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By: Jennifer Santos
River Systems
Running Water
Running water is _____
__________________ are
forms of running water
Runoff and Erosion
Rain falls = 3
possible outcomes
1. ________________
2. ____________ into
the ground
3. __________ the
land surface as runoff
 Picks up and carries particles
 ______________ = water and
sediments move downhill
 Cut into the soil- form tiny
grooves ___________________
_________________ = rills become
wider and deeper = __________
What affects the amount
of runoff?
1. _________________
in an area
2. Amount of _______
__________ in an area
3. _________________steep slopes = more
Streams and Erosion
________________ = tiny
stream valleys
_______________ = larger
stream forms
Streams – carry large
amounts of ____________
Particles and rock
materials carried by
stream = ______________
Stream _____________
_________________________pushed or rolled
_____________- picked up
and carried by force of
moving water
___________ and other small
particles- dissolved in water
Stream Erosion
 Steams cause erosion by
 Sediments carried by streams
constantly collide with rocks,
chipping away pieces and
wearing down the rocks
 Abrasion wears away the
 Waterfall results
How does a river system
Steams join to form ______
Usually begin in
_______________ gives them
energy to cut away the land
and form valleys
Affect ___________________
Terms to remember
__________________ network of
rills, gullies, streams and rivers in
an area
______________- larger streams that
flow into the main river in system
______________the area drained by
a main river and its channels
Divide separates one drainage
basin from another- Continental
Divide is example