Download Write a SQL query that joins two tables in the example database and

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Write a SQL query that joins two tables in the example database and uses
BETWEEN to restrict record selection. (Use salary to restrict the data.)
choose * from employee join job_title on employee.job_title_id =
job_title.job_title_id where salary between 15000 and 25000
Write a SQL query that joins two tables in the example database and uses
BETWEEN to restrict record selection. (Use hire dates to restrict the data.)
choose * from employee join job_title on employee.job_title_id =
job_title.job_title_id where hire_date between '2003/03/12' and '2003/07/12'
Write a SQL query that joins two tables in the example database and uses LIKE
to restrict record selection. (Use telephone area codes to restrict data.)
choose * from employee join job_title on employee.job_title_id =
job_title.job_title_id where telephone_area_code like '7%'
Write a SQL query that joins two tables in the example database and uses LIKE
to restrict record selection. (Use age to restrict data.)
choose * from employee join job_title on employee.job_title_id =
job_title.job_title_id where age like '1%'
Write a SQL query that uses UNION of the two tables to produce a third table.
In case exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =
object_id(N'[dbo].[New_table]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
drop table [dbo].[New_table]
choose * into New_table from
(select eeo_1_classification,job_title_id from employee
choose eeo_1_classification,job_title_id from job_title) A
Print out each query and its results along with storing them on a removable disk
to use for a demonstration in class. Get ready to show your queries in class.