* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
BOOK REVIEW placer deposits, ferromanganese nodules etc. also find a mention in this chapter. The book ends with a chapter entitled “The Evolving Indian Continent”, which spans from page 650-679. These 30 pages summarize the writing that is included in the previous 649 pages of the book, which beyond doubt, is a magnificent effort. As mentioned in the “Preface”, Professor Valdiya has preferred to use the works of earth scientists who “explored the land of India” after 1947 (post-Independence era). As a consequence, the book automatically provides up-to-date account of Indian Geology and geodynamical models proposed by various earth scientists to explain the tectonic evolution of different terranes of India. With the references spanning over 122 pages, the reader can consider himself/ herself blessed to have all the modern literature compiled under a single “umbrella”. True to George Orwell’s quote “Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific term or a jargon 189 word if you can think of an everyday English equivalent”, Professor Valdiya has written the book in lucid and simple English, which every Geology student, including the nonnative English speaker, will be able to follow. Each chapter has several subheadings dealing with a specific topic, which allows the reader to directly go to the page of his/her interest. The figures are of a very high quality and at a price of Rs. 242, the book is surely affordable by every student of Geology in India and elsewhere, who wants a complete account of “The Making of India”. The book is a “Must Buy” and a “Must Read” for every Indian earth scientist. Department of Geology & MANISH A. MAMTANI Geophysics Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur-721302, India Email: [email protected] ENGINEERING GEOLOGY by Prof. D. Venkat Reddy. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2010, 658 pages; Price: Rs.350 This new book on Engineering Geology provides a lot of information on almost all the facets of Earth Sciences and allied subjects. The first half of the book deals with the fundamentals of geology for engineers, whereas the latter half is devoted to the geological application in engineering problems, useful for students, scientists and practicing engineers. The first chapter presents a brief introduction to the various geological disciplines, discussed in the following chapters. Chapter 2 gives an overview of the Earth’s interior and the importance of understanding of the Earth’s crust. The third chapter projects a resume of engineering geological phenomenon. This chapter could have as well preceded the chapter on soils so as to be rightly related to the chapters on civil engineering practices. The fundamentals of mineralogy, petrology and structural geology have been given adequate treatment. The geomorphological framework of the hydrosphere comprising the surface drainage, marine erosion and groundwater has been discussed from the point of view of civil engineers. Three chapters (12, 13 and 14) describe in great detail, the seismic hazards and structural protective designs to be considered in earthquake prone areas. Chapters 15 to 22 form the backbone of JOUR.GEOL.SOC.INDIA, VOL.76, AUG. 2010 this textbook wherein the author has discussed specific problems encountered in civil and mining engineering, such as the building sites, slope stability, pillar design, rock mechanics, bridge design, dams and reservoirs, landslides, tunnels and large scale underground excavations. Remote sensing and GIS applications have been briefly explained in chapter 16 probably can precede the chapter on Stratigraphy of India and environmental geology described at the end of the book. Overall this book will definitely be of enormous use to the earth scientists, practicing mining engineers and civil engineers who can exchange ideas during execution of the projects. The get-up and printing qualities are good. However, many illustrations have to be redrafted; though thought questions are quite welcome, supplementary ones are too elementary. Prof. D. Venkat Reddy has to be congratulated for his sustained effort in bringing out this voluminous book at a very nominal price. This book will surely find place in all the libraries housing geological literature. Department of Earth Sciences, IIT Bombay, Mumbai – 400 076 S. VISHWANATHAN and T.N. SINGH