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 All _________ is broken down by the body into small bits!
 By the time food reaches your _______________, it has been broken down into nutrient
molecules that can enter your ___________
 ______________________ then break down the food molecules, _____________energy for
the biological work your cells need to perform.
 ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) = _______ storing molecule that serves as the cell’s
“energy currency;”
o Cells _______ energy by bonding a third _______________ to _________(adenosine
diphosphate) to form _______
o ___________ is ________________when ATP breaks down into ______ and
o Within a cell, _______________of ATP from ADP and phosphate occurs over and
over, _______________ energy each time!
o Cells use energy:
Eliminate wastes
Nerve cells transmit impulses
Cellular movement (muscle cells)
o Without ATP a cell would ______!
_____________________ is the process that provides energy for almost all life.
During photosynthesis,_________________ (organisms that make their own food) use the
sun's energy to make ___________________molecules from__________
and__________________, releasing _____________as a byproduct.
The process of PHOTOSYNTHESIS can be summarized by the following equation:
 The energy stored in glucose and other carbohydrates can be used later to produce ATP
during _________________________.
 The PRODUCTS of _____________________ glucose (C6H12O6) and O2, are the
REACTANTS used in ____________________________.
 The WASTE PRODUCTS of ________________________, CO2 and water, are the
REACTANTS used in __________________________.
 The process of photosynthesis does ______ happen all at once; rather it occurs in 2 stages:
o STAGE 1 – Called the ____________________.
________________ is converted to ____________________
____________ is captured from _____________in the ______________ of
plant cells.
__________ is split into hydrogen ions, electrons, and oxygen (O2) through
the process called the electron transport chain.
A photosynthetic cell contains one to thousands of
The _______________ is now converted to________________,
which is temporarily stored in ATP and NADPH.
The ______diffuses out of the chloroplasts (byproduct).
o STAGE 2 – Called the ______________________.
The chemical energy stored in ATP and NADPH powers the formation of
______________________molecules (__________, ___________ and
________________), using ___________________(CO2).
 Energy releasing process- the sugars made during photosynthesis are broken down and
energy is released
 Formula:
 ______________________________________________________
 Energy = ATP’s;
o form of ____________ used to fuel
cellular activity
 Processes:
 Glycolysis
 Kreb’s Cycle
 Electron Transport Chain (ETC)
1. __________________________________ (________________of OXYGEN)
 If OXYGEN is PRESENT, the products of Glycolysis ENTER the pathways of
aerobic respiration.
 Produces a much larger amount of ATP, up to 20 times more ATP produced
 2 major stages are the _________________& ___________________________
2. _____________________ (____________of OXYGEN) aka….________________
~ Note: Both types of pathways ________with________________.
Occurs in the _______________of the cell
Pathway in which one _______________molecule of __________________is
oxidized to produce two __________________molecules of ______________
Creates ________molecules
Attaches H’s to NAD+ (______________) and forms NADH
2. ________________________(Citric Acid Cycle) – Aerobic respiration
Occurs in the _______________________
Biochemical pathway that breaks down_________________,
producing________ , H+, NADH, FADH2, and_________.
Aerobic process
Takes in pyruvate molecules from__________________.
After the reaction, produces CO2 and ____________molecules
Attaches H’s to NAD+ and FAD to create NADH and FADH2 (these will be used to
make ________in the_________)
3. _____________________________(ETC) – Aerobic respiration
Occurs in the _____________mitochondrial membrane
Uses the NADH and FADH2 from the ___________
FADH2 and NADH enter, release H’s so they can attach to __________and form
Energy is released as a result of breaking down these molecules.
Produces approximately ___________
Importance of Aerobic Respiration:
 To transfer chemical energy (___________) to a form of energy that is useable
by cells (_______)!!!
 Total net gain in ATP molecules per glucose = ____________
Occurs ________glycolysis, only if _______ oxygen is present
_______ additional _______is synthesized
2 Types:
1. _________________________________:
Occurs in __________
Takes in ______________and NADH and releases
Bakers use alcoholic fermentation of __________to make bread.
Used to make wine and beer
2. _______________________________:
Occurs in ____________
Takes in ________________and NADH and releases ____________
Lactic Acid Fermentation by microorganisms plays an essential role in the
manufacture of food products such as ____________and____________.
 DURING EXERCISE, breathing____________ provide your body with all the oxygen it needs
for aerobic respiration. When muscles run out of_______________, the cells switch
This process provides your _____________with the energy then need during
 The ______________of lactic acid fermentation are______________,
__________, _____________, and___________________.
 Most lactic acid made in the muscles diffuse into the bloodstream, then to the
liver, where it is converted back to PYRUVIC ACID when oxygen becomes available.