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CCIU PNP Medication List
Directions: Click on medication name, log into Davis Drug Guide account for additional
required information such as generic / trade name, side effects & nursing
interventions. Consider these questions when researching medications:
What is the scientific rationale for administering the medication?
When should the administration of the medication be questioned?
How can the nurse ensure the safety of the administration of medications?
What are the possible side effects & possible adverse reactions associated
with a specific medication?
A&P - Students are responsible for the medications indicated by unit. Knowledge will be
assessed on unit exams.
Prior to entering Level II – Students are responsible for all medications. Knowledge
will be assessed in clinical & on first unit exam in Introduction to Nursing.
Intro / Medical-Surgical Nursing Courses – Students are responsible for the medications
indicated by unit. Knowledge will be assessed on integrated pharm & unit exams.
Sample Meds – Coded in Green
Anti alzheimers agents (A&P Nervous) (Med-Surg III Neurological)
o Improves cognitive function in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
 Aricept (donepezil), Namenda (memantine)
Antianemics (A&P Circulatory) (Med-Surg I Cardiovascular)
o Prevents / treats anemia
 Give PO iron 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals. Do not give
with calcium (milk, dairy products). Vitamin C increases
absorption (Give with OJ). IM iron is administered via Z-track
method. Constipation, black tarry stools common. Oral liquid iron
stains teeth – give with straw.
Antianginals (A&P Circulatory) (Med-Surg I Cardiovascular)
o Prevents / treats attacks of angina
 Sublingual Nitrate tablets –Store away from sunlight, should fizz
under tongue, refill script every 6 months to assure freshness.
Take 1 every 5 min for max of 3, if not effective, call 911.
 Transdermal patches – Remove old before applying new, rotate
sites, avoid hairy areas, document date, time, initials
 Common side effects: Headache, hypotension
Antianxiety agents (A&P Nervous) (Med-Surg III Mental Health)
o Manages anxiety
Antiarrhythmics (A&P Circulatory) (Med-Surg I Cardiovascular)
8/2014, Revised 12/17/14, 6/28/16
Suppress / control irregular contractions of the heart
 Digoxin (Lanoxin) (Cardiac Glycoside / Inotropic) – slows &
strengthens heart
 Prior to administration – apical pulse for a full minute –
Hold & notify HCP if below 60.
 Monitor serum drug levels
 Common sign of toxicity – Yellow halos around lights
 Interacts with many other meds – Use same pharmacy
Antiasthmatics (A&P Respiratory) (Med-Surg I Respiratory)
o Treats asthma. Dilates airway / decreases inflammation
Anticholinergics (A&P Nervous) (Med-Surg III Neurological)
o Relaxes smooth muscle / decreases secretions
Anticoagulants (A&P Circulatory) (Med-Surg I Cardiovascular)
o Slows clotting response
 Bleeding risk – use precautions
 Coumadin (warfarin) – Given PO, monitor PT, INR
 Antidote – Vitamin K (Aquamephyton)
 Heparin (Heparin) – Give SQ or IV, monitor PTT
 Antidote – Protamine Sulfate
 Lovenox (enoxaparin)
Anticonvulsants (A&P Nervous) (Med-Surg III Neurological)
o Decreases / stops seizures / manages chronic pain
 Dilantin (phenytoin), Depakote (divalproex), Keppra
(levetiracetam), Luminal (phenobarbital), Neurontin (gabapentin)
 Dilantin
 Common side effect - gingival hyperplasia – Good oral
 For patients receiving tube feedings, hold feeding for one
hour prior and two hours post administration
 Monitor serum drug levels
 Do not stop abruptly
Antidepressants (A&P Nervous) (Med-Surg III Mental Health)
o Elevates mood. Treats bed wetting, manages chronic neuropathic (nerve)
pain, manages obsessive compulsive disorders, weight loss & insomnia
 Celexa (citalopram), Lexapro (escitalopram), Wellbutrin
Antidiabetics (A&P Endocrine) (Med-Surg I Endocrine)
o Used to treat Diabetes Mellitus by increasing the amount of insulin
produced by the body or increasing the ability of cells to take in insulin.
Lowers blood glucose levels
 Assess blood sugar prior to administering
 Common side effect – Hypoglycemia – Monitor
 Diabeta (glyburide), Glucotrol (glipizide) – Oral agents
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Insulin – (Humalog, Novolog, Regular, NPH, and Lantus) –
Give SQ or IV
 Rotate sites to prevent problems with absorption
 Can not be given PO, destroyed by gastric acid
 Lantus / Levemir – Can not be mixed with others
 Must know onset / peak / duration of each type
Antidiarrheals (A&P Digestive) (Med-Surg I Gastrointestinal)
o For the control & symptomatic relief of acute & chronic diarrhea
Antiemetics (A&P Digestive) (Med-Surg I Gastrointestinal)
o Used to manage / control nausea &/or vomiting
Antifungals (A&P Skin) (Med-Surg I Integumentary)
o Treats fungal infections
 Vaginal preparations should be instilled prior to bedtime
Antihistamines (A&P Respiratory) (Med-Surg I Respiratory)
 Decreases allergic response
 Benadryl (diphenhydramine), Claritin (loratadine)
Antihypertensives (A&P Circulatory) (Med-Surg I Cardiovascular)
o Treatment of hypertension
 ACE Inhibitors - (suffix of generics ends in pril)
 Monopril (fosinopril), Vasotec (enalapril)
 Monitor BP prior to administration
 Common side effect – Hypotension – Change position slowly
Anti infectives / Antibiotics (A&P Skin) (Intro – Surgery)
o Fights infection by killing bacteria or stopping its growth
 Families
 Aminoglycosides
Tobramycin (tobramycin)
Gentamycin (gentamycin)
 Nephrotoxic – Assess BUN & Creat, monitor
I&O & daily weight
Rocephin (ceftriaxone)
Zithromax (azithromycin)
Assess for cross sensitivity to Penicillin
Miscellaneous Anti infectives
Cipro (ciprofloxacin), Levaquin (levofloxacin)
Flagyl (metronidazole), Vancocin (vancomycin)
Augmentin (amoxicillin clavulanate)
Bactrim (trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole)
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Antineoplastics (A&P Structure & Arrangement of Body) (Intro – Cancer)
o Destroys cancer (malignant cells)
 Common side effects – Alopecia, stomatitis, thrombocytopenia,
leukopenia, anemia, fatigue
Antiparkinson agents (A&P Nervous) (Med-Surg III Neurological)
o Treats Parkinson's disease
 Sinemet (levodopa and carbidopa), Mirapex (pramipexole)
Antiplatelet agents (A&P Circulatory) (Med-Surg I Cardiovascular)
o Keeps platelets from sticking together
Antipsychotics (A&P Nervous) (Med-Surg III Mental Health)
o Manages behavior in patient’s with psychiatric disorders
 Common side effects - Restlessness, tremors, muscle rigidity
 Risperdal (risperdone), Seroquel (quetiapine), Zyprexa
Antipyretics (A&P Nervous) (Med-Surg Neurological)
o Lowers fever
Antiretrovirals (A&P Circulatory) (Med-Surg I Immune)
o Management of HIV infection. Perinatal use also prevents transmission of
virus to fetus. Post-exposure prophylaxis with antiretrovirals is also
 Often several meds are used in combination
Antirheumatics (A&P Skeletal) (Med-Surg II Musculoskeletal)
o Manages symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis & in more severe cases slows
joint destruction & preserves function
Antituberculars (A&P Respiratory) (Med-Surg I Respiratory)
o Treats tuberculosis
 Often several meds are used in combination
Antiulcer agents (A&P Digestive) (Med-Surg I Gastrointestinal)
o Decreases gastric acidity
 Nexium (esomeprazole), Protonix (pantoprazole)
Antivirals (A&P Circulatory) (Med-Surg I Immune)
o Used to destroy viruses with a viral infection
Doxycycline (doxycycline)
 Used to treat acne – avoid prolonged sun
Valtrex (valaciclovir)
Zovirax (acyclovir)
Beta blockers (A&P Circulatory) (Med-Surg I Cardiovascular)
o Used to treat hypertension, angina, arrhythmias, migraine headaches &
 Suffix of generics ends in lol
 Tenormin (atenolol)
 Common side effects – bradycardia, hypotension
 Monitor pulse and BP prior to administration
Bone resorption inhibitors (A&P Skeletal) (Med-Surg I Musculoskeletal)
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Treats / prevents osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.
Bronchodilators (A&P Respiratory) (Med-Surg I Respiratory)
o Opens swollen airways
 Theophylline
 Side effects include restlessness, nervousness, increased
pulse rate
 Avoid drinks / foods containing caffeine / chocolate
o If inhalation, give before inhaled steroids
Calcium channel blockers (A&P Circulatory) (Med-Surg I Cardiovascular)
o Causes vasodilation & decreases nerve conduction through the heart.
o Used to treat hypertension, angina & arrhythmias
 Norvasc (amlodipine)
Central nervous system stimulants (A&P Nervous) (Med-Surg III Neurological)
o Treats narcolepsy & as adjunctive treatment in the management of
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Colony Stimulating Factor – Text book resource (A&P Circulatory) (Med-Surgical
o Increases the production of white cells
o Neupogen (filgrastim)
Corticosteroids (A&P Circulatory) (Med-Surg I Immune)
o Decreases inflammation
o Suffix of generics ends in sone
o Decadron (dexamethasone), Prednisone (prednisone), Solu-Medrol
 Decreases body’s immune response, increasing infection risk –
monitor temp, WBC’s
 Increases blood sugar levels – monitor
 Take large dose in AM – taper off drug – do not stop abruptly
 If inhalation – rinse mouth to prevent thrush
 If topical- use sparingly
Diuretics (A&P Circulatory) (Med-Surg I Cardiovascular)
o Increases urinary output to decrease circulating volume. Often used for
patients with heart failure.
 Since fluid loss – monitor weight
 Aldactone (Spironolactone) - Potassium Sparing
 Lasix (Furosemide) - Potassium Depleting
 Monitor potassium levels
 Encourage potassium rich foods (bananas, oranges)
Hormones (A&P Reproductive) (Med-Surg II Reproductive)
o Treats hormone imbalances, contraception, infertility, anemia & cancer
 Oral contraceptives – Antibiotics decrease effectiveness
 Epogen (epoetin) – Stimulates production of RBC’s
 Synthroid (levothyroxine) - Used to treat hypothyroidism
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Immunosuppressants (A&P Circulatory) (Med-Surg I Immune)
o Used with corticosteroids in the prevention of transplantation rejection
o Used in the management of selected autoimmune diseases.
Laxatives (A&P Digestive) (Med-Surg I Gastrointestinal)
o Treats / prevents constipation or prepares bowel for radiologic /
endoscopic procedures
 Cephulac (lactulose), Colace (docusate), Milk of
Magnesium/Citrate of Magnesium (magnesium salts), Miralax
(polyethylene glycol), Metamucil (psyllium), Senokot (senna)
Lipid lowering agents (A&P Circulatory) (Med-Surg I Cardiovascular)
o ↓ blood lipids
 Lipitor (atorvastatin), Zocor (simvastatin)
 Avoid grapefruit juice
 Potential side effects– muscle pain / weakness (rhabdomyolysis)
– Report to Health Care Provider, elevated liver enzymes monitor
Minerals/electrolytes/ph modifiers (A&P Chemistry of the Body) (Med-Surg I
o Prevents & treats deficiencies / excesses of electrolytes & maintenance
of optimal acid/base balance. Acidifiers & alkalinizers also used to
promote urinary excretion of substances that accumulate in certain
disease states (kidney stones, uric acid).
Natural/herbal products (A&P Intro) (Med-Surg I Gastrointestinal)
o Used for a wide variety of conditions. Prescriptions not required &
consumers have the choice of many products.
 Patients must report taking these products to HCP
Nonopioid analgesics (A&P Nervous) (Intro – Surgical)
o Used to control mild to moderate pain &/or fever.
 Aspirin – Potential side effect – GI upset – take with food, Tinnitus
(ringing in ears) - assess
Nonsteroidal anti inflammatory agents (NSAIDS) (A&P Nervous) (Intro –
o Decreases inflammation, pain & fever
 Motrin (ibuprofen), Toradol (ketorolac), Anaprox (naproxen)
 Potential side effect – GI upset – take with food
Opioid analgesics (Narcotics) (A&P Nervous) (Intro – Surgical)
o Management of moderate to severe pain
 Dilaudid (hydromorphone), Morphine (morphine), Oxycontin
(slow release oxycodone), Percocet (Oxycodone &
acetaminophen), Tylenol #3 (Acetaminophen & Codeine)
 Antidote for overdose – Narcan
 Morphine – Potential side effect – Respiratory Depression –
 Dependency may develop
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Safety measures
Sedative hypnotics (A&P Nervous) (Intro – Surgical)
o Sedatives are used to provide sedation
o Hypnotics are used to manage insomnia
 Dependency may develop
Skeletal muscle relaxants (A&P Muscular) (Med-Surg II Musculoskeletal)
o Relaxes skeletal muscles to decrease spasms
 Flexeril (cyclopenaprine), Lioresal (baclofen)
 Valium (diazepam) – Centrally acting muscle relaxant
 Side effects include drowsiness, shakiness, impaired
Thrombolytics (A&P Circulatory) (Med-Surg I Cardiovascular)
o Dissolves blood clots
Vaccines immunizing agents (A&P Circulatory) (Med-Surg I)
o Provides immunization to infectious diseases by providing antibodies or
initiating the development of them
Vascular headache suppressants (A&P Nervous) (Med-Surg III Neurological)
o Causes vasoconstriction to migraine headaches
Vitamins (A&P Digestive) (Med-Surg I Gastrointestinal)
o Prevents / treats vitamin deficiencies
Weight control agents (A&P Digestive) (Med-Surg I Gastrointestinal)
o Manages obesity. Especially useful in the presence of other risk factors
including hypertension, diabetes, or dyslipidemias.
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