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Islam is against Extremism
‫بسم هللا والحمد هلل وصلى هللا على سيدنا محمد وءاله وصحبه وسلم‬
In al-Qur’an, Allah said in Surat Al ^Imran, Ayah 11 what means:
[You are the best of the nations that were brought to the people
commanding the lawful and forbidding the unlawful.]
NO Extremism
•The Prophet warned us against
extremist, and told us that he
curses those who practise it in any
•The Prophet said “The extremist
fanatics are doomed.”
• ‫اعلم وفقك هللا أن دين هللا تعالى يعرف من مصادر التشريع القرءان‬
‫والسنة واإلجماع والقياس وال يؤخذ دين هللا بالرأي الذي يخالف ذلك‬
‫وليس ألي إنسان أن يقول في مسائل الدين برأيه المخالف للشرع قال‬
‫ لو كان الدين بالرأي لكان مسح الخف من‬: ‫اإلمام علي رضي هللا عنه‬
‫أسفله لكني رأيت رسول هللا يمسح الخف من اعاله‬
•Sadly many so called Islamic
organisations and cults claim to be
working under the banner of Islam
and spreading the religion of God,
but actually they are misguided and
enemies of Islam.
•May Allah protect us from such
groups and keep us steadfast on
the correct path till our last breaths.
Wahhabis ?!!
So-called Salafis
•Be warned from a group who claim to be
people of the Hadith or qur’an or Sunnah
or Salafis or Ahlul-Hadith..
•They are most commonly known as
Wahhabis, but hide their name because of
their dark history of extremism and killing.
•They hold many bad beliefs about Allah
and the Prophet which they are keen on
•Be warned they are deviants and oppose
Ahlus-Sunnah, the teachings of, the
Prophet ‫عليه الصالة والسالم‬
Their Origin?
Let it be known that Wahhabis are a sect
that emerged only 250 years ago, they
have ill beliefs that oppose the
agreement of all scholars of Islam.
They follow Ibn Taymiya Who lived over
700 years ago and opposed the
unanimous agreement in over 60 Islamic
The Actual Founder of this misguided
movement is a man called Ibn AbdilWahhab (Founder of Wahabies)!!
Both of these men were refuted by the
scholars of Ahlus Sunna Wal Jammah on
numerous occasions.
Wahhabis’ Bad Beliefs opposing Islam
Here are a few of their misguided sayings:
•They are Mushabbihah, who liken Allah to
his creations.
•They say that Allah is like a man, and sits
on the throne and attribute to Allah bodily
parts literally such as a hand and a foot !!
•They say it's shirk to visit the grave of the Pious
people! And say it's shirk to make Tabarruk and
Tawassul by the Prophet ‫عليه الصالة والسالم‬
•They claim to be the only true Muslims, In the
book of their leader Muhammad bin ^Abdil
wahhab, he says in his book at-Tawhid “those
Muslims today are worst then idol worshippers”!!
The Wahhabis’ ideological father
Ibn Taymiah negates Islam
•Ibn taymiah has many deviations from
•Imam al-Mujtahid as-Subkiy who lived
during the time of Ibn Taymiah, reported
that Ibn Taimiyah opposed unanimous
agreement of the scholars of Islam in over
60 Islamic Issues.
•And he along with the scholars during his
time declared him as a Kafir for many
deviant beliefs and sayings that he never
repented from.’
•Ibn Taymiah was imprisoned because of
his arrogant opposition to Islam and so the
scholars of his time refuted him publically.
Ibn Taymiah’s ill beliefs
Among the abhorrent and false beliefs of Ibn Taymiah:
•He claims that Allah is a body. And claims that Allah sits on the throne and seats Prophet
Muhammad beside him as he mentioned it in (Majmoo^ Fatawa, p4, page 374).
•He claims that it's a sin to intend to travel to visit the grave of Prophet Muhammad. And
that it's shirk to make Tawassul by Prophet Muhammad.
•He claims that hellfire ends and punishment on kuffar ends.
•He claims that this world is eternal by kind along with Allah and that the kind of the world
does not have a beginning!!.
•He was imprisoned by the order of four Muslim Judges that were from the four famous
schools (Madhahib): Shafi^i, Maliki, Hanbali, and Hanafi schools.
•He deviated from Ahlus-Sunnah Wal Jama^ah and opposed Ijma^ to the extent of
belying the Quran and alsunna of the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam.
For more information about this man, read:
Useful Advise
Be warned, the Wahhabis follow ibn taymiah blindly and leave out the four
schools. They liken Allah to his creations! And they also permit the killings of
Muslims that oppose their ill creed
They are like poison among the Muslims promoting chaos and
mischief by the name of Islam.
By using petro dollar, they lure the people to follow them and promote their
teachings to the extent that children declare their parents as kuffar!
Do not allow these people to influence you and your families and warn against
these people before they mislead you, as they misled others.
Stick to the way of the majority of Ahlus-Sunnah as deduced by the
four schools (Madhahib). For, the Prophet said in the hadith: “Allah
protected my nation from going astray unanimously”
For more info about them, visit:
The End