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 “Yellow
Journalism” of
Joseph Pulitzer and
William Randolph
Hearst .
 Frederick
Remington –
painted the west
and the SpanishAmerican War.
Involved with
yellow journalism.
 Josiah Strong’s Our
Country: It’s Possible
Future and Its Present
Crisis – promoted
missionary activity in the
 Captain Alfred Thayer
Mahan’s 1890 book, The
Influence of Sea Power
Upon History – put
emphasis on having a
large naval fleet.
Henry Cabot Lodge
Theodore Roosevelt
 Darwin’s Theory of Evolution: his “survival of the
fittest” approach to evolution let to the creation of
social Darwinism.
 Social Darwinism: Darwin’s theory of survival of the
fittest as placed on American economics and political
 James G. Blaine pushed
his “Big Sister” policy,
which sought better
relations with Latin
America, and in 1889, he
presided over the first
Conference, held in
Washington D.C.
 McKinley Tariff – sugar
markets in Hawaii upset
with this new high tariff.
 Queen Liliuokalani –
Queen of Hawaii. The US
overthrew her rule.
 Maine Explosion – The
Maine battleship was
docked in the Havana
harbor and blew up
during the night. US
believed that Spain
blew it up, when in fact
it was an internal issue.
 Frederick Remington
was sent by Hearst to
paint fake bloody
 Dupuy de Lôme was a
US delegate from Spain.
He sent Spain a letter
that called McKinley
weak. The letter was
published in the New
York Journal, and it
enraged American
against Spain. This
helped to start the
Spanish American War.
 Rough Riders – led by Teddy Roosevelt. They were
volunteers who did not have horses to ride during the
 Battle of El Carney –
US victory in Cuba ,
which was led by the
Rough Riders.
 Guantanamo Bay – land granted to US in the Cuban-
American Treaty. US uses it as a military base and
detainment center.
 Puerto Rico – controlled by General Nelson A. Miles.
The Puerto Ricans quickly surrendered. US gained
Puerto Rico under the Treaty of Paris .
 Foraker Act of 1900 – Allowed Puerto Rico to self
govern under the influence of the United States.
 It was surrendered to US
during the Treaty of
 Guam proved to be an
important military base
in WWII.
 Roosevelt ordered
Commodore George
Dewey and told him to
take over the Philippines.
 Emilio Aguinaldo –
Filipino who fought for
independence from the
United States in the
Commodore George
Nationalist leader
Emilio Aguinaldo
 William Howard Taft –
governor of the
Philippines. He
attempted to assimilate
the Filipinos. He
developed a strong
attachment for the
Filipinos, calling them
his “little brown
 Group that did not
want to annex the
Philippines into the
 firmly opposed to this
new imperialism of
America, and its
members included
Mark Twain, William
James, Samuel
Gompers, and
Andrew Carnegie.
 Open Door Policy - John
Hay - it was an attempt
to create “spheres of
influence” in China for
an equal opportunity for
Europeans and
Americans to trade in
 Boxer Rebellion - a
super-patriotic group
known as the “Boxers”
started the Boxer
Rebellion where they
revolted and took over
the capital of China,
Beijing, taking all
foreigners hostage,
including diplomats.
 A deranged anarchist
shot and killed William
McKinley, making
Theodore Roosevelt the
youngest president ever
at age 42.
 Big Stick Policy - he was
highly energetic and
spirited, and his motto
was “Speak softly and
carry a big stick
 Harvard Graduate
 Wrote Poetry
 Rough Riders in Spanish
American War
 Champion of Military
Preparedness and the
Power of Leadership
 Nobel Peace Prize -1906
– mediating world
 Panama Canal Company – company that wanted a
canal in Panama.
 Nicaragua Canal – Wanted a canal in Nicaragua, but
Mount Pelee erupted and the Panama Company won
the bid.
 Clayton-Bulwer Treaty – a treaty with Britain had
forbade the construction by either country of a canal
in the Americas without the other’s consent and help,
but that statement was nullified in 1901 by the:
 Hay-Pauncefote Treaty – a treaty between US and
Britain that nullified the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty.
SO Where to Build?
 Philippe Bunau-Varilla – led Panama revolution
against Columbia in order to sell land to US for them
to build a canal.
 US Offers Colombia $10
mill – Panama Route –
they said no. Panama
has a revolution against
Colombia/ TR uses Navy
to prevent Colombia
from stopping the revolt.
 Hay-Bunau-Varilla
Treaty – after revolution
- gave a widened
Panamanian zone to the
U.S. for $15 million in order
to build a canal.
 Starts building in
1904 (1914 finish)
 George Washington
Goethals – controlled
workers on the canal.
 William C. Gorgas –
created a cure for
yellow fever.
 Roosevelt Corollary to
the Monroe Doctrine stated that in future
cases of debt problems,
the U.S. would take over
and handle any
intervention in Latin
America on behalf of
Europe, thus keeping
Europe away and the
Monroe Doctrine intact.
 The Great White Fleet –
Roosevelt sent white fleet
to impress Japan and tour
across the world.
 Root-Takahira
Agreement - pledged the
U.S. and Japan to respect
each other’s territorial
possessions in the Pacific
and to uphold the Open
Door Policy in China.