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Rise to Power
Adolf Hitler
Overall Purpose:
The overall purpose of this
presentation is to explain
how this little boy on the
left became the man on the
right who was ultimately
responsible for the death of
about 50 million people all
over the world!!
Adolf Hitler was
born on April 20,
1889 in Braunau,
Adolf was 1 of 6
children - 3 died at
early ages
Alois Schickelgruber Hitler was a customs official
who was illegitimate by birth. His father, Adolf’s
grandfather, may have been Jewish. He died when
Adolf was 14 and left him a small inheritance.
Abusive, Strict and cruel (may have abused wife).
Klara Hitler was very young when she married the
older Alois. She showered young Adolf with love
and affection. Adolf carried a picture of his mom
until the day he died. She died of breast cancer
when Adolf was 18 years old. A Jewish doctor
treated her but could not save her from cancer.
Attended a Benedictine monastery school
where he took part in the choir.
When it was time to choose a secondary school,
Adolf wanted to become an artist.
His father wanted him to become a civil
servant, but after his father died, he dropped
out of high school and attempted to get into the
Vienna Academy of Fine Arts - he failed.
The following slides are examples of Adolf’s
Years in Vienna
After his mother died, Adolf (now 18) decided to move
to Austria to pursue his dream of becoming a great artist.
Again he failed to gain entrance into the Academy
(evidence of Jewish applicants getting in; $$ likely played
a role)
He eventually sold all his possessions and became a
homeless drifter who slept on park benches and ate at
soup kitchens throughout Vienna (age 19)
Adolf did manage to sell some paintings and postcards,
but remained impoverished
Vienna -Importance
Influenced by the antiSemitic mayor of
Vienna, Karl Lueger
Became interested in
the idea of German
Also received first taste
of politics
Military Service
Adolf left Austria at the age of 24 to avoid mandatory
military service that was required of all men.
But he did sign up for
military service at the
start of WW I. He
joined a Bavarian unit
of the German Army.
This is a picture of
Hitler listening to an
enlistment speech.
World War I
Excited to fight for
Found a home fighting
for the Fatherland.
Highest rank held was
Was a regimental
messenger, not an easy
job at all.
Military Record
Was awarded the Iron
Cross twice. (5 medals
Highest military honor
in German Army.
Single handedly
captured 4 French
Blinded by gas attack
towards end of war.
German Loss in WW I
Hitler was devastated when he heard the news of the
German surrender.
He was appalled at the anti-war sentiment among the
German civilians.
Believed there was an anti-war conspiracy that involved
the Jews and Marxists.
Also, felt that the German military did not lose the war,
but that the politicians (mostly Jews) at home were
responsible for the defeat.
Life after WW I
Hitler was depressed
after WW I.
Still in the army, he
became an undercover
agent whose job was to
root out Marxists
Also, lectured about
the dangers of
Communism and Jews
German Worker’s Party
Hitler was sent to
investigate this group in
Munich in 1919.
He went to a meeting
and gave a speech.
He was them asked to
become a member,
which he did
NAZI Party is Formed
Hitler began to think big
for the German Worker’s
Began placing ads for
meetings in anti-Semitic
Hitler changed the name
to National Socialist
German Worker’s Party
or the NAZIS
Party Platform
Hitler drafted a
platform of 25 points
Revoke Versailles
Revoke civil rights of
Besides changing the party name, the
any war
red flag with the SWASTIKA was
adopted as the party symbol
Beer Hall Putsch
October 30, 1923
Hitler held a rally in
Munich beer hall and
declared revolution
Led 2000 men in take
over of Bavarian
It failed and Hitler
was imprisoned
Trial and Jail
•At his trial (Hitler was charged
with treason), he used the
opportunity to speak about the
NAZI platform and spread his
•The whole nation suddenly knew
who Adolf Hitler was and what he
stood for
•He was sentenced to five years,
but actually only served about 9
•When he left prison, he was ready
to go into action again.
Mein Kampf
Hitler’s book “My
Struggle” - wrote while in
Sold 5 million copies,
made him rich
Topics included: Jews
were evil, Germans were
superior race, Fuhrer
principal, dislike of
Communism and
Democracy and need to
conquer Russia
Legal Rise to Power
Used popularity from
failed revolution and
book to seize power
Spoke to mass audiences
about making Germany a
great nation again
Nazi Party:
 1930 = 18% of vote
 1932 = 30% of vote
 Hitler becomes
Chancellor in 1933
Appeal of Hitler
Germany was in the midst of an economic
depression with hyper-inflation
Hitler was a WW I hero who talked about bringing
glory back to the “Fatherland”
He promised the rich industrialists that he would
end any communist threat in Germany
Constantly blamed Jews for Germany’s problems,
not the German people.
Hitler was an excellent public speaker.
Strong Arm Tactics
The “Brownshirts” or SA
SA was used to put down
opposition parties
Threatened and beat up
Jews and anti-Nazi
Wore brownshirts, pants
and boots
Numbered almost
400,000 by 1932
“Reichstag fire” gives
Hitler total power
In 1933, all parties
were outlawed except
the Nazi party
People’s civil rights
were suspended
“Night of the Long
Absolute Power
German economy was
improving, some
people were happy
Hitler had not political
1st concentration camp
opened in 1933
Began rearming
German Army for
expansion of the Reich
January 1933: Hitler became
Chancellor of Germany
Hitler soon ordered a programme of rearming Germany
Hitler visits a factory and is enthusiastically greeted. Many
Germans were grateful for jobs after the misery of the
depression years.
Early Signs of Anti-semitism
Nuremberg Laws (1935)
Forced Jewish people to live in Ghettos
 heavy taxes punished the Jewish community
 Prevented marriage between Aryan and Jewish people
 Restricted jobs of most Jewish people
 Scapegoat: blamed for most problems in Germany
March 1936: German troops
marched into the Rhineland
The Rhineland was a
region of Germany that
was ‘demilitarised’ after
the Treaty of Versailles.
Germany was not
allowed to have troops
in the region.
Hitler’s actions showed
how he was willing to
directly challenge the
Kristallnacht (1938): “Night of Broken Glass”
Unofficial attack on Jewish community (pogrom)
 Around 100 people killed and 30,000 arrested (likely
taken to concentration camps)
 There was global outrage from foreign nations and it
led to the fall of some Nazi movements in Europe &
 Some German citizens were also outraged (though
likely feared venting their anger)
March 1938: Nazi Germany
annexed Austria
Again, this went
against the terms of
the Treaty of Versailles
which banned
Germany from uniting
with Austria.
However, the arrival of
German troops was
met with great
enthusiasm by many
Austrian people.
March 1939: Germany invaded
Hitler had ordered the
occupation of a part of
Czechoslovakia known as the
Sudetenland (in October
1938). Many hoped that that
this would be the last conquest
of the Nazis.
However, in March 1939, he
ordered his troops to take over
the remainder of
Czechoslovakia. This was the
first aggressive step that
suggested that a war in
Europe would soon begin.
August 1939: Germany and Russia signed a non-aggression pact
Hitler and Stalin (the
Russian leader) signed a
‘non-aggression pact’.
They promised that neither
country would attack the
other in the event of war.
As part of the deal, Hitler
promised Stalin part of
Poland, which he planned to
invade soon.
This photo shows the Russian foreign minister
signing the pact. Stalin stands smiling in the
The non-aggression pact was surprising. Hitler and Stalin were seen as natural enemies.
When Hitler talked of taking over new land for Germany, many thought that he meant Russia.
Hitler also hated Communism, the form of government in Russia
September 1939: Germany invaded Poland
But, the pact allowed
Germany to march into
Poland without fear of
an attack from Russia.
On 3rd September
1939, Germany invaded
Poland and started a
War with Britain and
German troops marching
into Warsaw, the capital
of Poland.
May 1940: Germany turned west and
invaded France and the Netherlands
In May 1940, Germany
used Blitzkrieg tactics to
attack France and the
British troops were
forced to retreat from the
beaches of Dunkirk in
northern France.
Captured British
troops, May 1940
By June 1940, France had surrendered to the
Britain now stood alone
as the last remaining
enemy of Hitler’s
Germany in Western
Adolf Hitler tours Paris after his
successful invasion.
September 1940-May 1941: the Blitz
For the following nine months, the German
air force (Luftwaffe) launched repeated
bombing raids on British towns and cities.
This was known as the BLITZ and was an
attempt to bomb Britain into submission.
Operation Barbarossa, June 1941
But in May, 1941, Hitler ordered a change of tactics. He decided to halt the
bombing of Britain and launch an attack against Russia. He betrayed Stalin
and ignored the promises he had made.
This was a bold move that would prove to be an important turning point
in the War. Germany lost 95% of their troops from 41-44 in this secret
Answer the following questions:
In what ways did Hitler ignore the Treaty of Versailles?
At what stage do you think other countries should have
attempted to stop Hitler by using force? Why do you think
they did not?
How was Hitler able to take over Western Europe so
Why did he create problems for the German army by
deciding to invade Russia?
Choose any picture from the powerpoint and explain its
point of view (Who is taking the picture? Who is
represented? Whose side is supported? What ideas are
conveyed by the images?)