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Flegg High School
A Business and Enterprise Academy
Somerton Road Martham Norfolk NR29 4QD
Drugs Awareness and Education
This policy on drugs aims to clarify the school's position on drug related matters. It is intended for
the whole
school community, ie pupils, teachers, support staff, parents, governors and outside agencies.
The school promotes spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils.
The health and well being of each pupil is essential in order for them to achieve their full potential.
Except for exceptional medical purposes, there is no reason why pupils should possess drugs
whilst at school or on school organised visits and excursions.
The school does not want any pupil in non school time to take drugs which may be detrimental to
their health or reduce their potential.
The school will help pupils to gain a clear understanding of the world where drugs are used
through Drugs
The school clearly acknowledges the need to deliver drugs education within a moral framework
which develops values of respect, tolerance, care and responsibility.
Drugs education in our school will:Help pupils to gain an understanding of drugs and appropriate drug use.
Help pupils manage personal social and emotional development.
Develop personal and social skills.
Dispel any myths and misunderstandings related to drug taking.
Enable informed choice by the pupils.
Help pupils manage personal, social and emotional development.
Develop personal and social skills.
Explore strategies for healthy lifestyles.
Drugs education will be delivered within the science, ethics curriculum and through the pastoral
system. The Assistant Principal and Heads of House will be responsible for the content and
Flegg High School: Drugs Awareness and Education Policy
structure of the pastoral programme. Outside agencies and the school nurse may be involved in
the delivery of the programme. Up to date materials and information will be purchased and used
by the school.
Drugs education will be taught through group work, discussions, activities, role play, use of vital
resources, assemblies and input from outside agencies. Basic information regarding drugs and
their effects is a part of the Key Stage 3 Science Curriculum.
Definition of a Drug
A drug is any substance which, when introduced into the body creates a change in perception
and/or mood and/or how the body functions.
List of Drugs
The school considers the definition of a drug to include the following substances. This is not a
definitive list but is included for guidance.
Amyl and butyl nitrate
Anabolic steroids
Hallucinogenic mushrooms
New psychoactive substances (“legal highs”)
Volatile substances
Over the counter medicines
E cigarettes
Managing Drug Related Issues
Well Being
The health and well-being of pupils who have or may have taken a drug will be managed within existing
procedures for pupils who are ill. The school nurse will be involved and All staff will be expected to care
for the physical, social and emotional well being of all pupils.
The school will make every effort to see that pupils receive accurate information in order to make
informed choices about drug related problems.
Any drug related incident will be managed within the existing disciplinary
procedures of the school. The Principal must be informed of any drug related incident. If action is
required the school will take the most appropriate action depending on the circumstances surrounding
each incident. There may be incidents where it is necessary to interrupt or disturb the education of pupils
involved in such incidents. It is vital that ALL are aware of the procedures and guidance which is
recomended by the LA, Ofsted and the Government.
Flegg High School: Drugs Awareness and Education Policy
Searches and confiscation
Where a person conducting a search finds alcohol, they may retain or dispose of it. This means that
schools can dispose of alcohol as they think appropriate but this should not include returning it to the
pupil. Where they find controlled drugs, these must be delivered to the police as soon as possible but
may be disposed of if the person thinks there is a good reason to do so. Where they find other
substances which are not believed to be controlled drugs these can be confiscated where a teacher
believes them to be harmful or detrimental to good order and discipline. This would include, for example,
so called ‘legal highs’. Where staff suspect a substance may be controlled they should treat them as
controlled drugs as outlined above
All staff will be informed of the procedure regarding confiscated substances.
In the event of a drug related incident the school will provide information on a need to know basis. The
school will work in partnership with parents on deciding the best course of action. Outside agencies will
be informed if considered appropriate. Any media involvement will be responded to through the
appropriate Senior Management procedures. Police will be informed of any drug related incident.
Outside Agencies
The school use outside agencies such as the Matthew Project to counsel drug users, where appropriate.
Staff and Parent Developments
The school will have resource material and policy documents which will be accessible to staff.
Staff will receive basic levels of information about drugs and drugs issues through in service training and
in school provision.
The school hopes that parents who are concerned about drugs will feel they can contact us for support.
Specific advice will be given regarding specialist help agencies and counselling, if appropriate. A Drugs
Awareness Evening for parents is organised by the Parental Support Advisor whenever possible.
Drugs education will be monitored and reviewed by the Vice Principal, Assistant Principal /Student
Wellbeing, Heads of House and science and ethics subject leaders.
The Governors will monitor the implementation and effectiveness of the policy.
The policy will be reviewed annually by the SLT MEMBER and the Standards Committee.
Confirmed by: The APPROPRIATE COMMITTEE of Flegg High Academy Trust
Signature of Chair: Bev Bucklee
Committee: Standards
Dated: 29.2.16
Flegg High School: Drugs Awareness and Education Policy