Download Comparing a Cell to the Human Body

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The brain is the control center of the body.
The nucleus is the control center of the cell.
Blood cells carry information.
Cytoplasm also carries information.
It’s a jelly like substance.
The cell membrane holds the cell together and
somewhat protects the cell.
Also, the bones hold the human body together
and protect valuable organs.
The cell wall protects the plant cell.
Also, the skin protects the human body.
The chloroplast makes food for the plant cell.
Hands prepare and buy food for the human
body to eat.
Mitochondria releases energy from the plant
and animal cell.
The lungs takes in oxygen in order to release
A vacuole is like a stomach because they both
store food.
Chromosomes carry DNA.
Also, the veins in your body carry blood.
We use our feet for movement
A cell uses a tail-like structure called a
flagellum or hundreds of tiny hairs that work
in unison called cilia
Draw the nine organelles on a person at the
bottom of you slide show sheet.
Make sure you put both analogies.