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Endocrine System Homeostatic
Ch. 9c
Hypo- vs. Hyper• Hypo –
– Less than normal; deficient
– Hyposecretion
• Deficient hormone secretion
• Hyper –
– Excessive
– Hypersecretion
• Excessive hormone secretion
Pituitary Gland Imbalances
• Hyposecretion of GH (Growth Hormone)
– Dwarfism
• Body proportions still fairly normal but with a
maximum height of 4 feet
• Hypersecretion of GH
– Gigantism
• 8-9 feet is common
• Most cases of hypersecretion results from a
tumor of the affected gland
Thyroid Gland Imbalances
• Goiters (Hyposecretion)
– An enlargement of the
thyroid due to an iodine
• Graves’ Disease (Hypersecretion)
– High metabolic rate
– Rapid heartbeat
– Bulging eyes
Parathyroid Gland Imbalances
• Hyposecretion
– Low blood calcium levels
irritate neurons
– Irritated neurons deliver
rapid impulses to muscles
causing uncontrollable
• Hypersecretion
– Massive bone destruction
– Bones become very fragile
and spontaneous fractures
Adrenal Gland Imbalances
• Addison’s Disease
– Peculiar bronze skin tone
– Sodium and water are lost
from the body causing
muscle weakness
• Cushing Syndrome
– Results from a tumor on
the adrenal cortex
– Symptoms include a wide
“moon face” and a hump
ion the upper back
“Moon Face”
“Buffalo Hump”
Quick Quiz
1. Name one imbalance of the Parathyroid
2. What is one symptom of Cushing Syndrome?
3. Give the definitions of hypo- and hyper-.