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Chicken Wing Lab Preview
• The chicken wing is very similar to the human
• There are several different tissues that make
up the organs of the chicken wing/human arm
• Each of these tissues serves a special purpose
in the skeletal and muscular organ systems
• Flexors
– Muscles that flex (bend inwards) the joint
– Ex. Biceps
• Extensors
– Muscles that extend (straighten) the joint
– Ex. Triceps
• Important note:
– No matter which direction (flexor or extensor),
muscles always contract (get shorter) when activated
– It is the interaction of muscles with bones that change
the direction in which the body moves
• Connective tissue that joins a muscle to a
• Necessary for a muscle to pull on a bone to
create motion
• Determines if a muscle will work as a flexor or
an extensor
• Connective tissue that joins a bone to a bone
• Necessary for bones to join together to form a
• Allows for flexibility of the joint under stress
– But move the bones too far and they will tear!
• Connective tissue that provides a layer of
cushioning between bones
• Prevents bones from rubbing together and
eroding each other
Chicken Wing Dissection