Download Cell analogies booklet Amanda Nyuma P.d 3 Biology Plant cell

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Cell analogies booklet
Amanda Nyuma
P.d 3
Plant cell Illustration
Animal cell
Golgi body
The Golgi Body Modifies, Sorts, and packages proteins
and other materials from the endoplasmic reticulum for
storage in the cell. This is an analogy to a shipping
company which packages and sort things out to different
parts of an area/town.
Cell membrane
The cell membrane Regulates materials entering and
leaving the cell; It protects outside the cell and supports it.
This represents the gate because a gate controls what
comes in and out of a community and also protects a
community to an extent.
The nucleolus is like a chef because it makes RNA
within the nucleus and it is a reservoir for RNA.The
chef is like the nucleolus makes food for people
within a restaurant.
The Nucleus is like the brain because it
controls the activities of the cell and similar
to how the brain controls the human body.
Rough ER
Rough ER would be like a highway because it is a
pathway for lipids and other materials to move through
similar to the highway, which helps controls, which way
cars go on the highway.
Smooth ER
Smooth ER is an analogy to a cafeteria
because it produces lipids and proteins to
distribute to the cell similar to how a
cafeteria produces food for people.
Ribosomes are like Factory workers Ribosome’s
are able to interpret messages (RNA) from the
nucleus about what to build. This is an analogy
to factory workers because they are being told
from the owner of the company what to make.
Cytoplasm is like fruit Jell-O because it
holds many organelles important for cell
life. Fruit Jell-O is like Cytoplasm
because it holds the fruits in place till
they get in our mouth.
The vacuole is like a pantry. This is because
it stores things in the cell like salts, proteins,
and carbs. A pantry is like a vacuole because
it stores things like food till further use.
Cell wall
A cell wall is like a house because it
shapes, supports, and protects the cell as
a house protects and shelters a family
living in it.
Chloroplast is like a McDonalds drive through
because it uses sunlight to make food possible
for plant life. A drive through is like chloroplast
because it uses food from different places to
give/and produce food to different peoples.
Mitochondrion is like a power plant because it
produces energy for the cell to use, the power plant
is like the mitochondrion because it produces energy
for humans.
The Flagellum moves the cell around so it is
like a boat captain. The boat captain is like
the flagellum because it moves the boat
The cilia are like a person driving a small car
because it moves the cell around with its very small
hairs. A person driving in the car is like the cilia
because it controls where the car is going and moves
The lysome is like the small intestine because it breaks
down lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins into small
molecules for the rest of the cell to use. The small
intestines break down food in our body that we need
making it similar to the Lysosome.
Cytoskeleton is like the skeletal system of the human
body because it maintains the shape of the cell. The
skeletal system is like cytoskeleton because it helps the
body maintain its shape. Also both protect the cell/body.