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Quiz Chp 15 B India
1. An invasion in 451 C.E. by the White Huns, began the
collapse of the
a. Gupta dynasty.
b. Mauryan dynasty.
c. Byzantine Empire.
d. Chola kingdom.
e. Han dynasty.
2. Islam reached India by all of the following routes except
a. conquest by Arabic invaders.
b. missionaries sent by the emperor Harsha.
c. Islamic merchants.
d. migrations from Turkish-speaking peoples from central
e. Both b and d are true
3. India was a natural location for the establishment of emporia
because of
a. its central location in the Indian Ocean basin.
b. the continuous problem of Chinese pirates.
c. its cold, dry climate.
d. the absence of any monsoon winds.
e. its strong, centralized government.
Quiz Chp 15 B India
1. An invasion in 451 C.E. by the White Huns, began the
collapse of the
a. Gupta dynasty.
b. Mauryan dynasty.
c. Byzantine Empire.
d. Chola kingdom.
e. Han dynasty.
2. Islam reached India by all of the following routes except
a. conquest by Arabic invaders.
b. missionaries sent by the emperor Harsha.
c. Islamic merchants.
d. migrations from Turkish-speaking peoples from central
e. Both b and d are true
3. India was a natural location for the establishment of emporia
because of
a. its central location in the Indian Ocean basin.
b. the continuous problem of Chinese pirates.
c. its cold, dry climate.
d. the absence of any monsoon winds.
e. its strong, centralized government.
4.What was the difference between the Islamic invasions of Indi
a and previous incursions of the subcontinent?
A)With the Muslims, the peoples of India encountered for the fir
st time a large-scale influx
of invaders with a civilization as sophisticated as their own.
B)With the Muslims, the peoples of India encountered for the fir
st time an invasion from
the west rather than the east.
C)The Muslims were rapidly able to unify all of India into a singl
e empire.
D)The Muslims, unlike previous invaders, bypassed the Ganget
ic plain in preference for
southern India.
E)Islam proved to be a temporary setback to India but was quic
kly replaced by Buddhism.
5. The bhakti teacher Guru Kabir believed
a. that the only true path to salvation was through
complete devotion to Allah.
b. in a harshly exclusive faith.
c. that Shiva, Vishnu, and Allah were all manifestations of
a single, universal deity.
d. that true disciples had to renounce the foreign influence
of Islam and return to Hinduism.
e. that Buddhism was the only true faith.
4.What was the difference between the Islamic invasions of Indi
a and previous incursions of the
A)With the Muslims, the peoples of India encountered for the fir
st time a large-scale influx
of invaders with a civilization as sophisticated as their own.
B)With the Muslims, the peoples of India encountered for the fir
st time an invasion from
the west rather than the east.
C)The Muslims were rapidly able to unify all of India into a singl
e empire.
D)The Muslims, unlike previous invaders, bypassed the Ganget
ic plain in preference for
southern India.
E)Islam proved to be a temporary setback to India but was quic
kly replaced by Buddhism.
5. The bhakti teacher Guru Kabir believed
a. that the only true path to salvation was through
complete devotion to Allah.
b. in a harshly exclusive faith.
c. that Shiva, Vishnu, and Allah were all manifestations of
a single, universal deity.
d. that true disciples had to renounce the foreign influence
of Islam and return to Hinduism.
e. that Buddhism was the only true faith.