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Cross Curricular Links:
Stepping Stones K and U of W
Explore objects
Talk about what is seen and what is happening
Notice and comment on patters
Show awareness of change
Describe simple features of objects and events
Investigate objects and materials by using all of their senses.
Find out about and identify some features of living things, objects
and the events they observe.
Look closely at similarities/differences/patterns and change.
Lancashire Foundation Stage Scheme of Work:
Amazing world
Colour My World
Find unusual places plants grow (walls / pavements)
Walk around school – investigate plant
Explore seeds/fruits. Match fruit to seeds
What do plants need to grow?
Putting shapes on grass, leave for a couple of days.
Story of Enormous Turnip
Investigation table/box – magnifying glasses, viewers
Grow vegetables that they can eat e.g. cress
Herbs – smell/feel
Spouting Root Ginger/Garlic/Nutmeg
Objectives: Year 1 / 2
Scientific Enquiry
1. to collect evidence by making observations and measurements when
trying to answer a question
2a. Ask questions and decide how they might find the answers to them.
2b. Use first hand experience and simple information sources to answer
2g. communicate what happened in a variety of ways including ICT
2h. make simple comparisons and identify simple patterns or associations
2i. compare what happened with what they expected to happen and try to
explain it drawing on their knowledge and understanding
Life and Living Processes
1a. the differences between things that are living and things never been alive
1c. relate processes to animals and plants found in the local environment
3a. to recognise that plants need light and water to grow
3b. to recognise and name the leaf, flower, stem and root of flowering plants
3c. that seeds grow into flowering plants
4a. recognise similarities and differences between themselves and others
and to treat with sensitivity
4b. group living things according to observable similarities and differences
5a. Find out about the different kind of plants and animals in local
5b. identify similarities and differences between local environments
5c. care for the environment
Link to Small Schools Scheme of Work
Small schools science scheme
Plant cress/mustard/beans, bulbs.
Identify trees – sort leaves (Collect/ photograph)Investigate ‘Do plants need
Plant and grow potatoes in a bucket
Talk about what happens?
Investigate/ Explore: plants, roots, wilted plants. Look at unusual plants/fruit
Sprouting potato in a dark box.
Different packets of seeds/digital camera.
Selection of Beans
Looking at logs – annual rings
Research what plants are used for besides food – (nettle/dock leaves)
Label or name simple parts of a plant. Sequence lifecycle of a plant/tree
Discuss what a plant needs to grow healthily. Recognise seasonal changes. Know that a plant is alive
Identify ways in which we can care for the environment
Art –
Vincent V Gogh ‘Sunflowers’. Paintings of Fruit &
Veg. Fruit prints. Onion skin/beetroot dye. Tie dye fabric
Science – Healthy Eating
Healthy Schools. Rainforests – sustainability
RE- Sowing of seeds ‘The 3 trees’
Geog – Patterns and changes of seasons
History – Passage of time
Fiction / Non Fiction Books:
Percy Park Keeper and other Percy Stories
Jack and the Beanstalk
The Seed – Eric Carle
Jim and the Beanstalk – Raymond Briggs
Class 3 Beanstalk – Martin Woodale
‘Beyond the Beanstalk’ / Jasper’s Beanstalk
Jolly Postman / Mike’s Magic Seeds / Billy’s Sunflower
‘Titch’ – You’ll grow into them
Look at flowers/seeds, use digital microscope
Digital image of tree once a month.
Sequence digital pictures
Create a seed pack
Label parts of Plant in ‘Textease’
Simple D.K. Science CD
Teacher Resources:
Little Book of Investigations
Little Book of Growing Things
Discovery World Growing Things