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How do we detect PEDs?
Drug Testing
Urine sample
Blood sample
Detection of drug metabolites
The Excretory System
•Urine is excreted from bladder via the
urethra (from bladder out of body)
The Excretory System
To eliminate unwanted substances from the body
CO2 from lungs
Urea from kidneys
Urea from liver
Heat from the skin
Usually you think of urinary system but it also includes
breathing and sweating
Key metabolite in animal urine
Its laboratory synthesis was a key milestone in the
development of the field of chemistry
Urine + straw was used to produce KNO3 (saltpeter) to
make gunpowder
These unwanted substances are the by-products of
metabolism (cells produce energy from nutrients) and
are toxic to keep in the body.
Toxic amount varies
Also called metabolites
Excretion is needed in order to achieve homeostasis:
the balance of everything in the body
The Organs of the Excretory System
responsible for detoxifying and breaking down toxins
(chemicals and poisons that enter our bodies)
E.g. antifreeze poisoning
converts ammonia (from the breakdown of amino acids
found in proteins) to urea, which is excreted in urine.
Liver Links to Digestion and Circulation:
Produces bile: stored in the gallbladder, small intestine
uses bile to break down acidic waste (ammonia, fats,
ethanol) by converting into less harmless waste
Maintains glucose levels in the blood: using the blood’s
insulin levels, the liver regulates how much glucose
should be in the blood
Along with the pancreas
Effects of Alcohol
Alcohol interferes with the functions of the liver and can
cause an inflammation of the liver’s cells – this leads to
a buildup of fat in the liver
Oxidative Stress: this is when the liver is working too
hard to break down the alcohol and results in cellular
damage and scar tissue
Toxins from gut bacteria: if alcohol damages the
intestines, the resulting toxins will enter the liver and
can cause damage and scar tissue
Each kidney contains one million nephrons.
Nephrons filter the blood
Wastes (urea, uric acid) and excess substances (e.g.
sugar, salts) are removed from blood and excreted into
the ureters (tubes from kidney to bladder)
Return purified blood to the renal vein (vein from kidney
to heart)
This regulates the water and mineral content of the
Urine is collected in the bladder, resembles an
expandable bag
Urine is excreted from bladder via the urethra (from
bladder out of body)
Components of Urine
95% of urine is water
5% is solutes (chemicals dissolved in water e.g. urea, uric
acid, salts, etc.)
Urine Should Be:
Urine Should Be:
Clear to dark amber in colour depending on
hydration of the body. Unusual colours can indicate
different problems.
Usually odourless (except after certain foods e.g.
asparagus, pineapple)
Clear. Turbid (cloudy) urine can be due to infections or
Neutral. A pH of around 7.
1-2 L a day
Have a specific gravity or a density of 1.003 to 1.035
Urine Testing – Potential Lab Exam Topic
Proteinuria- the protein albumin, in urine can occur if
the kidneys or blood vessels are damaged. This can be
caused by infection, diabetes, or cardiovascular
Diabetes- glucose in urine can be caused when the body
does not produce enough insulin and the excess blood
sugar is excreted
Hyperuricosuria- too much uric acid in urine would
produce a pH less than 7. This could be a sign of gout,
or kidney stones.
Why are you cold when you get out of the
pool in the summer?
Skin Excretion
Heat regulation:
Dilated (increase in diameter) blood vessels increase blood
flow to surface and excrete heat (e.g. flushed face when hot)
Constricted (decrease in diameter) vessels reduce blood
flow and conserve heat (e.g. bluish lips when cold)
Excreted sweat contains a small amount of urea
sweating is a secondary function to temperature regulation