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The Athenian “Empire”
 The Persian War had interesting effect on
 Common enemy united city states for the first
time (Athens and Sparta fight side by side)
 Athens began to replace Sparta as dominant
power (navy, leadership)
 Once Persians were gone, divisions returned
 Themistocles and Athenian ruins (beginning
of tensions)
 Spartan general situation (replaced by
Athenian general)
 Due to these conflicts, Sparta withdraws
to the Peloponnesus
 Up to other city states to protect Hellas
from Persia
 478 BC – Confederacy of Delos created
(Delian League)
 Led (dominated) by Athens
 Members contributed money/ships – navy
created to protect all,
 Means that Athens has a huge fighting
 States not allowed to drop out (Naxos and
Thasos eventually crushed)
 Pericles - Leader of Athens
 Responsible for turning the Delian League
into an Athenian Empire
 Champion of democracy – often called
“the first citizen of Athens” (ironic – why?)
 Had a huge forehead
 Athens gradually took more and more
control of league
 Crushed those who tried to withdraw
(Naxos and Thasos)
 Became known as “the enslaver of Hellas”
 Eventually moved treasure and congress
from Delos to Athens – true Athenian
 Tensions grew
 Sparta vs. Athens
 Delian League partially a defence against
Spartan oppression
 Now Sparta outnumbered and threatened
 Athens vs. Delian League states
 Athens using funds however it wanted
(city projects, etc)
 Ruled with an iron fist – demanded
tribute (“donations”) from states, etc.
 Athenians vs. Athenians – Democrats vs.
 Pericles (Democrat) was an amazing
speaker – genius at winning over the
 FRUSTERATED the Conservatives,
divided Athens
 Pericles loved two things: Democracy and Athens
 However, could not hold onto both
 Letting Athens dominate other states was not democratic
 Led to the war that destroyed Greek democracy