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Cancer and Heart/Stroke plans
Assurant Supplemental Coverage
Available for clients through age 64 in AL, AR, LA, MI,
MO, MS, OK, TX, WI and WV for effective dates
starting May 13, 2012
For agent use only
Why Cancer and Heart/Stroke coverage?
• More than 1.6 million U.S. residents will be diagnosed
with cancer this year (American Cancer Society, Facts and Figures 2012)
• Somebody in the U.S. has a heart attack every 34
seconds (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Heart Disease Fact Sheet,
• Medical bills cause more than 60% of U.S. bankruptcies
(American Journal of Medicine, 2009)
Assurant Supplemental Coverage
Why Cancer and Heart/Stroke coverage?
• Even with the best medical insurance, a lifethreatening illness is costly for clients
– Medical plan deductible/coinsurance can easily total $5,000 to
– Lengthy illness could mean loss of work time and wages
– Household bills pile up
– Alternative and some other treatments may not be covered by
major medical insurance
• Cancer and Heart/Stroke coverage provides help when
it’s most needed, so clients and their families won’t be
burdened with bills
Assurant Supplemental Coverage
Introducing Assurant Supplemental
Coverage Cancer and Heart/Stroke plans
• With Cancer and Heart/Stroke, your clients pay for only
the conditions they’re most worried about
• You and your clients can trust Assurant Health’s 120
years* in health insurance — experience and expertise
you won’t find anywhere else
• Easy integration — just click to add Cancer and
Heart/Stroke to an Assurant Health major medical or
fixed-benefit plan!
*Assurant Health is the brand name for products underwritten and issued by Time Insurance
Company (est. 1892).
Assurant Supplemental Coverage
• Save time and integrate plans with just one click — only
from Assurant Health!
• Add Cancer and Heart/Stroke in a single process, with
no more than two additional questions for cancer and
four questions for heart/stroke
• Plan pays a lump-sum cash benefit upon lifethreatening diagnosis, when it’s most needed
• Plan pays cash benefits per covered person
Assurant Supplemental Coverage
• Clients choose coverage for cancer only, heart/stroke
only, or both — paying for only those conditions they’re
most concerned about
– Underwriting is separate; i.e., clients can buy Heart/Stroke
plan even if they’ve had cancer
• Plan pays regardless of any other coverage in force
• Clients choose any doctors and treatments they wish
• Clients use the cash however they want
Pay medical plan deductible and coinsurance
Replace lost income
Pay household bills
Seek experimental treatment
Assurant Supplemental Coverage
• Clients pay for only the conditions they worry about
• Clients choose a benefit level ($10,000 to $75,000) to
suit their needs and budget
• One rate for any number of children
In LA, coverage may be purchased for individuals only, not spouses or families.
Assurant Supplemental Coverage
Cancer and Heart/Stroke benefits
Benefit payments for Cancer
• Cancer and Heart/Stroke plans pay for life-threatening
conditions, when policyholders need help most
• For cancer only, policyholder receives the full cash
benefit upon diagnosis of life-threatening cancer
If your client purchases
And is diagnosed with this
The plan pays
Cancer only
Life-threatening cancer
100% of the selected benefit
Waiting periods apply for Cancer and Heart/Stroke benefits in most states. Where waiting periods do not apply,
benefit payments will be reduced for a limited time.
Assurant Supplemental Coverage
Benefit payments for Heart/Stroke
• Heart/Stroke benefits depend on medical event
• 100% benefit for heart attack or stroke
• Partial benefits paid for other conditions; policyholder
still protected by benefit remainder
If your client purchases
And is diagnosed with this
The plan pays
Heart/Stroke only
Coronary artery disease or
cardiac arrhythmia resulting
in heart attack
100% of the selected benefit
Coronary artery disease or
cardiac arrhythmia resulting
in coronary artery bypass
25% of the selected benefit amount
Coronary artery disease resulting
in coronary angioplasty
10% of the selected benefit amount
Cerebrovascular disease
resulting in stroke
100% of the selected benefit
Waiting periods apply for Cancer and Heart/Stroke benefits in most states. Where waiting periods do not apply,
benefit payments will be reduced for a limited time.
Assurant Supplemental Coverage
Benefit payments for Cancer and
• Clients purchasing Cancer and Heart/Stroke coverage
receive 100% benefits for life-threatening cancer and
heart attack or stroke*
• If client receives partial Heart/Stroke benefits, he or
she is still protected by benefit remainder
*Specific conditions listed on slide 10.
If your client purchases
And is diagnosed with this
The plan pays this for cancer and
heart/stroke conditions
Cancer and Heart/Stroke
Any of the conditions listed on
the previous two slides
Benefits listed in previous slides for
Cancer and Heart/Stroke
Waiting periods apply for Cancer and Heart/Stroke benefits in most states. Where waiting periods do not apply,
benefit payments will be reduced for a limited time.
Assurant Supplemental Coverage
Benefit payment example
Susan buys a $50,000 Cancer and Heart/Stroke plan
covering herself, her spouse and her two children. She
is diagnosed with life-threatening cancer.
• She receives a $50,000 lump-sum payment upon
• She is eligible to receive another $50,000 in benefits if
she’s diagnosed with a condition covered by her
heart/stroke benefits
• Since benefits are paid per person, Susan’s husband and
children are still eligible to receive their own cancer
and heart/stroke benefits
Example is for illustration purposes only
Assurant Supplemental Coverage
Benefit payment example 2
John buys a $25,000 Heart/Stroke plan. He’s diagnosed
with coronary artery disease.
• If John’s coronary artery disease results in a heart
attack, he receives a $25,000 lump-sum payment (100%
of $25,000); this ends his policy.
• If John’s coronary artery disease results in coronary
artery bypass, he receives $6,250 (25% of $25,000). He
is eligible to receive the remaining 75% for another,
different heart/stroke diagnosis.
• If John’s coronary artery disease results in coronary
angioplasty, he receives $2,500 (10% of $25,000). He is
eligible to receive the remaining 90% for another,
different heart/stroke diagnosis.
Example is for illustration purposes only
Assurant Supplemental Coverage
Easy Cancer and Heart/Stroke integration
and sales
Add Cancer and Heart/Stroke to major
• Most major medical plans include high deductibles,
limits and other costs that can add up
• Cancer and Heart/Stroke helps pay costs so clients can
concentrate on getting well
Assurant Supplemental Coverage
More protection for less money
• Adjust major medical plan to
higher deductible
• Add Cancer and Heart/Stroke
for additional benefits
• Your client receives valuable
protection at less total cost
• You receive more commission
OneDeductible plan
Annual premium
Assurant Supplemental Coverage
Cancer and
coverage ($25,000)
Total annual
Total savings
Plan shown is OneDeductible with 100% coinsurance and
Cancer and Heart/Stroke plan for male with
standard rating, age 40, non-tobacco user in ZIP
78721. Numbers have been rounded.
$323 per
Add Cancer and Heart/Stroke to Assurant
Health Access
• Pair two affordable plans for a package of benefits
• Assurant Health Access pays fixed benefits plus Cancer
and Heart/Stroke coverage pays cash
• Clients receive lump sum to help alleviate worry about
paying for back-end costs
– Inpatient and outpatient treatment
– Rehabilitation costs
– Non-medical costs like travel, mortgage/rent, gas and food
Assurant Supplemental Coverage
Two affordable plans and extra benefits
• Sell Assurant Health Access
Value plan
• Add Cancer coverage
• Your client receives help with
everyday health expenses +
extra cash for life-threatening
• You receive significantly more
Plan shown is Assurant Health Access Value plan and
Cancer plan for male, age 40, non-tobacco user in
ZIP 78721. Numbers have been rounded.
Assurant Supplemental Coverage
Assurant Health $74
Access Value
Cancer $50,000
Total premium
package of
benefits for
less than $100/
Why sell Cancer and Heart/Stroke?
Substantial commission!
First-year compensation
CO, FL, MI and MN Tier 1
CO, FL, MI and MN Tier 2
Assurant Supplemental Coverage
Cancer and Heart/Stroke affordable
Cancer and Heart/Stroke sample rates
Cancer plan
$25,000 benefit
Heart/Stroke plan
$25,000 benefit
Cancer and
$25,000 benefit
Individual monthly rates
Male age 30
Male age 40
Male age 50
Family monthly rates
Primary/spouse age
30 and children
Primary/spouse age
40 and children
Primary/spouse age
50 and children
Individual rates are for non-tobacco users in TX. Family rates are for primary, spouse
and children (any number), non-tobacco users in TX.
Assurant Supplemental Coverage
Easy sales process
Just click to add
• Assurant Health exclusive: just a click to add Cancer
and Heart/Stroke to CoreMed, OneDeductible or
Assurant Health Access applications
• Clients answer no more than six additional questions
for Cancer and Heart/Stroke coverage
• If selling standalone, no more than six application
questions and easy submission
• More than 80% of submissions receive immediate
Assurant Supplemental Coverage
Only 2 medical questions for Cancer
Assurant Supplemental Coverage
Only 4 medical questions for Heart/Stroke
Assurant Supplemental Coverage
Edelivery: your clients’ electronic file
Your clients may choose electronic delivery of policy
• Clients receive materials more quickly
• Clients access policy materials online — no more filing
or struggling to find papers
• Save paper to help the planet
• Walk through your clients’ e-policy with them to build
your relationship
Assurant Supplemental Coverage
Covered condition definitions and
plan exclusions
Cancer and Heart/Stroke covered
Cancer and Heart/Stroke covered conditions and plan exclusions
Cancer and Heart/Stroke coverage provides benefits for cancer; coronary artery disease or cardiac
arrhythmia resulting in heart attack; coronary artery disease or cardiac arrhythmia resulting in
coronary artery bypass; coronary artery disease resulting in coronary angioplasty; and
cerebrovascular disease resulting in stroke.
Definitions of covered conditions
1. A malignant tumor, including an in situ, and hematopoietic malignancy for which any of the
following is recommended by your health care practitioner:
a. Radiation;
b. Chemotherapy; or
c. Immunotherapy; or
d. Complete excision of an internal organ without need for further treatment; or
2. Any metastatic cancer for which no therapy is recommended.
For purposes of this policy, cancer does not include:
Non-invasive dermatologic carcinomas (basal cell carcinoma [BCC], squamous cell carcinomas [SCC],
melanoma in-situ), cervical carcinoma in situ or other premalignant conditions such as
myelodysplastic and myeloproliferative disorders, leukoplakia, hyperplasia; or
An incidental pathological diagnosis found following surgical excision of an organ unless additional
chemotherapy, radiation therapy and/or immunotherapy is recommended.
Assurant Supplemental Coverage
Covered conditions, cont.
Heart coverage:
Coronary artery disease: acute coronary occlusion, coronary atherosclerosis, aneurysm and
dissection of the heart, and coronary atherosclerosis due to lipid rich plaque.
Cardiac arrhythmia: cardiac dysrhythmias, paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, paroxysmal
ventricular tachycardia, atrial fibrillation and flutter, and ventricular fibrillation and flutter.
Heart attack: a myocardial infarction resulting in the death of an area of the heart muscle due to
insufficient blood supply to that area. The basis of the diagnosis must include:
serial measurements of cardiac biomarkers showing a pattern and level consistent with an
acute myocardial infarction; and
new electrocardiographic changes consistent with acute myocardial infarction.
For the purposes of this policy, heart attack does not include:
1. Any other disease or injury involving the cardiovascular system;
2. A cardiac arrest that is not caused by myocardial infarction.
Coronary artery bypass: a procedure which uses a saphenous vein or internal mammary artery graft
to surgically bypass obstructions in a native coronary artery or arteries to treat coronary
artery atherosclerosis. Coronary artery bypass does not include balloon angioplasy, laser
relief of obstruction or any other intra-arterial procedures.
Coronary angioplasty: an interventional procedure to widen or unblock the right coronary artery;
left main stem; left anterior descending; or circumflex artery.
Assurant Supplemental Coverage
Covered conditions, cont.
Stroke coverage:
Cerebrovascular disease: subarachnoid hemorrhage, intracerebral hemorrhage,
occlusion and stenosis of precerebral arteries, and occlusion of cerebral arteries.
Stroke: brain tissue infarction due to acute cerebrovascular incident, embolism,
thrombosis or hemorrhage. The basis of the diagnosis must include imaging
documentation of new brain tissue infarction in association with acute onset of
symptoms consistent with central nervous system neurological damage.
For the purposes of this policy, stroke does not include:
1. Transient ischemic attacks (TIAs).
2. Transient global amnesia (TGA).
3. External trauma causing accidental injury to the brain.
4. Brain damage due to infection, vasculitis, encephalopathy and inflammatory
5. Ischemic disorders of the vestibular system.
Assurant Supplemental Coverage
Pre-existing condition limitation
A pre-existing condition is not eligible for benefits unless the first-ever diagnosis occurs
after the pre-existing condition limitation period has expired. We will not pay
benefits for specified diseases that are, result from or are related to a pre-existing
condition diagnosed within the first 12 months this plan is in force.
Definition of pre-existing condition (varies by state)
A specified disease:
• For which medical advice, consultation, care or treatment was sought, received or
recommended from a provider or prescription drugs were prescribed during the 24month period immediately prior to the covered person’s effective date, regardless
of whether the condition was diagnosed, misdiagnosed or not diagnosed; or
• That produced signs or symptoms during the 24-month period immediately prior to
the covered person’s effective date.
The signs or symptoms were significant enough to establish manifestation or onset by
one of the following tests:
• The signs or symptoms reasonably should have allowed or would have allowed one
knowledgeable in medicine to diagnose the condition; or
• The signs or symptoms reasonably should have caused or would have caused an
ordinarily prudent person to seek diagnosis or treatment.
Assurant Supplemental Coverage
Cancer and Heart/Stroke exclusions
This plan provides benefits for specified diseases (listed earlier) identified in the
benefit schedule. We will not pay benefits for claims resulting, whether directly or
indirectly, from specified diseases related to or resulting from any of the following:
• Any disease the covered person was diagnosed with prior to the effective date of
this policy.
• Any disease first diagnosed in the applicable benefit waiting period (as shown in
the benefit schedule) immediately following the policy effective date. In such
event, we will terminate the covered person’s coverage under this policy and
refund the premium paid for that coverage.
• Arrhythmia resulting in heart attack in association with use of an illegal drug or
controlled substance, except when administered with advice of the covered
person’s health care practitioner.
Any amount in excess of any maximum benefit.
• Diseases or conditions that do not meet the definition of a specified disease in this
• Suicide or attempted suicide.
• Self-inflicted sickness, injury or accidental injury.
Assurant Supplemental Coverage
Thank you!
Assurant Health is the brand name for products underwritten and issued by Time Insurance Company,
Milwaukee, WI.
J-102829 (4/2012)