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Philadelphia University
Internal Examiner
Faculty of Information Technology
Department of Computer Science
Examination Paper
MSc. Course
: Dr. S. Ghoul
: Dr. S. Ghoul
: Dr R. Azoubidi
Advanced Database Concepts (750761) Section 70
Date: December, 31, 2008 -------- Time: 2 hours
First Semester of 2008/2009
Information for Candidates
This examination paper contains 9 questions totaling 45 marks.
Advice to Candidates
You should attempt questions, such that the sum of their marks will be equal to 30.
I. Basic Notions
Objectives: The aim of the questions in this part is to evaluate your required minimal knowledge and skills. Answers in the
pass category represent the minimum acceptable standard.
1. Reading [3], answer the following:
1.a Discuss, in less than two lines, the following statement: “Data models are useful abstractions” focusing on the relation
between abstractions and problems.
 (2m)
1.b In [1] the relational model was deeply presented. It is mainly based on the Relation data structure model. Propose a
mapping between the data model properties enumerated in [3] and those of the Relation model.
 (3m)
1.c Propose a mapping between the data model properties enumerated in [3] and those of an application data using the
relational model.
2. A large variety of programming languages and approaches was developed around the relational model [1]. Identify, in less
than two lines, their common characteristics and their specific ones.
 (2m)
II. Familiar Problems Solving
Objectives. The aim of the questions in this part is to evaluate that you have some basic knowledge of the key aspects of the
lecture material and can attempt to solve familiar problems.
In [2] the author presents deductive databases resulting from the integration of relational database and logic programming
techniques. We will focus our study on complex-values deductive languages.
 (3m).
 (2m)
3. Identify, in less than two lines, the resulting benefits of this integration.
4. Identify, in less than one line, the relation existing between Prolog and Datalog.
5. Model the following fact using Prolog, LDL, and COL (dress a table like 2.1 and translate it to facts):
 (5m)
The Advanced DB course is dispensed in the room (IT, 516), each (Wednesday, from 16h to 19h) by Dr Said, using
([1] as textbook, and 516 as lab).
6. Model the following fact in Prolog and in LDL:
0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 are even numbers //their modulo (2) = 0.
 (5m)
7. Model the following Datalog facts and rules using LDL and COL:
Sisters (Huda, Warda);Brothers (Huda, Ali); //these fact are tuples in relations
Sisters_Borthers (X, Y) :- Sisters (X, Z).
Sisters_Brothers (X, Y) :- Brothers (X, Z).
 (5m)
8. Complete the following COL facts for stating the fact that all the sisters of Huda are also sisters of Ali:
Sisters (Huda, {Ola, Nora} );Sisters (Ali, { Amel, Suha})
 (5m)
III. Unfamiliar Problems Solving
Objectives. The aim of the questions in this part is to evaluate you can make progress towards the solution of unfamiliar
problems, and can set out reasoning and explanation in a clear and coherent manner
9. In [2], Complex values (nested tuples and sets) are handled in logical programming languages. Inspired by this study,
propose a similar approach for handling them in an SQL version.
References. Your exam is based on the following documents, which you can open during the exam:
[1] Abraham Silberschatz et al, Database System Concepts, 5th Edition, McGraw Hill, International Edition, 2006.
[2] Mengchi Liu. Deductive Database Languages: Problems and Solutions, ACM Computing Surveys, Vol.31,27-62,1999.
[3] The "Classic" NetCDF Data Model. What Is a Data Model?. Unidata NetCDF Workshop for Developers and Data Providers., 2008
Master degree course
Advanced Database Concepts