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Updates you need to be aware of…
Giving more information to doctors
undergoing testing
We’ve recently published two factsheets about drug and alcohol
You can claim for secretary and room hire costs
for GMC work
The work you do as a GMC health examiner and medical supervisor should be separate
from your everyday clinical commitments. To avoid any conflict with your employer we
wanted to make sure you knew that you can claim a reasonable fee to cover your
secretary's time and room hire. You should consider the most efficient way of doing this.
testing – one for doctors undergoing a health assessment and one
for doctors under medical supervision. We have published these in
response to requests from these doctors for more information
about what this testing involves. In particular, some doctors were
unaware of the amount of hair that would be taken for drug and
alcohol testing. The factsheets explain when we might need to
carry out testing, how doctors should prepare for this and what to
What do you need to know?
The factsheets have been uploaded to the Guidance and
Documents section of GMC Connect.
Doctors might ask you for more information about testing at your
appointment with them. If you are not carrying out the testing, or
don’t feel able to answer their questions, please get in touch with
your contact at the GMC who will be able to help.
You should no longer include personal contact
details in your reports
Previously our guidance has said you can include your contact details in your report if
you’re happy for them to be shared. We’ve had some updated Information Security
guidance advising we should remove this information before sharing your report with
the doctor it relates to.
At the moment, our Investigations team are redacting this information from your
reports. From now on, we’re going to be asking you not to include this information in
the first place. We will be updating the Health Examiner and Medical Supervisor
handbooks to reflect this.
What do you need to do?
Your questions about test results
Please do not include your personal address, email or phone number(s) in any
We’re using the testing company DNA Legal much more now. If
template report doesn’t ask for any of these details which should help when
you have any questions about the results, or are unsure how to
interpret them, please contact the person at the GMC who
instructed you, rather than DNA Legal directly. Your contact at the
GMC will pass your query on to DNA Legal, who will get back to us
with an answer or recommendations as soon as possible.
health report you write. Business addresses or contact details are fine to include. The
remembering not to include any personal contact information.
What happens if you do include your personal contact details?
If you do include any information that we can’t share, we’ll send your report back to
you to remove these details.