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Name: ____________________________________________ Period: ____
World War One: What causes war?
State Standards:
History Standard 1 a, b and e- People are interconnected, historical context of events, and settlement patterns
Core Knowledge Sequence:
World War I: “The Great War”, 1914-1918
 National pride and greed as causes: European nationalism, militarism, and colonialism
o The British Empire: Queen Victoria
o Italy becomes a nation: Garibaldi
o German nationalism and militarism: Bismarck unifies Germany, war against France, France cedes AlsaceLorraine to Germany
o European imperialism and rivalries in Africa
 Stanley and Livingstone
 British invade Egypt to protect the Suez Canal
 French in North Africa
 Berlin Conference and the “scramble for Africa”
 Entangling alliances: Allies vs. Central Powers; Archduke Francis Ferdinand assassinated
 The Western Front and Eastern Front, Gallipoli, Lawrence of Arabia
 War of attrition and the scale of losses: Battle of the Marne (1914), new war technologies (for example: machine
guns, tanks, airplanes, submarines), trench warfare
Domain Vocabulary: Please define the following words then use them in a sentence or draw a picture. Allied Powers,
Central Powers, Triple Alliance, trench warfare, neutral, Suez Canal, Triple Entente, no man’s land
Learning Target 1: I can explain what caused WWI.
Lesson 1.1= Graph directions: In your pod, please create this chart in your comp book. It will need to take up the whole
page please. Use a ruler. You will need to use the World History textbook page 780 to fill out the following chart.
Title: 4 MAIN causes of WWI
Action to help you
remember the word
Explain how it
contributed to WWI.
Lesson 1.2 = Directions: Read page 779 in your World History book, and answer the following questions in your comp book
in complete sentences by restating the question in your answer.
1. What was the name of the Archduke of Austria-Hungary?
2. Where were the Archduke and his wife visiting (city and country)?
3. Why was it a “bad idea” for them to take the trip?
4. What was the name of the terrorist group that planned the shooting?
5. Who shot and killed the Archduke and his wife?
6. What country was the assassin from?
7. What country did Austria-Hungary declare war on as a result of the shooting?
8. Explain what happened after Austria-Hungary declared war (who else got in on the fight?)
Lesson 1.3 =The Main Characters of WWI
Please make this graph in your comp book using a ruler and it should take up the whole page. Remember to title your graph
Which MAIN
Reason for Glory
Berlin Conference
Woodrow Wilson
Giuseppe Garibaldi
T.E. Lawrence
Queen Victoria
Otto Von Bismarck
John J. Pershing
Stanley & Livingstone
Learning Target 2: I can explain how technology and the development of new types of weapons impacted WWI.
Lesson 2.1 = Directions: Read pages 783-785 in your World History textbook, complete the following chart, and answer the
questions on the next page:
Weapons of WWI
(add your own picture)
Describe the weapon using your five senses
(how does it smell, look, sound, feel)
How did this weapon impact the war?
Poison Gas
Machine Gun
Lesson 2.2 = Directions: Read the article “Other Fronts” and answer the following questions in complete sentences in your
composition notebook.
1. What does the word “front” mean?
2. Where was the Western Front?
3. Where was the Eastern Front?
4. When the Turks prevented Britain and France from shipping supplies, what peninsula did they invade? Were the Allies
5. Why was the Suez Canal important to Britain?
6. Which country gained control of Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria?
7. Who is T.E. Lawrence and what did he do?
8. What was Germany’s most important African colony? Why were they so important to WWI? 9. What kind of problems led
to the Russian Revolution?
10. What group took over the Russian government after the Czar was overthrown?
Learning Target 3: I can explain the United States’ role in WWI.
Lesson 3.1 = Directions: Read pages 713-715 in your American History book (American Neutrality) and answer the
following questions in complete sentences in your composition notebook.
1. What was America’s official position when the war began?
2. Why did the majority of Americans favor the Allies?
3. Define propaganda:
4. Who did America seek to trade with during the war?
5. What did Germany say it would do to any ships that entered or left British ports?
Lesson 3.2 = Directions: Read pages 715-716 in your American History book (The End of Neutrality) and answer the
following questions.
1. Explain what the Zimmerman Telegram was, and American’s reaction to it.
Learning Target 4: I can explain how Americans on the home front helped support the war.
Lesson 4.1 = Directions: Read pages 725-726 in your American Journey book, Mobilizing the Nation, and answer the
following questions in complete sentences in your composition notebook.
1. Explain the purpose of propaganda during WWI.
2. Draw one example from WWI in your comp book.
3. What is the purpose of rationing?
4. What kinds of things do you think the government would ask people to ration?
Lesson 4.2 = Directions: Read page 786 in your Human Legacy textbook, Women in War, and answer the following
questions in your comp book. Please restate the question in your answer.
1. What were the two options that women had if they wanted to help the war effort?
2. How did the role of American women change on the home front?
3. How has women’s role in the armed forces changed since the war?
Lesson 4.3 = Timeline: Please use page 777 from the World History book and page 703 from the American Journey
textbook to construct a complete timeline of events from WWI. You might want to leave several spaces per year to meld
both timelines together.
Lesson 4.4 = Movie: The Century: America’s Time- Shell Shock
Please answer the following questions on this packet, short answers are fine.
1. WWI started in June, 1914 with the assassination of Franz Ferdinand of _____________ __________________.
2. True False The young men called to fight in 1914 were enthusiastic.
3. Germany and Austria-Hungary fought against Russia, France and _______________________.
4. Everyone thought the war would be over by ________________________________________.
5. True False The weapons of WWI were no more ferocious that weapons in earlier wars.
6. At the beginning of the war, the U.S. was officially _________________________.
7. Americans were exposed to the war in the ________________________________.
8. Movies were the proving ground for the new art form called _______________________.
9. True False By early 1915, the war was good for American economically.
10. The labor shortage led Northern employers to look to the ___________________ labor pool in the South.
11. Former President ________________ __________________ supported American volunteers who trained for WWI.
12. ___________ countries were eventually represented in WWI.
13. The trench system on the Western Front would stretch for some _______________ miles.
14. Life in the trenches was: __________________________________.
15. List 3 new weapons that contributed to the stalemate.
__________________________ _________________________ __________________________
16. The war broke some men. The condition was called ____________________________________.
17. The Battle of the Somme lasted for 6 months at a cost of __________ million men and the Allies had moved a
grand total of ___________ miles.
18. With Lenin’s Communist victory in 1917, Russia _______________________ from the war.
19. Woodrow Wilson hoped WWI was the “war to end __________________ ________________”.
20. True False The American soldiers were well prepared for war.
21. In a last desperate offensive, the Germans got to within ___________ miles of Paris.
22. At 11 am on 11/11/1918, Germany ___________________________________.
23. The economy that was booming during the war was ____________________ after the war.
24. In all, ____________________ million men had died.
25. President Wilson went to Paris Peace Conference with his ___________________ Points program.
26. The British and French governments were interested in _______________________.
27. The ___________________ _____________________ was excluded from the talks.
28. True False The Treaty of Versailles punished Germany.