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Cancer Tumors Thought to be Caused by Molds
By: Harry P. Schlanger│Originally posted on: Dec 10, 2008
Oncologist Dr. T Simoncini discovered cancer treatments with antifungal medicine. The
most powerful antifungal is both inexpensive and unpatentable - sodium bicarbonate.
According to Luke Curtis et al, "Adverse Health
Effects of Indoor Moulds", Nexus Magazine,
July 2006, mold related health symptoms are
common and varied. Many people have
reported ill-health effects from their exposure
to fungi, which are ubiquitous in both indoor
and outdoor environments.
The toxins produced by a fungus are present
in indoor dust and in fungal spores, which can
be absorbed through the respiratory system.
Exposures can cause:
Neurological dysfunction (irritability,
anxiety, depression)
Cognitive deficits (memory loss)
Alteration of immunological parameters
A previous article showed there are 100,000 varieties of fungus and molds frequently
spread by tiny spores, which often become airborne. Fungi require moisture and a food
source to grow. Various surveys of homes in North America and Europe have reported
that visible mold in water damaged areas is found in up to 23% to 98% of homes. Indoor
fungal levels above 1,000 colony forming units per cubic meter of air are considered to
be sufficient to cause human health problems.
Cancer is a Fungus
Dr. Tullio Simoncini is a specialist in Oncology who recently wrote a book entitled,
“Cancer is a Fungus” Edizioni Lampis, Rome, Italy, 2007. A video interview with Dr.
Simoncini is also available. He discusses examination of cancerous growth, which is
revealed to be always white in colour. The lumps are due to the spread of fungi.
Dr. Simoncini stresses how a fungus infection always forms the basis of every abnormal
growth of tissue, i.e. tumor, and this formation tries to spread within the whole organism,
unimpeded. The growth of fungus colonies, together with the reaction of the tissue that
tries to defend itself against the invasion, causes the tumor. According to Dr. Simoncini,
this is a simple and solely extracellular phenomenon. Therefore, there must be only one
cause of cancer: fungal infection - specifically Candida Albicans, which, according to the
anatomical branch concerned causes different tissue-related reactions. This is the
reason why there are so many different types of tumors.
Cancer Treatments
The medical establishment treats the symptoms of cancer using radiation therapy and
chemotherapy. However, since cancer is a fungal Infection, it is an acid reaction and to
remedy, the environment needs to be rendered alkaline. Baking Soda, or sodium
bicarbonate in a 5% or 8.4% solution has been found to be such a substance capable of
making tumors disappear completely. In order to get a maximum therapeutic effect,
sodium bicarbonate treatments should be brought into direct contact with the affected
tissue. This can be done by introducing a special insertion tube into the arteries that go
to different organs, or by using conventional endoscopic methods (a tool used to “see”
in the body).
In his book and video interviews, Dr. Simoncini outlines his many years of oncological
research and his therapy using sodium bicarbonate as a logical solution to the cancer
problem. He gives examples of specific sodium bicarbonate treatments for many types
of cancers:
Breast Cancer
Lung Cancer
Colon Cancer
Prostate Cancer, etc
He also addresses the arguably more intractable problems of dealing with conformist
medical practices, politics and economics that prevent a simple, cheap therapy from
reaching the masses.
The reader might be interested in the remarkable Budwig diet as a health supplement
for the relief and cure of most diseases, including for cancer treatments.