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1. Project name:
National Capacity Needs Self Assessment for Global
Environmental Management
3. Country or countries in which the project is being
5. GEF focal area(s), and/or cross-cutting issues:
Multiple Focal Area
2. GEF Implementing Agency:
United Nations Environment Programme
4. Country eligibility:
Dominica is eligible for funding under paragraph
9(b) of the Instrument. Dominica ratified the
UNFCCC on 21 March 1994, the CDB on 5 July
1994 and the UNCCD in 1997.
6. Operational program/Short-term measure:
Enabling Activities
7. Project linkage to national priorities, action plans, and programs:
Dominica has ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC), the Convention on Biological
Diversity (CBD) and the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in (UNCCD) as well as a number of other
regional and international environmental agreements designed to address global environmental concerns. In this regard,
Dominica has taken a number of steps to honour its obligations under these international legal instruments by completing its
first National Communication under the UNFCC in November 2001; its National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan in the
first quarter of 2002 and its First and Second National Reports on the implementation of the UNCCD in April 2000 and July
2002, respectively.
In all of these documents capacity development, including, inter alia, capacity building and institutional strengthening for
environmental management, the development of adequate environmental legislative frameworks including a system of
environmental standards and guidelines; and the development of capacities aimed at capturing traditional knowledge and its
integration into mainstream development have been identified as priority cross-cutting issues which require urgent attention.
For example, the Second National Report on the implementation of the UNCCD, concluded that the major constraint to
stemming the pace of the land degradation problem in Dominica remains the absence of institutional and legislative
frameworks at the national level, and lack of human and institutional capacity and inadequate funding. The same is true for
the areas of biodiversity and climate change.
In addition to the above, Dominica, under the GEF funded project “Caribbean: Planning for Adaptation to Climate Change”
(CPACC), prepared a National Policy on Adaptation to Climate Change in 2000. This was subsequently adopted by the
Government of Dominica. The overall objective of the Adaptation Plan is to foster the development of processes, plans and
strategies to avoid, minimise or mitigate the negative impact of climate change on Dominica. The Plan concludes by restating
the need to develop national capacity to respond to the challenges presented by climate change and variability. It also
highlights the need to strengthen technical capacity, capabilities at the sectoral level in areas such as vulnerability
assessments, climate data collection, as well as skills needed to effectively place issues relating to climate change within the
wider framework of sustainable development with the view of reducing vulnerabilities and risks associated with climate
change and variability.
The current Work Programme of the Environmental Coordinating Unit (ECU) which covers the twelve month period from July
2002 to June 2003 identifies capacity needs assessment as a major priority area in which work will commence and continue
during the next financial year. Specific reference is also made in the Plan for a number of activities in the areas of climate
change, biodiversity including biosafety, biotechnology and land degradation. The implementation of the National Capacity
Self Assessment will assist the Environment Coordinating Unit (ECU) of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment in
achieving this objective.
The NCSA is also of critical importance to the Integrated Development Plan (IDP) which will provide a comprehensive
framework for addressing the environmental and sustainable development issues confronting the country. The IDP which is
currently under preparation, seeks to directly engage people of all sectors in identifying the key issues affecting their
communities/sectors and indeed the country, and proposing measures (institutional, operational, legal, constitutional) for
addressing them. It is a key policy tool which seeks to propose measures for formalising and institutionalising a participatory
approach to planning for national development. The NCSA will provide an important additional element which will no doubt
facilitate the implementation of the IDP as well as mainstreaming global environmental concerns in the planning process.
As a Small Island Developing State (SIDS) the NCSA is of extreme importance for Dominica in the implementation of actions
contained in the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States (SIDS). In addition
to the numerous constraints faced by Dominica by virtue of being a SIDS, the POA/SIDS underscores that, in order for SIDS
to address environmental resource management priorities essential to sustainable development, national institutions and
administrative arrangements must be strengthened, national capacities must be increased at all levels, including education,
training and skills development, particularly of technicians, scientists and decision makers to enable them to better plan and
implement sustainable development programmes. The POA/SIDS also underscores the need for scientific and technological
capacity to tap local knowledge, and to develop environmentally sound endogenous technologies, as well as the need to
more adequately absorb environmentally sound technologies.
8. GEF national operational focal point and date of country endorsement:
Mr A. Livingston Cassell, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment, Government
Headquarters, Roseau, Dominica.
Tel: +767-448-2401 Ext 3282/3211; Fax:: +767-448-7999; e-mail: [email protected]
9. Project rationale and objectives:
The purpose of this activity is to conduct a comprehensive assessment and analysis of the capacity needs and
constraints facing Dominica as it seeks to honour its global environmental obligations under the Rio Conventions
and related international environmental legal instruments. The overall aim of GEF support for the NCSA is to
provide countries with the opportunity to take the lead in articulating their own capacity needs and priorities with
respect to the global environment taking into account the three global conventions on biodiversity, climate
change and desertification/land degradation. The primary goal is that there will be, through a country-driven
consultative process, priorities and needs for capacity building to protect the global environment. Specific
objectives which will be accomplished through the NCSA includes, inter alia:
 to identify, confirm or review priority issues for action within the thematic areas of biodiversity, climate
change and desertification/land degradation;
 to explore related capacity needs within and across the three thematic areas;
 to catalyse targeted and co-ordinated action and requests for future external funding and assistance ,
 to link country action to the broader national environmental management and sustainable
development framework.
UNEP will work with Dominica to design and implement a NCSA that incorporates the following principles:
 is country-owned and driven
 is holistic, examining capacity needs at the systemic, institutional and individual levels;
 engages a spectrum of national stakeholders in a consultative process; and
 identifies any synergies, overlapping obligations, and conflicting priorities between and among the
thematic areas.
10. Expected outcomes:
The main outcome will be the establishment of a multi-stakeholder consultation process to undertake a national
capacity needs self assessment. This will result in the development of a comprehensive action plan that
identifies priority issues, capacity constraints and opportunities for capacity building, with a primary focus on
national needs and the identification of synergies between biodiversity, climate change and land degradation
11. Planned activities to achieve outcomes:
To achieve the above outcomes, at minimum the following activities will be carried out:
 Consulting with the main government departments and agencies as well as a wide cross section
of stakeholders,
 Reviewing the formal proposal criteria and other related documents provided by the GEF
 Compiling, reviewing and analysing any relevant action plans, strategies, or assessments
completed in recent times (i.e. the last five years),
 Research into existing capacity building projects and related ongoing projects;
 Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis;
 Conduct a cross-cutting assessment that addresses synergies between the thematic areas; and
 Preparation of an NCSA Action Plan that has high level government endorsement.
12. Stakeholders involved in project:
Bureau of Standards, Canfield Urban Council, Carib Affairs, Carib Council, COMPACT Project, Curriculum Unit. Ministry of
Education, Dominica Export Import Agency (DEXIA), Division of Agriculture, Dominica Banana Marketing Corporation
(DBMC), Dominica Broadcasting Service – Creole Desk, Dominica Broadcasting Service – News Desk, Dominica Rural
Enterprise Project (DREP), Dominica Social Security, Dominica Solid Waste Management Corporation, Environmental
Health department, ESPWA, Fisheries Division, Forestry, Wildlife & Parks Division, Government Information Service, Marigot
Cooperative Credit Union , Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and the Environment, Ministry of Communication and Works,
Ministry of Finance and Planning, Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs, Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Trade, Industry &
Marketing, National Association for Local Authorities, National Association for Non-Governmental Organisations (NANGO),
National Development Corporation, National Parks Unit, Physical Planning Division, Roseau City Council, Youth
Environmental Services (YES) Corps.
Community and Citizen’s Groups
Farmer Groups, Fishermen Co-operatives, Movement for Cultural Awareness (MCA), Small Projects Assistance Team
(SPAT), Indigenous Peoples Community Groups
Private Sector
Colgate Palmolive Co. Ltd., KFC Corporation, Marpin Telecom & Broadcasting, O. D. Brisbane & Sons Limited
Aid Bank, Barclays Bank
13. Activities to be financed by the PDF:
Activities to be financed by the PDF A are those intended to contribute to the formulation of a country driven,
consultative NCSA: including the following:
 Hiring of two national consultants. one of which will act as the lead consultant and guide the
development of the GEF Enabling Activity proposal for funding for the National Capacity Self
Assessment, including facilitation of the workshops and consultations;
 Hiring of a regional consultant (including travel), who will work closely with the national
consultants but will have the responsibility for the preparation of the final document;
 Initial planning workshop, as well as stakeholder consultations, to discuss project options,
define a future stakeholder consultation mechanism and review the final draft of the project
document; and
 Preparation of project proposal for NCSA.
Responsibility for the project preparation process lie with the Environmental Coordinating Unit (ECU) of the
Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment which will ensure co-ordination between other government agencies
and the full participation of convention focal points.
14Expected outputs and completion dates of the PDF A:
A proposal to be submitted to the GEF Secretariat, via UNEP, for a National Self-Assessment of Capacity
Building Needs for Global Environmental Management. Proposal to include workshop report, proposed work
plan, milestones, sequence of events, timelines and identification of expected outputs for NCSA.
It is anticipated that PFD-A activities will commence no later than 2.April to be completed by 2 July,2003.
15. Other possible contributors/donors and amounts:
The Government of Dominica will provide an in kind contribution of US$3000
16. Total estimated project budget and information on how costs will be met:
The PDF A Budget is outlined in the table below.
of Domininca
Budget Item/Activities
A. Initial Planning Workshop
B. Identification and consultations with relevant
Government authorities and other key stakeholders
likely to participate in the NCSA process
C. Identification and review of relevant action plans,
strategies, or assessment completed within the last 5
D. Identification and consulting with any relevant
ongoing activities and programmes
E. Design and validation, in a highly participative and
consultative fashion, an NCSA process as well as an
appropriate institutional Arrangement for a crosssectorial integrated assessment
F. Preparation of a proposal to obtain GEF funding to
support the NCSA process
G. Communications, Supplies and materials
* In kind Contribution
17. Name:
Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment.
Government Headquarters, Roseau, Dominica
Technical Focal Point: Environmental Coordinating Unit
19. Mandate/terms of reference:
To foster sustainable improvement in the quality of life of all
Dominicans, through effective integrated planning, coordination,
implementation and monitoring of physical/spatial, technological,
economic, environmental and social development activities.
The Environmental Coordinating Unit (ECU) of the Ministry of
Agriculture and the Environment has the mission to function as the
coordinating, facilitating, administering and collaborating body for
all environmental management and sustainable development
programmes, projects, and activities in the Commonwealth of
In this connection the ECU serves as the technical focal point for
regional and international organizations with responsibility for the
environment. It therefore services the Conventions which are the
focus of this project.
18. Date of establishment, membership, and
Minster: Head of the Ministry, June 1999,
Operational Focal Point : Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment (see
box 8 for details)
20. Sources of revenue:
Appropriations from the Government budget,
supported by funding through bilateral and multilateral sources.
21. Recent activities/programs, in particular those relevant to the GEF:
The Government of Dominica has participated in a number of GEF- funded activities including:
 National Biodiversity Strategy, Action Plan and report to the CBD
 The Clearing House Mechanism Enabling Activity
 First national Communication in Response to its commitments under the UNFCCC
 A number of regional projects, namely; Caribbean planning for Adaptation to Climate change
(CAPACC) ,(GEF/World Bank); Integrated Watershed and Coastal Area Management in
Small Island developing States of the Caribbean (GEF/UNEP);Caribbean Renewable
Energy Development (GEF/UNDP) and Ship-Generated Waste management Project
 Community management of Protected Area Conservation Project (COMPACT) (Funded
under the GEF Small Grants programme).
22. Project identification number:
23 Implementing Agency contact person:
David Duthie, UNEP/GEF Biodiversity Enabling activities, e-mail: [email protected]
24. Project linkage to Implementing Agency program(s):
UNEP has a mandate to assist countries with all aspects of environmental management and sustainable development.
UNEP is the host organisation for the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and also has established links with the
UNFCCC and UNCCD. UNEP has established programmes of support to countries for Biodiversity Enabling Activities,
Climate Change Enabling Activities and also has an active programme of work on land degradation – all of these
programmes involve support to capacity building. The CDI national capacity self assessment provide an obvious extension
of this work, especially in the light of the recent work, led by UNEP, to harmonise obligations under a range of biodiversityrelated multilateral environmental agreements.