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Causes/Beginning of
Late 1930s
Mistakes from the Past
Failure of Treaty of Versaillesblame on Germany and no real
power for the League of Nations
Failure of Treaty of Versaillesblame on Germany and no real
power for the League of Nations
Failure of Treaty of Versaillesblame on Germany and no real
power for the League of Nations
“Rape of
2. Appeasement
► As
Hitler and Mussolini invaded
territories, Great Britain and France gave
in to their demands to keep peace-known
as appeasement
► Give
in to a dictator
Hope they will not
Want anything else
*2. Appeasement
Britain and France
gave into Germany
hoping that it would
avoid warfare. This
was known as
Soviet poster of the
1930's by
Kukryniksy on the
Munich agreement.
► 2.
Appeasement - As Hitler and
Mussolini invaded territories, Great
Britain and France gave in to their
demands to keep peace-known as
So What Was Hitler Asking
► Return
- (now part of
of German Speaking Lands•Sudentenland
Czech Republic)
•Munich Conference - Great
Britain & France give to Hitler
in return for peace
•Hitler then invades the rest of
German Troops Parade in Streets of Czechoslovakian Town, ca. 1939
3. Nationalism
► Many
countries had been rendered weak from
WWI, and the worldwide Depression.
► Thus,
there was a growing movement within
many nations to make build their countries
back stronger.
3. Nationalism
► Thus,
there was a growing movement
within many nations to make build
their countries back stronger.
United States – Uncle Sam: I Want You!
Russia – Look familiar?
4) Aggression by the Axis Powers
Japan, Italy, & Germany
invaded Manchuria, China in
late 1930s
►Italy attacks Ethiopia and then
Albania(1935, 1939)
►Germany enters Rhineland, annexes
Austria, seizes Czechoslovakia, and
► 4.
Aggression by Axis Powers
Communist Dictatorship
Fascist Dictatorship
(Germany, Italy)
Military Dictatorship
Fascism: military government
with based on racism &
nationalism with strong support
from the business community
► 4)
Aggression by the Axis Powers
(Totalitarian) Japan, Italy, and Germany
4) Aggression by the Axis Powers
(Totalitarian) Japan, Italy, and Germany
5. Tendencies toward Isolationism
► Spain
under Francisco Franco erupted
into civil war-Hitler and Mussolini aid
Fascist Franco, but Western nations do
not aid the democratic government-
► 5.
Tendencies toward Isolationism
► Spain under Francisco Franco erupted into
civil war-Hitler and Mussolini aid Fascist
Franco, but Western nations do not aid the
democratic government-Isolationism
Isolationism from America
Picasso’s Guernica
(After Spanish Civil War – which
Hitler provided help)
6. Invasion of Poland
► September
by surprise
1, 1939, Hitler attacks Poland
► September
3, France and Great Britain
declare war on Germany (Beginning
► Poland
collapses 3 weeks later before
G.B. or France can do anything
► Hitler
used his blitzkrieg-”lighting war”
6. Invasion of Poland (Hitler using
► Hitler
used his blitzkrieg-”lighting
Fast moving
Tanks and
7) Curse or Weakness of the League of
World Depression-weakened the new democracy of
Germany and other European democracies
A. The Depression made Germany’s
debt even worse
B. Desperate people turn to desperate
1) Hitler seemed to provide
solutions to Germany’s
1923 - Wallpapering with German Deutchmarks
► 7.
Curse or weakness of League of Nations
Germany takes land – Sudetenland,
Rhineland, Czechoslovakia
The Rhineland was a
region of Germany that
was ‘demilitarised’ after
the Treaty of Versailles.
Germany was not
allowed to have troops
in the region.
Hitler’s actions showed
how he was willing to
directly challenge the
► 7.
Curse or weakness of League of Nations
Germany takes land – Sudetenland,
Rhineland, Czechoslovakia
► Sudetenland
7. Curse or weakness of League of Nations
Germany takes land – Sudetenland,
Rhineland, Czechoslovakia
► Rhineland
Curse or Weakness of League of
“Rape of
Curse or Weakness of League of
Hitler makes a deal with Stalin
8. Soviet-Non Aggression Pact
► In
1939, Hitler signs a nonaggression
pact with Stalin
► Ensured
that Stalin would not attack
and secretly divided Poland between
Germany and U.S.S.R
8. Stalin and Hitler
1939, Hitler signs
a nonaggression pact
with Stalin
8.In 1939, Hitler signs a
nonaggression pact with Stalin
Soviet UN.
► The
Causes of WWII were both political
and economic. The economic side
included the damage of the Great
Depression and the atmosphere it
Understanding Continued
► The
political side included the mistakes
of the Treaty of Versailles, mistakes of
appeasement, and the policy of
WWII Causes Exit Quiz
► 1.
The failure of this after WWI is a leading
cause of WWII.
► 2.
What was a weak organization and had
no power to back up its decisions?
► 3.
What are the powers called that defy the
League of Nations and invade and are very
► 4.
What are the three members of the Axis Powers
► 5.
What idea or movement led many people to
follow leaders like Hitler, Mussolini, and Tojo?
► 6.
What policy did France and Britain choose to
adapt in regards to Hitler?
► 7.
What policy does this cartoon illustrate
which was a cause of WWI