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Write these in your notebook!
 Religion
 cultural diffusion
 natural harbors
 Balkan
 city states
 sea traders
 Mediterranean
 education
 islands
 military
Fill in the blanks!
Greece is a nation located in the ______1______ Sea. It has
several geographic features such as the ____2____
Mountains. The country consists of a peninsula and a series
of ___3____, making ___4__ difficult. However, ____5__ led
Grecians to become excellent __6__. The isolation also led to
the creation of several __7__, including Athens and Sparta.
Athens is a city state that values ___8__, trade, and the arts.
Sparta, on the other hand, values the ___9___ above all.
Despite their differences, both city states share a common
culture and ____10____.
But wait, there is more!
What is a golden age?
◦ A time of wealth and learning
What are the Pillars of Asoka?
◦ Pillars spread across India by Emperor Asoka to spread ideas of Buddhism and good government
What two Indian empires did we discuss?
◦ Maurya and Gupta
What is Legalism?
◦ Chinese philosophy of government that promotes strict laws and harsh punishments
What is Daoism?
◦ Chinese philosophy that promotes peace, harmony, and balance between Yin and Yang
Who was Shi Huangdi?
◦ Leader of the Qin dynasty that reunited China after the period of warring states
Name an accomplishment of the Han dynasty
◦ The Silk Road
Name an accomplishment of the Qin dynasty
◦ The Great Wall
Homework Review!
Greek Gods
◦ Learn who the gods are
◦ Watch a video
◦ Play a game to identify them
◦ Create your own!
The Olympians
 Mount Olympus is a castle in the
clouds at the top of a real mountain
where all the main gods lived
 They looked down on the people
below and manipulated their daily
lives – including who they fell in love
with and the weather!
 The gods could also come down to
Earth to hang out with the humans –
and sometimes date them!
 Head god of Greek
 Married to his sister Hera
 God of thunder, fate, law,
and order
 Throws thunderbolts as his
 His animal is the eagle
 Zeus’s wife/sister
 Goddess of marriage,
childbirth, and kings
 Symbol is the
 Animal is the peacock
 God of the Sea
 Zeus’s brother
 Also god of horses?
 Weapon: trident
 Very important to ancient
 WHY???
 Rode dolphins
 God of the Underworld
 Zeus’s other brother
 Had a three-headed dog as
a pet
 Very important to ancient
 WHY???
 Rode dolphins
 God of War
 Weapon: spear
 Wears golden armor and
carries a spear
 Animals: vulture and
poisonous snake
 WHY???
 Which city-state do you think
would try to please him most?
 God of Music and Poetry
 Zeus’s son by a human lover
 “Weapon” – bow and arrow
 Who else does this sound like?
 Goddess of love and beauty
 Symbol: apple
Like who else???
 Goddess of wisdom
 Sprang fully formed from
Zeus’s head
 Symbol: owl
 WHY?
 Also the olive tree
 Ever heard of extending the olive
But then there are other beings!
 In addition to the gods, there were many
mythical creatures that the Greeks believed in
 These myths also helped guide everyday life by
providing moral lessons or warnings
½ Man, ½ Bull. Son of Pasiphae and a bull
King Mino’s made a deal with the King of
Athens to send 7 boys and girls every year
for the Minotaur to eat
Prince Theseus of Athens felt bad about it
and volunteered to be the seventh boy
Once inside the labyrinth, Theseus tied
string to the door so he could find his way
back and slayed the Minotaur
 Medusa was a very pretty
woman who boasted that she
was prettier than Athena.
 Athena cursed her by turning
her into a hideous monster
with snakes for hair. If she
looked at herself in the mirror,
she would be turned to stone.
 She was also dangerous,
because anyone she looked at
would also be turned to stone!
Pick a name and write it big on a half sheet of paper!
• Zeus
• Hera
• Poseidon
• Hades
• Ares
• Apollo
• Athena
• Minotaur
• Medusa
Yes or no answers only!
Sit down once you have figured out who you are!
Design your own god!
 What are they the god of?
 What is their symbol?
 Their animal?
 What do they do?