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Cosmology: the scientific study of the Universe.
  Structure
  History
Earth 4 Part 1 Opener
Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak
© 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 1: The Earth in Context
What Is the Structure of the Universe?
Universe is made up of matter and energy.
  Matter—substance
of the universe; takes up space.
 Mass
 Density
 Weight
  Energy—the
ability to do work.
 Heat
 Light
 Pull of gravity
Fig. 1.2a
Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak
© 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 1: The Earth in Context
Stars and Galaxies
Stars are immense balls of incandescent gas.
  Gravity
binds stars together into vast galaxies.
  Over 100 billion galaxies exist in the visible universe.
The Solar System is on an arm of the Milky Way galaxy.
  Our
sun is one of 300 billion stars in the Milky Way.
Fig. 1.2b, c
Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak
© 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 1: The Earth in Context
The Nature of Our Solar System
Our sun is a medium-sized star, orbited by 8 planets.
  The
sun accounts for 99.8% of our solar system mass.
  Planet—a planet:
 Is a large solid body orbiting a star (the Sun).
 Has a nearly spherical shape.
 Has cleared its neighborhood of other objects (by gravity).
  Moon—a
solid body locked in orbit around a planet
  Millions of asteroids, trillions of icy bodies orbit the sun.
Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak
© 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 1: The Earth in Context
The Nature of Our Solar System
Two groups of planets occur in the solar system.
  Terrestrial
Planets—small, dense, rocky planets
 Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars
  Giant
Planets—large, low-density, gas and ice giants
 Gas giants: Jupiter, Saturn (hydrogen and helium)
 Ice giants: Uranus, Neptune (frozen water, ammonia, methane)
  The
Solar System is held together by gravity.
Fig. 1.3a
Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak
© 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 1: The Earth in Context
The Solar System
The terrestrial planets are the four most interior.
  The giant planets occupy the four outermost orbits.
  All but two planets have moons (Jupiter has 63!).
  The asteroid belt lies between Mars and Jupiter.
  Clouds of icy bodies lie beyond Neptune’
’s orbit.
  Icy
fragments pulled into the inner solar system
become comets.
Fig. 1.3b
Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak
© 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 1: The Earth in Context
Forming the Universe
The vastness of the Universe is staggering.
  Earth
is a planet orbiting a star on the arm of a galaxy.
  The sun and over 300 billion stars form the Milky Way.
  Over 100 billion galaxies exist in the visible universe.
  Where did all this “stuff”
” come from?
  The Big Bang initiated the expanding universe
 13.7 billion years ago.
Fig. 1.2a
Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak
© 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 1: The Earth in Context
The Doppler Effect
A moving star displays Doppler-shifted light.
  Approaching
starlight is compressed (higher frequency):
 Blue shift
  Receding
starlight is expanded (lower frequency):
 Red shift
This observer sees light waves
This observer sees light waves
“spread out”
No Doppler shift
Fig. 1.4c
Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak
© 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 1: The Earth in Context
The Expanding Universe
Light from galaxies was observed to be “red-shifted.”
  Edwin
Hubble recognized the red shift as a Doppler effect.
 He concluded that galaxies were moving away at great speed.
 No galaxies were found heading toward Earth.
  Hubble
deduced that the whole Universe must
be expanding (analogous to raisin-bread dough).
 The expanding Universe theory.
 Did expansion start at some time in the past?
 If so, how far back?
 How small was the Universe before expansion?
Fig. 1.5a
Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak
© 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 1: The Earth in Context
The Big Bang
Researchers have developed a model of the Big Bang.
  During the first instant, only energy—no matter—was
  Started as a rapid cascade of events.
  Hydrogen
atoms within a few seconds
  At 3 minutes, hydrogen atoms fused to form helium atoms.
  Light nuclei (atomic no. < 5) by Big Bang nucleosynthesis
The Universe expanded and cooled.
Fig. 1.5b
Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak
© 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 1: The Earth in Context
After the Big Bang
With expansion and cooling, atoms began to bond.
  Hydrogen
formed H2 molecules—the fuel of stars.
  Atoms and molecules coalesced into gaseous nebulae.
Gravity caused collapse of gaseous nebulae.
  Collapse resulted in increases in:
  Temperature.
  Density.
  Rate
of rotation.
Earth, 4th ed., Fig. 1.7
Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak
© 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 1: The Earth in Context
After the Big Bang
Mass in nebulae was not equally distributed.
  An initially more massive region began to pull in gas.
  This
region gained mass and density.
  Mass compacted into a smaller region and began to rotate.
  Rotation rate increased, developing a disk shape.
  The central ball of the disk became hot enough to glow.
  A protostar is born.
Geology at a Glance
Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak
© 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 1: The Earth in Context
Birth of the First Stars
The protostar continued to grow,
  pulling
in more mass and creating a denser core.
  Temperatures soared to 10 million degrees.
  At these temps, hydrogen nuclei fused to create helium.
  With the start of nuclear fusion, the protostar “ignited.”
Chapter 1 Opener
Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak
© 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 1: The Earth in Context
Birth of the First Stars
Nebulae from which first-generation stars formed
consisted entirely of light elements.
  These first-generation stars exhausted H2 fuel rapidly.
  As the stars became H2-starved, they initiated:
  Collapse
and heating.
  Catastrophic supernova.
Where did heavy elements
(atomic no. > 5) come from?
Fig. 1.6a
Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak
© 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 1: The Earth in Context
Where Do Elements Come From?
Big Bang nucleosynthesis formed the lightest elements.
  Atomic
#s 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 (H, He, Li, Be, and B)
Heavier elements are from stellar nucleosynthesis.
  Atomic
#s 6–26 (C to Fe)
  Stars are “element factories.”
Elements with atomic #s >26 form during supernovae.
Fig. 1.6b
Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak
© 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 1: The Earth in Context
Where Do Elements Come From?
First-generation stars left a legacy of heavier elements.
  Second-generation stars repeated heavy element
  Succeeding generations contain more heavy elements.
  The sun may be a third-, fourth-, or fifth-generation star.
  The
mix of elements found on Earth include:
 Primordial gas from the Big Bang.
 The disgorged contents of exploded stars.
We really ARE all made out of stardust!
Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak
© 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 1: The Earth in Context
Nebular Theory of the Solar System
The nebular theory of Solar System formation
  A third-, fourth-, or nth-generation nebula forms 4.56 Ga.
  Hydrogen
and helium are left over from the Big Bang.
  Heavier elements are produced via:
 Stellar nucleosynthesis.
 Supernovae.
The nebula condenses into a protoplanetary disk.
Geology at a Glance
Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak
© 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 1: The Earth in Context
Solar System Formation
The ball at the center grows dense and hot.
  Fusion reactions begin; the sun is born.
  Dust in the rings condenses into particles.
  Particles coalesce to form planetesimals.
Fig. 1.7
Geology at a Glance
Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak
© 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 1: The Earth in Context
Differentiation of Earth
Planetesimals clump into a lumpy protoplanet.
  The interior heats, softens, and forms a sphere.
  The interior differentiates into:
  A
central iron-rich core, and
  A stony outer shell—a mantle.
Geology at a Glance
Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak
© 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 1: The Earth in Context
Formation of the Moon
~4.53 Ga, a Mars-sized protoplanet collides with Earth.
  The planet and a part of Earth’
’s mantle are disintegrated.
  Collision debris forms a ring around Earth.
  The debris coalesces and forms the moon.
  The
moon has a composition similar to Earth’
’s mantle.
Geology at a Glance
Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak
© 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 1: The Earth in Context
The Atmosphere and Oceans
The atmosphere develops from volcanic gases.
  When Earth becomes cool enough:
  Moisture
condenses and accumulates.
  The oceans come into existence.
Geology at a Glance
Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak
© 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 1: The Earth in Context
Magnetic Field
Space visitors would notice Earth’
’s magnetic field.
  Earth’
’s magnetic field is like a giant dipole bar magnet.
  The
field has north and south ends.
  The field grows weaker with distance.
  The magnetic force is directional.
 It flows from S pole to N pole along the bar magnet.
 It flows from N to S along field lines outside the bar.
Fig. 1.9a
Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak
© 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 1: The Earth in Context
Magnetic Field
Earth’’s magnetic field is like a giant dipole bar magnet.
  The N pole of the bar is near Earth’
’s geographic S pole.
  A
compass needle aligns with the field lines.
  The N compass arrow points to the bar magnet S pole.
 Opposites attract.
Magnetic field lines:
  Extend
into space.
  Weaken with distance.
  Form a shield around
Earth (magnetosphere).
Fig. 1.9b
Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak
© 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 1: The Earth in Context
Magnetic Field
The solar wind distorts the magnetosphere.
  Shaped
like a teardrop
  Deflects most of the solar wind, protecting Earth
The strong magnetic field of the Van Allen belts
intercepts dangerous cosmic radiation.
Fig. 1.9c
Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak
© 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 1: The Earth in Context
What is Earth Made Of?
91.2% of Earth’’s mass comprises just four elements:
  Iron
  Oxygen (O)—30.1%
  Silicon (Si)—15.1%
  Magnesium (Mg)—13.9%
The remaining 8.8% of Earth’
’s mass consists of the
remaining 88 elements.
Fig. 1.12
Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak
© 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 1: The Earth in Context
A Layered Earth
The first key to understanding Earth’
’s interior: density.
  When
scientists first determined Earth’
’s mass they realized:
 Average density of Earth >> average density of surface rocks.
 Deduced that metal must be concentrated in Earth’
’s center.
  These
ideas led to a layered model:
 Earth is like an egg.
 Thin, light crust (eggshell)
 Thicker, more dense mantle (eggwhite)
 Innermost, very dense core (yolk)
Fig. 1.13
Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak
© 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 1: The Earth in Context
A Layered Earth
Earthquakes: seismic energy from fault motion
  Seismic
waves provide insight into Earth’
’s interior.
 Seismic wave velocities change with density.
 We can determine the depth of seismic velocity changes.
 Hence, we can tell where densities change in Earth’
’s interior.
Fig. 1.14a, b
Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak
© 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 1: The Earth in Context
A Layered Earth
Changes with depth
  Pressure (P)
 The weight of overlying
rock increases with depth.
Temperature (T)
 Heat is generated in
Earth’’s interior.
  T increases with depth.
Geothermal gradient
  The rate of T changes with depth.
  The geothermal gradient varies.
 ~ 20-30°C per km in crust
 < 10°C per km at greater depths
 Earth’’s center may reach 4,700°C!
Earth, 4th ed., Fig. 2.13
Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak
© 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 1: The Earth in Context
The Crust
The outermost “skin”
” of our planet is highly variable.
  Thickest
under mountain ranges (70 km or 40 miles)
  Thinnest under mid-ocean ridges (7 km or 4 miles)
Relatively as thick as the membrane of a toy balloon
  The Mohorovičić discontinuity (Moho) is the base.
  Seismic
velocity change between crust and upper mantle
  The crust is the upper part of a tectonic plate.
Fig. 1.15a
Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak
© 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 1: The Earth in Context
The Crust
There are two kinds of crust: continental and oceanic.
  Continental
crust underlies the continents.
 Average thickness 35–40 km
 Felsic (granite) to intermediate in composition
  Oceanic
crust underlies the ocean basins.
 Average thickness 7–10 km
 Mafic (basalt and gabbro) in composition
 More dense than continental crust
Fig. 1.15a
Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak
© 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 1: The Earth in Context
The Mantle
Solid rock, 2,885 km thick, 82% of Earth’
’s volume
  The mantle is entirely the ultra-mafic rock peridotite.
  Convection below ~ 100 km mixes the mantle.
  Like
oatmeal on a stove: hot rises, cold sinks.
  Convection aids tectonic plate motion.
Divided into two sub-layers:
  Upper
  Transitional zone
  Lower Mantle
Fig. 1.15b
Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak
© 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 1: The Earth in Context
The Core
An iron-rich sphere with a radius of 3,471 km
  Seismic waves segregate two radically different parts.
  The
outer core is liquid; inner core solid.
  Outer core
 Liquid iron alloy
 2,255 km thick
 Liquid flows
  Inner
 Solid iron-nickel alloy
 Radius of 1,220 km
 Greater pressure keeps solid
Outer core flow generates
Earth’’s magnetic field.
Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak
© 2013, W. W. Norton Fig. 1.15b
Chapter 1: The Earth in Context
We can also regard layering based on rock strength.
  Lithosphere—the
outermost 100–150 km of Earth
 Behaves rigidly, as a nonflowing material
 Composed of two components: crust and upper mantle
 This is the material that makes up tectonic plates.
  Asthenosphere—upper
mantle below the lithosphere
 Shallow under oceanic lithosphere; deeper under continental
 Flows as a soft solid.
Fig. 1.17
Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak
© 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 1: The Earth in Context