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The Molecular Source of Energy
US Patent # 8,344,032 B2
By Kevin J. Meehan
Lac, M.S., Dipl of Ac, NCCAOM, NCCA
Learn what leading researchers, doctors and health
conscious professional athletes have already discovered:
ATP is the molecular source of Energy!
Living cells utilize adenosine triphosphate (ATP) for
energy. Thus, ATP is commonly referred to as the
‘molecular source of energy’ and its production is critical
to a vast array of metabolic and physiological functions.
The human body only stores a minimal amount of ATP (maybe only six seconds worth when we are in
seated position) and one of our metabolisms primary objective is to produce an adequate and steady
supply of ATP as needed so that our living cells can respond to the multiple amounts of stresses we put
on our systems from walking to strenuous exercise. ATP molecules are generated by utilizing several
metabolic fuels, from carbohydrates to fats to lactic acid.
It is now being recognized by many researchers that physiological performance and a variety of diseases
may be linked to our inability to generate adequate amounts of ATP. The current consensus among
scientists regarding how many moles (molecules) of ATP are generated from one mole of glucose (fuel
source) in an aerobic scenario fluctuates from 38 to 31. Once the system enters the anaerobic state, the
moles of ATP produced by one mole of glucose drops by at least ten times (one mole of glucose
generates 3 moles of ATP). These anaerobic conditions occur in not only exercise but also situations of
disease, neglect of health and emotional stress. The idea of measuring ATP production is fairly new and
many researchers are still hesitant to suggest that these numbers are a real biological indicator of good
health or fitness. What is clear is that a dramatic reduction in energy production can have a profound
effect upon our body’s physiological functions and performance.
Our body mostly produces ATP by a process known the Krebs cycle. This cycle is a series of reactions
dependent on 7 enzymes in the mitochondria and consists of a multitude of reactions required for
converting most of our fat and carbohydrate energy to ATP and heat. In a step wise fashion, these
nutrients are then broken down to yield carbon dioxide (CO2). This reaction process is coupled with the
regeneration of ATP. Simply stated, the Krebs cycle is used to oxidize nutrients, including lactate, to
CO2 and in the process, produces energy for our cells. Many are familiar with lactic acid (lactate) and its
negative impact upon our muscles after exercise. While lactate is an important byproduct of glycogen
metabolism, in many ways it is a deterrent to health and performance if an overabundance exists within
our tissues. This can occur if the Krebs cycle is underactive in its series of reactions (transformations)
which result in the reduction of generating ATP.
If the enzyme’s catalytic activity within the Krebs cycle and the respiratory chain are compromised in
any way, the series of reactions which generate ATP and utilize the metabolic fuel sources to do so (fats,
lactic acid, carbohydrates, etc.) become reduced.
Consequently, this can compromise performance and may lead to a vast array of diseases and health
issues. These enzymes require specific substrates in order to function at the optimal peak of efficiency.
Current research is suggesting that optimizing the substrates required for the Krebs cycle and ATP
production may have a direct impact on how many moles of ATP are produced per unit of a given mole
of fuel.
This revolutionary is all natural – the formulation is based on recent research in ATP production and
innovations in biotechnology and nutrition. This patent-pending formula is based on supporting the
Krebs cycle’s series of reactions by enhancing the activity of the seven enzymes in the mitochondria.
By maximizing the enzyme’s catalytic activity, the potential of synthesizing Adenosine Triphosphate is
also maximized. This provides your cells with more energy and allows the body to burn lactic acid
more efficiently which in turn leads to better recovery after strenuous exercise.
Bio Factor’s ATP formulation differs from most all other “energy formulations” in that it doesn’t rely on
thermogenic or stimulatory substances as its basis. These compounds, such as ephedra and caffeine or
glucose elevating compounds such as creatine, can have long term deleterious effects on the homeostasis
of the body. Creatine, as an example, produces formaldehyde when taken as a supplemental adjunct.
Ephedra or equivalent stimulatory substances can be adaptive; meaning that the body will eventually
rely on these substances to parallel the cortisol “rush” experienced as a result of taking these products.
This in turn could lead to a hyperglycemic condition.
Kevin J. Meehan
Meehan Formulations, LLC
Teton Valley Health Clinic
Jackson, WY USA
Available in powder drink
mix and an energy shot!