facilities using only bone densitometry machines, mini-c-arms, dental intraoral or panoramic machines in single occupancy rooms are exempt from the requirements of RH 1105 1106 1107 1108 The review of such plans, and determination of shielding requirements, shall not preclude the requirement of additional modifications should a subsequent analysis of operating conditions indicate the possibility of an individual receiving a dose in excess of the limits prescribed in RH 4.6, 4.12, 4.13, and 4.14 of these Regulations. 6 - 32 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 May 12, 2017 1109 1110 RH 6.4 General Requirements for SAFE USE OF All Diagnostic X-Ray IMAGING Systems OF ANY KIND. 1111 6.4.1 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS. 1112 1113 1114 1115 IN ADDITION TO THE GENERAL REQUIREMENTS OF 6.3, THE REQUIREMENTS OF 6.4 APPLY TO ALL DIAGNOSTIC X-RAY IMAGING EQUIPMENT AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES, EXCEPT AS PROVIDED BY FOR DENTAL USES AND FOR VETERINARY USES. 1116 1117 1118 EACH INDIVIDUAL WHO OPERATES AN X-RAY IMAGING SYSTEM USED ON LIVING HUMANS SHALL MEET THE APPLICABLE RADIATION SAFETY TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS OF 2.6.1. 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 6.4.2 In addition to other requirements of this Part, all EACH diagnostic x-ray IMAGING systems shall meet the following EQUIPMENT DESIGN AND CONFIGURATION requirements:. Warning Label. (1) “WARNING: This x-ray unit may be dangerous to patient and operator unless safe exposure factors and operating instructions are observed.” 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 The control panel containing the main power switch shall bear this or an equivalent warning statement, legible and accessible to view: Battery Charge Indicator. (1) On battery-powered x-ray generators, visual means shall be provided on the control panel to indicate whether the battery is in a state of charge adequate for proper operation. Leakage Radiation from the Diagnostic Source Assembly. 1131 1132 1133 1134 (1) The leakage radiation from the diagnostic source assembly measured at a distance of 1 meter in any direction from the source shall not exceed 25.8 μC/kg 0.88 mGy (100 mR) per minute in one ANY 1 hour when the x-ray tube is operated at its leakage exposure settings. 1135 1136 (2) Compliance shall be determined by measurements averaged over an area of 100 square cmentimeters with no linear dimension greater than 20 cmentimeters. 1137 Radiation from Components Other Than the Diagnostic Source Assembly. 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 (1) The radiation emitted by a component other than the diagnostic source assembly shall not exceed 0.516 μC/kg 18 μGy per minute (2 mR) in ANY one hour at 5 cmentimeters from any accessible surface (THAT CAN BE EASILY OR ACCIDENTALLY TOUCHED BY AN INDIVIDUAL WITHOUT THE USE OF A TOOL) of the component when it is operated in an assembled x-ray system under any conditions for which it was designed. 1144 1145 1146 (2) Compliance shall be determined by measurements averaged over an area of 100 square cmentimeters with no linear dimension greater than 20 cmentimeters. 6 - 33 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 1147 May 12, 2017 Beam Quality. Half-Vvalue Layer. 1148 1149 1150 1151 The half-value layer of the useful beam for a given x-ray tube potential shall not be less than the values shown in Table I6-1. If it is necessary to determine such half-value layer at an x-ray tube potential which is not listed in Table I, linear interpolation or extrapolation may be made. Table 6-1 Design operating range (kVp) Below 50 50 to 70 Above 70 Measured potential (kVp) Half-value layer (mm of aluminum) Other Systems Dental Systems 30 0.3 1.5 40 0.4 1.5 49 0.5 1.5 50 1.2 1.5 60 1.3 1.5 70 1.5 1.5 71 2.1 2.1 80 2.3 2.3 90 2.5 2.5 100 2.7 2.7 110 3.0 3.0 120 3.2 3.2 140 3.8 3.8 150 4.1 4.1 6 - 34 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 May 12, 2017 TABLE 6-1 X-RAY TUBE VOLTAGE MINIMUM HVL (KILOVOLT PEAK) (MM OF ALUMINUM) DENTAL X-RAY SYSTEMS WITH INTRAORAL IMAGE RECEPTORS ALL X-RAY SYSTEMS OTHER THAN DENTAL X-RAY SYSTEMS DESIGNED MEASURED MADE BEFORE, ON OR MADE BEFORE MADE ON OR OPERATING OPERATING AFTER DECEMBER 1, 1980 JUNE 10, 2006 AFTER JUNE RANGE POTENTIAL 10, 2006 BELOW 51 51 TO 70 ABOVE 70 1152 1153 1154 (2) 30 1.5 0.3 0.3 40 1.5 0.4 0.4 50 1.5 0.5 0.5 51 1.5 1.2 1.3 60 1.5 1.3 1.5 70 1.5 1.5 1.8 71 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.5 80 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.9 90 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.2 100 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.6 110 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.9 120 3.2 3.2 3.2 4.3 130 3.5 3.5 3.5 4.7 140 3.8 3.8 3.8 5.0 150 4.1 4.1 4.1 5.4 IF IT IS NECESSARY TO DETERMINE SUCH HALF-VALUE LAYER AT AN X-RAY TUBE POTENTIAL THAT IS NOT LISTED IN TABLE 6-1, LINEAR INTERPOLATION OR EXTRAPOLATION IS ACCEPTABLE. 6 - 35 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 1155 1156 1157 May 12, 2017 The requirements of RH will be considered to have been met if it can be demonstrated that the aluminum equivalent of the total filtration in the primary beam is not less than that shown in Table II. Table II6-2 Filtration Required vs. Operating Voltage Operating Voltage (kVp) 1158 Total Filtration (inherent plus added) (mm aluminum equivalent) Other Systems Dental Systems Below 50 0.5 1.5 50 - 70 1.5 1.5 Above 70 2.5 2.5 BEAM QUALITY: ADDITIONAL SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS. 1159 1160 1161 Beryllium window tubes, except those used for mammography, shall have a minimum of 0.5 millimeter aluminum equivalent filtration permanently installed in the useful beam. 1162 1163 1164 1165 For capacitor energy storage equipment, compliance with the requirements of RH shall be determined with the system fully charged AND FOR THE HIGHEST CLINCIALLY USED and a minimum setting of 10 mAs for each exposure. 1166 1167 1168 The required minimal aluminum equivalent filtration shall include the filtration contributed by all materials which THAT are always present between the source and the patient. 1169 1170 Filtration Controls.(4) For x-ray systems which THAT have variable kVp and variable filtration for the useful beam, a FILTRATION CONTROL device shall: 1171 (a) lLink the kVp selector with the filter(s); and 1172 1173 1174 (b) shall pPrevent an exposure unless the minimum amount of filtration required by RH is in the useful beam for the given kVp which THAT has been selected. 6 - 36 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 1175 May 12, 2017 Multiple Tube HEADs. 1176 1177 1178 1179 (1) THE TUBE HOUSING ASSEMBLY SUPPORTS SHALL BE ADJUSTED SUCH THAT THE TUBE HOUSING ASSEMBLY WILL REMAIN STABLE DURING AN EXPOSURE UNLESS TUBE HOUSING MOVEMENT IS A DESIGNED FUNCTION OF THE X-RAY SYSTEM. 1180 1181 1182 (2) Where two or more radiographic tubes are controlled by one exposure switch, the tube or tubes which THAT have been selected shall be clearly indicated prior to initiation of the exposure. 1183 1184 (a) 1185 1186 (3) 1187 1188 1189 6.4.7 1190 1191 1192 1193 This indication shall be both on the x-ray control and at or near the tube housing assembly which THAT has been selected. ANY INFORMATION DISPLAYED AT THE TUBE HEAD SHALL MEET MANUFACTURER’S SPECIFICATIONS. Mechanical Support of Tube Head. The tube housing assembly supports shall be adjusted such that the tube housing assembly will remain stable during an exposure unless tube housing movement is a designed function of the x-ray system. (1) Locks. All position locking, holding, and centering devices on THE x-ray systems AND/OR components and system shall function as designed. THE X-RAY CONTROL SHALL PROVIDE: 1194 1195 (1) VISUAL INDICATION OBSERVABLE AT OR FROM THE OPERATOR'S PROTECTED POSITION WHENEVER X-RAYS ARE PRODUCED; AND 1196 1197 (2) A SIGNAL AUDIBLE TO THE OPERATOR TO INDICATE THAT THE EXPOSURE HAS TERMINATED. 1198 6.4.8 Technique Indicators. 1199 1200 1201 The technique factors to be used during an exposure shall be indicated before the exposure begins. If automatic exposure controls are used, the technique factors which are set prior to the exposure shall be indicated. 1202 1203 The requirement of RH be met by permanent markings on equipment having fixed technique factors. 6 - 37 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 May 12, 2017 1204 1205 RH 6.5 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SAFE USE OF FluoroscopYic X-Ray Systems Except for Computed Tomography X-Ray Systems. 1206 6.5.1 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS. 1207 1208 IN ADDITION TO THE PROVISIONS OF 6.3 AND 6.4, THE REQUIREMENTS OF 6.5 APPLY TO ALL FLUOROSCOPIC X-RAY IMAGING EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES. 1209 1210 1211 1212 SUPERVISION AND USE OF A FLUOROSCOPIC X-RAY SYSTEM FOR THE PURPOSE OF LOCALIZATION TO OBTAIN IMAGES FOR DIAGNOSTIC PURPOSES SHALL BE BY AN INDIVIDUAL WHO HAS ADEQUATE RADIATION SAFETY TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE. 1213 1214 1215 1216 (1) A PHYSICIAN, CHIROPRACTOR, PODIATRIST OR VETERINARIAN WHO HAS A CURRENT ACTIVE STATE OF COLORADO LICENSE TO PRACTICE THE HEALING ARTS SHALL DIRECTLY SUPERVISE USE OF A FLUOROSCOPIC X-RAY SYSTEM. 1217 1218 1219 (2) TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE SHALL BE AS REQUIRED IN 2.6.1, IN PARTICULAR AND ANY APPLICABLE APPENDIX TO PART 2, AND 1220 1221 1222 1223 (3) INTERPRETATION OF BOTH REAL TIME AND STORED IMAGES SHALL BE BY A PHYSICIAN, CHIROPRACTOR, PODIATRIST OR VETERINARIAN WHO HAS A CURRENT ACTIVE STATE OF COLORADO LICENSE TO PRACTICE THE HEALING ARTS. 1224 1225 6.5.2 All EACH fluoroscopic x-ray systems shall meet the following EQUIPMENT DESIGN AND CONFIGURATION requirements:. 1226 6.5.1 Limitation of Useful Beam. 1227 1228 ONLY IMAGE-INTENSIFIED OR DIRECT-DIGITAL-RECEPTOR FLUOROSCOPIC EQUIPMENT SHALL BE USED. 1229 LIMITATION OF THE USEFUL BEAM. 1230 (1) 1231 1232 1233 The fluoroscopic imaging assembly shall be provided with a primary protective barrier which THAT intercepts the entire cross section of the useful beam at any SID. 1234 1235 The x-ray tube used for fluoroscopy shall not produce x rays unless the PRIMARY PROTECTIVE barrier is in position to intercept the entire useful beam. 1236 1237 Primary PROTECTIVE Barrier TO LIMIT THE USEFUL BEAM. X-Ray Field . Non-Intensified Fluoroscopic Equipment. image-intensified fluoroscopic equipment shall be used. 6 - 38 Only Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 1238 1239 1240 1241 (2) May 12, 2017 LIMITATION OF THE X-RAY FIELD. (a) FOR FLUOROSCOPIC EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURED BEFORE JUNE 10, 2006, OTHER THAN RADIATION THERAPY SIMULATION SYSTEMS, THE FOLLOWING APPLY: 1242 1243 1244 1245 (i) fluoroscopic equipment, nNeither the length nor the width of the x-ray field in the plane of the image receptor shall exceed that of the visible area of the image receptor by more than three (3) percent of the SID. 1246 1247 (ii) The sum of the excess length and the excess width shall be no greater than four (4) percent of the SID. In addition: 1248 1249 1250 1251 (iii) THE ERROR IN ALIGNMENT SHALL BE DETERMINED ALONG THE LENGTH AND WIDTH DIMENSIONS OF THE X-RAY FIELD THAT PASS THROUGH THE CENTER OF THE VISIBLE AREA OF THE IMAGE RECEPTOR. 1252 1253 (3) means shall be provided tTo permit further limitation of the field, THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS SHALL ALSO BE MET. 1254 1255 1256 1257 (a) Beam-limiting devices manufactured after May 22, 1979, and incorporated in equipment with a variable SID and/or a visible area of greater than 300 square cmentimeters shall be provided with means for stepless adjustment of the x-ray field.; 1258 1259 1260 1261 (b) aAll equipment with a fixed SID and a visible area of 300 square cmentimeters or less shall be provided with either stepless adjustment of the x-ray field or with means to further limit the x-ray field size at the plane of the image receptor to 125 square cmentimeters or less. 1262 1263 1264 (c) 1265 1266 (d) fFor equipment manufactured after February 25, 1978, when the angle between the image receptor and beam axis is variable:, m If provided, stepless adjustment shall, at the greatest SID, provide continuous field sizes from the maximum obtainable to a field size of 5 cmentimeters by 5 cmentimeters or less.; 1267 1268 (i) Means shall be provided to indicate when the axis of the x-ray beam is perpendicular to the plane of the image receptor; and 1269 1270 (ii) tThe entire cross section of the useful beam shall be intercepted by the primary protective barrier at any SID. 6 - 39 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 1271 1272 May 12, 2017 (e) Compliance shall be determined with the beam axis indicated to be perpendicular to the plane of the image receptor. 1273 1274 1275 (i) Measurement shall be made in perpendicular directions corresponding to the vertical and horizontal directions on the video/tv monitor image. 1276 1277 1278 1279 (ii) For collimating systems which THAT are not circular, measurement shall be made along the directions closest to the vertical and horizontal direction on the video monitor image yielding the smallest dimension in each direction. 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 (4) ADDITIONAL X-RAY FIELD SPECIFICATIONS FOR Spot-film dDevices shall meet the following additional requirements: (a) mMeans shall be provided between the source and the patient for adjustment of the x-ray field size in the plane of the film IMAGE RECEPTOR to the size of that portion of the film IMAGE RECEPTOR that has been selected on the spot film selector. 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 (i) Such adjustment shall be automatically accomplished except when the x-ray field size in the plane of the film IMAGE RECEPTOR is smaller than that of the selected portion of the film IMAGE RECEPTOR. For spot film devices manufactured after June 21, 1979, if the x-ray field size is less than the size of the selected portion of the film , the means for adjustment of the field size shall be only at the operator's option. 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 (ii) IF THE X-RAY FIELD SIZE IS LESS THAN THE SIZE OF THE SELECTED PORTION OF THE IMAGE RECEPTOR, THE FIELD SIZE SHALL NOT OPEN AUTOMATICALLY TO THE SIZE OF THE SELECTED PORTION OF THE IMAGE RECEPTOR UNLESS THE OPERATOR HAS SELECTED THAT MODE OF OPERATION. 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 (b) Neither the length nor the width of the x-ray field in the plane of the image receptor shall differ from the corresponding dimensions of the selected portion of the image receptor by more than three (3) percent of the SID when adjusted for full coverage of the selected portion of the image receptor. (i) The sum, without regard to sign, of the length and width differences shall not exceed four (4) percent of the SID. On spot-film devices manufactured after February 25, 1978, if the angle between the plane of the image receptor and beam axis is variable, means shall be provided to indicate when the axis of the x-ray beam is perpendicular to the plane of the image receptor, and compliance shall be determined with the beam axis indicated to be perpendicular to the plane of the image receptor. 6 - 40 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 1312 1313 1314 May 12, 2017 (c) iIt shall be possible to adjust the x-ray field size in the plane of the film IMAGE RECEPTOR to a size smaller than the selected portion of the film IMAGE RECEPTOR. 1315 1316 1317 (i) The minimum field size at the greatest SID shall be equal to, or less than, 5 cmentimeters by 5 cmentimeters, OR 125 CM2 FOR A FIXED SID. 1318 1319 1320 (d) tThe center of the x-ray field in the plane of the film IMAGE RECEPTOR shall be aligned with the center of the selected portion of the film IMAGE RECEPTOR to within two (2) percent of the SID.; and 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 (e) oOn spot-film devices manufactured after February 25, 1978, if the angle between the plane of the image receptor and beam axis is variable, means shall be provided to indicate when the axis of the x-ray beam is perpendicular to the plane of the image receptor, and compliance shall be determined with the beam axis indicated to be perpendicular to the plane of the image receptor. 1327 (5) 1328 1329 (a) Override. If a means exists to override any of the automatic x-ray field size adjustments required in RH, that means SHALL: 1330 1331 shall bBe designed for use only in the event of system failure AND NOT AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR PROMPT REPAIR; 1332 1333 1334 shall iIncorporate a signal visible at the operator's position which THAT will indicate whenever the automatic field size adjustment is overridden; and 1335 shall bBe clearly and durably labeled as follows: 1336 “FOR X-RAY FIELD LIMITATION SYSTEM FAILURE” 1337 Activation of the Fluoroscopic Tube. 1338 1339 1340 1341 (1) X-ray production in the fluoroscopic mode shall be controlled by a device which THAT requires continuous pressure by the operator for the entire time of any exposure, BUT MEANS MAY BE PROVIDED TO PERMIT COMPLETION OF ANY SINGLE EXPOSURE OF A SERIES IN PROCESS. 1342 1343 (2) When recording serial fluoroscopic images, the operator shall be able to terminate the x-ray exposure(s) at any time. 6 - 41 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 1344 May 12, 2017 FLUOROSCOPIC TIMER FOR UNITS MADE BEFORE JUNE 10, 2006. 1345 1346 (1) MEANS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO PRESET THE CUMULATIVE IRRADIATION TIME OF THE FLUOROSCOPIC X-RAY TUBE. 1347 1348 (2) THE MAXIMUM CUMULATIVE TIME OF THE TIMING DEVICE SHALL NOT EXCEED FIVE (5) MINUTES WITHOUT RESETTING. 1349 1350 1351 1352 (3) A SIGNAL AUDIBLE TO THE OPERATOR SHALL INDICATE THE COMPLETION OF ANY PRESET CUMULATIVE IRRADIATION TIME AND SHALL CONTINUE TO SOUND WHILE X-RAYS ARE PRODUCED UNTIL THE TIMING DEVICE IS RESET. 1353 1354 1355 1356 (4) FLUOROSCOPIC EQUIPMENT MAY BE MODIFIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 1020.30(q) TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF 1020.32(h)(2) AND, IF MODIFIED, SHALL BEAR A LABEL INDICATING THE STATEMENT: “MODIFIED TO COMPLY WITH 21 CFR 1020.32(h)(2).” 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 FOR X-RAY CONTROLS MANUFACTURED ON OR AFTER JUNE 10, 2006, EACH FLUOROSCOPIC TUBE SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH BOTH A DISPLAY AND AUDIBLE SIGNAL: (1) THE DISPLAY, WHICH SHALL SHOW THE FLUOROSCOPIC IRRADIATION TIME IN MINUTES AND TENTHS OF MINUTES AT THE FLUOROSCOPIST'S WORKING POSITION INDEPENDENTLY OF THE AUDIBLE SIGNAL REQUIRED BY, SHALL: 1364 1365 1366 (a) DISPLAY CONTINUOUSLY WHEN THE X-RAY TUBE IS ACTIVATED AND BE UPDATED AT LEAST ONCE EVERY 6 SECONDS (0.1 MINUTE); 1367 1368 (b) DISPLAY WITHIN 6 SECONDS (0.1 MINUTE) OF TERMINATION OF AN EXPOSURE AND REMAIN DISPLAYED UNTIL RESET; AND 1369 1370 1371 (c) BE PROVIDED WITH MEANS TO RESET THE DISPLAY TO ZERO PRIOR TO THE BEGINNING OF A NEW EXAMINATION OR PROCEDURE. 1372 (2) A SIGNAL AUDIBLE TO THE FLUOROSCOPIST SHALL SOUND: 1373 1374 1375 (a) FOR EACH PASSAGE OF 5 MINUTES OF FLUOROSCOPIC IRRADIATION TIME DURING AN EXAMINATION OR PROCEDURE; AND 1376 1377 (b) UNTIL MANUALLY RESET OR, IF AUTOMATICALLY RESET, FOR AT LEAST 2 SECONDS. 1378 1379 1380 INDICATION OF POTENTIAL AND CURRENT IS REQUIRED. (1) DURING FLUOROSCOPY AND CINEFLUOROGRAPHY THE KV AND THE MA SHALL BE CONTINUOUSLY INDICATED. 6 - 42 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 1381 May 12, 2017 LAST-IMAGE-HOLD (LIH) DISPLAY. 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 (1) FOR AN LIH IMAGE OBTAINED BY RETAINING PRE-TERMINATION FLUOROSCOPIC IMAGES, IF THE NUMBER OF IMAGES AND METHOD OF COMBINING IMAGES ARE SELECTABLE BY THE USER, THE SELECTION SHALL BE INDICATED PRIOR TO INITIATION OF THE FLUOROSCOPIC EXPOSURE. 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 (2) FOR AN LIH IMAGE OBTAINED BY INITIATING A SEPARATE RADIOGRAPHIC-LIKE EXPOSURE AT THE TERMINATION OF FLUOROSCOPIC IMAGING, THE EXPOSURE SETTINGS FOR THE LIH IMAGE SHALL BE SELECTABLE PRIOR TO THE FLUOROSCOPIC EXPOSURE, AND THE COMBINATION SELECTED SHALL BE INDICATED PRIOR TO INITIATION OF THE FLUOROSCOPIC EXPOSURE. 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 (3) MEANS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO CLEARLY INDICATE TO THE USER WHETHER A DISPLAYED IMAGE IS THE LIH RADIOGRAPH OR FLUOROSCOPY. DISPLAY OF THE LIH RADIOGRAPH SHALL BE REPLACED BY THE FLUOROSCOPIC IMAGE CONCURRENTLY WITH REINITIATION OF FLUOROSCOPIC EXPOSURE, UNLESS SEPARATE DISPLAYS ARE PROVIDED FOR THE LIH RADIOGRAPH AND FLUOROSCOPIC IMAGES. 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 (4) THE PREDETERMINED OR SELECTABLE OPTIONS FOR PRODUCING THE LIH RADIOGRAPH SHALL INCLUDE A DESCRIPTION OF ANY EXPOSURE SETTINGS APPLICABLE FOR THE SELECTED OPTION AND THE IMPACT OF THE SELECTABLE OPTIONS ON IMAGE CHARACTERISTICS AND THE MAGNITUDE OF RADIATION EMISSIONS. 1405 1406 1407 THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS APPLY TO DISPLAYS OF THE VALUES OF AKR AND CUMULATIVE AIR KERMA FOR EACH X-RAY TUBE USED DURING AN EXAMINATION OR PROCEDURE: 1408 1409 1410 (1) FLUOROSCOPIC EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURED ON OR AFTER JUNE 10, 2006, SHALL DISPLAY AT THE FLUOROSCOPIST'S WORKING POSITION THE AKR AND CUMULATIVE AIR KERMA. 1411 1412 1413 1414 (2) WHEN THE X-RAY TUBE IS ACTIVATED AND THE NUMBER OF IMAGES PRODUCED PER UNIT TIME IS GREATER THAN SIX IMAGES PER SECOND, THE AKR IN mGy/MIN SHALL BE CONTINUOUSLY DISPLAYED AND UPDATED AT LEAST ONCE EVERY SECOND. 1415 1416 1417 1418 (3) THE CUMULATIVE AIR KERMA IN UNITS OF MGY SHALL BE DISPLAYED EITHER WITHIN 5 SECONDS OF TERMINATION OF AN EXPOSURE OR DISPLAYED CONTINUOUSLY AND UPDATED AT LEAST ONCE EVERY 5 SECONDS. 1419 1420 (4) THE DISPLAY OF THE AKR SHALL BE CLEARLY DISTINGUISHABLE FROM THE DISPLAY OF THE CUMULATIVE AIR KERMA. 6 - 43 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 (5) May 12, 2017 THE AKR AND CUMULATIVE AIR KERMA SHALL REPRESENT THE VALUE FOR CONDITIONS OF FREE-IN-AIR IRRADIATION AT ONE OF THE FOLLOWING REFERENCE LOCATIONS SPECIFIED ACCORDING TO THE TYPE OF FLUOROSCOPE. THE REFERENCE LOCATION SHALL BE IDENTIFIED AND DESCRIBED SPECIFICALLY IN THE INFORMATION PROVIDED TO USERS AS REQUIRED BY 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 (a) FOR FLUOROSCOPES WITH X-RAY SOURCE BELOW THE X-RAY TABLE, X-RAY SOURCE ABOVE THE TABLE, OR OF LATERAL TYPE, THE REFERENCE LOCATIONS SHALL BE THE RESPECTIVE LOCATIONS SPECIFIED IN (1), (2), OR (4) FOR MEASURING COMPLIANCE WITH AIR-KERMA RATE LIMITS. 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 (b) FOR C-ARM FLUOROSCOPES, THE REFERENCE LOCATION SHALL BE 15 CM FROM THE ISOCENTER TOWARD THE X-RAY SOURCE ALONG THE BEAM AXIS. ALTERNATIVELY, THE REFERENCE LOCATION SHALL BE AT A POINT SPECIFIED BY THE MANUFACTURER TO REPRESENT THE LOCATION OF THE INTERSECTION OF THE X-RAY BEAM WITH THE PATIENT'S SKIN. 1438 1439 1440 (6) CONSISTENT WITH, A METHOD SHALL BE PROVIDED TO RESET TO ZERO THE DISPLAY OF CUMULATIVE AIR KERMA PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF A NEW EXAMINATION OR PROCEDURE. 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 (7) THE DISPLAYED AKR AND CUMULATIVE AIR KERMA SHALL NOT DEVIATE FROM THE ACTUAL VALUES BY MORE THAN +/-35 PERCENT OVER THE RANGE OF 6 mGy/MIN AND 100 mGy TO THE MAXIMUM INDICATION OF AKR AND CUMULATIVE AIR KERMA, RESPECTIVELY. COMPLIANCE SHALL BE DETERMINED WITH AN IRRADIATION TIME GREATER THAN 3 SECONDS. 1447 1448 (8) AKR AND AIR KERMA DISPLAY CALIBRATION SHALL BE VERIFIED ANNUALLY BY A REGISTERED MEDICAL PHYSICIST. 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 SPOT IMAGER EXPOSURE REPRODUCIBILITY. (1) FLUOROSCOPIC SYSTEMS EQUIPPED WITH SPOT IMAGE MODE SHALL MEET THE FOLLOWING EXPOSURE REPRODUCIBILITY REQUIREMENTS WHEN OPERATING IN THE SPOT IMAGE MODE: (a) WHEN ALL EXPOSURE SETTINGS ARE HELD CONSTANT, INCLUDING CONTROL PANEL SELECTIONS ASSOCIATED WITH AN AUTOMATIC EXPOSURE CONTROL SYSTEM, THE COEFFICIENT OF VARIATION OF AIR KERMA FOR BOTH MANUAL AND AUTOMATIC EXPOSURE CONTROL SYSTEMS SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.05. 6 - 44 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 (1) 6.5.3 May 12, 2017 BARRIER TRANSMITTED RADIATION RATE LIMITS. THE AKR DUE TO TRANSMISSION THROUGH THE PRIMARY PROTECTIVE BARRIER WITH THE ATTENUATION BLOCK IN THE USEFUL BEAM, COMBINED WITH RADIATION FROM THE IMAGE INTENSIFIER, IF PROVIDED, SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.334*10-6 OF THE ENTRANCE AKR (ONE-THIRD OF ONE MILLIONTH OF THE ENTRANCE AKR) AT 10 CM FROM ANY ACCESSIBLE SURFACE (THAT CAN BE EASILY OR ACCIDENTALLY TOUCHED BY AN INDIVIDUAL WITHOUT THE USE OF A TOOL) OF THE FLUOROSCOPIC IMAGING ASSEMBLY BEYOND THE PLANE OF THE IMAGE RECEPTOR. Exposure Rate Limits.RADIATION EXPOSURE CONTROL DEVICES AND OPERATION. Entrance Exposure Rate AIR KERMA RATE (AKR) Limits for Fluoroscopic Equipment Manufactured Before May 19, 1995. 1472 (1) EQUIPMENT WITHOUT AERC IS NOT PERMITTED. 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 (2) Equipment with Automatic Exposure Rate Control (AERC). Fluoroscopic equipment that is provided with AERC shall not be operable at any combination of tube potential and current that will result in an exposure rate in excess of 2.58 × 10-3 coulomb per kilogram (C/kg) 88 mGy per minute [10 roentgens per minute (10 R/min)] at the point where the center of the useful beam enters the patient MEASURED PER 6.5.4: 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 (a) E, except: recording of fluoroscopic images WHEN THE RECORDED IMAGES ARE INTENDED FOR SUBSEQUENT INTERPRETATION BY A PHYSICIAN, CHIROPRACTOR, PODIATRIST OR VETERINARIAN WHO HAS A CURRENT ACTIVE STATE OF COLORADO LICENSE TO PRACTICE THE HEALING ARTS. or; 1485 (b) EXCEPT wWhen an optional high-level control is provided. 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 (i) When so provided,UNLESS THE HIGH-LEVEL CONTROL IS ACTIVATED, the equipment shall not be operable at any combination of tube potential and current that will result in an exposure rate in excess of 1.29 m-3 C/kg 44 mGy per minute (5 R/min) at the point where the center of the useful beam enters the patient, unless the high-level control is activated. 1492 1493 1494 (ii) Special means of activation of high-level controls shall be operable only when continuous manual activation is provided by the operator. 1495 1496 (iii) A continuous signal audible to the operator shall indicate that the high-level control is being employed. 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 Without AERC (Manual Mode). Fluoroscopic equipment that is not provided with AERC shall not be operable at any combination of tube potential and current that will result in an exposure rate in excess of 2.58 × 10-3 coulomb per kilogram (C/kg) per minute (10 R/min) at the point where the center of the useful beam enters the patient, except: 6 - 45 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 May 12, 2017 recording of fluoroscopic images, or; when an optional high-level control is activated. Special means of activation of high-level controls shall be required. The high-level control shall be operable only when continuous manual activation is provided by the operator. A continuous signal audible to the operator shall indicate that the high-level control is being employed. 1508 Equipment with Both an AERC Mode and a Manual Mode. 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 (3) Fluoroscopic equipment that is provided with both an AERC mode and a manual mode shall not be operable at any combination of tube potential and current that will result in an exposure rate in excess of 2.58 × 10-3 coulomb per kilogram (C/kg) 88 mGy per minute (10 R/min) at the point where the center of the useful beam enters the patient MEASURED PER 6.5.4, except: 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 EXCEPT Dduring recording of fluoroscopic images WHEN THE RECORDED IMAGES ARE INTENDED FOR SUBSEQUENT INTERPRETATION BY A PHYSICIAN, CHIROPRACTOR, PODIATRIST OR VETERINARIAN WHO HAS A CURRENT ACTIVE STATE OF COLORADO LICENSE TO PRACTICE THE HEALING ARTS; or 1520 1521 EXCEPT Wwhen the mode or modes have an optional high-level control. 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 (i) UNLESS THE HIGH-LEVEL CONTROL IS ACTIVATED, in which case that mode or modes shall not be operable at any combination of tube potential and current that will result in an entrance exposure rate AKR in excess of 1.293 m × 10-3 C/kg per minute (5 R/min) at the point where the center of the useful beam enters the patient, unless the high-level control is activated6.5.3.1(1)(a)., or as measured per 6.5.4. 1530 1531 (ii) Special means of activation of high-level controls shall be required. 1532 1533 (iii) The high-level control shall be operable only when continuous manual activation is provided by the operator. 1534 1535 (iv) A continuous signal audible to the operator shall indicate that the high-level is being employed. 1536 1537 1538 1539 Fluoroscopic units which THAT have the high-level control activated and an entrance AKR exposure rate exceeding 5.16 × 10-3 C/kg 0.1 Gy per minute (2011 R/min) shall be posted with the measured maximum entrance AKR exposure rate, ON A SIGN THAT: 1540 (a) IS visible at the operator's position.; 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 (b) STATES THAT “THE SYSTEM MAY EXCEED AN ENTRANCE AKR EXCEEDING 0.1 GY PER MINUTE (MORE THAN 10 R/MIN)”.Such sign will note that the entrance exposure rate of fluoroscopic equipment manufactured after May 19, 1995, which have the high level control activated, are limited to 5.16 × 10-3 C/kg per minute (20 R/min). 6 - 46 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 May 12, 2017 Entrance Exposure Rate AKR Limits For Fluoroscopic Equipment Manufactured On and After May 19, 1995. Fluoroscopic equipment operable at any combination of tube potential and current that results in an AKR greater than 1.29 m× 10-3 C/kg 44 mGy per minute (5 R/min) at the point where the center of the useful beam enters the patient shall be equipped with AERC. 1552 1553 (a) Provision for mManual selection of technique factorsEXPOSURE SETTINGS may ALSO be provided. 1554 1555 1556 1557 Fluoroscopic equipment shall not be operable at any combination of tube potential and current that will result in an AKR in excess of 2.586 × 10-3 C/kg 88 mGy per minute (10 R/min) at the point where the center of the useful beam enters the patient MEASURED PER 6.5.4. 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 (3) FOR EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURED PRIOR TO JUNE 10, 2006, except:ION TO IS ALLOWED .2.1Dduring the recording of images from an x-ray image-intensifier tube using photographic film or a video camera when the x-ray source is operated in a pulsed mode WHEN THE RECORDED IMAGES ARE INTENDED FOR SUBSEQUENT INTERPRETATION BY A PHYSICIAN, CHIROPRACTOR, PODIATRIST OR VETERINARIAN WHO HAS A CURRENT ACTIVE STATE OF COLORADO LICENSE TO PRACTICE THE HEALING ARTS; or 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 (4) FOR EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURED ON OR AFTER JUNE 10, 2006, EXCEPTION TO IS ALLOWED DURING THE RECORDING OF IMAGES FROM THE FLUOROSCOPIC IMAGE RECEPTOR FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING THE USER WITH A RECORDED IMAGE(S) AFTER TERMINATION OF THE EXPOSURE. 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 (a) (5) SUCH RECORDING DOES NOT INCLUDE IMAGES RESULTING FROM A LAST-IMAGE-HOLD FEATURE THAT ARE NOT RECORDED. EXCEPTION TO IS ALLOWED wWhen the high-level control is activated. 1576 1577 1578 1579 (a) , tThe equipment shall not be operable at any combination of tube potential and current that will result in an exposure rate in excess of 5.16 × 10-3 C/kg 176 mGy per minute (20 R/min) at the point where the center of the useful beam enters the patient. 1580 1581 1582 (b) Special means of activation of high-level controls shall be required. The high-level control shall only be operable when continuous manual activation is provided by the operator. 1583 1584 (c) A continuous signal audible to the operator shall indicate that the high-level control is being employed. 1585 1586 A mini-c-arm x-ray system shall have an exposure rate less than or equal to 1.29 × 10-3 C/kg 88 mGy (10 R) per minute at the exit port. 6 - 47 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 1587 May 12, 2017 CONTROL OF SCATTERED RADIATION. 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 (1) 1593 1594 CONVENTIONAL FLUOROSCOPIC TABLE DESIGNS WHEN COMBINED WITH PROCEDURES UTILIZED SHALL BE SUCH THAT NO UNPROTECTED PART OF ANY STAFF OR ANCILLARY INDIVIDUAL'S BODY SHALL BE EXPOSED TO UNATTENUATED SCATTERED RADIATION THAT ORIGINATES FROM UNDER THE TABLE. (a) 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 (2) THE ATTENUATION REQUIRED SHALL BE NOT LESS THAN 0.25 MILLIMETER LEAD EQUIVALENT. EQUIPMENT CONFIGURATION WHEN COMBINED WITH PROCEDURES SHALL BE SUCH THAT NO PORTION OF ANY STAFF OR ANCILLARY INDIVIDUAL'S BODY, EXCEPT THE EXTREMITIES OR HEAD, SHALL BE EXPOSED TO UNATTENUATED SCATTERED RADIATION UNLESS THAT INDIVIDUAL: 1600 1601 (a) IS AT LEAST 2M (MORE THAN 6 FEET) FROM THE CENTER OF THE USEFUL BEAM, OR 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 (b) THE RADIATION HAS PASSED THROUGH NOT LESS THAN 0.25 MILLIMETER LEAD EQUIVALENT MATERIAL INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, DRAPES, OR SELF-SUPPORTING CURTAINS, IN ADDITION TO ANY LEAD EQUIVALENCY PROVIDED BY THE PROTECTIVE APRON REFERRED TO IN 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 (3) 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 EXCEPTION TO IS ALLOWED IF THE FACILITY HAS A WRITTEN POLICY THAT APPLIES TO WHEN THE USE OF DRAPES OR SELF-SUPPORTING CURTAINS IS CONTRA-INDICATED AND THE DIAGNOSIS MIGHT BE COMPROMISED, SUCH AS WHERE A STERILE FIELD WILL NOT PERMIT THE USE OF THE NORMAL PROTECTIVE BARRIERS. IF THE USE OF PRE-FITTED STERILIZED COVERS FOR THE BARRIERS IS PRACTICAL, EXEMPTION IS NOT APPROPRIATE. OVERHEAD FLUOROSCOPY SHALL NOT BE USED AS A POSITIONING TOOL FOR GENERAL PURPOSE RADIOGRAPHIC EXAMINATIONS. 6.5.4 EACH FLUOROSCOPIC X-RAY SYSTEM SHALL FULFILL THE FOLLOWING MEASUREMENT AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS. Compliance with the requirements of RH 6.5.3 shall be determined as follows: 1619 1620 If the source is below the table, exposure rate AKR shall be measured one centimeter above the tabletop or cradle. 1621 1622 1623 1624 If the source is above the table, the exposure rate AKR shall be measured at 30 cmentimeters above the tabletop with the end of the beamlimiting device or spacer positioned as closely as possible to the point of measurement. 6 - 48 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 All CFOR A c-arm TYPE OF fluoroscopes, both stationary and mobile, shall meet the entrance exposure rate limits in RH,, and, THE AKR SHALL BE MEASURED AT 30 cmentimeters from the input surface of the fluoroscopic imaging assembly, with the source positioned at any available SID, provided that the end of the spacer assembly or beam-limiting device is not closer than 30 cmentimeters from the input surface of the fluoroscopic imaging assembly. 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 (a) FOR A C-ARM TYPE OF FLUOROSCOPE HAVING AN SID LESS THAN 45 CM, THE AKR SHALL BE MEASURED AT THE MINIMUM SSD, OR CORRECTED TO THE MINIMUM SSD USING THE INVERSE SQUARE LAW. All EACH lateral-type fluoroscopes, both EITHER stationary and OR mobile, AKR shall meet the entrance exposure rate limits in RH,, and, BE measured at a point 15 cmentimeters from the centerline of the table (ISOCENTER) and in the direction of the x-ray source with the end of the beam-limiting device or spacer positioned as closely as possible to the point of measurement. 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 May 12, 2017 (a) If the tabletop is movable, it shall be positioned as closely as possible to the lateral x-ray source, with the end of the beam-limiting device or spacer no closer than 15 cmentimeters to the centerline of the table. Periodic measurement of entrance exposure rateAKR shall be performed as follows: 1647 1648 Such measurements shall be made annually or after any maintenance of the system which THAT might affect the exposure rate. 1649 1650 Conditions of periodic measurement of entrance exposure rate AKR are as follows: 1651 1652 The measurement shall be made under the conditions that satisfy the requirements of RH; 1653 1654 The kVp shall be the maximum kVp which THAT can be produced by the x-ray system; 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 The x-ray system(s) that incorporates automatic exposure rate control shall have the beam collimated to the size of the detector and have sufficient material placed in the useful beam to intercept the entire beam so that output of the machine is a maximum for the x-ray system; and 1660 1661 1662 X-ray system(s) that do not incorporate an automatic exposure rate control shall utilize the maximum milliamperage typical of the clinical use of the x-ray system.2 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 2 Materials should be placed in the useful beam when conducting these periodic measurements to protect the imaging system. (6) FOR OTHER FLUOROSCOPIC SYSTEMS NOT DESCRIBED ABOVE, THE AKR SHALL BE MEASURED AT THE REFERENCE POINT SPECIFIED BY THE MANUFACTURER FOR MAXIMUM DOSE RATE MEASUREMENTS. 6 - 49 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 6.5.4 May 12, 2017 Barrier Transmitted Radiation Rate Limits. The exposure rate due to transmission through the primary protective barrier with the attenuation block in the useful beam, combined with radiation from the image intensifier, if provided, shall not exceed 0.516 μC/kg per hour (2 milliroentgen) at 10 centimeters from any accessible surface of the fluoroscopic imaging assembly beyond the plane of the image receptor for each roentgen per minute of entrance exposure rate. SOURCE-SKIN DISTANCE (SSD) SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN: 1676 (1) 38 CM ON STATIONARY FLUOROSCOPES; 1677 1678 1679 1680 (2) 30 CM ON ALL MOBILE AND PORTABLE FLUOROSCOPES, INCLUDING C-ARM FLUOROSCOPES HAVING A MAXIMUM SOURCE-IMAGE RECEPTOR DISTANCE OF GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 45 CM AND OARM FLUOROSCOPES; 1681 1682 (3) 20 CM FOR MOBILE FLUOROSCOPES USED FOR SPECIFIC SURGICAL APPLICATION; 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 (a) (4) THE WRITTEN SAFETY PROCEDURES MUST PROVIDE PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES TO BE ADHERED TO DURING THE USE OF THESE SYSTEMS; 19 CM FOR STATIONARY, MOBILE, OR PORTABLE MINI-C-ARM FLUOROSCOPIC SYSTEMS HAVING A MAXIMUM SOURCE-IMAGE RECEPTOR DISTANCE OF LESS THAN 45 CM MANUFACTURED ON OR AFTER JUNE 10, 2006; 1690 (a) SUCH SYSTEMS SHALL BE LABELED FOR EXTREMITY USE ONLY; 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 (b) IN ADDITION, FOR THOSE SYSTEMS INTENDED FOR SPECIFIC SURGICAL APPLICATION THAT WOULD BE PROHIBITED AT THE SOURCE-SKIN DISTANCES SPECIFIED IN THIS PARAGRAPH, PROVISIONS MAY BE MADE FOR OPERATION AT SHORTER SOURCE-SKIN DISTANCES BUT IN NO CASE LESS THAN 10 CM; AND 1697 1698 1699 (c) THE WRITTEN SAFETY PROCEDURES MUST PROVIDE PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES TO BE ADHERED TO DURING THE USE OF THESE SYSTEMS; AND 1700 1701 (5) THE DISTANCE IN CM RECOMMENDED BY THE MANUFACTURER FOR EQUIPMENT NOT SPECIFIED IN THROUGH 6 - 50 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 1702 May 12, 2017 Measuring Compliance of Barrier Transmission. 1703 1704 1705 1706 The exposure rate due to transmission through the primary protective barrier combined with radiation from the image intensifier shall be determined by measurements averaged over an area of 100 square cmentimeters with no linear dimension greater than 20 cmentimeters. 1707 1708 1709 If the source is below the tabletop, the measurement shall be made with the input surface of the fluoroscopic imaging assembly positioned 30 cmentimeters above the tabletop. 1710 1711 1712 1713 If the source is above the tabletop and the SID is variable, the measurement shall be made with the end of the beam-limiting device or spacer as close to the tabletop as it can be placed, provided that it shall not be closer than 30 cmentimeters. 1714 1715 Movable grids and compression devices shall be removed from the useful beam during the measurement. 1716 1717 1718 1719 The attenuation block shall be positioned in the useful beam 10 cmentimeters from the point of measurement of entrance exposure rate AKR and between this point and the input surface of the fluoroscopic imaging assembly. 1720 EACH REGISTERED FACILITY SHALL MAINTAIN RECORDS OF: 1721 1722 (1) CUMULATIVE FLUOROSCOPIC EXPOSURE TIME AND/OR OTHER PATIENT DOSE ESTIMATION DATA (FOR EXAMPLE, KERMA-AREA-PRODUCT); AND 1723 1724 (2) THE TYPE AND DATE OF EACH EXAMINATION, PATIENT IDENTIFICATION, SYSTEM USED, AND OPERATOR'S NAME. 1725 1726 6.5.5 Indication of Potential and Current. During fluoroscopy and cinefluorography the kV and the mA shall be continuously indicated on certified units. 1727 6.5.6 Source-to-Skin Distance. 1728 The SSD shall not be less than: 1729 38 centimeters on stationary fluoroscopes installed after September 1, 1992, 1730 1731 35.5 centimeters on stationary fluoroscopes which were in operation on or before September 1, 1992, 1732 30 centimeters on all mobile fluoroscopes; 1733 1734 1735 20 centimeters for fluoroscopes used for specific surgical application. The written safety procedures must provide precautionary measures to be adhered to during the use of these systems; and 1736 9 centimeters for mini c-arms. 6 - 51 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 1737 6.5.7 May 12, 2017 Fluoroscopic Timer. 1738 1739 1740 Means shall be provided to preset the cumulative on-time of the fluoroscopic x-ray tube. The maximum cumulative time of the timing device shall not exceed five (5) minutes without resetting. 1741 1742 1743 A signal to the operator shall indicate the completion of any preset cumulative on-time. Such signal shall continue to sound while x-rays are produced until the timing device is reset 1744 6.5.8 Control of Scattered Radiation. 1745 1746 1747 1748 Conventional fluoroscopic table designs when combined with procedures utilized shall be such that no unprotected part of any staff or ancillary individual's body shall be exposed to unattenuated scattered radiation which originates from under the table. The attenuation required shall be not less than 0.25 millimeter lead equivalent. 1749 1750 1751 1752 Equipment configuration when combined with procedures shall be such that no portion of any staff or ancillary individual's body, except the extremities or head, shall be exposed to the unattenuated scattered radiation emanating from above the tabletop unless that individual: 1753 is at least 120 centimeters from the center of the useful beam, or 1754 1755 1756 1757 the radiation has passed through not less than 0.25 millimeter lead equivalent material including, but not limited to, drapes, or self-supporting curtains, in addition to any lead equivalency provided by the protective apron referred to in RH 1758 1759 1760 The Department may grant exemptions to RH where a sterile field will not permit the use of the normal protective barriers. Where the use of pre-fitted sterilized covers for the barriers is practical, the Department shall not permit such exemption. 1761 1762 The Department may grant exemptions to RH when the use of drapes or self-supporting curtains are contra indicated and the diagnosis could be compromised. 6 - 52 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 1763 1764 6.5.5 1765 1766 May 12, 2017 EACH FLUOROSCOPIC X-RAY SYSTEM SHALL HAVE WRITTEN QUALITY CONTROL AND QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES. THE QUALITY CONTROL AND QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES SHALL BE CONSISTENT WITH 6.3.5 AND SHALL FOLLOW: 1767 (1) SPECIFICATIONS OF THE MANUFACTURER; AND 1768 (2) SPECIFICATIONS OF A REGISTERED MEDICAL PHYSICIST; AND/OR 1769 1770 (3) STANDARDS OF AN APPROPRIATE NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED ORGANIZATION. 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 SYSTEM QUALITY ASSURANCE SHALL BE EVALUATED PERIODICALLY BY A REGISTERED MEDICAL PHYSICIST, IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARDS AND PROTOCOLS PUBLISHED BY NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED ORGANIZATIONS (FOR EXAMPLE, AAPM REPORT 4 AND AAPM REPORT 74), UNLESS THE REGISTERED MEDICAL PHYSICIST DETERMINES THAT A PARTICULAR RECOMMENDATION OF SUCH REPORT IS NOT WARRANTED FOR THE CLINICAL TASKS FOR WHICH THE EQUIPMENT WILL BE USED. 6.5.6 Radiation Therapy Simulation Systems. Radiation therapy simulation systems shall be exempt from all the requirements of RH, 6.5.3,, and,, and, provided that: 1781 1782 1783 1784 6.5.9.(1) suEAch system Is are designed and used in such a manner that no individual other than the patient, required staff and ancillary personnel are IS in the x-ray room during ANY periods of time when the system is producing x-rays; and 1785 1786 1787 1788 6.5.9.(2) SEACH systems which THAT doES not meet the requirements of RH OR are IS provided with a means of indicating the cumulative time that an individual patient has been exposed to x-rays. Procedures shall require in such cases that the timer be reset between examinations. 1789 1790 (3) STAFF AND ANCILLARY PERSONNEL SHALL BE PROTECTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH,, AND 6 - 53 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 May 12, 2017 1791 1792 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR OTHER GENERAL PURPOSE DIAGNOSTIC X-RAY IMAGING SYSTEMS 1793 1794 1795 RH 6.6 Radiographic SAFE USE OF A GENERAL PURPOSE X-RAY IMAGING SYSTEM (Other Than DENTAL, Fluoroscopic, Dental Intraoral, Veterinary, Computed Tomography, or Mammography) X-Ray Systems. 1796 6.6.1 1797 1798 1799 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS. IN ADDITION TO THE PROVISIONS OF 6.3 AND 6.4, THE SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS OF 6.6 APPLY TO ALL X-RAY IMAGING EQUIPMENT AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES OTHER THAN: 1800 (1) FLUOROSCOPY (IN 6.5); 1801 1802 (2) DENTAL (IN 6.7, WITH CROSS-REFERENCE IN TO 6.6.2 AND IN TO 6.6.3); 1803 (3) VETERINARY (IN 6.8); 1804 (4) COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY (IN 6.9); 1805 (5) MAMMOGRAPHY (IN 6.10). 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 EACH INDIVIDUAL WHO OPERATES AN X-RAY IMAGING SYSTEM SUBJECT TO 6.6 SHALL MEET THE APPLICABLE ADEQUATE RADIATION SAFETY TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS OF 2.6.1. 6.6.2 FOR EACH STATIONARY, MOBILE AND/OR PORTABLE X-RAY IMAGING SYSTEM SUBJECT TO 6.6, Beam Limitation.Tthe useful beam shall be limited to the area of clinical interest. General Purpose Stationary and Mobile X-Ray Systems. shall be provided aA means for stepless adjustment of the size of the x-ray field SHALL BE PROVIDED. (1) FOR CERTIFIED SYSTEMS, STEPLESS ADJUSTMENT OF THE SIZE OF THE X-RAY FIELD SHALL BE PROVIDED SUCH THAT THE MINIMUM FIELD SIZE AT AN SID OF 100 CM SHALL BE EQUAL TO OR LESS THAN 5 CM BY 5 CM. A method shall be provided for visually defining the perimeter of the x-ray field. 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 (1) The total misalignment of the edges of the visually defined field with the respective edges of the x-ray field along either the length or width of the visually defined field shall not exceed two (2) percent of the distance from the source to the center of the visually defined field when the surface upon which THAT it appears is perpendicular to the axis of the x-ray beam. 1825 1826 1827 1828 (2) A LIGHT LOCALIZER USED TO DEFINE THE X-RAY FIELD OF A CERTIFIED SYSTEM SHALL PROVIDE ILLUMINATION SUFFICIENT TO PERMIT VISUAL DETERMINATION OF THE X-RAY FIELD UNDER AMBIENT LIGHT CONDITIONS OF UP TO 500 LUX (46 FOOT CANDLES). 6 - 54 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 1829 1830 1831 May 12, 2017 The Department may grant an exemption on non-certified x-ray systems to RH and provided the registrant makes a written application for such exemption and in that application DEMONSTRATES THAT: 1832 1833 demonstrates iIt is impractical to comply with RH and ; and 1834 1835 tThe purpose of RH and will be met by other methods. 1836 1837 1838 Additional BEAM LIMITATION Requirements for EACH Stationary General Purpose X-rRay Systems. In addition to the requirements of RH, stationary general purpose x-ray systems, shall meet the following requirements: 1839 A method shall be provided to: 1840 1841 (a) iIndicate when the axis of the x-ray beam is perpendicular to the plane of the image receptor;, to a 1842 1843 (b) Align the center of the x-ray field with respect to the center of the image receptor to within two (2) percent of the SID;, and to i 1844 (c) Indicate the SID to within two (2) percent; 1845 1846 The beam-limiting device shall indicate numerically the field size in the plane of the image receptor to which it is adjusted; and 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 Indication of field size dimensions and SID's shall be specified in inches and/or centimeters, and shall be such that aperture adjustments result in x-ray field dimensions in the plane of the image receptor which THAT correspond to those indicated by the beam-limiting device to within two (2) percent of the SID when the beam axis is indicated to be perpendicular to the plane of the image receptor. 1853 1854 BEAM LIMITATION REQUIREMENTS FOR EACH X-Ray Systems Designed for One Image Receptor Size. 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 (1) Radiographic equipment designed for only one image receptor size at a fixed SID shall be provided with means to limit the field at the plane of the image receptor to dimensions no greater than those of the image receptor, and to align the center of the x-ray field with the center of the image receptor to within two (2) percent of the SID;, or 1860 1861 1862 1863 (2) RADIOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT DESIGNED FOR ONLY ONE IMAGE RECEPTOR SIZE AT A FIXED SID shall be provided with means to both size and align the x-ray field such that the x-ray field at the plane of the image receptor does not extend beyond any edge of the image receptor. 6 - 55 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 1864 1865 May 12, 2017 BEAM LIMITATION REQUIREMENTS FOR EACH X-Ray Systems Other Than Those Described in RH Governed by, and THROUGH 1866 1867 1868 1869 Means shall be provided to limit the x-ray field in the plane of the image receptor so that such field does not exceed each dimension of the image receptor by more than two (2) percent of the SID when the axis of the x-ray beam is perpendicular to the plane of the image receptor. 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 Means shall be provided to align the center of the x-ray field with the center of the image receptor to within two (2) percent of the SID, or means shall be provided to both size and align the x-ray field such that the x-ray field at the plane of the image receptor does not extend beyond any edge of the image receptor. 1875 1876 1877 1878 RH and may be met with a system that meets the requirements for a general purpose x-ray system as specified in RH AND or, when alignment means are also provided, may be met with either: 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 aAn assortment of removable, fixed-aperture, beam-limiting devices sufficient to meet the requirement for each combination of image receptor size and SID for which the unit is designed with each such device having clear and permanent markings to indicate the image receptor size and SID for which it is designed; or 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 aA beam-limiting device having multiple fixed apertures sufficient to meet the requirement for each combination of image receptor size and SID for which the unit is designed. Permanent, clearly legible markings shall indicate the image receptor size and SID for which each aperture is designed and shall indicate which aperture is in position for use. 1889 1890 1891 1892 POSITIVE BEAM LIMITATION (PBL) FOR A DIAGNOSTIC X-RAY SYSTEM WITH ANY CERTIFIED COMPONENT. (1) WHEN A PBL SYSTEM IS PROVIDED, IT SHALL PREVENT X-RAY PRODUCTION WHEN: 1893 1894 1895 1896 (a) EITHER THE LENGTH OR WIDTH OF THE X-RAY FIELD IN THE PLANE OF THE IMAGE RECEPTOR DIFFERS FROM THE CORRESPONDING IMAGE RECEPTOR DIMENSION BY MORE THAN THREE (3) PERCENT OF THE SID; OR 1897 1898 1899 (b) THE SUM OF THE LENGTH AND WIDTH DIFFERENCES AS STATED IN WITHOUT REGARD TO SIGN EXCEEDS FOUR (4) PERCENT OF THE SID. 1900 1901 (c) THE BEAM-LIMITING DEVICE IS AT A SID FOR WHICH PBL IS NOT DESIGNED FOR SIZING. 6 - 56 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 1902 1903 (2) May 12, 2017 WHEN PROVIDED, THE PBL SYSTEM SHALL FUNCTION AS DESCRIBED IN WHENEVER ALL THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS ARE MET: 1904 1905 (a) THE IMAGE RECEPTOR IS INSERTED INTO A PERMANENTLY MOUNTED CASSETTE HOLDER; 1906 1907 (b) THE IMAGE RECEPTOR LENGTH AND WIDTH ARE LESS THAN 50 CM; 1908 1909 1910 1911 (c) THE X-RAY BEAM AXIS IS WITHIN ± THREE (3) DEGREES OF VERTICAL AND THE SID IS 90 CM TO 130 CM INCLUSIVE; OR THE X-RAY BEAM AXIS IS WITHIN ± THREE (3) DEGREES OF HORIZONTAL AND THE SID IS 90 CM TO 205 CM INCLUSIVE; 1912 1913 (d) THE X-RAY BEAM AXIS IS PERPENDICULAR TO THE PLANE OF THE IMAGE RECEPTOR TO WITHIN ± THREE (3) DEGREES; 1914 1915 (e) NEITHER TOMOGRAPHIC NOR STEREOSCOPIC RADIOGRAPHY IS BEING PERFORMED; 1916 (f) MANUAL COLLIMATION IS NOT USED; 1917 1918 (g) THE MACHINE IS USED FOR PROCEDURES OTHER THAN THERAPY SIMULATION; AND 1919 (h) THE PBL SYSTEM HAS NOT BEEN INTENTIONALLY OVERRIDDEN. 1920 1921 (3) IF A MEANS OF OVERRIDING THE PBL SYSTEM EXISTS, THAT MEANS SHALL: 1922 1923 (a) BE DESIGNED FOR USE ONLY IN THE EVENT OF PBL SYSTEM FAILURE, OR IF THE SYSTEM IS BEING SERVICED; AND 1924 1925 1926 1927 (b) REQUIRE, IF IN A POSITION THAT THE OPERATOR WOULD CONSIDER IT PART OF THE OPERATIONAL CONTROLS, OR IF IT IS REFERENCED IN THE OPERATOR'S MANUAL, OR IN OTHER MATERIALS INTENDED FOR THE OPERATOR, THAT: 1928 (i) A KEY BE UTILIZED TO DEFEAT THE PBL; 1929 1930 (ii) THE KEY REMAIN IN PLACE DURING THE ENTIRE TIME THE PBL SYSTEM IS OVERRIDDEN; AND 1931 1932 1933 (iii) THE KEY OR KEY SWITCH BE CLEARLY AND DURABLY LABELED AS FOLLOWS: “FOR X-RAY FIELD LIMITATION SYSTEM FAILURE”; AND 1934 (c) NOT BE USED AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR PROMPT REPAIR. 6 - 57 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 May 12, 2017 1935 1936 1937 1938 (4) COMPLIANCE WITH SHALL BE DETERMINED WHEN THE EQUIPMENT INDICATES THAT THE BEAM AXIS IS PERPENDICULAR TO THE PLANE OF THE IMAGE RECEPTOR AND THE PROVISIONS OF ARE MET. 1939 1940 (5) COMPLIANCE SHALL BE DETERMINED NO SOONER THAN FIVE (5) SECONDS AFTER INSERTION OF THE IMAGE RECEPTOR. 1941 1942 1943 1944 (6) THE PBL SYSTEM SHALL BE CAPABLE OF OPERATION, AT THE DISCRETION OF THE OPERATOR, SUCH THAT THE SIZE OF THE FIELD MAY BE MADE SMALLER THAN THE SIZE OF THE IMAGE RECEPTOR THROUGH STEPLESS ADJUSTMENT OF THE FIELD SIZE. 1945 1946 (7) THE MINIMUM FIELD SIZE AT AN SID OF 100 CM SHALL BE EQUAL TO OR LESS THAN 5 CM BY 5 CM. 1947 1948 1949 1950 (8) THE PBL SYSTEM SHALL BE DESIGNED SUCH THAT IF A CHANGE IN IMAGE RECEPTOR DOES NOT CAUSE AN AUTOMATIC RETURN TO PBL FUNCTION AS DESCRIBED IN, THEN ANY CHANGE OF IMAGE RECEPTOR SIZE OR SID MUST CAUSE THE AUTOMATIC RETURN. 1951 1952 6.6.32 Radiation Exposure Control Devices. Timers. 1953 1954 1955 (1) Means shall be provided to terminate the exposure at a preset time interval, preset product of current and time, a preset number of pulses, or a preset radiation exposure to the image receptor. 1956 1957 (2) In addition, it shall not be possible to make an exposure when the timer is set to a “zero” or “off” position if either position is provided. 1958 1959 (3) TERMINATION OF EXPOSURE SHALL CAUSE AUTOMATIC RESETTING OF THE TIMER TO ITS INITIAL SETTING OR TO “ZERO”. 1960 1961 1962 X-Ray Control. An x-ray control shall be incorporated into each x-ray system such that an exposure can be terminated by the operator at any time except for: 1963 1964 1965 dDuring serial radiography when a means shall be provided to permit completion of any single exposure of the series in process. 1966 1967 Except for bone mineral densitometry devices, each x-ray control shall be located in such a way as to meet the following requirements: 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 eExposure of one-half (0.5) second or less, or FOR stationary x-ray systems, and mobile or portable systems used routinely in one location, shall be required to have the x-ray control permanently mounted in a protected SEPARATED area BEHIND A WHOLE BODY PROTECTIVE BARRIER (OF NOT LESS THAN 0.25 MILLIMETER LEAD EQUIVALENT) WHERE so that the operator is required to remain in that protected area during the entire exposure. 6 - 58 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 1974 1975 1976 1977 May 12, 2017 mMobile and portable x-ray systems not routinely used in one location shall be required to have an exposure switch so arranged that the operator can stand at least 21.83 meters (MORE THAN 6 feet) from the patient, the x-ray tube and the useful beam. 1978 1979 (i) Mobile and portable x-ray systems used in surgery are considered to be not routinely used in one location. 1980 1981 1982 (ii) A SEPARATE EXPOSURE SWITCH IS NOT REQUIRED FOR PORTABLE HAND-HELD X-RAY EQUIPMENT THAT HAS THE CONTROL ON THE DEVICE. 1983 1984 1985 The x-ray control shall provide visual indication observable at or from the operator's protected position whenever x-rays are produced. In addition, a signal audible to the operator shall indicate that the exposure has terminated. 1986 1987 (3) THE SETTINGS TO BE USED DURING AN EXPOSURE SHALL BE INDICATED BEFORE THE EXPOSURE BEGINS. 1988 1989 1990 (a) WHEN AUTOMATIC EXPOSURE CONTROLS ARE USED, THE EXPOSURE SETTINGS THAT ARE SET PRIOR TO THE EXPOSURE SHALL BE INDICATED. 1991 1992 1993 (b) ON EQUIPMENT HAVING FIXED EXPOSURE SETTINGS, PERMANENT MARKINGS VISIBLE FROM THE OPERATOR’S POSITION ARE ACCEPTABLE. 1994 Automatic Exposure Controls. 1995 1996 (1) When an automatic exposure control is provided, : shall be made on the control panel when this mode of operation is selected; 1997 1998 1999 iIf the x-ray tube potential is equal to or greater than 50 kVp, the minimum exposure time for field emission equipment rated for pulsed operation shall be equal to or less than a time interval equivalent to two (2) pulses; 2000 2001 2002 tThe minimum exposure time for all equipment other than that specified in RH shall be equal to or less than one-sixtieth (1/60) second or a time interval required to deliver 5 mAs, whichever is greater; 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 eEither the product of peak x-ray tube potential, current, and exposure time shall be limited to not more than 60 kWs per exposure, or the product of xray tube current and exposure time shall be limited to not more than 600 mAs per exposure except that, when the x-ray tube potential is less than 50 kVp, the product of x-ray tube current and exposure time shall be limited to not more than 2000 mAs per exposure; and 2009 2010 2011 aA visible signal shall indicate when an exposure has been terminated at the limits required by RH, and manual resetting shall be required before further automatically timed exposures can be made. 6 - 59 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 2012 May 12, 2017 Timer Reproducibility. 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 (1) With a timer setting of 0.5 seconds or less, the average exposure period (T avg) shall be greater than or equal to five (5) times the maximum exposure period (Tmax) minus the minimum exposure period (T min) when four (4) timer tests exposures are performed: Tavg ≥ 5(Tmax - Tmin). FOR ANY SPECIFIC COMBINATION OF SELECTED TECHNIQUE FACTORS, THE ESTIMATED COEFFICIENT OF VARIATION OF THE AIR KERMA SHALL BE NO GREATER THAN 0.05. 2020 2021 (2) MEASURING COMPLIANCE FOR LINEARITY SHALL BE IN ACCORD WITH 21 CFR 1020.31. 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Source-to-Skin Distance. (1) All Each mobile or portable radiographic X-RAY IMAGING systems shall be provided with means to limit the source-to-skin distance to equal to or greater than 30 cmentimeters. Exposure Reproducibility. 2027 2028 2029 2030 (1) When all technique factors EXPOSURE SETTINGS are held constant, including control panel selections associated with automatic exposure control systems, the coefficient of variation of exposure AIR KERMA for both manual and automatic exposure control systems shall not exceed 0.05. 2031 2032 2033 2034 (2) The facility registrant may request an exemption for any machines manufactured prior to 1974, which THAT cannot meet this requirement. The exemption request must verify that this exposure reproducibility variation will not result in unnecessary patient radiation exposure due to the need for repeat examinations. 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 (1) Radiation from Capacitor Energy Storage Equipment in Standby Status. Radiation emitted from the x-ray tube when the exposure switch or timer is not activated shall not exceed a rate of 0.516 μC/kg 17.6 μGy (2 mR) per hour at 5 cmentimeters from any accessible surface (THAT CAN BE EASILY OR ACCIDENTALLY TOUCHED BY AN INDIVIDUAL WITHOUT THE USE OF A TOOL) of the diagnostic source assembly, with the beam-limiting device fully open. LINEARITY FOR A DIAGNOSTIC X-RAY SYSTEM WITH ANY CERTIFIED COMPONENT.SHALL BE IN ACCORD WITH 21 CFR 1020.31(c)(3). 6 - 60 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 2044 2045 May 12, 2017 ACCURACY FOR A DIAGNOSTIC X-RAY SYSTEM WITH ANY CERTIFIED COMPONENT. 2046 2047 2048 (1) DEVIATION OF EXPOSURE SETTINGS FROM INDICATED VALUES SHALL NOT EXCEED THE LIMITS SPECIFIED FOR THAT SYSTEM BY ITS MANUFACTURER. 2049 2050 (2) IF MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS ARE NOT AVAILABLE, THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA SHALL BE USED: 2051 2052 (a) THE KVP SHALL NOT DEVIATE FROM INDICATED VALUES BY MORE THAN TEN (10) PERCENT. 2053 2054 (b) THE TIMER ACCURACY SHALL NOT DEVIATE FROM INDICATED VALUES BY MORE THAN: 2055 2056 (i) TEN (10) PERCENT FOR AN INDICATED TIME OF GREATER THAN 20 MS; OR 2057 2058 (ii) FIFTY (50) PERCENT FOR AN INDICATED TIME OF 20 MS OR LESS, OR 1 PULSE, WHICHEVER IS GREATER. 2059 2060 6.6.4 FOR EACH GENERAL PURPOSE X-RAY IMAGING SYSTEM, THE REGISTRANT SHALL ENSURE THAT MANUFACTURER MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS ARE FOLLOWED. 2061 2062 2063 6.6.6 Additional Requirements Applicable to Certified Systems Only.Diagnostic x-ray systems incorporating one or more certified component(s) shall be required to comply with the following additional requirement(s) which relate to that certified component(s). 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 Linearity. When the equipment allows a choice of x-ray tube current or mAs settings for any fixed x-ray tube potential within the range of 40 to 100 percent of the maximum rating, the average ratio of exposure to the indicated milliampere-seconds product obtained at any two (2) consecutive tube current or mAs settings shall not differ by more than 0.10 times their sum: |Т1 - Т2| ≤ 0.10(Т1+Т2), where Т1 and Т2 are the average mR/mAs (microcoulomb/kilogram per mAs) values obtained at each of two (2) consecutive tube current settings or at two settings differing by no more than a factor of two (2) when the mAs selector provides continuous selection. 2072 2073 2074 Accuracy. Deviation of technique factors from indicated values shall not exceed the limits specified for that system by its manufacturer. If manufacturer specifications are not available, the following criteria shall be used: 2075 2076 The kVp shall not deviate from indicated values by more than ten (10) percent. 2077 The timer accuracy shall not deviate from indicated values by more than: 2078 ten (10) percent for an indicated time of greater than 20 ms; or 2079 fifty (50) percent for an indicated time of 20 ms or less. 2080 Beam Limitation for Stationary and Mobile General Purpose X-Ray Systems. 6 - 61 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 May 12, 2017 2081 2082 2083 There shall be provided a means of stepless adjustment of the size of the x-ray field. The minimum field size at an SID of 100 centimeters shall be equal to or less than 5 centimeters by 5 centimeters. 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 When a light localizer is used to define the x-ray field, it shall provide an average illumination of not less than 160 lux (15 foot candles) at 100 centimeters or at the maximum SID, whichever is less. The average illumination shall be based upon measurements made in the approximate center of each quadrant of the light field. Radiation therapy simulation systems are exempt from this requirement. 2090 2091 2092 For collimators manufactured prior to August 1, 1974, average net illuminance measurement made in the approximate center of each quadrant of the light field shall not be less than the values indicated below: Column 1 Column 2 Ambient Light Illuminance 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 Net Minimum Light Illuminance Above Ambient 5 to 25 lux 25 lux 26 to 50 lux 50 lux 51 to 75 lux 75 lux 76 to 100 lux 100 lux 101 to 159 lux 100 lux If the ambient light was reduced to achieve a net light localizer illuminance of any value in column 2, operating procedures shall be written, describing steps which must be taken for reducing the ambient light to allow enhancement of the light field during positioning. All x-ray machine operators shall be trained in these procedures. The operating procedures shall be filed in the written safety procedures manual and maintained on the premises of the registered facility. 2100 2101 Beam Limitation for Portable X-Ray Systems. Beam limitation for portable x-ray systems shall meet the beam limitation requirements of RH and 2102 Positive Beam Limitation (PBL). 2103 When a PBL system is provided, it shall prevent x-ray production when: 2104 2105 2106 either the length or width of the x-ray field in the plane of the image receptor differs from the corresponding image receptor dimension by more than three (3) percent of the SID; or 2107 2108 2109 The sum of the length and width differences as stated in RH of this section without regard to sign exceeds four (4) percent of the SID. 6 - 62 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 May 12, 2017 2110 2111 The beam limiting device is at a SID for which PBL is not designed for sizing. 2112 2113 2114 Conditions for PBL.When provided, the PBL system shall function as described in RH of this section whenever all the following conditions are met: 2115 2116 The image receptor is inserted into a permanently mounted cassette holder; 2117 2118 The image receptor length and width are less than 50 centimeters; 2119 2120 2121 2122 The x-ray beam axis is within ±three (3) degrees of vertical and the SID is 90 centimeters to 130 centimeters inclusive; or the x-ray beam axis is within ±three (3) degrees of horizontal and the SID is 90 centimeters to 205 centimeters inclusive; 2123 2124 The x-ray beam axis is perpendicular to the plane of the image receptor to within ±three (3) degrees; 2125 2126 Neither tomographic nor stereoscopic radiography is being performed; 2127 2128 2129 The machine is used for procedures other than therapy simulation; and 2130 Manual collimation is not used; The PBL system has not been intentionally overridden. 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 If a means of overriding the PBL system exists, that means: be designed for use only in the event of PBL system failure, or if the system is being serviced; and in a position that the operator would consider it part of the operational controls, or if it is referenced in the operator's manual, or in other materials intended for the operator, 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 shall require that the key remain in place during the entire time the PBL system is overridden; and shall require that the key or key switch be clearly and durably labeled as follows: “FOR X-RAY FIELD LIMITATION SYSTEM FAILURE” 2141 2142 2143 2144 Compliance with RH shall be determined when the equipment indicates that the beam axis is perpendicular to the plane of the image receptor and the provisions of RH are met. Compliance shall be determined no sooner than five (5) seconds after insertion of the image receptor. 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 The PBL system shall be capable of operation, at the discretion of the operator, such that the size of the field may be made smaller than the size of the image receptor through stepless adjustment of the field size. The minimum field size at an SID of 100 centimeters shall be equal to or less than 5 centimeters by 5 centimeters. shall require that a key be utilized to defeat the PBL; 6 - 63 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 2150 2151 2152 2153 The PBL system shall be designed such that if a change in image receptor does not cause an automatic return to PBL function as described in RH then any change of image receptor size or SID must cause the automatic return. 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 2160 2161 May 12, 2017 Timers. Except for dental panoramic systems, termination of exposure shall cause automatic resetting of the timer to its initial setting or to “zero”. 6.6.5 FOR EACH GENERAL-USE DIAGNOSTIC RADIOGRAPHIC X-RAY SYSTEM, THE REGISTRANT SHALL ENSURE THAT WRITTEN QUALITY CONTROL AND QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES ARE AVAILABLE AND IN USE, INCLUDING FOR FACILITY OPERATIONS AND EMERGENCIES. THE QUALITY CONTROL AND QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES SHALL BE CONSISTENT WITH 6.3.5 AND SHALL FOLLOW: 2162 (1) SPECIFICATIONS OF THE MANUFACTURER; AND 2163 (2) SPECIFICATIONS OF A REGISTERED MEDICAL PHYSICIST; AND/OR 2164 2165 (3) STANDARDS OF AN APPROPRIATE NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED ORGANIZATION. 2166 2167 ROUTINE PERIODIC QUALITY CONTROL SHALL BE COMPARABLE TO THE FOLLOWING: 2168 2169 (1) CASSETTE MAINTENANCE (FOR EXAMPLE, ERASURE AND/OR SCREEN CLEANING); 2170 2171 2172 2173 (2) IMAGES INSPECTED FOR EVIDENCE OF CLINICALLY RELEVANT ARTIFACTS (FOR EXAMPLE, DUST AND NON-UNIFORMITIES) WITH APPROPRIATE CORRECTIVE ACTION (FOR EXAMPLE, CLEANING OF SCREENS) TAKEN AS NEEDED AND DOCUMENTED; 2174 (3) ANALYSIS OF REPEATED AND/OR REJECTED IMAGES; AND 2175 (4) INVESTIGATION OF ERRORS OUTSIDE A CONTROL RANGE; 2176 2177 (5) MEASUREMENTS USING PHANTOMS, IF REQUIRED (FOR EXAMPLE, IN BONE DENSITOMETRY); AND 2178 2179 (6) MEASUREMENTS OF SCATTERED RADIATION AT THE OPERATOR’S POSITION, IF REQUIRED (FOR EXAMPLE, IN BONE DENSITOMETRY). 2180 ANNUAL QUALITY ASSURANCE SHALL BE COMPARABLE TO THE FOLLOWING: 2181 (1) ALL QUALITY CONTROL TESTS SHALL BE REVIEWED ANNUALLY; 2182 2183 2184 (2) IMAGING SYSTEMS SHALL BE TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARDS AND PROTOCOLS PUBLISHED BY A NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED ORGANIZATION; AND 2185 2186 (3) THE FREQUENCY OF QUALITY CONTROL TESTING AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS TAKEN AS A RESULT ARE FOLLOWED AND DOCUMENTED 6 - 64 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 May 12, 2017 2187 RH 6.7 SAFE USE OF A Intraoral Dental Radiographic X-RAY IMAGING Systems. 2188 6.7.1 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS. 2189 2190 2191 In addition to the provisions of RH 6.3 and 6.4, the requirements of RH 6.7 apply to x-ray equipment and associated facilities used for dental radiographyX-RAY IMAGING. Requirements for extra-oral dental radiographic systems are covered in RH 6.6. 2192 2193 2194 EACH INDIVIDUAL WHO OPERATES A DENTAL X-RAY IMAGING SYSTEM SHALL MEET THE APPLICABLE ADEQUATE RADIATION SAFETY TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS OF PART 2.6.1, IN PARTICULAR 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 6.7.2 EACH DENTAL X-RAY IMAGING SYSTEM SHALL MEET THE FOLLOWING EQUIPMENT DESIGN AND CONFIGURATION REQUIREMENTS. CEPHALOMETRIC AND VOLUMETRIC DENTAL X-RAY SYSTEMS SHALL MEET THE EQUIPMENT DESIGN AND CONFIGURATION REQUIREMENTS OF 6.3.2 AND 6.6.2, EXCEPT THAT: 2200 2201 2202 (1) THE SHIELDING DESIGN DESCRIBED IN 6.3.2 IS REQUIRED FOR THE ROOM(S) OF ANY FACILITY HAVING A CEPHALOMETRIC AND/OR VOLUMETRIC DENTAL X-RAY SYSTEM REGARDLESS OF OCCUPANCY. 2203 2204 2205 (2) A DENTAL FACILITY MAY APPLY IN WRITING AND BE GRANTED EXEMPTION BY THE DEPARTMENT FOR A PARTICULAR ROOM AND X-RAY EQUIPMENT CONFIGURATION. 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 2216 INTRAORAL AND PANORAMIC DENTAL X-RAY SYSTEMS SHALL MEET THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: 6.7.(1) Source-to-Skin Distance (SSD) FOR INTRAORAL DENTAL X-RAY SYSTEMS. (a) EACH Xx-ray IMAGING systems designed for use with an intraoral image receptor shall be provided with means to limit SSD, to not less than : 18 cmentimeters if operable above 50 kVp, or centimeters if not operable above 50 kVp. 6.7.(2) Field Limitation FOR INTRAORAL DENTAL X-RAY SYSTEMS. (a) EACH Radiographic X-RAY IMAGING systems designed for use with an intraoral image receptor shall be provided with means to limit the x-ray beam such that: 2217 2218 2219 iIf the minimum SSD is 18 cmentimeters or more, the x-ray field, at the minimum SSD, shall be containable in a circle having a diameter of no more than 7 cmentimeters; and 2220 2221 2222 iIf the minimum SSD is less than 18 cmentimeters, the x-ray field, at the minimum SSD, shall be containable in a circle having a diameter of no more than 6 cmentimeters. 6 - 65 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 (3) 6.7.3 May 12, 2017 AS PROVIDED IN, NEITHER THE SHIELDING DESIGN DESCRIBED IN 6.3.2 NOR THE DIMENSIONAL DRAWING, CALCULATION OR SURVEY DESCRIBED IN ARE REQUIRED FOR INTRAORAL OR PANORAMIC DENTAL EQUIPMENT. EACH DENTAL X-RAY IMAGING SYSTEM SHALL MEET THE FOLLOWING RADIATION EXPOSURE OPERATIONAL CONTROL REQUIREMENTS. 2229 2230 CEPHALOMETRIC AND VOLUMETRIC DENTAL X-RAY SYSTEMS SHALL MEET THE RADIATION EXPOSURE CONTROL REQUIREMENTS OF 6.6.3: 2231 2232 2233 INTRAORAL AND PANORAMIC DENTAL X-RAY SYSTEMS SHALL MEET THE FOLLOWING RADIATION EXPOSURE CONTROL REQUIREMENTS INSTEAD OF THE REQUIREMENTS IN 6.6.3: 2234 6.7.3(1) Timers. 2235 2236 2237 Means shall be provided to terminate the exposure at a preset time interval, preset product of current and time, a preset number of pulses, or a preset radiation exposure to the image receptor. 2238 2239 (b) In addition: shall not be possible to make an exposure when the timer is set to a “zero” or “off” position if either position is provided. 2240 2241 (c) of exposure shall cause automatic resetting of the timer to its initial setting or to “zero”. 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 (i) 2248 2249 2250 2251 2252 Timer Reproducibility. With a timer setting of 0.5 seconds or less, the average exposure period (Tavg) shall be greater than or equal to five (5) times the maximum exposure period (T max) minus the minimum exposure period (Tmin) when four (4) timer tests are performed: Tavg ≥ 5(Tmax - Tmin). 6.7.4(2) X-Ray Control FOR INTRAORAL OR PANORAMIC DENTAL X-RAY SYSTEMS. An x-ray control shall be incorporated into each x-ray IMAGING system such that an exposure can be terminated by the operator at any time, except for exposures of one-half (0.5) second or less. 6 - 66 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 May 12, 2017 2253 2254 Each x-ray control shall be located in such a way as to meet the following requirements: 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 FOR stationary x-ray systems, and mobile or NON-HAND-HELD portable systems used routinely in one location, shall be required to have the x-ray control permanently mounted in a protected SEPARATED area, so that the BEHIND A WHOLE BODY PROTECTIVE BARRIER (OF NOT LESS THAN 0.25 MILLIMETER LEAD EQUIVALENT) WHERE operator is required to remain in that protected area during the entire exposure, or the exposure control shall be such that the operator can stand at least 21.83 meters (MORE THAN 6 feet) from the patient, the x-ray tube and the useful beam; 2265 2266 2267 2268 2269 mMobile and NON-HAND-HELD portable x-ray systems not routinely used in one location shall be required to have an exposure switch so arranged that the operator can stand at least 21.83 meters (MORE THAN 6 feet) from the patient, the x-ray tube and the useful beam.; OR 2270 2271 (iii) 2272 2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284 2285 2286 2287 2288 2289 PORTABLE HAND-HELD X-RAY EQUIPMENT SHALL MEET APPENDIX 6E. The x-ray control shall provide visual indication observable at or from the operator's protected position whenever x-rays are produced. 6.7.5(3) Exposure reproducibility. The estimated coefficient of variation of radiation exposure shall be no greater than 0.05, for any specific combination of selected technique factors EXPOSURE SETTINGS. 6.7.6(4) Linearity SHALL BE IN ACCORD WITH 21 CFR 1020.31(C)(3). When the equipment allows a choice of x-ray tube current settings and is operated on a power supply as specified by the manufacturer in accordance with the requirements of applicable Federal standards, for any fixed x-ray tube potential within the range of 40 to 100 percent of the maximum rating, the average ratios of exposure to the indicated milliampere-seconds product obtained at any two (2) consecutive tube current or mAs settings shall not differ by more than 0.10 times their sum: |Т1 - Т2| ≤ 0.10(Т1+Т2), where Т1 and Т2 are the average mR/mAs values obtained at each of two (2) consecutive tube current or mAs settings. 6.7.7(5) Accuracy. 2290 2291 2292 Deviation of technique factors EXPOSURE SETTINGS from indicated values shall not exceed the limits specified for that system by its manufacturer. 2293 2294 2295 (b) If those MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS are not available, accuracy of all exposure factors shall be within ten (10) percent of the selected factor(s). 6 - 67 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 2296 May 12, 2017 6.7.8(6) Beam Quality. 2297 2298 2299 All certified dental x-ray systems manufactured on and after December 1, 1980, shall have a minimum half-value layer not less than 1.5 millimeters aluminum equivalent. 2300 2301 (b) 2302 6.7.9 Systems operating above 70 kVp are subject to the filtration requirements of RH Administrative Controls. 2303 2304 Patient and film IMAGE RECEPTOR holding devices shall be used when the techniques permit. 2305 2306 2307 The tube housing and the PID shall not be hand-held during an exposure, EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN APPENDIX 6E FOR PORTABLE HAND-HELD X-RAY EQUIPMENT. 2308 2309 The x-ray system shall be operated in such a manner that the area of the useful beam at the patient's skin is minimized. 2310 2311 Dental fluoroscopy without image intensification OR DIRECT DIGITAL RECEPTORS shall not be used. 2312 THE X-RAY CONTROL SHALL PROVIDE: 2313 2314 (1) VISUAL INDICATION OBSERVABLE AT THE OPERATOR'S PROTECTED POSITION WHENEVER X-RAYS ARE PRODUCED; AND 2315 2316 (2) A SIGNAL AUDIBLE TO THE OPERATOR SHALL INDICATE THAT THE EXPOSURE HAS TERMINATED. 2317 2318 A THYROID SHIELD SHALL BE USED TO REDUCE PATIENT EXPOSURE TO SCATTERED RADIATION. 2319 2320 2321 2322 ABSENT STRUCTURAL PROTECTION AGAINST SCATTER RADIATION, DURING RADIATION MACHINE OPERATION AT LEAST A 2-METER DISTANCE (MORE THAN 6 FEET) SHALL BE MAINTAINED FROM ANY BYSTANDER LOCATION AND BETWEEN PATIENT OPERATING CHAIRS. 2323 2324 6.7.4 FOR EACH DENTAL X-RAY IMAGING SYSTEM, MANUFACTURER MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE FOLLOWED. 6 - 68 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 2325 2326 6.7.5 2327 May 12, 2017 FOR EACH DENTAL X-RAY IMAGING SYSTEM, WRITTEN QUALITY CONTROL AND QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES SHALL INCLUDE: FOR PROCESSING OF INTRAORAL FILMS, PERFORMANCE OF THE FOLLOWING: 2328 2329 (1) FOLLOW APPLICABLE MANUFACTURER’S TIME AND TEMPERATURE SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH SHALL BE AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW; 2330 (2) MEASURE AND LOG TEMPERATURE EACH DAY OF USE; AND 2331 2332 (3) DOCUMENT IN A WRITTEN LOG THE CHANGE OF DEVELOPER CHEMICALS AT LEAST EVERY MONTH. 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 FOR VOLUMETRIC DENTAL SYSTEMS, CONDUCT PERIODIC CALIBRATIONS AND ANNUAL QUALITY CONTROL TESTS ACCORDING TO THE MANUFACTURER’S SPECIFICATIONS, INCLUDING ANY ADDITIONAL OR MORE FREQUENT TESTING NECESSARY AT THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE REGISTERED MEDICAL PHYSICIST. 2338 ANNUAL REVIEW OF ALL QUALITY CONTROL TESTS. 2339 Other Diagnostic X-ray Systems 2340 RH 6.8 SAFE USE OF A Veterinary Medicine IMAGING SYSTEM Radiographic Installations. 2341 6.8.1 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS. 2342 2343 2344 IN ADDITION TO THE PROVISIONS OF 6.3 AND 6.4, THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS 6.8, AND AS APPROPRIATE ALSO 6.5 AND 6.9, APPLY TO EQUIPMENT AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES USED FOR VETERINARY X-RAY IMAGING. 2345 2346 2347 EACH INDIVIDUAL WHO OPERATES A VETERINARY X-RAY IMAGING SYSTEM SHALL MEET THE APPLICABLE ADEQUATE RADIATION SAFETY TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS OF 2.6.1, IN PARTICULAR 2348 2349 2350 6.8.2 EACH VETERINARY MEDICINE INSTALLATION SHALL MEET THE FOLLOWING EQUIPMENT DESIGN AND CONFIGURATION REQUIREMENTS. Equipment. 2351 2352 6.8.1.(1) The protective tube housing shall be equivalent to the requirements of RH 2353 2354 2355 6.8.1.(2) Diaphragms or cones shall be provided for collimating the useful beam to the area of clinical interest and shall provide the same degree of protection as is required of the housing. 2356 2357 6.8.1.(3) The total filtration permanently in the useful beam shall meet the requirement of RH 2358 2359 Exposure Reproducibility. The coefficient of variation of exposure shall not exceed 0.10 when all technique factors are held constant. 6 - 69 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 2360 May 12, 2017 A method shall be provided for visually defining the perimeter of the x-ray field. 2361 2362 2363 2364 2365 (1) 2366 2367 A device shall be provided to terminate the exposure after a preset time or exposure. 2368 2369 A dead-man type of exposure switch shall be provided, together with an electrical cord of sufficient length, so that the operator can stand out of the useful beam. 2370 The total misalignment of the edges of the visually defined field with the respective edges of the x-ray field along either the length or width of the visually defined field shall not exceed 52 (fiveTWO) percent of the distance from the source to the center of the visually defined field when the surface upon which it appears is perpendicular to the axis of the x-ray beam. Structural Shielding. 2371 2372 2373 (1) All wall, ceiling, and floor areas shall be equivalent to or provided with applicable protective barriers to assure compliance with RH 4.6, 4.12, 4.13, and 4.14 of these Regulations. 2374 2375 2376 (2) A VETERINARY INSTALLATION SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF 6.3.2 IN ORDER TO MINIMIZE RADIATION EXPOSURE TO PERSONNEL AND INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC. 2377 2378 2379 (3) Veterinary facilities are exempt from the requirements of Appendix 6B, provided that SO LONG AS the REQUIREMENTS OF 6.8.3 ARE MET.operator is adequately protected by distance and/or shielding 2380 LINEARITY SHALL BE IN ACCORD WITH 21 CFR 1020.31(c)(3). 2381 ACCURACY. 2382 2383 2384 (1) DEVIATION OF EXPOSURE SETTINGS FROM INDICATED VALUES SHALL NOT EXCEED THE LIMITS SPECIFIED FOR THAT SYSTEM BY ITS MANUFACTURER. 2385 2386 (2) IF MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS ARE NOT AVAILABLE, THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA SHALL BE USED: 2387 2388 (a) THE KVP SHALL NOT DEVIATE FROM INDICATED VALUES BY MORE THAN TEN (10) PERCENT. 2389 2390 (b) THE TIMER ACCURACY SHALL NOT DEVIATE FROM INDICATED VALUES BY MORE THAN: 2391 2392 (i) TEN (10) PERCENT FOR AN INDICATED TIME OF GREATER THAN 20 MS; OR 2393 2394 (ii) FIFTY (50) PERCENT FOR AN INDICATED TIME OF 20 MS OR LESS, OR 1 PULSE, WHICHEVER IS GREATER. 6 - 70 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 2395 May 12, 2017 TIMERS. 2396 2397 2398 2399 (1) MEANS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO TERMINATE THE EXPOSURE AT A PRESET TIME INTERVAL, PRESET PRODUCT OF CURRENT AND TIME, A PRESET NUMBER OF PULSES, OR A PRESET RADIATION EXPOSURE TO THE IMAGE RECEPTOR. 2400 2401 2402 (2) IT SHALL NOT BE POSSIBLE TO MAKE AN EXPOSURE WHEN THE TIMER IS SET TO A “ZERO” OR “OFF” POSITION IF EITHER POSITION IS PROVIDED. 2403 2404 (3) TERMINATION OF EXPOSURE SHALL CAUSE AUTOMATIC RESETTING OF THE TIMER TO ITS INITIAL SETTING OR TO “ZERO”. 2405 EXPOSURE REPRODUCIBILITY. 2406 2407 (1) 2408 2409 2410 2411 THE COEFFICIENT OF VARIATION OF EXPOSURE SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.05 WHEN ALL EXPOSURE SETTINGS ARE HELD CONSTANT. A DEAD-MAN TYPE OF EXPOSURE SWITCH OR EQUIVALENT REMOTE DEVICE SHALL ENABLE THE OPERATOR TO STAND OUT OF THE USEFUL BEAM. 6.8.3 EACH VETERINARY MEDICINE INSTALLATION SHALL HAVE THE FOLLOWING Ooperating AND EXPOSURE CONTROL Pprocedures. 2412 2413 2414 2415 Whenever possible, the operator shall stand well away from the useful beam and the animal BE POSITIONED during radiographic exposures SO THAT THE NEAREST PORTION OF THE BODY IS AT LEAST 2 METERS (MORE THAN 6 FEET) FROM BOTH THE TUBE HEAD AND THE NEAREST EDGE OF THE IMAGE RECEPTOR. 2416 2417 2418 No individual, other than the operator, shall be in the x-ray room while exposures are being made, unless such individual's assistance is required and the person is adequately protected by shielding and/or distance. 2419 2420 2421 2422 (1) ALL OTHER STAFF AND ANCILLARY PERSONNEL REQUIRED FOR THE PROCEDURE SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM DIRECT SCATTER RADIATION BY PROTECTIVE APRONS OR WHOLE BODY PROTECTIVE BARRIERS OF NOT LESS THAN 0.25 MILLIMETER LEAD EQUIVALENT. 6 - 71 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 2423 2424 May 12, 2017 When an animal must be held in position during radiography, mechanical supporting or restraining devices should be used. 2425 2426 2427 2428 (1) EACH INDIVIDUAL OTHER THAN THE ANIMAL BEING EXAMINED SHALL BE POSITIONED SUCH THAT NO PART OF THE BODY WILL BE STRUCK BY THE USEFUL BEAM UNLESS PROTECTED BY A MINIMUM OF 0.5 MILLIMETER LEAD EQUIVALENT. 2429 2430 2431 2432 (12) If the animal must be held by an individual, that individual shall be protected with appropriate shielding devices, such as protective gloves and apron, and THE INDIVIDUAL shall be so positioned that no part of his/her THE INDIVIDUAL’S body will be struck by the useful beam. 2433 2434 (23) The exposure of any individual used for this purpose shall be maintained below the limits specified in RH 4.6, 4.12, and 4.13. 2435 2436 2437 2438 No human shall hold the image receptor during radiography unless that individual is protected with appropriate shielding devices, such as protective gloves and apron, and that any part of his/her THE INDIVIDUAL’S body struck by the useful beam shall be monitored. 2439 2440 (1) 2441 2442 The exposure of any individual used for this purpose shall be maintained below the limits specified in RH 4.6, 4.12, and 4.13. USE OF PORTABLE HAND-HELD X-RAY EQUIPMENT SHALL BE CONSISTENT WITH APPENDIX 6E. 2443 2444 6.8.4 EACH VETERINARY X-RAY IMAGING SYSTEM SHALL FOLLOW MANUFACTURER MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS. 2445 2446 6.8.5 EACH VETERINARY X-RAY IMAGING SYSTEM SHALL HAVE WRITTEN QUALITY CONTROL AND QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES THAT INCLUDE: 2447 2448 FOR PROCESSING OF VETERINARY FILMS, PERFORMANCE OF THE FOLLOWING: 2449 2450 (1) FOLLOW APPLICABLE MANUFACTURER’S TIME AND TEMPERATURE SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH SHALL BE AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW; 2451 (2) MEASURE AND LOG TEMPERATURE EACH DAY OF USE; AND 2452 2453 (3) DOCUMENT IN A WRITTEN LOG THE CHANGE OF DEVELOPER CHEMICALS AT LEAST EVERY MONTH. 2454 ANNUAL REVIEW OF ALL QUALITY CONTROL TESTS. 6 - 72 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 May 12, 2017 2455 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY 2456 RH 6.9 SAFE USE OF A Computed Tomography X-Ray Systems. 2457 6.9.1 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS. 2458 2459 2460 IN ADDITION TO THE PROVISIONS OF 6.3 AND 6.4, THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS 6.9 APPLY TO EQUIPMENT AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES USED FOR COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY. 2461 2462 2463 SUPERVISION AND OPERATION OF A COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY SYSTEM USED ON LIVING HUMANS SHALL BE BY AN INDIVIDUAL WHO HAS ADEQUATE RADIATION SAFETY TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE. 2464 (1) SUPERVISION SHALL BE CONSISTENT WITH 2465 2466 (2) TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE SHALL BE AS PROVIDED IN 2.6.1, IN PARTICULAR AND APPENDIX 2E, AND 2467 Definitions. 2468 2469 In addition to the definitions provided in RH 1.4 and 6.2 of these Regulations, the following definitions shall be applicable to RH 6.9: 2470 2471 2472 “Computed tomography dose index (CTDI)” means the integral from -7T to +7T of the dose profile along a line perpendicular to the tomographic plane divided by the product of the nominal tomographic section thickness and the number of tomograms produced in a single scan, that is: -7T 1 ∫ CTDI = nT D(z) dz +7T 2473 where: 2474 z = Position along a line perpendicular to the tomographic plane. 2475 D(z) = Dose at position z. 2476 T = Nominal tomographic section thickness. 2477 n = Number of tomograms produced in a single scan. 2478 2479 This definition assumes that the dose profile is centered around z=0 and that, for a multiple tomogram system, the scan increment between adjacent scans is nT. 2480 2481 “Contrast scale (CS)” means the change in the linear attenuation coefficient per CTN relative to water, that is: μx - μw CS = (CTN)x - (CTN)w 2482 where: 6 - 73 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 2483 μx = Linear attenuation coefficient of the material of interest. 2484 μw = Linear attenuation coefficient of water. 2485 (CTN)x = CTN of the material of interest. 2486 (CTN)w = CTN of water. May 12, 2017 2487 2488 2489 “CT conditions of operation” means all selectable parameters governing the operation of a CT xray system including, but not limited to, nominal tomographic section thickness, filtration, and the technique factors as defined in RH 6.2. 2490 2491 “CT gantry” means the tube housing assemblies, beam-limiting devices, detectors, and the supporting structures and frames which hold these components. 2492 2493 “CT number (CTN)” means the number used to represent the x-ray attenuation associated with each elemental area of the CT image. k (μx - μw) CTN = μw 2494 where: 2495 k = A constant3 2496 3 The constant has a normal value of 1,000 when the Houndsfield scale of CTN is used. 2497 μx = Linear attenuation coefficient of the material of interest. 2498 μw = Linear attenuation coefficient of water. 2499 2500 2501 “Dose profile” means the dose as a function of position along a line. “Elemental area” means the smallest area within a tomogram for which the x-ray attenuation properties of a body are depicted. (Ssee also “Ppicture element”). 2502 2503 “Multiple tomogram system” means a computed tomography x-ray system which obtains x-ray transmission data simultaneously during a single scan to produce more than one tomogram. 2504 2505 “Noise” means the standard deviation of the fluctuations in CTN expressed as a percentage of the attenuation coefficient of water. Its estimate (S n) is calculated using the following expression: 100 × CS × s Sn = μw 2506 where: 2507 CS = Contrast scale 2508 μw = Linear attenuation coefficient of water. 2509 2510 s = Estimated standard deviation of the CTN of picture elements in a specified area of the CT image. 6 - 74 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 May 12, 2017 2511 2512 2513 “Nominal tomographic section thickness” means the full width at half-maximum of the sensitivity profile taken at the center of the cross-sectional volume over which x-ray transmission data are collected. 2514 “Picture element” means an elemental area of a tomogram. 2515 “Reference plane” means a plane which is displaced from and parallel to the tomographic plane. 2516 2517 2518 “Scan” means the complete process of collecting x-ray transmission data for the production of a tomogram. Data can be collected simultaneously during a single scan for the production of one or more tomograms. 2519 2520 “Scan increment” means the amount of relative displacement of the patient with respect to the CT x-ray system between successive scans measured along the direction of such displacement. 2521 2522 “Scan sequence” means a pre-selected set of two or more scans performed consecutively under pre-selected CT conditions of operation. 2523 2524 “Scan time” means the period of time between the beginning and end of x-ray transmission data accumulation for a single scan. 2525 2526 “Single tomogram system” means a CT x-ray system which obtains x-ray transmission data during a scan to produce a single tomogram. 2527 2528 “Tomographic plane” means that geometric plane which is identified as corresponding to the output tomogram. 2529 2530 “Tomographic section” means the volume of an object whose x-ray attenuation properties are imaged in a tomogram. 2531 2532 2533 2534 2535 2536 2537 2538 2539 2540 6.9.2 Requirements for Equipment.EACH COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY FACILITY SHALL MEET THE FOLLOWING EQUIPMENT DESIGN AND CONFIGURATION REQUIREMENTS. Termination of Exposure. Means shall be provided to terminate the x-ray exposure automatically by either de-energizing the x-ray source or shuttering the x-ray beam in the event of equipment failure affecting data collection. (a) Such termination shall occur within an interval that limits the total scan time to no more than 110 percent of its preset value through the use of either a backup timer or devices which THAT monitor equipment function. 2541 2542 A visible signal shall indicate when the x-ray exposure has been terminated through the means required by RH 2543 2544 2545 The operator shall be able to terminate the x-ray exposure at any time during a scan, or series of scans under CT x-ray system control, of greater than one-half second duration. 6 - 75 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 2546 May 12, 2017 Tomographic Plane Indication and Alignment. 2547 2548 2549 For any single tomogram system, means shall be provided to permit visual determination of the tomographic plane or a reference plane offset from the tomographic plane. 2550 2551 2552 For any multiple tomogram system, mMeans shall be provided to permit visual determination of the location of a reference TOMOGRAPHIC plane. This reference plane can be offset from the location of the tomographic planes. 2553 2554 2555 2556 6.9.(2).2.3 If a device using a light source is used to satisfy RH or, the light source shall provide illumination levels sufficient to permit visual determination of the location of the tomographic plane or reference plane under ambient light conditions of up to 500 lux (46 foot candles). 2557 Beam-On and Shutter Status Indicators and Control Switches. 2558 2559 The CT x-ray control and gantry shall provide visual indication whenever x-rays are produced and, if applicable, whether the shutter is open or closed. 2560 2561 Each emergency button or switch shall be clearly labeled as to its function. 2562 PATIENT COMMUNICATION. 2563 2564 (1) PROVISION SHALL BE MADE FOR TWO-WAY AURAL COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE PATIENT AND THE OPERATOR AT THE CONTROL PANEL. 2565 2566 2567 2568 2569 (2) WINDOWS, MIRRORS, CLOSED-CIRCUIT TELEVISION, OR AN EQUIVALENT SHALL BE PROVIDED TO PERMIT CONTINUOUS OBSERVATION OF THE PATIENT DURING IRRADIATION AND SHALL BE SO LOCATED THAT THE OPERATOR CAN OBSERVE THE PATIENT FROM THE CONTROL PANEL. 2570 2571 (3) PATIENT SCANNING SHALL BE ALLOWED ONLY WHEN A VIEWING SYSTEM IS AVAILABLE AND IN USE. 6 - 76 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 2572 2573 2574 6.9.3 May 12, 2017 EACH COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY FACILITY SHALL HAVE THE FOLLOWING OPERATING PROCEDURES AND RADIATION EXPOSURE CONTROLS. CONSOLE PERFORMANCE. 2575 2576 (1) THE CT X-RAY SYSTEM SHALL NOT BE OPERATED EXCEPT BY AN INDIVIDUAL WHO HAS BEEN SPECIFICALLY TRAINED IN ITS OPERATION. 2577 2578 (2) INFORMATION SHALL BE READILY AVAILABLE REGARDING THE OPERATION OF THE SYSTEM. 2579 2580 (3) INFORMATION REGARDING CALIBRATION OF THE SYSTEM SHALL BE READILY AVAILABLE, INCLUDING: 2581 2582 2583 (a) DATES OF THE LATEST CALIBRATION AND SPOT CHECKS AND THE LOCATION WITHIN THE FACILITY WHERE THE RESULTS OF THOSE TESTS MAY BE OBTAINED; 2584 2585 2586 2587 2588 2589 (b) INSTRUCTIONS ON THE USE OF THE CT PERFORMANCE PHANTOM(S) INCLUDING A SCHEDULE OF SPOT CHECKS APPROPRIATE FOR THE SYSTEM, ALLOWABLE VARIATIONS FOR THE INDICATED PARAMETERS, AND THE RESULTS OF AT LEAST THE MOST RECENT SPOT CHECKS CONDUCTED ON THE SYSTEM; 2590 2591 2592 2593 2594 2595 (c) WHEN OPERATORS MUST SELECT EXPOSURE SETTINGS, A CURRENT PROTOCOL SHALL BE AVAILABLE AT THE CONTROL PANEL THAT SPECIFIES FOR EACH ROUTINE EXAMINATION THE CT CONDITIONS OF OPERATION AND THE TYPICAL NUMBER OF SCANS PER EXAMINATION, INCLUDING GUIDANCE FOR AGEAPPROPRIATE SCANNING. 2596 Indication of CT Conditions of Operation. 2597 2598 2599 (1) The CT x-ray system shall be designed such that the CT conditions of operation to be used during a scan or a scan sequence shall be indicated prior to the initiation of a scan or a scan sequence. 2600 2601 (2) On equipment having all or some of these conditions of operation at fixed values, this requirement may be met by permanent markings. 2602 2603 (3) Indication of CT conditions of operation shall be visible from any position from which scan initiation is possible. 2604 2605 2606 (1) Extraneous Radiation. When data are not being collected for image production, the radiation adjacent to the tube port shall not exceed that permitted by RH 6 - 77 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 2607 2608 May 12, 2017 Additional Requirements Applicable to CT X-Ray Systems Containing a Gantry Manufactured After September 2, 1992. 2609 2610 The total error in the indicated location of the tomographic plane or reference plane shall not exceed 5 millimeters. 2611 2612 2613 2614 If the x-ray production period is less than one-half second, the indication of x-ray production shall be actuated for at least one-half second. Indicators at or near the gantry shall be discernible from any point external to the patient opening where insertion of any part of the human body into the primary beam is possible. 2615 2616 2617 The deviation of indicated scan increment versus actual increment shall not exceed plus or minus 1 millimeter with any mass from 0 to 100 kilograms resting on the support device. 2618 2619 2620 2621 (a) The patient support device shall be incremented from a typical starting position to the maximum incremented distance, THE MANUFACTURER’S SPECIFIED DISTANCE, or 30 cmentimeters, whichever is less, and then returned to the starting position. 2622 2623 (b) Measurement of actual versus indicated scan increment may be taken anywhere along this travel. 2624 2625 2626 2627 2628 (c) For multi-slice scanners whereWHEN table increment is not the primary means of slice position location, the qualified expert REGISTERED MEDICAL PHYSICIST may provide for prior written Department review and approval alternative measurement procedures to determine the accuracy of slice position. 2629 2630 2631 2632 2633 2634 2635 2636 Premature termination of the x-ray exposure by the operator shall necessitate resetting of the CT conditions of operation prior to the initiation of another scan. 6.9.3 Facility Design Requirements. Aural Communication. Provision shall be made for two-way aural communication between the patient and the operator at the control panel. Viewing Systems. 2637 2638 2639 2640 Windows, mirrors, closed-circuit television, or an equivalent shall be provided to permit continuous observation of the patient during irradiation and shall be so located that the operator can observe the patient from the control panel. 2641 2642 Patient scanning shall be allowed only when a viewing system is available and in use. 2643 2644 2645 (3) C-arm-based CT systems utilizing image intensifier or flat panel detection systems with cone beam geometry are exempt from the requirements of and 6 - 78 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 2646 2647 2648 2649 2650 2651 2652 2653 6.9.4 May 12, 2017 EACH COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY FACILITY SHALL CONDUCT REQUIRED Ssurveys, Eevaluations, Ccalibrations, AND Sspot Cchecks, and Operating Procedures. Radiation Surveys and Evaluations. All CT x-ray systems installed after September 1, 1992 and those systems not previously surveyed shall have a shielding A RADIATION survey SHALL BE made by, or under the direction SUPERVISION of, a qualified expertREGISTERED MEDICAL PHYSICIST, TO VERIFY AND DOCUMENT COMPLIANCE WITH 4.14 AND 4.15 FOR:. 2654 2655 2656 (a) In addition, such surveys shall be done after aAny change in the facility or equipment which THAT might cause a significant increase in radiation hazard;. 2657 2658 2659 (b) ANY INITIAL OR NEW LOCATION FOR A CT IMAGING SYSTEM THAT IS DESIGNED TO BE TRANSPORTED FROM PLACE TO PLACE. 2660 2661 2662 The registrant shall obtain a written report of the survey from the qualified expert, and a copy of the report shall be made available to the Department upon request. 2663 2664 2665 2666 2667 Notwithstanding the provisions of RH, CT x-ray systems (OTHER THAN C-ARM-BASED CT SYSTEMS UTILIZING IMAGE INTENSIFIER OR FLAT PANEL DETECTION SYSTEMS) that have undergone aN X-RAY tube change within 12 months of the last annual evaluation do not require a complete calibration AT THE TIME OF THE X-RAY TUBE CHANGE, provided that: 2668 2669 2670 (a) tThe CT x-ray system operation after the tube change meets the criteria established by the qualified expertREGISTERED MEDICAL PHYSICIST.; AND 2671 2672 2673 2674 (b) The certification evaluation (CE) need not be performed each time an x-ray tube is replaced. However, eEach CT system shall receive a CERTIFICATION EVALUATION (CE) at least within one year of the previous CE. 6 - 79 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 2675 2676 2677 2678 2679 May 12, 2017 Radiation CalibrationsDOSIMETRY. The calibration of the radiation output of the CT x-ray system shall be performMEASURed by, or under the direction PERSONAL SUPERVISION of, a qualified expertREGISTERED MEDICAL PHYSICIST: who is physically present at the facility during such calibration. 2680 2681 2682 The calibration of a CT x-ray system shall be performed aAt intervals, (not exceeding one year), specified by a qualified expertREGISTERED MEDICAL PHYSICIST; 2683 2684 2685 2686 2687 2688 2689 IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROTOCOLS PUBLISHED BY NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED ORGANIZATIONS (FOR EXAMPLE, AAPM REPORT 96), UNLESS THE REGISTERED MEDICAL PHYSICIST DETERMINES THAT A PARTICULAR RECOMMENDATION OF SUCH REPORT IS NOT WARRANTED FOR THE CLINICAL TASKS FOR WHICH THE EQUIPMENT WILL BE USED; 2690 2691 (c) The calibration of the radiation output of a CT x-ray system shall be performed wWith a calibrated dosimetry system. 2692 2693 (i) The calibration of such system shall be tTraceable to a national standard.; AND 2694 2695 (ii) The dosimetry system shall have been cCalibrated within the preceding two (2) years. 2696 2697 2698 (2) CT DOSIMETRY SHALL BE EVALUATED BY A REGISTERED MEDICAL PHYSICIST IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROTOCOLS PUBLISHED BY A NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED ORGANIZATION. 2699 2700 2701 CT dosimetry phantom(s) shall be used in determining the radiation output of a CT x-ray system. Such phantom(s) shall meet the following specifications and conditions of use: 2702 2703 2704 2705 2706 2707 CT dosimetry phantom(s) shall be right circular cylinders of water or polymethyl methacrylate. The phantom(s) shall be at least 14 centimeters in length and shall have diameters of 32 centimeters for testing CT x-ray systems designed to image any section of the body and centimeters16 centimeters for systems designed to image the head or for whole body scanners operated in the head scanning mode. 2708 2709 2710 2711 2712 CT dosimetry phantom(s) shall provide means for the placement of a dosimeter(s) along the axis of rotation and along a line parallel to the axis of rotation 1 centimeter from the outer surface and within the phantom. Means for the placement of dosimeters or alignment devices at other locations may be provided. 2713 2714 2715 2716 2717 Any effects on the doses measured due to the removal of phantom material to accommodate dosimeters shall be accounted for through appropriate corrections to the reported data or included in the statement of maximum deviation for the values obtained using the phantom. 6 - 80 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 May 12, 2017 2718 2719 2720 All dose measurements shall be performed with the CT dosimetry phantom placed on the patient couch or support device without additional attenuation materials present. 2721 2722 The calibration shall be required for each common type of head, body, or whole-body scan performed at the facility. 2723 Calibration shall meet the following requirements: The CTDI 4 along the two axes specified in shall be measured. 2724 2725 2726 2727 2728 2729 (i) The CT dosimetry phantom shall be oriented so that the measurement point 1 centimeter from the outer surface and within the phantom is in the same angular position within the gantry as the point of maximum surface CTDI identified. 2730 2731 (ii) The CT conditions of operation shall correspond to typical values used by the registrant. 4 2732 2733 2734 (iii) For the purpose of determining the CTDI, the manufacturer's statement as to the nominal tomographic section thickness for that particular system may be utilized. 2735 2736 2737 2738 (3) 2739 The spot checks specified in RH shall be made. Calibration procedures shall be in writing. Records of calibrationMEASUREMENTs performed shall be maintained for a period of three (3) years for inspection by the Department. Spot Checks. 2740 2741 The spot-check procedures shall be in writing and shall have been developed by a qualified expertREGISTERED MEDICAL PHYSICIST. 2742 2743 2744 2745 2746 The spot-check procedures shall incorporate the use of a COMMENSURATE CT performance phantoms which has a capability of providing an indication of contrast scale, noise, nominal tomographic section thickness, the resolution capability of the system for low and high contrast objects, and measuring the mean CTN for water or other reference material. 2747 2748 2749 All spot checks shall be included in the calibration required by RH and PERFORMED at time intervals and under system conditions specified by a qualified expertREGISTERED MEDICAL PHYSICIST. 6 - 81 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 2750 2751 2752 2753 2754 May 12, 2017 Spot checks shall include acquisition of images obtained with the CT performance phantom(s) using the same processing mode and CT conditions of operation as are used to perform calibrations required by RH The iImages OF THE SPOT CHECKS shall be retained, AT LEAST until a new calibration is performed, as follows: 2755 2756 pPhotographic copies of the images obtained from the image recording device; or 2757 2758 iImages stored in digital form on a storage medium compatible with the CT x-ray system. 2759 2760 2761 Written OR ELECTRONIC records of the spot checks performed shall be maintained for inspection by the Department. Operating Procedures. 2762 2763 The CT x-ray system shall not be operated except by an individual who has been specifically trained in its operation. 2764 2765 2766 Information shall be available at the control panel regarding the operation of the system. Information regarding calibration of the system shall be readily available. Such information shall include the following: 2767 2768 dates of the latest calibration and spot checks and the location within the facility where the results of those tests may be obtained; 2769 2770 2771 2772 instructions on the use of the CT performance phantom(s) including a schedule of spot checks appropriate for the system, allowable variations for the indicated parameters, and the results of at least the most recent spot checks conducted on the system; 2773 2774 the distance in millimeters between the tomographic plane and the reference plane if a reference plane is utilized; and 2775 2776 2777 2778 when operators must select technique factors, a current technique chart shall be available at the control panel which specifies for each routine examination the CT conditions of operation and the typical number of scans per examination. 2779 2780 2781 2782 If the calibration or spot check of the CT x-ray system identifies that a system operating parameter has exceeded a tolerance established by the qualified expert, use of the CT x-ray system on patients shall be limited to those uses permitted by established written instructions of the qualified expert. 6 - 82 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 2783 2784 2785 2786 2787 6.9.5 May 12, 2017 EACH COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY SYSTEM SHALL HAVE WRITTEN QUALITY CONTROL AND QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES CONSISTENT WITH 6.3.5, INCLUDING: IF A CALIBRATION REQUIRED BY OR A SPOT CHECK REQUIRED BY IDENTIFIES THAT A SYSTEM OPERATING PARAMETER IS OUTSIDE A SPECIFIED OR RECOMMENDED TOLERANCE OR RANGE: 2788 2789 2790 (1) THE CT X-RAY SYSTEM SHALL NOT BE USED ON A PATIENT EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY DOCUMENTED INSTRUCTIONS OF A REGISTERED MEDICAL PHYSICIST; AND 2791 2792 (2) CORRECTION OR MODIFICATION SHALL BE MADE WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE DATE OF THE TEST IDENTIFYING THE PROBLEM. 2793 2794 2795 2796 THE COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY SYSTEM SHALL MEET THE SPECIFICATIONS AND/OR SPECIFICATIONS OF THE MANUFACTURER OR REGISTERED MEDICAL PHYSICIST AND/OR APPROPRIATE NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED ORGANIZATION, OR EQUIVALENT APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT, FOR: 2797 (1) ALIGNMENT LIGHT ACCURACY; 2798 (2) SLICE THICKNESS; 2799 (3) IMAGE QUALITY; AND 2800 (4) CT NUMBER ACCURACY. 2801 2802 ALL QUALITY CONTROL TESTS SHALL BE REVIEWED BY A REGISTERED MEDICAL PHYSICIST AT LEAST ANNUALLY. 6 - 83 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 2803 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR MAMMOGRAPHY 2804 RH 6.10 2805 6.10.1 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS. May 12, 2017 SAFE USE AT A Mammography FACILITY. 2806 2807 2808 IN ADDITION TO THE PROVISIONS OF 6.3 AND 6.4, THE REQUIREMENTS OF 6.10 APPLY TO EQUIPMENT AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES USED FOR MAMMOGRAPHY. 2809 Each facility performing mammography shall: 2810 (1) Meet the requirements of 21 CFR 900; 2811 2812 2813 (2) Have a valid certificate issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services pursuant to the Mammography Quality Standards Reauthorization Act of 1998, Public Law 105-248, and 21 CFR 900; 2814 2815 (3) Ensure that 210 CFR 900 quality control and quality assurance standards for maintaining viewing conditions and interpretation of an image are met. 2816 Definitions. 2817 2818 “Continuing education unit (CEU)” means one contact hour of training or education, which is documentable. 2819 2820 “Established operating level” means the value of a particular quality assurance parameter that has been established as an acceptable normal level by the facility's quality assurance program. 2821 2822 2823 2824 “Facility” means a hospital, outpatient Department, clinic, radiology practice, mobile unit, office of a physician, or other facility that conducts mammography activities, including the following: operation of equipment to produce a mammogram, initial interpretation of the mammogram, and maintaining viewing conditions for that interpretation. 2825 “Laterality” means the designation of either the right or left breast. 2826 “Mammogram” means a radiographic image produced through mammography. 2827 2828 2829 2830 “Mammography” means radiography of the breast, but for the purposes of this part, does not include: radiography of the breast performed during invasive interventions for localization or biopsy procedures; or radiography of the breast performed with an investigational mammography device as part of a scientific study conducted. 2831 2832 2833 2834 “Mammography phantom” means a test object used to simulate radiographic characteristics of compressed breast tissue and containing components that radiographically model aspects of breast disease and cancer. For the purpose of this section, phantom means mammography phantom. 2835 2836 “Mammography medical outcomes audit” means a systematic collection of mammography results and the comparison of those results with outcomes data. 2837 2838 “Patient” means any individual who undergoes a mammography evaluation in a facility, regardless of whether the person is referred by a physician or is self-referred. 6 - 84 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 2839 2840 2841 2842 2843 May 12, 2017 “Standard breast” means a 4.2 centimeter (cm) thick compressed breast consisting of fifty (50) percent glandular and fifty (50) percent adipose tissue. 6.10.2 Quality Standards. Personnel. Radiologic Technologists. 2844 2845 All mammographic examinations shall be performed by a person who meets the following requirements. 2846 2847 2848 2849 2850 2851 2852 2853 2854 2855 2856 2857 2858 2859 2860 2861 2862 2863 General Requirements. Be approved by the Department as a mammographer, as defined in RH 2.2 and has met the requirement of RH; or as a provisional mammographer, as specified under RH 2.4.4; or as a student radiographer working under the provision of RH; and Continuing Education. The mammographer shall document fifteen (15) hours of continuing education which are no more than 36 months old. Mammographers who fail to meet this continuing education requirement shall obtain a sufficient number of continuing education units (CEU) in mammography to bring their total up to at least fifteen (15) CEU. Continuing Experience. The mammographer shall have performed a minimum of 200 mammography examinations every 24 months. Mammographers who fail to meet the continuing experience requirement of RH shall perform a minimum of 25 mammography examinations under the direct supervision of a qualified mammographer, before resuming the performance of unsupervised mammography examinations. 2864 2865 2866 Qualified Inspectors.All EACH qualified inspectors WHO conductingS A mammography facility and x-ray machine CERTIFICATION evaluations shall meet the requirements of Appendix 2IB.1.c. of Part 2. 2867 2868 2869 EACH INDIVIDUAL WHO PERFORMS A MAMMOGRAPHY EXAMINATION SHALL MEET THE APPLICABLE ADEQUATE RADIATION SAFETY TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS OF, AND APPENDIX 2M. 6 - 85 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 2870 2871 2872 May 12, 2017 IN THE STATE OF COLORADO, THE REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS OF PART 6 SHALL ALSO APPLY AS APPROPRIATE TO RADIOGRAPHY OF THE BREAST PERFORMED: 2873 2874 (1) DURING INVASIVE INTERVENTIONS FOR LOCALIZATION OR BIOPSY (FOR EXAMPLE, STEREOTACTIC BIOPSY PROCEDURES); OR 2875 2876 2877 (2) WITH AN INVESTIGATIONAL DEVICE AS PART OF A SCIENTIFIC STUDY CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH FDA INVESTIGATIONAL DEVICE EXEMPTION REGULATIONS; OR 2878 2879 (3) DURING ANY OTHER PROCEDURE FOR RADIOGRAPHY OF THE BREAST THAT THE DEPARTMENT DETERMINES AND DESIGNATES. 2880 2881 2882 2883 THE REGISTRANT SHALL ESTABLISH AND MAINTAIN A QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM TO ENSURE THE SAFETY, RELIABILITY, CLARITY, AND ACCURACY OF MAMMOGRAPHY SERVICES PERFORMED AT THE FACILITY, WHICH PROGRAM SHALL: 2884 2885 2886 2887 (1) FOLLOW MANUFACTURERS’ SPECIFICATIONS AND/OR THE STANDARDS OF AN APPROPRIATE NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED ORGANIZATION, FOR EXAMPLE, THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF RADIOLOGY OR AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PHYSICISTS IN MEDICINE; AND 2888 2889 (2) APPLY TO AND BE ADHERED TO FOR EACH PROCEDURE SUBJECT TO 6.10.1. 2890 2891 2892 2893 2894 2895 2896 2897 2898 2899 2900 Equipment.Only x-ray systems meeting the following standards shall be used: (1) (1) System Design. The x-ray system shall be specifically designed for mammography.; and Image Receptor Sizes. Systems using screen-film image receptors shall provide, at a minimum, for operation with image receptors of 18 × 24 centimeters (cm) and 24 × 30 cm. The image receptors shall be equipped with moving grids matched to all image receptor sizes provided. Systems used for magnification procedures shall be capable of operation with the grid removed from between the source and image receptor;. Beam Limitation and Light Fields. 2901 2902 2903 (1) All systems shall have beam-limiting devices that allow the useful beam to extend to or beyond the chest wall edge of the image receptor and shall meet the requirement of RH 2904 2905 (2) When a light localizer is used to define the x-ray field, it shall meet the requirement of RH 2906 2907 2908 (1) Magnification. Systems used to perform non-interventional problem-solving procedures shall have radiographic magnification capability available for use by the operator. 6 - 86 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 2909 2910 2911 (2) May 12, 2017 Systems used for magnification procedures shall provide, as a minimum, at least one magnification value within the range of 1.4 to 2.0. Focal Spot Selection. 2912 2913 (1) When more than one focal spot is provided, the system shall indicate, prior to the exposure, which focal spot is selected. 2914 2915 (2) When more than one target material is provided, the system shall indicate, prior to the exposure, the preselected target material. 2916 2917 2918 (3) When the target material and/or focal spot is automatically selected by the machine, the system shall display, after the exposure, the used target material and/or focal spot. 2919 Compression. 2920 (1) All mammography systems shall incorporate a compression device. 2921 2922 2923 2924 Application of Compression. Effective October 28, 2002, each system shall provide an initial power driven compression activated by hands-free controls and fine adjustment compression controls operable from both sides of the patient. 2925 2926 2927 Compression Paddle. Systems shall be equipped with different sized compression paddles that match the sizes of all full-field image receptors provided for the system. 2928 2929 2930 2931 The compression paddle shall be flat and parallel to the breast support table and shall not deflect from parallel by more than 1 cm at any point on the surface of the compression paddle when compression is applied. 2932 2933 2934 2935 Equipment intended by the manufacturer's design to not be flat and parallel to the breast support table during compression shall meet the manufacturer's design specifications and maintenance requirements. Such equipment is exempt from the requirement of RH 2936 2937 The chest wall edge of the compression paddle shall be straight and parallel to the edge of the image receptor. 2938 2939 The chest wall edge may be bent upward to allow for patient comfort but shall not appear on the image. 2940 Technique Factor Selection and Display. 2941 2942 (1) Manual selection of milliampere seconds (mAs) or at least one of its component parts [milliampere (mA) and time] shall be available. 2943 2944 2945 2946 The technique factors (kVp, mA and time in second or milliseconds, or mAs) to be used during an exposure shall be indicated prior to the exposure, except when the automatic exposure controls (AEC) are used, in which case the technique factors that are set prior to the exposure shall be indicated. 6 - 87 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 2947 2948 2949 2950 2951 May 12, 2017 Following AEC mode use, the system shall indicate the actual kVp and mAs used during the exposure. The mAs may be displayed as mA and time. Automatic Exposure Control. All systems shall provide an AEC mode that is operable in all combinations of equipment configuration, i.e., grid, non-grid, magnification, non-magnification, and various target-filter combinations. 2952 2953 The size and available positions of the detector shall be clearly indicated on the compression paddle. 2954 2955 2956 The system shall provide means for the operator to vary the selected optical density (OD) from the normal or zero setting to the positive and/or negative values of density settings. 2957 2958 2959 X-ray Film and Intensifying Screens. The registrant shall use x-ray film, and intensifying screens, that have been designated by the manufacturers as appropriate and screen/film compatible for mammography. 2960 2961 2962 2963 (1) 2964 2965 2966 (1) 2967 2968 2969 2970 (1) Film Processing Solutions. The registrant shall use chemical solutions that are capable of developing the mammography films in a manner equivalent to the minimum requirements specified by the film manufacturer. Lighting. Hot lights), capable of producing light levels greater than that provided by the view box, shall be available for use to the interpreting physician. Film Masking Devices. The registrant shall ensure that film masking devices that can limit the illuminated area to a region equal to or smaller than the exposed portion of the film are available and used. 2971 2972 2973 Viewboxes used for interpreting mammograms and clinical quality review by the technologist shall be capable of producing a luminance of at least 3,000 candela per square meter (cd/-m-2). 2974 2975 Medical Records And Mammography Reports. Contents and Terminology. 2976 2977 (1) The registrant shall prepare a written report of the results of each mammography examination performed. 2978 (2) The report shall include: 2979 (a) the name of the patient and an additional patient identifier; 2980 (b) the date of the examination; 2981 2982 (c) the name of the interpreting physician who interpreted the mammogram; and 2983 (d) the overall final assessment of findings. 6 - 88 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 2984 May 12, 2017 Communication of Mammography Results to the Patient. 2985 2986 (1) 2987 2988 2989 2990 The registrant shall send the mammography report, as described in RH, in addition to a written notification of results in lay terms, within thirty (30) days from the date of the mammography examination, to all patients who do not name a health care provider to receive the report. 2991 2992 2993 Registrants that accept patients who do not have a primary care provider shall maintain a system for referring such patients to a health care provider when clinically needed. 2994 The registrant shall maintain a system to ensure that the results of each mammography examination are communicated to the patient in a timely manner. Communication of Mammography Results to Health Care Providers. 2995 2996 2997 When the patient has named a referring health care provider, the registrants shall provide a written report of the mammography examination, within thirty (30) days from the date of the exam, to that provider. 2998 2999 3000 3001 Record Keeping. The registrant shall maintain mammography films and reports in a permanent medical record of the patient for a period of not less than five (5) years, or not less than ten (10) years if no additional mammograms of the patient are performed at the facility. 3002 3003 3004 The registrant shall upon request or on behalf of, by the patient, permanently or temporarily transfer the original mammograms and copies of the patient's reports as directed by the patients or their representatives. 3005 3006 3007 Any fee charged to the patients for providing the services described in RH shall not exceed the documented costs associated with this service. 3008 3009 3010 3011 Mammographic Image Identification. Each mammography image shall clearly indicate the patient's name and an additional patient identifier; the date of the examination; the view and laterality; the facility name and location; the technologist identification; the cassette/screen identification; and the mammography unit. 3012 3013 3014 Quality Assurance - General Rrequirements. The registrant shall establish and maintain a quality assurance program to ensure the safety, reliability, clarity, and accuracy of mammography services performed at the facility. 3015 3016 3017 3018 3019 3020 3021 3022 Quality Assurance - Quality Control of Mammography Operations. tests specified in RH shall be performed by a qualified mammographer or provisional mammographer. (1) Daily Quality Control Tests. Film processors used to develop mammograms shall be adjusted and maintained to meet the technical development specifications for the mammography film in use. 6 - 89 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 May 12, 2017 3023 3024 (2) A processor performance test shall be done on each day that examinations are provided prior to clinical films being developed. 3025 (3) The test shall include the following assessment: 3026 3027 The base plus fog density shall be within 0.03 of the established operating level. 3028 3029 The mid-density shall be within ± 0.15 of the established operation level. 3030 3031 3032 3033 3034 The density difference shall be within ± 0.15 of the established operation level. For any mammography registrant using film processors at multiple locations, such as a mobile service processor performance by sensitometric strips shall be performed prior to the development of patient's films. 3035 Weekly Quality Control Tests. 3036 3037 (1) Facilities with screen-film systems shall perform an image quality evaluation test, using an FDA-approved phantom, at least weekly. 3038 (2) The test shall include the following assessment: 3039 3040 The optical density at the center of the phantom image shall be at least 1.20 when using clinical technique factors. 3041 3042 The optical density at the center of the phantom image shall not change by more than ± 0.20 from the established operating level. 3043 3044 3045 The phantom image shall achieve at least the minimum score to observe the image of a 0.75 mm fiber, 0.32 mm speck, and a 0.75 mm mass. 3046 3047 3048 The density difference between the background of the phantom and an added test object, used to assess image contrast, shall not vary by more than ± 0.05 from the established operating level. 3049 Quarterly Quality Control Tests. 3050 3051 (1) 3052 3053 3054 Facilities with screen-film systems shall perform the following tests at least quarterly: (a) Fixer Retention in Film. The residual fixer shall be no more than 5 micrograms per square cm. Repeat Analysis. 3055 3056 3057 (a) If the total repeat or reject rate changes from the previously determined rate by more than two (2) percent of the total films included in the analysis, the reason(s) for the change shall be determined. 3058 3059 (b) Any corrective actions shall be recorded and the results of these corrective actions shall be assessed. 6 - 90 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 3060 May 12, 2017 Semiannual Quality Control Tests. 3061 3062 (1) Facilities with screen-film systems shall perform the following tests at least semiannually: 3063 Darkroom Fog. 3064 3065 (a) The darkroom fog level of a phantom image with an optical density of at least 1.20 and shall not exceed 0.05 OD. 3066 3067 (b) The fog test film shall be exposed to typical darkroom conditions for two (2) minutes with the emulsion side up. 3068 Screen-film Contact. 3069 3070 (a) All cassettes used at the facility for mammography shall be tested using 40 mesh copper screen. 3071 3072 3073 (b) Cassettes shall not be used for mammography if one or more areas >1 cm in diameter or poor contact that are not eliminated by screen cleaning. 3074 3075 (c) Five or more small areas <1 cm in diameter are acceptable, and the cassette may be returned to clinical use. 3076 3077 3078 3079 3080 3081 (a) Compression Device Performance. A compression force of at least 111 newtons (25 pounds) shall be provided. Effective October 28, 2002, tThe maximum compression force of the initial power drive shall be between 111 newtons (25 pounds) and 209 newtons (47 pounds). Quality Assurance - Facility and Equipment Evaluation. 3082 3083 (1) Facilities with screen-film systems shall perform the following tests in through at least annually. 3084 3085 All tests specified in RH shall be performed by a mammography approved qualified inspector. 3086 3087 3088 3089 3090 3091 3092 3093 Automatic Exposure Control Performance. The AEC shall be capable of maintaining film optical density (OD) within ± 0.30 of the mean OD when thickness of a homogeneous material is varied over a range of 2 to 6 cm and the kVp is varied appropriately for such thicknesses over the kVp range used clinically. If this requirement cannot be met, a technique chart shall be developed showing appropriate techniques (kVp and density control settings) for different breast thicknesses and compositions that must be used so that an OD within ± 0.30 of the average under phototimed conditions can be produced. 3094 3095 After October 28, 2002, the AEC shall be capable of maintaining film OD within ± 0.15 of the mean OD. 3096 3097 The OD at the center of the phantom image shall not be less than 1.20. 6 - 91 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 3098 3099 May 12, 2017 kVp Accuracy and Reproducibility. The kVp shall be accurate within ± five (5) percent of the indicated kVp at: 3100 3101 The lowest clinical kVp that can be measured by a kVp test device; 3102 The most commonly used clinical kVp; 3103 The highest available clinical kVp; and 3104 3105 3106 3107 At the most commonly used clinical settings of kVp, the coefficient of variation of reproducibility of the kVp shall be equal to or less than 0.02. Not all commonly used clinical settings of kVp need to be tested. 3108 3109 3110 3111 Focal Spot Condition. Focal spot condition shall be evaluated either by determining system resolution or by measuring focal spot dimensions. After October 28, 2002, facilities shall evaluate focal spot condition only by determining the system resolution. 3112 3113 3114 3115 3116 3117 System Resolution. Mammography systems, in combination with the mammography screen-film combination, shall provide a minimum resolution of 11 cycles/millimeter (line-pairs/mm) when a high contrast resolution bar test pattern is oriented with the bars perpendicular to the anode-cathode axis, and a minimum resolution of 13 line-pairs/mm when the bars are parallel to that axis. 3118 3119 3120 3121 The bar pattern shall be placed 4.5 cm above the breast support surface, centered with respect to the chest wall edge of the image receptor, and with the edge of the pattern within one cm of the chest wall edge of the image receptor. 3122 3123 3124 3125 When more than one target is provided, the measurement described in RH shall be made using the magnification and contact radiography with all available targets. 3126 3127 When more than one SID is provided, the test shall be performed at the most commonly used clinical SID. 3128 3129 3130 3131 The kVp shall be set at the clinical value for a standard breast and the system resolution test shall be performed such that the background optical density of the film should be between 1.2 and 1.8. 3132 3133 3134 3135 Focal Spot Dimensions. Measured values of the focal spot length (dimension parallel to the anode cathode axis) and width (dimension perpendicular to the anode cathode axis) shall be within the tolerance limits specified in Table I. 6 - 92 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 May 12, 2017 Table I Focal Spot Tolerance Limit Maximum Measured Dimensions Nominal Focal Spot Size (mm) 3136 Width (mm) Length (mm) 0.10 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.23 0.23 0.20 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.45 0.65 0.40 0.60 0.85 0.50 0.90 1.30 3137 Beam Quality and Half-value Layer (HVL). The HVL shall meet the following specifications for minimum HVL. kVp ______ ≤ HVL 100 3138 3139 Breast Entrance Air Kerma and AEC Reproducibility. The coefficient of variation for both air kerma and mAs shall not exceed 0.05. 3140 3141 3142 3143 Dosimetry. The average glandular dose delivered during a single cranio-caudal view of an FDA-accepted phantom simulating a standard breast, using the clinical technique factors and conditions for that phantom, shall not exceed 3.0 milligray (0.3rad) per exposure. 3144 3145 3146 3147 X-ray Field/Light Field/Image Receptor/Compression Alignment. All systems shall have beam -limiting devices that allow the useful x-ray beam to extend to or beyond the edges of the image receptor but by no more than two (2) percent of the SID at the chest wall side. 3148 3149 3150 3151 3152 If a light localizer is provided, the resultant light field shall be aligned with the x-ray field so that the total of any misalignment of the edges of the light field and the x-ray field along either the length or the width of the visually defined field at the plane of the breast support surface shall not exceed two (2) percent of the SID. 6 - 93 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 3153 3154 3155 3156 3157 3158 The chest wall edge of the compression paddle shall not extend beyond the chest wall edge of the image receptor by more than one percent of the SID when tested with the compression paddle placed above the breast support surface at a distance equivalent to standard breast thickness. 3159 3160 3161 3162 May 12, 2017 (a) Uniformity of Screen Speed. Uniformity of screen speed of all the cassettes shall be tested and the difference between the maximum and minimum optical densities shall not exceed 0.3. Screen artifacts shall also be evaluated during this test. System Artifacts. 3163 3164 (a) System artifacts shall be performed for all cassettes sizes using a grid appropriate for the cassette size being tested. 3165 3166 (b) System artifacts shall also be evaluated for all available focal spot sizes and target filter combinations used clinically. 3167 Radiation Output. 3168 3169 3170 3171 3172 3173 3174 3175 (a) 3176 3177 system shall be capable of maintaining the required minimum radiation output averaged over a three (3) second period. 3178 3179 3180 The system shall be capable of producing a minimum output of 4.5 mGy air kerma per second (513 mR per second) when operating at 28 kVp in the moly/moly mode at any SID where the system is designed to operate and when measured by a detector with its center located 4.5 cm above the breast support surface with the compression paddle in place as clinically used. After October 28, 2002, the system, under the same measuring conditions shall be capable of producing a minimum output of 7.0 mGy air kerma per second (800 milliroentgen per second). Decompression. If the system is equipped with a provision for automatic decompression after completion of an exposure or interruption of power to the system, the system shall be tested to confirm that it provides: 3181 An override capability to allow maintenance of compression; 3182 A continuous display of the override status; and 3183 3184 3185 3186 3187 3188 3189 3190 A manual emergency compression release that can be activated in the event of power or automatic release failure. Additional Mammography Equipment Evaluations. An evaluation of mammography units or image processors shall be conducted whenever a new unit or processor is installed, a unit or processor is dissembled and reassembled at the same or new location, or major components of a mammography unit or processor equipment are changed or repaired. These evaluations shall be performed by a mammography approved qualified inspector. 6 - 94 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 May 12, 2017 3191 3192 3193 3194 3195 Quality Control Tests - Other Modalities. For systems with image receptor modalities other than screen-film, the quality assurance program shall be substantially the same as the quality assurance program recommended by the image receptor manufacturer, except that the maximum allowable dose shall not exceed the maximum allowable dose for screen-film systems as specified in 3196 3197 3198 3199 Mobile Units. Mobile mammography systems shall meet the requirements of through In addition, at each examination location, the registrant shall verify satisfactory performance of such units using a test methods that, establishes the adequacy of the image quality produced by the unit, prior to its use on patients. 3200 3201 3202 3203 3204 Facility Cleanliness. The registrant shall establish and implement adequate protocols for maintaining darkroom, screen, and view box cleanliness. The registrant shall document that all cleaning procedures are performed at the frequencies specified in the protocols. Infection Control. 3205 3206 3207 The registrant shall establish and comply with a system specifying procedures to be followed by the facility for cleaning and disinfecting mammography systems, after contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials. 3208 3209 3210 3211 3212 3213 3214 3215 3216 Quality Assurance - Mammography Medical Outcomes Audit. Each registrant shall establish and maintain a mammography medical outcomes audit program to follow up positive mammographic assessments and to correlate pathology results with the interpreting physician's findings. The facility's first audit analysis shall be initiated no later than twelve (12) months after the date the facility becomes certified, or twelve (12) months after the effective date of these Regulations whichever date is latest. This audit analysis shall be completed within an additional twelve (12) months to permit completion of diagnostic procedures and data collection. Subsequent audit analyses will be conducted at least once every twelve (12) months. 3217 3218 3219 3220 3221 All mammography facilities which have a current MQSA certificate or provisional certificate and a certification evaluation (not exceeding twelve (12) months old) performed by a qualified inspector authorized in mammography are considered to have met the requirements of RH 6.10, only if any deficiencies or violations cited have been corrected within thirty (30) days 3222 3223 3224 3225 3226 3227 RH 6.11 Severability. 6.11.1 The provisions of these Regulations are severable, and if any provisions or the application of the provisions to any circumstances is held invalid, the application of such provision to other circumstances, and the remainder of these Regulations shall not be affected thereby. 6 - 95 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 May 12, 2017 3228 PART 6, APPENDIX 6A: 3229 INFORMATION REQUIRED FOR EVALUATION OF RADIATION SHIELDING REVIEWS5 3230 3231 3232 3233 5 3234 3235 3236 6A.1 3237 Exceptions from the above design requirements may be granted by the Department. To apply for such an exception, the facility registrant must submit a facility design review from a Qualified Expert to the Department. The review must specify the reason for the exception and it must demonstrate that the operator will have equivalent protection from radiation by use of the proposed shielding design. In order to provide an evaluation, AND technical advice, and official approval on shielding requirements for a radiation installation, the following information shall be submitted to the qualified expert or registered medical physicist. 6A.1.1. The planSUBMITTALs shall show, as a minimum, AT LEAST the following: 3238 3239 3240 3241 (1a) The normal location of the x-ray IMAGING system's radiation port; the port's travel and traverse limits; general direction(s) of the useful beam; locations of any windows and doors; the location of the operator's booth; and the location of the xray control panel. 3242 3243 (2b) The structural composition and thickness or lead equivalent of all walls, doors, partitions, floor, and ceiling of the room(s) concerned. 3244 3245 (3c) The dimensions of the room(s) concerned and inter-floor distances if SPACE ABOVE OR BELOW IS occupied. 3246 3247 (4d) The type of occupancy of all adjacent areas inclusive of space above and below the room(s) concerned. 3248 3249 (5) If there is an exterior wall, show THE distance to the closest area(s) where it is likely that individuals may be present. 3250 3251 3252 (6e) A DESCRIPTION OF THE X-RAY IMAGING SYSTEM AND COMPONENTS, INCLUDING Tthe make and model of the equipment., the maximum technique factors, and the energy waveform (single phase, three phase, etc.) 3253 3254 (7f) The type of examination(s) or treatment(s) which THAT will be performed with the equipment. 3255 3256 6A.1.2. Information on the anticipated workload of the x-ray IMAGING system(s). 6 - 96 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 3257 PART 6 APPENDIX 6B: 3258 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOR AN OPERATOR'S BOOTH 3259 6B.1. May 12, 2017 Space Requirements: 3260 3261 6B.1.1(a) The operator shall be allotted not less than 7.5 square feet (0.697 m2 (8 FT2) of unobstructed floor space in the booth. 3262 3263 6B.1.2(b) The operator's booth may be of any geometric configuration with no dimension of less than 2 feet (0.61 m (2 FT). 3264 3265 6B.1.3(c) The space shall be allotted excluding any encumbrance by the x-ray control panel, such as overhang, cables, or other similar encroachments. 3266 3267 3268 6B.1.4(d) The booth shall be located or constructed such that unattenuated direct scatter radiation originating on the examination table or at the wall cassette cannot reach the operator's location within the booth. 3269 6B.2. Structural Requirements: 3270 3271 6B.2.1(a) The booth walls shall be permanently fixed barriers of at least 7 feet (2.13 m (7 FT) high. 3272 3273 3274 6B.2.2(b) When a door or movable panel is used as an integral part of the booth structure, it must have an interlock which THAT will prevent an exposure when the door or panel is not closed in its shielding position. 3275 3276 6B.2.3(c) Shielding shall be provided to meet the requirements of Part 4 of these Regulations. 3277 3278 6B.3. Viewing System Requirements: 6B.3.1(a) Each booth shall have at least one viewing device which THAT will: 3279 (1) Be so placed that the operator can view the patient during any exposure, and 3280 3281 3282 3283 3284 3285 (2) The device shall be so placed that the operator can have full view of any occupant of the room and should be so placed that the operator can view any entry into the room. If any door which THAT allows access to the room cannot be seen from the booth, then that door must have either an interlock controlling the exposure which THAT will prevent the exposure if the door is not closed; or a warning light must be activated at the control panel when the door is opened. 6 - 97 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 3286 6B.3.2(b) May 12, 2017 When the viewing system is a window, the following requirements also apply: 3287 (1) The viewing area shall be at least 1 square foot (0.10929 m2) (1 FT2). 3288 3289 3290 (2) The design of the booth shall be such that the operator's expected position when viewing the patient and operating the x-ray system is at least 18 inches (0.5457 m (1.5 FT) from the edge of the booth. 3291 3292 (3) The material constituting the window shall have the same lead equivalence as that required in the booth's wall in which it is mounted. 3293 3294 (c) When the viewing system is by mirrors, the mirror(s) shall be so located as to accomplish the general requirements of 6B.3.1paragraph 3.(a) of this Appendix. 3295 (d) When the viewing system is by electronic means: 3296 3297 (1) The camera shall be so located as to accomplish the general requirements of 6B.3.1paragraph 3.(a) of this Appendix. 3298 3299 3300 (2) There shall be an alternate viewing system as a backup for the primary system, unless the x-ray room is not used in the case of viewing system failure. 6 - 98 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 May 12, 2017 3301 PART 6, APPENDIX 6C: 3302 STANDARD FORMAT AND CONTENT OF A SHIELDING DESIGN 3303 3304 3305 3306 6C.1 EACH WRITTEN SHIELDING DESIGN PREPARED BY A QUALIFIED EXPERT SHALL INCLUDE IDENTIFYING INFORMATION, IF AVAILABLE, SUCH AS THE FACILITY NAME, ADDRESS, OWNER, CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBERS AND CONTACT E-MAIL ADDRESSES. 3307 3308 6C.2 EACH WRITTEN SHIELDING DESIGN PREPARED BY A QUALIFIED EXPERT SHALL INCLUDE: 3309 3310 3311 3312 6C.2.2 EVALUATION FROM A RADIATION PROTECTION POINT-OF-VIEW OF THE OVERALL LAYOUT OF THE ROOM(S) FLOOR PLAN, INCLUDING THE LOCATION AND CONFIGURATION ANY RADIATION PRODUCING MACHINES IN EACH ROOM, BASED ON THE INFORMATION REQUIRED IN APPENDIX 6A AND 6B. 3313 3314 3315 6C.1.3 EVALUATION OF SUITABLE WORKLOAD, BASED ON THE VOLUME OF WORK AND EQUIPMENT USAGE ANTICIPATED IN THE INFORMATION PROVIDED PURSUANT TO 6A.1.2, IN RELATION TO THE OVERALL LAYOUT. 3316 3317 3318 3319 6C.1.4 DETAILED CONSIDERATION, USING GUIDELINES BASED ON NATIONAL COUNCIL ON RADIATION PROTECTION AND MEASUREMENTS REPORT NO. 147, “STRUCTURAL SHIELDING DESIGN FOR MEDICAL IMAGING FACILITIES”, OR EQUIVALENT GUIDANCE, OF: 3320 3321 6C.1.4.1 LOCATION AND TYPES OF PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY BARRIERS AND SHIELDING; 3322 6C.1.4.2 LOCATION OF CONTROLS AND CONTROL BOOTH; 3323 6C.1.4.3 LOCATION OF EXPOSURE SWITCH; AND 3324 3325 6C.1.4.4 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR WALLS, DOORS AND WINDOWS, AND FLOORS AND CEILINGS. 3326 3327 6C.1.5 CALCULATIONS OF POTENTIAL EXPOSURES BASED ON OCCUPANCY AND WORKLOAD DISTRIBUTION. 3328 3329 3330 3331 3332 3333 6C.1.6 FOR EACH ROOM IN WHICH A STATIONARY X-RAY IMAGING SYSTEM IS LOCATED, A CURRENT DIMENSIONAL DRAWING AS REQUIRED BY WITH ACCOMPANYING SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION AND LAYOUT TO MEET ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THESE REGULATIONS, IN PARTICULAR TO PRECLUDE AN INDIVIDUAL FROM RECEIVING A DOSE IN EXCESS OF THE LIMITS IN 4.6, 4.12, 4.13, 4.14 AND 4.15. 3334 3335 3336 6C.1.7 THE SIGNATURE OF THE QUALIFIED EXPERT WHO PREPARED THE SHIELDING DESIGN AND THE DATE SIGNED. 6 - 99 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 May 12, 2017 3337 3338 INFORMATION TO BE SUBMITTED BY PERSONS PROPOSING TO CONDUCT HEALING ARTS SCREENING 3339 3340 Persons requesting that the Agency approve a healing arts screening program shall submit the following information and evaluation: 3341 3342 1. Name and address of the applicant and, when applicable, the names and addresses of all locations within this State, where the service will be provided. 3343 2. Diseases or conditions for which the x-ray examinations are to be used in diagnoses. 3344 3. A detailed description of the x-ray examinations proposed in the screening program. 3345 3346 4. Description of the population to be examined in the screening program, i.e., age, sex, physical condition, and other appropriate information. 3347 3348 3349 5. An evaluation of any known alternate methods not involving ionizing radiation which could achieve the goals of the screening program and why these methods are not used instead of the x-ray examinations. 3350 3351 3352 6. An evaluation by a qualified expert of the x-ray system(s) to be used in the screening program prior to being placed into operation. The evaluation by the qualified expert shall show that such system(s) do satisfy all requirements of these Regulations. 3353 7. A description of the diagnostic film quality control program, if applicable. 3354 8. A copy of the technique chart for the x-ray examination procedures to be used. 3355 3356 3357 3358 9. The qualifications of each individual who will be operating the x-ray system(s). In the case of non-licensed operators of bone densitometry unit(s), include a copy of the waiver granted by the Board of Medical Examiners to the non-licensed operators from taking the limited scope examination. 3359 3360 3361 10. The qualifications of the individual who will be supervising the operators of the x-ray system(s). The extent of supervision and the method of work performance evaluation shall be specified. 3362 3363 11. The name and address of the individual who will interpret the radiograph(s) or other results from the x-ray examinations. 3364 3365 12. Name and current license from Board of Medical Examiners of Physician(s) who will oversee the program. 3366 3367 13. A copy of the order prescribed by a Colorado licensed practitioner for the healing art screening program to be conducted. 3368 3369 3370 14. A description of the procedures to be used in advising the individuals screened and their private practitioners of the healing arts of the results of the screening procedure and any further medical needs indicated. 3371 3372 3373 15. A description of the procedures for the retention or disposition of the radiographs, if applicable, and other records pertaining to the x-ray examinations. 6 - 100 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 May 12, 2017 3374 PART 6, APPENDIX 6D: 3375 3376 CRITERIA FOR CLASSIFYING A RADIATION MACHINE UNSAFE FOR ROUTINE HUMAN, ANIMAL OR OTHER USE 3377 3378 3379 6D.1 The operating condition of an x-ray RADIATION machine and related equipment may SHALL NOT be such that the continued operation of that machine endangers the public health and safety. 3380 3381 6D.2 An x-ray RADIATION machine shall be considered unsafe for human, ANIMAL OR OTHER use if: 3382 3383 3384 3385 3386 6D.2.1. The x-ray RADIATION machine system has a malfunctioning component or components that could result in an inadvertent exposure to members of the public, the operator, or the patient. Examples include but are not limited to: a timer that fails to terminate the exposure, an exposure switch when activated once produces multiple exposures, a system that produces x-rays without activation of the exposure switch. 3387 3388 6D.2.2. The x-ray RADIATION machine is not equipped with a means of determining when x-rays are in production. 3389 3390 3391 3392 3393 6D.2.3. The x-ray RADIATION machine is equipped with variable technique factors EXPOSURE SETTINGS and the selectors and/or indicators of these technique factors EXPOSURE SETTINGS do not permit the operator to determine the factors in use or if the indicated versus the technique factor(s) EXPOSURE SETTINGS are in error by fifty (50) percent or more, except for exposure times selected less than 50 millisecond. 3394 3395 3396 3397 6D.2.4. The collimation of the x-ray beam of a fluoroscopic/spot film system is such that either the length or width of the x-ray field in the plane of the image receptor differs (in excess) from the corresponding image receptor dimensions by more than 25 percent of the source to image distance (SID). 3398 3399 6D.2.5. The half-value layer of aluminum (or equivalent) filtration in the useful beam is more than fifty (50) percent below the values specified in 6 - 101 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 3400 3401 3402 May 12, 2017 6D.2.6. In addition to the above items, a fluoroscopic x-ray RADIATION machine system will be considered unsafe if: (1) In normal fluoroscopic mode: 3403 3404 (a). No operational image intensifier OR DIRECT DIGITAL IMAGE RECEPTOR is provided. 3405 3406 3407 (b). Except for radiation oncology simulators, the primary protective barrier does not intercept 100 percent of the x-ray beam of a fluoroscopic x-ray system. 3408 3409 3410 (c). Except for radiation oncology simulators, the fluoroscopic x-ray system is capable of producing x-rays when the primary protective barrier is not in position to intercept the beam. 3411 3412 3413 (d). The fluoroscopic x-ray system has a tabletop entrance exposure rate AKR equal to or greater than 220 mGy PER MINUTE (25 R/min) at the point where the useful beam enters the patient, except: 3414 (1i) During the recording of fluoroscopic images, or 3415 (2ii) When an optional high-level control is activated. 3416 3417 3418 3419 3420 3421 (2) Note that this is normal fluoroscopic mode, and tThe FDA's regulations (21 CFR 1020.32(e)(2)(II), April 1, 2004) allow up to 176 mGy PER MINUTE (20 R/min) when recording or using high-level control. 6D.2.7. An electro-mechanical defect exists that endangers human life OR SAFETY when a radiograph is made or fluoroscopy is performed. 6 - 102 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 May 12, 2017 3422 PART 6, APPENDIX 6E: HUMAN USE OF PORTABLE HAND-HELD X-RAY EQUIPMENT 3423 3424 3425 3426 6E.1 3427 THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS ARE APPLICABLE, AS DETERMINED BY THE DEPARTMENT, TO ANY HUMAN USE X-RAY RADIOGRAPHIC DEVICE, IN PARTICULAR FOR DENTAL INTRAORAL USE, THAT IS DESIGNED TO BE OPERATED AS A HAND-HELD UNIT. 6E.1.1 REQUIREMENTS FOR ANY LOCATION: 3428 3429 6E.1.1.1 EACH OPERATOR OF A HAND-HELD DEVICE SHALL BE SPECIFICALLY TRAINED TO OPERATE SUCH EQUIPMENT. 3430 3431 3432 3433 6E.1.1.2 THE OPERATOR SHALL ENSURE THERE ARE NO BYSTANDERS WITHIN A RADIUS OF AT LEAST 2 METERS (SIX FEET) FROM THE PATIENT BEING EXAMINED WITH A HAND-HELD INTRAORAL RADIOGRAPHIC UNIT. 3434 3435 3436 6E.1.1.3 IF A HAND-HELD DEVICE WAS DESIGNED WITH AN OPTIONAL, REMOVABLE SECONDARY RADIATION BLOCK, IT SHALL BE INSTALLED AND USED DURING PATIENT EXAMINATION. 3437 3438 3439 3440 3441 6E.1.1.4 THE DEVICE SHALL BE HELD WITHOUT ANY MOTION, IN ORDER TO PREVENT REPEAT IMAGING DUE TO MOTION THAT REDUCES IMAGE QUALITY. IF THE OPERATOR HAS DIFFICULTY IN HOLDING THE DEVICE STATIONARY, THE OPERATOR SHALL USE A STAND OR TRIPOD TO IMMOBILIZE THE DEVICE. 3442 3443 3444 3445 3446 6E.1.1.5 THE OPERATOR SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM DIRECT SCATTER RADIATION BY PROTECTIVE MATERIAL OF NOT LESS THAN 0.25 MILLIMETER LEAD EQUIVALENT AND A THYROID COLLAR UNLESS THE RADIATION SAFETY OFFICER AND DEPARTMENT DETERMINE THAT NO ADDED PROTECTION IS NEEDED FOR THE DEVICE MODEL AND/OR USE. 3447 3448 6E.1.1.6 PERSONNEL MONITORING SHALL BE AT LEAST AS REQUIRED BY 3449 6E.1.2 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR OPERATIONS IN PERMANENT FACILITIES: 3450 3451 6E.1.2.1 AS PROVIDED IN, A HAND-HELD DEVICE IS EXEMPT FROM AND CONSEQUENTLY IS EXEMPT FROM AND 3452 3453 6E.1.2.2 A HAND-HELD DEVICE SHALL NOT BE USED FOR PATIENT EXAMINATIONS IN HALLWAYS AND WAITING ROOMS. 3454 3455 3456 6E.2 PORTABLE HAND-HELD X-RAY EQUIPMENT SHALL BE KEPT IN A SECURED LOCATION WHEN NOT IN USE. 6 - 103 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 May 12, 2017 3457 PART 6, APPENDIX 6F: 3458 3459 INFORMATION TO BE SUBMITTED BY A PERSON PROPOSING TO CONDUCT HEALING ARTS SCREENING 3460 3461 3462 6F.1 A PERSON REQUESTING THAT THE DEPARTMENT APPROVE A HEALING ARTS SCREENING PROGRAM SHALL SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION AND EVALUATION WHEN COMPLETING DEPARTMENT FORM R-300: 3463 3464 3465 6F.1.1 NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE APPLICANT AND, WHEN APPLICABLE, THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ALL LOCATIONS WITHIN THIS STATE, WHERE THE SERVICE WILL BE PROVIDED. 3466 3467 6F.1.2 DISEASES OR CONDITIONS FOR WHICH THE X-RAY EXAMINATIONS ARE TO BE USED IN DIAGNOSES. 3468 3469 6F.1.3 A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE X-RAY EXAMINATIONS PROPOSED IN THE SCREENING PROGRAM. 3470 3471 3472 6F.1.4 DESCRIPTION OF THE POPULATION TO BE EXAMINED IN THE SCREENING PROGRAM, I.E., AGE, SEX, PHYSICAL CONDITION, AND OTHER APPROPRIATE INFORMATION. 3473 3474 3475 3476 6F.1.5 AN EVALUATION OF ANY KNOWN ALTERNATE METHODS NOT INVOLVING IONIZING RADIATION THAT COULD ACHIEVE THE GOALS OF THE SCREENING PROGRAM AND WHY THESE METHODS ARE NOT USED INSTEAD OF THE X-RAY EXAMINATIONS. 3477 3478 3479 3480 6F.1.6 AN EVALUATION BY A QUALIFIED EXPERT OF THE X-RAY SYSTEM(S) TO BE USED IN THE SCREENING PROGRAM PRIOR TO BEING PLACED INTO OPERATION. THE EVALUATION BY THE QUALIFIED EXPERT SHALL SHOW THAT SUCH SYSTEM(S) DO SATISFY ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THESE REGULATIONS. 3481 3482 6F.1.7 A DESCRIPTION OF THE IMAGE PROCESSING QUALITY CONTROL PROGRAM, IF APPLICABLE. 3483 3484 6F.1.8 A COPY OF THE TECHNIQUE PROTOCOLS FOR THE X-RAY EXAMINATION PROCEDURES TO BE USED AS REQUIRED UNDER 3485 3486 3487 6F.1.9 DOCUMENTATION THAT EACH INDIVIDUAL WHO WILL BE OPERATING THE X-RAY SYSTEM(S) FULFILLS DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR ADEQUATE RADIATION SAFETY TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE. 3488 3489 3490 3491 3492 6F.1.10 DOCUMENTATION THAT EACH INDIVIDUAL WHO WILL BE SUPERVISING THE OPERATORS OF THE X-RAY SYSTEM(S) FULFILLS DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR ADEQUATE RADIATION SAFETY TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE. THE EXTENT OF SUPERVISION AND THE METHOD OF WORK PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SHALL BE SPECIFIED. 3493 3494 6F.1.11 THE NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE INDIVIDUAL WHO WILL INTERPRET THE RADIOGRAPH(S) OR OTHER RESULTS FROM THE X-RAY EXAMINATIONS. 6 - 104 Colorado Radiation Regulations, Proposed Revised Part 6 May 12, 2017 3495 3496 3497 3498 6F.1.12 NAME OF WHO WILL OVERSEE THE PROGRAM WITH A CURRENT LICENSE FROM BOARD OF MEDICAL EXAMINERS OF PHYSICIAN(S) OF A PHYSICIAN, CHIROPRACTOR, DENTIST OR PODIATRIST WHO HAS A CURRENT ACTIVE STATE OF COLORADO LICENSE TO PRACTICE THE HEALING ARTS. 3499 3500 3501 3502 6F.1.13 A COPY OF THE ORDER FOR THE SCREENING PROGRAM TO BE CONDUCTED, PRESCRIBED BY A PHYSICIAN, CHIROPRACTOR, DENTIST OR PODIATRIST WHO HAS A CURRENT ACTIVE STATE OF COLORADO LICENSE TO PRACTICE THE HEALING ARTS. 3503 3504 3505 3506 3507 6F.1.14 A DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURES TO BE USED BY A PHYSICIAN, CHIROPRACTOR, DENTIST OR PODIATRIST WHO HAS A CURRENT ACTIVE STATE OF COLORADO LICENSE TO PRACTICE THE HEALING ARTS OF THE TO ADVISE THE INDIVIDUALS SCREENED ABOUT THE RESULTS OF THE SCREENING PROCEDURE AND ANY FURTHER MEDICAL NEEDS INDICATED. 3508 3509 3510 6F.1.15 A DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURES FOR THE RETENTION OR DISPOSITION OF THE RADIOGRAPHS, IF APPLICABLE, AND OTHER RECORDS PERTAINING TO THE X-RAY EXAMINATIONS. 3511 6F.1.16 A SHIELDING ANALYSIS, IF APPLICABLE. 3512 3513 3514 6F.1.17 A COPY OF THE POLICY AND PROCEDURES TO ENSURE THAT ALL APPLICABLE DOSE LIMITATION REQUIREMENTS OF PART 4, “STANDARDS FOR PROTECTION AGAINST RADIATION”, ARE MET. 3515 6F.1.18 A COPY OF THE ALARA POLICY AND PROCEDURES. 3516 3517 6F.1.19 COPIES OF PERSONNEL MONITORING REPORTS FOR ANY EMPLOYEE INVOLVED IN SCREENING. 3518 3519 6F.1.20 ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION THAT HAS BEEN REQUESTED BY THE DEPARTMENT. 6 - 105