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TPP 1100
Acting Fundamentals
Instructor: Chris Kozak
MWF 9:00-9:50 am; E-129
10:00-10:50 am; E 129
11:00-11:50 am; E-129
Fall 2011
Sections: 001, 002, 003
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: By appointment or 12:00-12:50 pm
Course Description
TPP 1100 introduces the student to a guided investigation of the basic principles and techniques of
contemporary acting. TPP 1100 is designed for non-theatre majors and focuses on the development of the
student as an aware, educated member of the theatre, film and television audience. No prior experience in
acting or the theatre is required.
The performance projects in this course will consist of one monologue, one scene, and one children’s story,
both monologues and scenes will be accompanied by a script and character analysis paper. (see Performance
Project Worksheet) The monologue and Children’s Story are required to be 1-3 minutes in length; the scene 57 minutes in length. Both must be cuttings from an existing, published play. Permission to use a cutting from a
screenplay or original work will rarely be given.
You will also be required to attend one theatre event during the semester in satisfaction of the “Cultural
Events” requirement, and write an Artistic Analysis Paper for it. The paper needs to be at least 500 words in
length, double-spaced and contain proper grammar and syntax.
Attendance Policy
Each student is allowed a total of THREE unexcused absences for the semester. It is expected that all students
have chosen to be in this class by virtue of their having enrolled in it. It is also expected that all students will
accept the responsibility of this choice by attending all classes unless it is physically impossible. Attendance will
be taken at the beginning of every class period. It is the responsibility of the student to inform the instructor
of their presence if the student enters class after the roll has been called; otherwise the student will be
marked absent for that day. You must contact the instructor regarding your absences; it is not your
instructor’s responsibility to remind you of your absences.
Being marked tardy involves entering the classroom after the scheduled meeting time. If a student enters class
15 minutes or more after class has started, he or she will be marked absent, and not receive credit for being in
class that day.
NOTE: If the student stops attending class, they will receive an “F” unless a withdrawal form is completed by
the prescribed date.
The last day to withdraw and receive a “W” for Fall 2011 is Monday, November 7th.
Withdrawal forms are available in R-101.
Electronic Disturbance
Cell Phones, PDA’s, organizers, etc, must be turned off and concealed. There is no texting, instant messaging, or
talking on the phone allowed during class. All electronic devices must be stowed away once class has begun.
The use of a cell phone in class as a calendar, note pad, etc. is not permitted.
***Failure to comply will result in being asked to leave and marked absent for the day***
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TPP 1100
Acting Fundamentals
There will be two Vocabulary Quizzes during the semester; one on terminology associated with blocking, stage
directions, and stage geography, the other on theatre space, personnel, and staging configurations. It is
important for the actor to have a working knowledge of both stage vocabulary and the environments in which
one does the work. There will be a full review for each quiz during the class period prior to the scheduled date
for it.
Performance Requirements
The first assignment in this class will be to perform a sonnet for the class. The objective of this assignment will
be to find the comfort with performing in front of a group. The objectives of the following assignments will be to
fine tune the performer’s abilities and create a performance based on the standards of contemporary theatrical
performance. Students will be expected to fully memorize a children’s story, and have a completed performance
prepared before performing for children.
The monologue and scene will include a written and a performance component. The written portion will
consist of a Script and Character Analysis in your notebook, which you will generate for the pieces you have
Artistic Analysis Paper
As part of this class you are required to attend One live Theatre performances, one being the Theatre Santa Fe
production for the current term, and the other at the theatre of your choice. You will be required to write
Artistic Analysis papers on these performances. This paper will be due at the end of the semester, and must
be accompanied by a ticket stub from the event stapled to the paper for validation. The Artistic Analysis paper
must be 500 words in length, and typewritten. (see “Artistic Analysis Worksheet”) This paper is required to be
an analysis of a Theatre event, this being a Theatre class. Dance, Music, or Film events will not be acceptable
for the purposes of this assignment.
Listed below are the additional venues on top of Santa Fe College where you can choose to attend a show:
University of Florida
The Hippodrome State Theatre
Acrosstown Theatre
Gainesville Community Playhouse
Grade Composition
Quizzes (2 at 50 points)...…………………………………………......100 points
Children’s Story.…………………………………………………………..100 points
Artistic Analysis Paper x1 (500 words minimum)……........100 points
Monologue and Character Analysis……………………………….100 points
Scene and Character Analysis X 2 (100 points each)………200 points
600 points
Grading Scale
388 & Below
**Your Final Exam will take place on the last two days or last day of class: Wednesday December 7th and
Friday Dec. 9th, 20111
Assignments/Deadlines/Late Work:
All assignments are due on the date given by the instructor. It is the responsibility of the student to submit the
required work or take a test on the specified day and time. If a student is absent on the day of the deadline it is
the responsibility of the student to turn in late work and/or take the test on the next class period that
you attend. It is also the responsibility of the student to present the work or ask for the test if you have
missed it. The grade on a given assignment will be reduced by one letter grade for each class period following
the deadline that it is late.
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TPP 1100
Acting Fundamentals
Incompletes: The instructor may assign an “I” (incomplete) to students who have successfully completed at
least 75% of the requirements for this course. The remaining requirements must be completed by the end of
the following semester.
College Academic Integrity and Academic Dishonesty
It is expected that the student will use this course as an opportunity to develop original thinking. Cheating or
plagiarism on essays, papers, and/or tests may result in an immediate failure for the assignment in question,
and a referral to the Chair of the Creative Arts and Humanities department for possible further disciplinary
action. (See student handbook-Student Conduct Code)
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement
If you are a student with a disability: In compliance with Santa Fe Community College policy and equal access
laws, I am available to discuss appropriate academic accommodations that you may require as a student with a
disability. Requests for academic accommodations must be made during the first week of the semester (except
for unusual circumstances) so arrangements can be made. You must be registered with the Disabilities
Resource Center (DRC) in S-112 for disability verification and determination of reasonable academic
Final Note
The syllabus provided serves as a basic guideline for the course. It is subject to change at the discrete on of the
instructor, and the students will adjust to the changes within the syllabus.
Finally, if you ever are in a situation where an emergency arises on campus, the number you should call is 3955555 for campus police.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------Please sign below stating that you understand and agree to the terms stated in the syllabus below and return the
bottom half of this paper to me no later than Friday, August 26th, 2011
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