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Virtual Animal Cell Tour
While on your tour of the animal cell, you should respond to the following questions and
complete the tasks described to help you remember your tour.
1. Describe the major difference between prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells.
2. What type of organisms have prokaryotic cells? What type have eukaryotic cells?
3. After clicking on the prokaryotic cell and watching the video, describe what is meant by the
following statement. “The DNA in naked in the prokaryotic cell.”
4. Click on the video under the heading “Let’s get started.” What organelle do plant cells have
that allow them to make their own food?
5. Who discovered cells, and why did he name them cells?
6. What’s the difference between cilia and flagella?
Watch the remainder of the video to get a preview of what you will be learning throughout the
remainder of this site.
Each of the headings below corresponds to a page within the cell tour. For each page, read the
info, watch the video and answer the questions below.
7. Describe the appearance of the nucleus. How does the image in the diagram compare to the
microscopic view?
8. What is the function of the nucleus?
9. What are ribosomes, and where are they formed?
10. Describe the appearance of the mitochondria. How does the image in the diagram compare
to the microscopic view?
11. What is the function of the mitochondria?
12. Describe the process of cellular respiration.
13. Describe the appearance of the lysosome. How does the image in the diagram compare to
the microscopic view?
14. What is the function of a lysosome?
15. In the lysosome video, what two things are digested by the lysosome?
Endoplasmic Reticulum
16. Describe the appearance of the ER. How does the image in the diagram compare to the
microscopic view?
17. What is the function of the ER?
18. What are the parts of the endomembrane system?
19. What is the function of the cytoplasm?
20. How are microtubules important for cells?
Cell Membrane
21. Describe the appearance of the cell membrane. How does the image in the diagram
compare to the microscopic view?
22. What is the function of the cell membrane?
23. What is meant by equilibrium?
Golgi Apparatus
24. Describe the appearance of the golgi. How does the image in the diagram compare to the
microscopic view?
25. What is the function of the golgi?
26. What are the two sides of the golgi called, and which side is closest to the nucleus?
Cell Diagram
Label the parts of the cell below. You may need to go back and revisit all of the pages to
properly identify each organelle.
Cell Analogy
Now go back to all of the organelle pages and find the cell analogy link on the lower left side of
each page. Click on the cell analogy square to navigate to a new page which has an analogy for
the structure on that page. Complete the following.
27. How is the nucleus similar to the analogy in the page that you opened?
28. How is the mitochondria similar to the analogy in the page that you opened?
29. How is the lysosome similar to the analogy in the page that you opened?
30. How is the ER similar to the analogy in the page that you opened?
31. How is the cytoplasm similar to the analogy in the page that you opened?
32. How is the cell membrane similar to the analogy in the page that you opened?
33. How is the golgi apparatus similar to the analogy in the page that you opened?