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Terminal Velocity
D. Crowley, 2008
Terminal Velocity
To understand terminal velocity
Terminal Velocity
What are the forces on a skydiver? How do these forces change
(think about when they first jump out; during free fall; and when the
parachute has opened)?
What happens if the skydiver changes their position?
The skydiver’s force (W=mg) remains
the same throughout the jump
But their air resistance changes
depending upon what they’re doing
which changes the overall resultant
Falling objects are subject to the force of gravity pulling them down
– this can be calculated by W=mg
Weight (N) = mass (kg) x gravity (N/kg)
On Earth the strength of gravity = 10N/kg
On the Moon the strength of gravity is just 1.6N/kg
What happens when you change position during free-fall?
Changing position whilst skydiving causes massive changes in air
resistance, dramatically affecting how fast you fall…
Skydiving Stages
Complete the skydiving stages worksheet
Label the forces
Draw correctly sized force arrows
Write a sentence explaining the forces
experienced by the skydiver during the
Skydiving Stages
Stage 1 – after just jumping from the plane the skydiver is not
moving very fast – their weight is a bigger force than their air
resistance, so they accelerate downwards
Skydiving Stages
Stage 2 – eventually the force of the air resistance has increased so
much that it is the same size as the skydiver’s weight – the forces are
balanced and the speed remains constant (this is terminal velocity)
Skydiving Stages
Stage 3 – when the chute opens air resistance increases dramatically:
the air resistance force is much greater than the weight force, so the
skydiver slows down
Skydiving Stages
Stage 4 – as the skydiver slows, the air resistance force from the
chute is reduced, until it is the same size as the weight force – the
forces are balanced and the speed remains constant (this is a new
terminal velocity)
Terminal Velocity
When vehicles and free-falling objects first move they have much
more force accelerating them than resistance which is trying to slow
As speed increases resistance builds up – gradually reducing the
Eventually the resistance forces is
equal to the accelerating force and
the object remains at a constant
speed (terminal velocity)
Resultant Force
In most real situations there are at least two forces acting on an
object along any direction – the overall effect of these forces is the
resultant force, and will decide the motion of the object (whether it
accelerates, decelerates or stays at a constant speed)
E.g. a car of mass 1750kg has an engine producing a driving force
of 5’200N, with a drag force of 5’150N at 70mph – what is its
acceleration when setting off from rest & at 70mph?
Resultant Force
Initially work out the resultant force at rest and at 70mph…
Resultant force = 5’200N (no drag at 0mph)!
Resultant force = 50N (5’200N – 5150N)
Acceleration = force ÷ mass
Acceleration = 5’200 ÷ 1’750 = 3.0m/s2
Acceleration = 50 ÷ 1’750 = 0.03m/s2
Velocity-Time Graph
Can you annotate what the velocity-time graph shows for a
parachute jump?
Velocity-Time Graph
Parachute opens – diver
slows down
New, lower terminal velocity
Diver hits the ground
Fluids & Surface Area
How is the speed of an object and the terminal velocity it will reach
affected by the fluid it its travelling through?
How does the shape and area of an object affect its terminal velocity?
Fluids & Surface Area
The speed an object can travel at through a fluid will vary depending upon the
drag of the fluid – if the drag is high then this will affect the resultant force so
that the terminal velocity of the object is low. If the drag is reduced then the
resultant force will increase, allowing for an increased terminal velocity
The accelerating force acting on all falling objects is gravity – all objects would
fall at the same rate if there was no drag (air resistance)
The drag is due to the area and shape of the object, which determines the
terminal velocity – in skydiving the force of weight = mass x gravity pulls the
skydivers towards the Earth
With the parachute open the same force of W=mg pulls the skydivers down, but
the drag force is much greater, so the overall resultant force is reduced = reduced
terminal velocity
The diagram shows a skydiver – two forces act on the skydiver (X and Y)
What is the equation which links weight, gravitational field strength and mass?
What causes force X?
As the skydiver falls the size of force X increases. What happens to the size of
force Y?
Describe the motion of the skydiver when force X is smaller than force Y; and
when force X is equal to force Y
What is the equation which links weight, gravitational field
strength and mass? Weight = mass x gravity
What causes force X? Drag (air resistance / friction)
As the skydiver falls the size of force X increases. What happens to
the size of force Y? Stays the same
Describe the motion of the skydiver when force X is smaller than
force Y; and when force X is equal to force Y. When force X is
smaller than force Y the skydiver accelerates downwards. When
the forces are equal the skydiver moves at a constant speed