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Student Learning Outcome (SLO) Assessment Template
Course Alpha and Number:
Course Title:
Name(s) of Instructor(s):
Drama 101
Introduction to Drama and Theatre
Betty Burdick
9/26/08 (but assessment occurred in Fall of 2005)
What Student Learning Outcome was assessed?
1. Analyze the theatrical process and conventions whereby a text is translated
into a performance.
2. Critique theatrical performances by viewing and writing reviews of live
Phase 1
A. Describe the assessment tool (test, survey, rubric, etc.) used. Cut and paste your
tool below if possible.
Students attend and critique two live theatre performances. (format and rubric attached)
Rubric for Assessing DRAM 101 Student Learning Outcomes
Understand the
major elements
of Western
drama and
practice from
the classical
period to the
The student provides
clear evidence of a
solid understanding of
the progression of
Western theatre from
the Golden Age of
Greece to the present
day. The student is
able to correctly use
vocabulary from the
eras studied and
shows understanding
of their context.
The student provides
clear evidence of a
solid understanding of
the entire theatrical
The student shows a
general understanding
of the progression of
Western theatre from
the Golden Age of
Greece to the present
day. The student is
able to provide
definitions for the
vocabulary from each
era studied.
The student shows little
or no understanding of
the progression of
Western theatre from
the Golden Age of
Greece to the present
day. The student is
unable to identify
vocabulary from the
different eras studied.
The student shows a
general understanding
of the basic ideas
whereby a text is
translated into a
The student shows little
or no understanding of
the basic ideas of how a
text becomes a
production on the stage.
Analyze the
process and
whereby a text
is translated
into a
literature with a
appreciation for
the genre.
The student provides
clear evidence of a
solid understanding of
how a script may be
analyzed. The
student shows an
understanding of how
historical context
affects the
interpretation of a
script. The student is
able to provide
detailed and subtle
interpretations in
his/her written
The student is able to
write a paper in MLA
format. The student
performances by is able to make
specific observations
viewing and
and judgments about
writing reviews lights, costumes, set,
sound and acting after
of live
viewing a live
performance. The
student is able to
provide detailed and
subtle interpretations
of what s/he saw in
his/her written
The student shows a
general understanding
of how a script may be
analyzed. The student
also shows a general
understanding of how
historical context
affects the
interpretation of a
script. The student is
able to demonstrate
this general
understanding in
his/her written support.
The student shows little
or no understanding of
how to approach a
written script.
The student shows a
general grasp on
writing in MLA
format. The student is
able to make
observations about
lights, costumes, set,
sound and acting after
viewing a live
performance. The
student is able to
demonstrate these
observations in a
readable manner in a
written critique.
The student is unable to
grasp how a paper
should be written in
MLA format. The
student is unable to
make comprehensible
observations concerning
lights, costumes, set,
sound and acting after
viewing a live
performance. The
student is unable to
show a grasps of
grammar in a written
This rubric was added in 2008.
B. Who was the data collected from? How many were collected?
Assessment came from 31 students who completed the course in the
Fall of 2005
C. What were the results of the assessment?
The assessment strategy employed provides students with the
opportunity to observe and analyze the theatrical process in action. It
also provides them with the opportunity to make critical judgments
about what they observe.
D. What changes are needed based on your assessment?
Phase 2
E. What changes were implemented as a result of your initial assessment?
F. What were the results of those changes?
G. What will be done for the next assessment of this course?