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Does aneuploidy cause cancer?
Beth AA Weaver and Don W Cleveland
Aneuploidy has been recognized as a common characteristic of
cancer cells for >100 years. Aneuploidy frequently results from
errors of the mitotic checkpoint, the major cell cycle control
mechanism that acts to prevent chromosome missegregation.
The mitotic checkpoint is often compromised in human tumors,
although not as a result of germline mutations in genes
encoding checkpoint proteins. Less obviously, aneuploidy of
whole chromosomes rapidly results from mutations in genes
encoding several tumor suppressors and DNA mismatch repair
proteins, suggesting cooperation between mechanisms of
tumorigenesis that were previously thought to act
independently. Cumulatively, the current evidence suggests
that aneuploidy promotes tumorigenesis, at least at low
frequency, but a definitive test has not yet been reported.
Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, University of California at San
Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-0670, USA
Corresponding author: Cleveland, Don W ([email protected])
was already well recognized 100 years ago. The prevalence of aneuploidy in cancer cells, and its relatively
low incidence in normal cells, led the German zoologist
and cytologist Theodor Boveri to propose aneuploidy as
a cause of tumorigenesis in 1902 [2] and 1914 [3]. Boveri
observed that sea urchin embryos manipulated to
undergo mitosis in the presence of multipolar spindles
produced aneuploid progeny and suggested that tumors
arise from normal cells that have become aneuploid as a
result of passage through an aberrant mitosis. With the
discovery of oncogenes and tumor suppressors in the
1970s and 1980s, aneuploidy-induced loss of heterozygosity (LOH) of tumor suppressor genes seemed to offer
a simple, direct molecular mechanism for Boveri’s
hypothesis. This has not, however, resulted in consensus. Some have argued aneuploidy to be irrelevant to
tumor initiation [4], while others have argued it to be a
completely benign side-effect of transformation [5], and
an additional hypothesis suggests that aneuploidy contributes to tumor progression but not tumor initiation
Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2006, 18:658–667
This review comes from a themed issue on
Cell division, growth and death
Edited by Bill Earnshaw and Yuri Lazebnik
Available online 12th October 2006
0955-0674/$ – see front matter
# 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
DOI 10.1016/
Introduction: aneuploidy correlates with
Aneuploidy, an aberrant chromosome number that deviates from a multiple of the haploid, is a remarkably
common feature of human cancers (Table 1, compiled
from the Mitelman database of cancer chromosomes [1]).
Even haematological cancers, which typically maintain a
stable, near-diploid chromosome number, have frequently gained or lost one or a few chromosomes
(Table 1). Near-tetraploid karyotypes, which result from
missegregation of single chromosomes before or after
doubling of the genome (usually from failure of cytokinesis), are also observed in solid tumors, although not as
commonly as near-diploid karyotypes (Table 1).
Although methodological advances have permitted significantly more refined analysis of the chromosomal
abnormalities in cancer cells in recent years, the abundance of aneuploid chromosome contents in tumor cells
Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2006, 18:658–667
Genetic instability due to mutations in mismatch repair
(MMR) enzymes has become well established as a causative mechanism for tumorigenesis. Biallelic mutations
in MMR genes lead to expansion and contraction of short,
repetitive sequences of DNA known as microsatellites,
causing microsatellite instability (MIN). Germline mutations in one of five MMR genes, predominantly MSH2
and MLH1, are implicated in hereditary nonpolyposis
colon cancer (HNPCC), and predispose individuals to a
variety of cancers. HNPCC patients have an 80% lifetime
risk of colorectal cancer and a 30–50% chance of endometrial cancer [7].
However, although MIN occurs in 90% of cancers in
HNPCC patients, it is found in only 15% of sporadic
cancers of the colon/rectum [7,8]. Aneuploidy represents
a second, more common form of genetic abnormality
found in human cancers. An important cause of aneuploidy is chromosomal instability (CIN), a form of genetic
instability in which the gain or loss of entire chromosomes
is elevated, producing an evolving, unstable karyotype.
Although many aneuploid cells exhibit CIN, aneuploid
karyotypes may also be stably maintained, as observed in
some haematological cancers.
On the basis of the cumulative evidence, it is likely that
aneuploidy promotes tumorigenesis, at least at low frequency. However, a definitive empirical test of this
hypothesis has not yet been reported, and alternative
interpretations cannot be excluded. Here we summarize
Does aneuploidy cause cancer? Weaver and Cleveland 659
Table 1
The majority of human cancers are near-diploid.
Number of tumors that have not gained Number of aneuploid tumors Number of aneuploid tumors with a
or lost chromosomes *
with a near-diploid number of near- tetraploid number of
chromosomes (68)
chromosomes (69)
Solid tumors
Astrocytoma, grade III–IV
Basal cell carcinoma
Breast cancer
Cervical cancer
Colon adenocarcinoma
Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma
Lung cancer
Malignant melanoma
Ovarian cancer
Prostate cancer
Squamous cell carcinoma
Percent of solid tumors (n = 2780)
Haematopoietic cancers
Acute myeloid leukemia
Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia
B-prolymphocytic leukemia
Burkitt lymphoma/leukemia
Chronic myeloid leukemia
Follicular lymphoma
Hodgkins disease
Multiple myeloma
T-prolymphocytic leukemia
Percent of haematopoietic cancers
(n = 1973)
Percent of solid and haematopoietic
cancers (n = 4753)
These cancer cells have 46 chromosomes containing translocations, inversions, deletions and/or additions but have not gained or lost entire
the current evidence for and against a role for aneuploidy
and CIN in tumorigenesis.
The mitotic checkpoint: the major cell cycle
checkpoint guarding against aneuploidy
Beginning with the drawings of aberrant mitosis in cancer
cells published by David van Hansemann in 1890 [9],
defects during mitosis have been implicated as a major
contributor to aneuploidy and CIN. The major cell cycle
control mechanism that acts during mitosis is the mitotic
checkpoint, also known as the spindle assembly checkpoint. The mitotic checkpoint prevents chromosome
missegregation and aneuploidy by inhibiting the irreversible transition to anaphase until all of the replicated
chromosomes have made productive attachments to spindle microtubules (Figure 1a, panel 2). Mitotic checkpoint
proteins are recruited to the microtubule attachment sites
(kinetochores) of unattached chromosomes, where they
generate an at least partially diffusible signal that inhibits
the anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C).
The APC/C is an E3 ubiquitin ligase that ubiquitinates
substrates whose degradation is required for anaphase
onset (securin) and mitotic exit (cyclin B). Destruction of
securin after its ubiquitination frees its binding partner
separase, while simultaneous loss of cyclin B-dependent
Cdk1 kinase activity leads to dephosphorylation of separase. Both events activate separase, which then cleaves the
cohesins that hold replicated chromosomes together and
initiates anaphase (reviewed in [10,11]). Even a single
unattached kinetochore can be sufficient to delay anaphase onset [12,13].
Treatment of cells with drugs producing depolymerization of spindle microtubules causes mitotic arrest as a
result of activation of the mitotic checkpoint. >70% of
many types of asynchronously cycling cells with an intact
mitotic checkpoint accumulate in mitosis after 12–24 h
treatment with microtubule poisons. Complete absence
of the mitotic checkpoint leads to rapid cell-autonomous
lethality due to massive chromosome missegregation
Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2006, 18:658–667
660 Cell division, growth and death
Figure 1
Mechanisms generating aneuploidy. (a) Wild type division producing identical diploid progeny in a hypothetical cell containing four chromosomes.
(b–g) Mitotic errors that produce aneuploid progeny. For each part (a–g), from left to right, the first image depicts a diploid (a–f) or tetraploid (g)
cell in interphase. The second panel represents metaphase, the stage of mitosis when all chromosomes have aligned in the middle of the
mitotic spindle. Some errors (b,c,f) prevent full alignment of chromosomes in metaphase. The third image depicts chromosome segregation
in anaphase (a–e,g). The last image represents the daughter cells that were produced, now in G1. The ploidy of the initial cells and
their progeny is shown.
[14,15]. However, an impaired mitotic checkpoint
response, or more precisely an impaired ability to sustain
mitotic checkpoint signaling, has been observed in many
human tumor cell lines treated with microtubule poisons
(Table 2), as evidenced by a decreased percentage of cells
in mitosis and/or a decreased length of arrest.
In 1998, Vogelstein and colleagues reported mutations in
two mitotic checkpoint genes in a small subset of colorectal cancer cell lines [16]. This finding launched an
extensive search for additional mutations in mitotic
checkpoint genes. While mutations of several checkpoint
proteins have been found in multiple cancer types, these
mutations are not common (Table 3). This is not completely surprising, as a large number of gene products
contribute to the mitotic checkpoint response (including,
but not limited to, BUB1, BUBR1, BUB3, MAD1,
MAD2, MPS1, MAPK, ROD, ZW10, Zwint, CENP-E
Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2006, 18:658–667
and Aurora B) and mutation in any one could lead to
weakening of the checkpoint. Additionally, mutations
leading to complete inactivation of the mitotic checkpoint would be eliminated by cell death.
In comparison to direct mutation, alterations in the level
of expression of mitotic checkpoint genes appear to occur
much more commonly (Table 3). Both decreases and,
more surprisingly, increases in expression have been
reported. Lower expression of checkpoint proteins would
be predicted to lead to CIN and aneuploidy, at least in
components whose accumulation was rate-limiting for
checkpoint signaling at individual kinetochores. Consistent with this, mice that are heterozygous for the checkpoint proteins MAD2, BUBR1 and BUB3 exhibit an
impaired mitotic checkpoint response and develop aneuploidy in vitro and in vivo [17–19]. The mechanism by
which overexpression of individual checkpoint proteins
Does aneuploidy cause cancer? Weaver and Cleveland 661
Table 2
Frequent impairment of the mitotic checkpoint in human cancers.
Tumor type
Frequency with impaired
Adult T-cell leukemia
Head and neck
Hepatocellular carcinoma
Reduced expression of MAD1 in all, MAD2 in two
No mutations in BUB1, BUBR1 or CDC20
Lung adenocarcinoma
6 of 11
4 of 9
1 of 2
Reduced expression of Mad2 in all
No mutations in MAD2 or CDC20
Levels of MAD2 and BUB1 similar in both lines
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
2 of 5
3 of 7
No mutations in MAD2, MAD1 or CDC20. Reduced
expression of MAD1 and MAD2 in both
Reduced expression of MAD2 and MAD1 in all three
3 of 3
1 of 1
4 of 8
MAD2 expression at wild-type levels
Reduced BUBR1 expression in 3 of 4
can provoke aneuploidy is not so clear. Two possibilities
are feasible. Overexpression of a single component, such as
MAD2, could disrupt signaling by trapping limiting components in partial, non-productive signaling complexes.
Alternatively, and perhaps more simply, increased levels of
components that can directly bind to APC/C and/or its
activator Cdc20 may provoke sustained arrest, as has been
seen for Mad2 [20]. Escape from this type of arrest may
occur without cytokinesis, which would produce tetraploid
cells with two centrosomes that could produce aneuploid
progeny in a subsequent multipolar mitosis (see below).
Neither scenario has been demonstrated directly.
Mechanisms generating aneuploidy
Multiple defects occurring during mitosis can lead to the
production of aneuploid cells. Mitotic checkpoint errors
can give rise to near-diploid aneuploidy or to cell death,
depending on the extent of the remaining checkpoint
signal. Weakening of the mitotic checkpoint due to reduction in levels of one or more checkpoint components leads
to near-diploid aneuploidy from nondisjunction errors, in
which both copies of one or a few replicated chromosomes
are deposited in the same daughter cell (Figure 1b). Conversely, complete inactivation of the mitotic checkpoint
resulting from elimination of a key component such as
MAD2 or BUBR1 leads to rampant aneuploidy and massive chromosome missegregation (Figure 1c). This
mechanism is not expected to make a major contribution
to tumorigenesis, as cells with an inactive checkpoint die
within six divisions as a result of rampant aneuploidy [14].
Mitotic errors leading to aneuploidy can also occur despite
intact mitotic checkpoint signaling. These include missegregation events that occur when the kinetochore of a
single replicated chromosome becomes attached to microtubules from both spindle poles, a situation known as
Reduced expression of Mad2
CIN correlated with lack of a mitotic checkpoint
merotelic attachment. Since the chromosome is attached
and under tension, no mitotic checkpoint signal is generated [21]. The inappropriate attachment is often resolved,
but in some cases it produces a lagging chromosome with a
stretched kinetochore [22] that either remains in the mitotic midzone, becoming excluded from both daughter cells
during cytokinesis (Figure 1d), or is segregated into one
daughter, where it may form a micronucleus. Segregation
errors resulting from multipolar spindles also cannot be
prevented by the mitotic checkpoint, because the chromosomes make productive attachments to two of the available
poles. When three or more daughter cells are created by
multiple cytokinetic furrows, aneuploid progeny are produced (Figure 1e).
By contrast, cells containing monopolar spindles (resulting from failure of centrosome duplication or inhibition of
the apparatus required for centrosome separation) have at
least a few unattached chromosomes and will undergo
sustained mitotic checkpoint-dependent arrest. Some of
these cells die during the prolonged mitotic arrest and
others undergo adaptation. Adaptation is a poorly understood (and frequently poorly defined) process that occurs
when cells exit mitosis after long-term mitotic arrest without undergoing cytokinesis to produce one tetraploid G1
cell, despite the fact that the cell still contains unattached
chromosomes and the mitotic checkpoint has not been
satisfied (Figure 1f). Weakening of mitotic checkpoint
signaling at individual kinetochores shortens the time a
cell remains arrested before adapting and may contribute to
the survival of cells treated with microtubule poisons. It is
not yet known what determines whether cells will die or
adapt after long-term mitotic arrest.
Recently, a surprising proposal was made that nondisjunction produces tetraploid cells instead of the expected
Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2006, 18:658–667
662 Cell division, growth and death
Table 3
Genes preventing aneuploidy that are mutated and/or misregulated in human cancers.
Primary function
Mutated in, frequency, reference
Upregulated in, frequency,
Downregulated in, frequency,
Mitotic checkpoint
Colorectal, 2/19, [16]
Colorectal, 1/31, [78]
Colorectal, 1/1, [76]
Leukemia (ATLL), 4/10, [79]
Leukemia (T lymphoblastic), 2/2,
Lung, 1/60, [81]
Lung, 1/88, [82]
Thyroid, 1/27, [77]
Barrett’s oesophagus
(precancercous), 12/33, [48]
Breast, 20/21, [83]
Gastric, 36/43, [84]
Gastric, 8/20, [84,85]
Melanoma, 21/30, [86]
Leukemia, (t-AML), not specified,
Oesophageal, 1/4, [48]
Barrett’s oesophagus
(precancerous), 9/33, [48]
Colorectal, 10/110, [78]
Gastric, 4/20, [85]
Oesophageal, 1/4, [48]
Mitotic checkpoint
Colorectal, 2/19, [16]
Lymphoma, 1/8, [79]
MVAa, 5/8, [56]
MVA, 6/6, [57]
Breast 20/21, [83]
Gastric, 29/43, [84]
Lung, 8/8, [88]
Colorectal, 10/116, [78]
Thyroid, 3/8, [77]
Mitotic checkpoint
Breast, 2/21, [83]
Lung, 7/18, [89]
Mitotic checkpoint
Breast, 18/21, [83]
Gastric, 34/43, [84]
Lung, 5/18, [89]
Breast, 16/17, [83]
Lung, 13/14, [90]
Mitotic checkpoint
Breast, 1/22, [91]
Breast, 1/1, [68]
Gastric, 23/54, [92]
Barrett’s oesophagus
(precancerous), 8/33, [48]
Bladder, not specified, [93]
Breast, 3/13, [83]
Breast, 15/21, [83]
Colorectal, not specified, [94,95]
Neuroblastoma, not specified, [93]
Oesophageal, 1/4, [48]
Barrett’s oesophagus
(precancerous), 8/33, [48]
Breast, 5/21, [68,83]
Hepatocellular carcinoma, 5/10,
Hepatoma, 6/11, [71]
Leukemia (ATL), 2/6 [66]
Nasopharyngeal, 3/5, [74]
Oesophageal, 2/4, [48]
Ovarian, 3/7, [75]
Tumor suppressor
Colorectal, 76/115, [97]
Duodenum, 16/19, [98]
Tumor suppressor
Tumor suppressor
Msh2 e
DNA mismatch repair
Breast, 3/32, [103]
Familial breast, 41/264, [104]
Ovarian 1/12, [103]
Ovarian, 15/103, [105]
Ovarian, 39/649, [106]
Breast, 2/70, [111]
Familial breast, 60/264, [104]
Ovarian, 0/55, [111]
Ovarian, 21/649, [106]
Colorectal, 1/509, [112]
Colorectal with replication errors,
1/63, [112]
Nasopharyngeal, 3/5, [74]
Leukemia (ATL), 6/6, [66]
Breast, 11/27, [99]
Colorectal, 110/137, [100]
Oesophageal, 4/35, [101]
Oral, 15/50, [102]
Breast, 39/48, [107]
Breast, 51/162, [108]
Colon, 5/5, [109]
Ovarian, 54/76, [110]
Pancreatic, 25/50, [107]
Gallbladder, 35/46, [113]
Urothelial, 17/17, [114]
Leukemia (ATL), 11/11, [115]
Melanoma, 45/106, [116]
Skin (SCC), 2/125, [117]
Mosaic variegated aneuplody (MVA) is a rare condition associated with childhood cancers and growth retardation. bPatients with germline mutations
in AdAPC have familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) and develop colorectal cancer with almost 100% penetrance. FAP individuals also have an
increased risk of duodenum (50–90% risk), thyroid, hepatoblastoma and adrenal cancers [7,118]. cHeterozygous germline mutations in BRCA1 occur
in 20% of hereditary breast cancer patients. Individuals with germline mutations in BRCA1 have a 50–80% risk of developing breast cancer and a
40% risk of ovarian cancer [119,120]. dHeterozygous germline mutations in BRCA2 occur in 20% of hereditary breast cancer patients. Individuals
with germline mutations in BRCA2 have a 45% lifetime risk of breast cancer and an 11% risk of ovarian cancer [120]. ePatients with germline
mutations in Msh2 develop hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer (HNPCC) syndrome and have increased risk of colorectal (80% lifetime risk),
endometrial (30–50% risk), gastric, ovarian, urothelial, pancreatic and biliary cancers [7,118].
2n + 1 and 2n 1 aneuploid progeny [23]. This idea was
based on fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) data
showing that cells that become binucleate after failing to
complete cytokinesis have a higher incidence of missegregation of individual chromosomes into their two nuclei
than do cells still in anaphase. This led to the conclusion
Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2006, 18:658–667
that newly formed daughter cells are in some way able to
sense nondisjunction events and cause cytokinetic furrow
regression as a result. However, the correlation between
nondisjunction and binucleation does not prove causality
any more than does the correlation between aneuploidy
and cancer. A direct test of this hypothesis posed in
Does aneuploidy cause cancer? Weaver and Cleveland 663
primary cells that displayed elevated levels of nondisjunction (due to specific disruption of the gene encoding the
mitotic motor CENP-E) showed no increase in binucleation [24]. Additionally, nondisjunction in mice and
humans produces high levels of near-diploid aneuploidy,
not tetraploidy [17,19,25]. Thus, nondisjunction produces
near-diploid aneuploidy in most instances and is unlikely
to serve as a major mechanism of tetraploidization.
How does tetraploidy contribute to
Exit from mitosis without attempting cytokinesis (or with a
failed cytokinesis) produces tetraploid cells containing two
centrosomes. After replication, these centrosomes are capable of producing multipolar spindles with three or four
poles, which would result in the production of aneuploid
progeny during a subsequent mitosis, provided that the
tetraploid cells were able to undergo successful cytokinesis
(Figure 1g). However, a cell cycle checkpoint known as the
tetraploidy checkpoint has been proposed to sense the
presence of tetraploid cells and arrest them in G1 [26]. This
mechanism would have the obvious advantage of preventing genomic instability caused by multipolar mitoses.
However, recent work has raised concerns about the evidence for such a checkpoint. Initially, nontransformed rat
embryonic fibroblasts were found to arrest in G1 after
treatment with an actin inhibitor (cytochalasin) caused
them to fail cytokinesis and become tetraploid. However,
re-examination of the same cells indicated that tetraploid
cells did proceed through the cell cycle if a lower concentration of cytochalasin was used [27]. Additionally, similar
efforts with tetraploid primary human fibroblasts formed
by drug treatment or cell fusion did not support the
presence of a tetraploidy checkpoint [27,28]. Moreover,
primary murine fibroblasts cycle despite being tetraploid,
as recently observed with securin / separase / fibroblasts [29,30], and in numerous wild type examples
[31,32,33]. Finally, tetraploid rat hepatocytes, HeLa cells
and telomerase-immortalized human keratinocytes (N/
TERT-1 cells) have recently been filmed undergoing
mitosis [23,34]. Thus, the balance of the evidence weighs
heavily against the presence of a tetraploidy checkpoint as
a general mechanism for blocking the proliferation of
tetraploid cells.
Mutations in tumor suppressors and DNA
mismatch repair genes generate aneuploidy
Germline mutations in the tumor suppressor gene adenomatous polyposis coli (AdAPC) cause familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), a syndrome leading to the
development of hundreds to thousands of colorectal
polyps, resulting in colorectal cancer with almost complete
penetrance. A large percentage of spontaneous colorectal
tumors also contain mutations in AdAPC (Table 3). AdAPC
plays a well-characterized role in down-regulating Wnt
signaling by contributing to the degradation of b-catenin.
Mutations in AdAPC result in stabilization of b-catenin,
which leads to transcription of proliferation-associated
genes, including c-myc and cyclin D1 [35]. However, it
has recently been found that mutations in AdAPC also
produce whole chromosomal aneuploidy in mouse
embryonic stem cells [36,37]. Cells expressing truncated
or mutant versions of AdAPC have a weakened mitotic
checkpoint and unstable kinetochore-microtubule interactions during mitosis, which cooperate to produce lagging
chromosomes in anaphase [36–38,39,40]. Thus, mutations in AdAPC may contribute to tumorigenesis via two
distinct mechanisms, upregulation of Wnt signaling and
generation of aneuploidy and CIN.
Two other tumor suppressor genes, the breast cancer
associated genes BRCA1 and BRCA2, have also recently
been demonstrated to produce aneuploidy when mutated,
in addition to their previously identified roles in DNA
repair. Murine embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) derived from
mice expressing mutated forms of BRCA1 or BRCA2
contain highly aneuploid numbers of chromosomes.
BRCA1 mutant cells exhibit lagging chromosomes and
an apparently weakened mitotic checkpoint, which may
be due to decreased expression of the essential mitotic
checkpoint protein MAD2 [41]. BRCA2 mutant MEFs
exhibit cytokinesis defects [42] and, consistent with this,
contain supernumery centrosomes [43]. Thus, mutations
in BRCA1 and BRCA2 appear to contribute to tumorigenesis through both the DNA damage and aneuploidy pathways.
Similarly, mutations in the MMR gene Msh2 appear to
cause both DNA damage and aneuploidy. As introduced
above, mutations in Msh2 lead to MIN. MIN is thought to
promote tumorigenesis when insertions or deletions of
microsatellites occur in growth-regulatory genes. However,
in addition to defects in MMR, Msh2 / primary MEFs
develop rampant aneuploidy. Eighty percent of Msh2 /
MEFs contained a non-diploid number of chromosomes at
passage 2, as compared to 30% of wild type cells [31].
Thus, mutations in Msh2 may contribute to tumorigenesis
through both the MIN and the CIN pathways.
Conclusions: the evidence is equivocal on
whether aneuploidy is a direct cause of cancer
Aneuploidy is a remarkably common characteristic of
tumor cells (Figure 1), which is a major reason why it
has been proposed to initiate tumorigenesis. This proposal makes several predictions. First, aneuploidy should
precede transformation. Indeed, aneuploidy is found in
pre-cancerous lesions of the cervix [44,45], head and neck
[46], colon [45,47], oesophagus [48] and bone marrow
[49]. Aneuploidy has also been detected in premalignant
breast [50] and skin [51] lesions in experimental animals.
Second, aneuploidy should disrupt global transcription
leading to upregulation of growth-promoting genes and
downregulation of genes involved in growth control.
Recent work indicates that aneuploidy due to the gain
Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2006, 18:658–667
664 Cell division, growth and death
of a single chromosome can indeed result in the misregulation of 100–200 genes. Strikingly, only 5–20% of misregulated genes were contained on the trisomic chromosome
[52]. Third, transformation and tumorigenesis due to
aneuploidy should require many generations to establish
the complicated karyotypes contained in human tumor
cells that permit patterns of gene misexpression supportive
of uninhibited cell growth. This is consistent with the wellknown increase in cancer incidence with age.
Although aneuploidy correlates with transformation,
empirical tests of the hypothesis that aneuploidy drives
tumorigenesis have been hampered by the difficulty of
generating aneuploidy without causing other cellular
defects, particularly DNA damage. Early attempts to test
the effects of aneuploidy relied on drugs, many of which
have subsequently been shown to be mutagenic. More
recent attempts have used mice expressing reduced levels
of mitotic checkpoint genes. Mice heterozygous for the
mitotic checkpoint gene MAD2 are more susceptible to
spontaneous, benign lung tumors after a long latency [19].
BUB3+/ mice are not predisposed to spontaneous tumors,
but they may be more susceptible to carcinogen-induced
tumors [17], as are mice expressing reduced levels of
BUBR1 [53,54]. Interestingly, BUBR1 heterozygosity
accelerates tumorigenesis in the large intestine and inhibits
tumorigenesis in the small intestine in mice expressing a
mutated allele of the AdAPC tumor suppressor gene [55].
Mutations in BUBR1 have also been found in families
exhibiting mosaic variegated aneuploidy (MVA) [56,57], a
rare condition associated with growth retardation and predisposition to various tumor types.
However, all of these checkpoint proteins are expressed
throughout the cell cycle and have been implicated in
diverse cellular processes. BUBR1 functions in apoptosis
[58–60], megakaryopoiesis [61], the DNA damage checkpoint [62], aging and fertility [18]. BUB3 acts as a transcriptional repressor [63] and MAD2 localizes to the
nucleus and nuclear pores and participates in the DNA
replication checkpoint [64]. All three contribute to gross
chromosomal rearrangements [65]. Thus, interpretation of
their tumor-prone phenotype is complicated by the fact
that they participate in cellular functions other than chromosome segregation. Ultimately, a true test of the aneuploidy hypothesis will require a method to generate
aneuploidy in the absence of other defects, a feat not
yet reported.
References and recommended reading
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14. Kops GJ, Foltz DR, Cleveland DW: Lethality to human cancer
cells through massive chromosome loss by inhibition
of the mitotic checkpoint. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2004,
See annotation to [15].
15. Michel L, Diaz-Rodriguez E, Narayan G, Hernando E, Murty VV,
Benezra R: Complete loss of the tumor suppressor MAD2
causes premature cyclin B degradation and mitotic
failure in human somatic cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2004,
This paper and [14] demonstrate that complete loss of the mitotic
checkpoint due to severe depletion of MAD2 or BUBR1 causes rapid
cell death.
16. Cahill DP, Lengauer C, Yu J, Riggins GJ, Willson JK, Markowitz SD,
Kinzler KW, Vogelstein B: Mutations of mitotic checkpoint
genes in human cancers. Nature 1998, 392:300-303.
17. Babu JR, Jeganathan KB, Baker DJ, Wu X, Kang-Decker N, van
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18. Baker DJ, Jeganathan KB, Cameron JD, Thompson M,
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Roche P et al.: BubR1 insufficiency causes early onset of
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Nat Genet 2004, 36:744-749.
19. Michel LS, Liberal V, Chatterjee A, Kirchwegger R, Pasche B,
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haplo-insufficiency causes premature anaphase and
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20. Fang G, Yu H, Kirschner MW: The checkpoint protein MAD2 and
the mitotic regulator CDC20 form a ternary complex with the
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Genes Dev 1998, 12:1871-1883.
Does aneuploidy cause cancer? Weaver and Cleveland 665
21. Cimini D, Howell B, Maddox P, Khodjakov A, Degrassi F,
Salmon ED: Merotelic kinetochore orientation is a major
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J Cell Biol 2001, 153:517-527.
22. Cimini D, Cameron LA, Salmon ED: Anaphase spindle
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chromosomes. Curr Biol 2004, 14:2149-2155.
23. Shi Q, King RW: Chromosome nondisjunction yields tetraploid
rather than aneuploid cells in human cell lines. Nature 2005,
This paper makes the surprising claim that nondisjunction results in
cytokinesis failure and tetraploidization instead of near-diploid aneuploidy, on the basis of a correlation between nondisjunction and binucleation.
24. Weaver BAA, Silk AD, Cleveland DW: Nondisjunction,
aneuploidy and tetraploidy. Nature 2006, 442:E9-E10.
25. Limwongse C, Schwartz S, Bocian M, Robin NH: Child with
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survival and chromosome stability. J Cell Sci 2004,
This paper and [39] show that mutations in single copy of AdAPC can act
dominantly to weaken the mitotic checkpoint, weaken the interactions
between kinetochores and microtubules, and drive aneuploidy.
41. Wang RH, Yu H, Deng CX: A requirement for breast-cancer
associated gene 1 (BRCA1) in the spindle checkpoint. Proc Natl
Acad Sci USA 2004, 101:17108-17113.
This study shows mitotic defects in cells expressing a mutant form of
BRCA1. The mitotic defects may be caused by deficiency in MAD2, as
BRCA1 upregulates transcription of MAD2.
42. Daniels MJ, Wang Y, Lee M, Venkitaraman AR: Abnormal
cytokinesis in cells deficient in the breast cancer susceptibility
protein BRCA2. Science 2004, 306:876-879.
This work shows that BRCA2 mutant cells fail cytokinesis, offering a
possible explanation for the aneuploidy and supernumery centrosomes
observed in BRCA2 mutant cells.
27. Uetake Y, Sluder G: Cell cycle progression after cleavage
failure: mammalian somatic cells do not possess a
‘‘tetraploidy checkpoint’’. J Cell Biol 2004, 165:609-615.
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28. Wong C, Stearns T: Mammalian cells lack checkpoints for
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30. Wirth KG, Wutz G, Kudo NR, Desdouets C, Zetterberg A,
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46. Ai H, Barrera JE, Meyers AD, Shroyer KR, Varella-Garcia M:
Chromosomal aneuploidy precedes morphological changes
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31. Campbell MR, Wang Y, Andrew SE, Liu Y: Msh2 deficiency leads
to chromosomal abnormalities, centrosome amplification,
and telomere capping defect. Oncogene 2006, 25:2531-2536.
This paper presents the first evidence that defects in a mismatch repair
protein (Msh2) that lead to MIN also lead to aneuploidy.
32. Kalitsis P, Fowler KJ, Griffiths B, Earle E, Chow CW, Jamsen K,
Choo KH: Increased chromosome instability but not cancer
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33. Saavedra HI, Maiti B, Timmers C, Altura R, Tokuyama Y,
Fukasawa K, Leone G: Inactivation of E2F3 results in
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38. Green RA, Kaplan KB: Chromosome instability in colorectal
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attachments caused by a dominant mutation in APC. J Cell Biol
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39. Green RA, Wollman R, Kaplan KB: APC and EB1
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52. Upender MB, Habermann JK, McShane LM, Korn EL, Barrett JC,
Difilippantonio MJ, Ried T: Chromosome transfer induced
aneuploidy results in complex dysregulation of the cellular
transcriptome in immortalized and cancer cells. Cancer Res
2004, 64:6941-6949.
This paper offers a proof-of-concept experiment showing that aneuploidy
does indeed cause misregulation of global transcription, as had been
previously proposed.
53. Baker DJ, Jeganathan KB, Malureanu L, Perez-Terzic C, Terzic A,
van Deursen JM: Early aging-associated phenotypes in Bub3/
Rae1 haploinsufficient mice. J Cell Biol 2006, 172:529-540.
54. Dai W, Wang Q, Liu T, Swamy M, Fang Y, Xie S, Mahmood R,
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Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2006, 18:658–667
666 Cell division, growth and death
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55. Rao CV, Yang YM, Swamy MV, Liu T, Fang Y, Mahmood R,
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Mehes K, Nash R, Robin N et al.: Constitutional aneuploidy and
cancer predisposition caused by biallelic mutations in BUB1B.
Nat Genet 2004, 36:1159-1161.
This paper provides the first evidence linking germline mutations in an
essential mitotic checkpoint gene (BUBR1, also known as BUB1B) to an
inherited cancer susceptibility syndrome.
57. Matsuura S, Matsumoto Y, Morishima K, Izumi H, Matsumoto H,
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60. Shin HJ, Baek KH, Jeon AH, Park MT, Lee SJ, Kang CM, Lee HS,
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mitotic checkpoint kinase, in the monitoring of chromosomal
instability. Cancer Cell 2003, 4:483-497.
61. Wang Q, Liu T, Fang Y, Xie S, Huang X, Mahmood R,
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63. Yoon YM, Baek KH, Jeong SJ, Shin HJ, Ha GH, Jeon AH,
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75. Wang X, Jin DY, Ng RW, Feng H, Wong YC, Cheung AL, Tsao SW:
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cell line Hs766T. Hum Mutat 2003, 21:445.
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Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2006, 18:658–667
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Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2006, 18:658–667