* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
REQUEST FOR ACTION BY THE ENGINEERING CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Academic Year 2010-2011 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ This form should be sent to the Engineering Curriculum Committee (SOECC) at least two weeks before a regularly scheduled meeting of the SOECC. Please provide both a signed paper copy of the form and an electronic version of the document to Alva Couch, SOECC chair (print copy to Computer Science, Halligan Hall, email to [email protected]), and an electronic version only to Engineering Librarian Karen Vagts ([email protected]) and Science Bibliographer Miriam Allman ([email protected]) at Tisch Library. If credit is desired in either Natural Science or Mathematical Science distribution area in Liberal Arts, one must obtain separate approval from the Academic Review Board (ARB). Please forward the course description to the chair of the ARB, currently Joseph Auner (Music; [email protected]). ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Name Sergio Fantini Department Biomedical Engineering Extension 7-4356 Date September 28, 2010 Course Name and Number Analytical Tools for Biomedical Engineering, BME 0141 Please circle or underline appropriate line(s) (1) Offer a new course or program that will be considered by the faculty. (2) Change the number of a course. (3) Change the title of a course. (4) Change the wording of a course or program description. (5) Other. ___________________________________________________ This request has been approved by the faculty of: Biomedical Engineering Department _________________________________________ Signature of Department Chair 1 On this page or on attached pages, please describe changes, rationale, and resources required to implement the proposed changes. 1. New course or other requested changes. For new courses, please give department designation, course number, course title, and new Bulletin description. Note that the description should be about four printed lines and written in Bulletin language. For course changes, please give old designation, course number, course title, and old course description, followed by the same data for the new description. For programs, please include both existing and proposed Bulletin language describing the program. Attach additional pages if needed. ANALYTICAL TOOLS FOR BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING BME 0141 OLD COURSE DESCRIPTION: Statistical methods of data analysis with emphasis upon biomedical applications. Probability, interpretation of diagnostic tests (sensitivity, specificity, predictive values), random variables, covariance and correlation, normal distribution, samples, statistical tests, linear error analysis and propagation of errors, method of least squares, regression, independent component analysis, principal component analysis, and noise reduction in biomedical data. Students are required to review, critique, and prepare written and oral reports of selected research articles published in the literature. Prerequisites Physics 12 and Mathematics 38, or consent. NEW COURSE DESCRIPTION: Statistical methods of data analysis with emphasis upon biomedical applications. Fourier analysis, probability, Bayes’ theorem, interpretation of diagnostic tests (sensitivity, specificity, predictive values), random variables, covariance and correlation, normal distribution, samples, statistical tests, linear systems, spectral analysis, correlation, coherence, phase analysis, independent component analysis, principal component analysis. Students are required to review, critique, and prepare written and oral reports of selected research articles published in the literature. Prerequisites Physics 12 and Mathematics 38, or consent. 2. Please describe the rationale and impact of the proposed changes and/or for offering the new course or courses. Indicate ways in which proposed changes affect existing or proposed programs of study both within and outside your department. When appropriate, indicate relationships between changes and practices at peer institutions, as well as relevance to department mission and School of Engineering mission and strategic plans. The addition of Fourier analysis, spectral analysis, and phase analysis (to replace error analysis, error propagation, and noise reduction) gives a broader introduction to analytical tools, always maintaining an emphasis on BME applications. 2 3. Please describe the resources required to implement the proposed changes, including plans for how these resources will be obtained. Include expected enrollments, class sizes, expected numbers of sections, and frequency of offering for each class. Describe modifications required in your department’s curriculum or instructor’s regular course offerings to make the proposed changes possible. Identify whether required funding for resources is pending and/or dependent upon external grants. Indicate any additions to the Tisch Library collections that may be required. Where possible, compare resource requirements to existing requirements before the proposed changes. N/A 4. If additional resources are required, please attach a statement from the Dean of Engineering (or a designee) concerning the resources and how they will be provided. N/A 3