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Animation with a Bigger
Purpose: Marketing Made fun
By: Onicka Mata
ELA Per. 3
Why I chose my Topic:
The reason I choose my topic is I get passionate over art and animation. Marketing is
also a great subject to talk about as well . Art takes a lot of time and effort, and
animation takes even more time and effort, if you rush though the process you get
something ugly and forgetful. People like to think art isn't a huge deal, which it is,
probably more then you take credit for. You're whole childhood could have be just
animation like in movies and T.V shows, you know Disney, Pixar, and even
DreamWorks. So, how does propaganda get into this? Well a lot actually, even when
Animation was first out, it would start giving out advertisment in their cartoons, but
they weren't nearly as effective as they are today. This is one of those educational
and good subjects to talk about with everyone. Propaganda, or more of a superior
word, "Marketing" always tries getting the viewer like you to buy company products.
A bit of History
• Russian in the 1920s began to produce more then a dozen
animation progaganda flims for communistism.
• Later down the road between 1942 AND 1945 during World War
2, Walt Disney, creator of Disney was becoming invloved in the
production of propaganda for the United States Government.
• Disney made a very intresting and creative way to create
educational flims of proganda that were anti-german and antiasian.
• While now these days don't like to consider animation to show children
about the world problems, the Disney propaganda flims were great
examples for future educational films.
• One of the most memorial and reaconized flim is considered, "Der
Fuehrer's Face", in which Donald Duck has a nightmare of being a nazi
in which he's forced to work in factories and hail Hitler.
"How can I can I use animation to grab the
attention of clients?"
When you put effort into your visual effects with adding
decent grapghics with intresting animated charcters, it will
reflect on the company to their direct audience. The
advertisment helps the audeince retain their company name
and leave an impression on the company's skills and effort to
show they care about what they do, rather then get your
Main Points for the pervious slide...
• Companies are focusing not only on strategy, but clever scripts
• Viral animated videos with a strong deep messages with also colorful
grapichs with present a brand recognition
• Animated videos are becoming a higher demand and are capable to be
Examples for marketing have shifted from being on Tv to
also being online. This helps companies by giving a thanks
to loyal customers and adressing to their needs quickly.
what are the reasons to use animation for marketing?
Since It's become so hard to stay ahead of tends and development online. How
could we make advertising comfortable for online veiwers? Well advertising had
to change to fit in to modern day equipment. What are examples for using
animation in Marketing?
• Animation can save money and time. It's cheaper to animate then cast different actors to
shoot for a few days. Your advertisment needs to be seen and heard as fast as possible, so
waiting a few weeks for the actors and editing to be done and made. You can easily just
have a voice that the animated character rather then it being restricted.
• You're not limited on what you can do with your character. You have the power to control
them and make reactions on what you think would be fitting to the product!
• Be timeless with your design and character, while it's cool to put celebrities in your
commerical they can burn out over time and can make a big mistake that could harm your
reputation. Create a charater that will be remembered for a long time.
Who is the most remembered?
What can we learn from Animation Propagnda?
Art Propaganda is strangly important to learn. Teens and
sadly adults consider animation as something pointless
and used to just babysit their children, but animation can
be used for something even greater, it can give out very
important messages then just for their product. It shows
how the media for marketing is changing and if we want
to be in business we need to keep being updated with the
tends online.
Works Cited
• Dizon, Leoni. "6 Reason to use Animation as Advertising," 2012. Web.
Available:, June 5, 2014.
• Nysten, Alexandra, Yasmina. "The role of Animation in Propagnda," Web.
.2.pdf, June 2, 2014
• Raison, Janis. "How Business use Animation for Marketing," Web.
Available:, June 5, 2014