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UK Aim (i): Young People – To help young people resist drug misuse in order to achieve their full potential in society.
UK Key Objective: Reduce the proportion of people under 25 reporting use of illegal drugs in the last month and previous year.
Scotland's Objectives
1. Establish a consistent, co-ordinated, evidence-based approach to drug education, prevention and harm reduction which takes account of individual and community needs.
2. Implement education strategies and initiatives and provide public information which increase knowledge and promote avoidance of drug misuse.
3. Reduce the acceptability and incidence of drugs misuse among children and young people.
4. Ensure that every school pupil in Scotland has effective drug education including accurate and up-to-date information on the consequences of drug misuse.
5. Reduce the harm arising from drug misuse and in particular by encouraging positive alternative lifestyles.
6. Increase access to information and services for vulnerable groups including school excludees, truants, looked after children, young offenders, young homeless, very young children at risk of drug misuse
and children of drug misusing parents
Scotland’s and DAT Targets and Standards
A. To reduce the proportion of people under 25 reporting use of illegal drugs in the last month and previous year substantially, and heroin use by 25%, by 2005.
B. All schools to provide drug education to every pupil and to have written procedures for managing incidents of drug misuse, in line with national advice, by 2002. (Target date relates to academic year 2002,
ie June 2003).
C. All local authorities to have an agreed written policy on drug misuse applying to community education settings, covering drug education and the management of incidents of drug misuse, by 2002. (Target
date relates to academic year 2002, ie June 2003).
All DATs and Area Child Protection Committees to have in place local policies on support to drug misusing parents and their children, in line with national guidance, by 2002. National guidance on support
to drug misusing parents and their children was published by the Scottish Executive in 2001. (The final guidance, following consultation, will be issued in Spring 2003).
Drugs education in schools
(Includes all substances)
Action Undertaken 2002/03
Curriculum planners issued to all schools with detailed
guidance on planning and carrying out drug education.
Resources to support drug education supplied to each
incidents in schools.
Address within the ‘Police, Drugs, Health & the
Community, multi-agency seminars currently in
Include in future S3-S6 head-teacher training.
Drug Education in Schools
Delivered drug education, in liaison with New
Community Schools to sec school pupils in Lewis and
Harris through the medium of drama.
Consistency of approach to
education, prevention and
harm reduction.
Community learning and
development settings
Training for multi-agency pool of drug educators to work
across settings via STRADA Introductory Module
Knowing Where To Start. Delivered twice.
Liaise with Community Education Service. Multi-agency
working party (CnES, ADSAT, Police) currently
addressing policy requirement.
Planned Action 2003/04
Deliver training in Drugs and Alcohol to all Secondary Head
Teachers, Secondary School Guidance staff and other agencies in
liaison with SAD.
Police to provide schools with a central first point of contact in order to
ensure Head Teachers in the Western Isles a consistent and uniform
response when handling incidents of drug misuse in schools. Include in
SAD Secondary Schools drug and alcohol training programme. (Sep/Oct
Drama group to visit Sec Schools in Uists and Barra.
Communication: media release re drama tour – pictures issued
Follow up in-house training for STRADA participants in models of best
practice when working in schools
Policy written by multi-agency working party and due to be approved by
Local Authority Legal Services Dept. Summer 2003.
Communication: Media release re policy and its creation
October 2003
Approx Cost & Source
£2800 Education Dept
£6185 SAD
Health Promotion
As above
Aug 2003
NCS £2500
Education Department
£125 ADSAT
Community Education
Support to drug misusing
parents and their children.
Services for under 16’s,
including target groups
The Western Isles Child Protection Committee are in the
process of establishing a CP Training & Dev Officer
(Sept 2002). With priority to review CP procedures and
guidelines and incorporate a policy of response on
support to substance misusing parents and their
A multi-agency training event was delivered locally
addressing effective intervention methodologies (Dec
Provide a ‘needs led’ supported accommodation service
to young people from the Western Isles who are
homeless or who have housing difficulties. (Case load
of 6 young people 16-21years)
Drug education and the
management of incidents of
drug misuse
Domestic Abuse
Ceum Eile Air Adhart (Another Step Forward)
Appointment to post Feb 2003. Policy to be put in place by march 2004.
Local seminar arranged for June 2003 addressing youth crime; domestic
violence and alcohol/drugs issues affecting young children and families.
This will continue a programme of training focussed on the effects of
substance misuse on children and families. The CPC’s co-ordinator in
liaison with the DDO to draw up training programme on a wide range of
issues which will incorporate substance misuse aspects.
Communication: media releases re seminar and new post – local radio to be
involved in coverage of/reaction to seminar.
March 2004
April 2004
(£30000 Change Fund)
£5000 ADSAT
Provide training to identified independent youth workers in the procedures
for managing incidents of drug misuse in informal settings.
March 2004
ADSAT £200
Northern Constabulary
Support to families regarding Domestic Abuse and Under age drinking. 2
Year project established with specific SE Youth Crime Prevention funding
delivered in partnership with Social work, NCH and other relevant agencies.
Communication: special feature based on this work prepared and issued to
local media.
June 2005
CnES Social Work Dept
Perceived Priorities 2004/05:
With an emphasis on prevention, ensure that drug use in 13-16yr olds continues to decrease or at least remains level as reported in ISD survey 2001.
NHS Board
Northern Constabulary
Voluntary Agencies
£125 ADSAT
£150 ADSAT
Explore more intensive services for young polydrug using
adults particularly those experiencing problems with benzodiazipine use (esp. diazepam). (As identified in developing shared care arrangements)
UK Aim (ii): Communities - To protect our communities from drug related anti-social and criminal behaviour.
UK Key Objective: Reduce levels of repeat offending amongst drug misusing offenders.
Scotland's Objectives
1. Strengthen and protect communities from drug related crime and the fear of drug related crime.
2. Reduce the level of drug misuse in prisons.
3. Develop constructive alternatives to prosecution and imprisonment for offences related to drug misuse problems.
4. Support partnerships between professionals, local people and businesses in the development of local initiatives for tackling drug misuse.
5. Promote drug awareness and the development of drug policies and health promotion within the workplace.
6. Ensure that drug misuse is addressed within the wider context of area regeneration and social inclusion.
Scotland’s Targets and Standards
A. Reduce repeat offending by increasing the number of drug misusing offenders entering treatment from criminal justice diversion and community disposals, by 40% by 2004. (Achieved at national level).
B. Reduce the proportion of drug misusers who inject by 20% by 2005.
Local Targets
A Increase the use of the alternatives to prosecution scheme and increase the use of community disposals
B Maintain present situation i.e. no reported injecting drug misusers
(Target should be quantified)
C. All DATs with Social Inclusion Partnership and Community Safety Partnerships to have mechanisms in place for joint working, by 2002. (Achieved).
Criminal justice Social Work
Action Undertaken 2002/03
Continuation of CAR programme, based on the SACRO/
Orkney Social Work model.
Planned Action 2003/04
Ongoing. Introduction last year has made a significant contribution to
raising awareness of drink driving. Too early at this stage to measure
impact on the reduction of incidents. Future study needed.
Drug misuse in prisons/
Prison throughcare
Increase liaison/contact with local Drug Strategy Coordiantor. (HMP Inverness). Establish link with
Cranstoun Drug Service and relevant agencies within
the Western Isles.
community in development of strategy. Encourage
financial contribution from business sector.
Improve linkages for clients on release from prison and establish contract
arrangements with agencies Training in transitional care scheduled for May
2003 by Cranstoun Drug Service.
Business involvement
Education, training and
employment opportunities
Liaison with Local Authority
personnel – training of staff.
1 seminar (Lewis & Harris)
1 seminar (Uists & Barra)
Liaison with newly revitalised Western Isles Chamber of Commerce. Direct
contact with major employers to raise profile of the main issues concerning
ADSAT. Develop work already completed to encourage financial support for
particular initiatives.
Overall media release campaign including releases on Outreach services,
Headteacher Training and Referral project to further impact on business
perception of activity.
Poster campaign – seek direct business sponsorship.
Scotland’s Health At Work facilitator appointed June 2002. As part of
SHAW silver criteria, organisations are expected to implement alcohol and
drug policies. 2 Private companies to receive further drug and alcohol
training as part of 3 year review by March 2004.
Other organisations, newly signed up to scheme. On completion of bronze
award, will explore issues to be considered as a consequence of
implementing workplace alcohol and drug policies.
number of
May 2003
Approx Cost & Source
Total of £2000 per annum
from SW criminal justice
Northern Constabulary
March 2004
Health Promotion
Northern Constabulary
Community development /
Communications work
CSP shared membership with ADSAT. Community
Safety Plan written in conjunction with ADSAT Action
Increased involvement in School Drug Education
programme in two of three SIP (‘Initiative at the Edge’)
a) Information about the risks of drug taking and overall
situation locally was included in the ADSAT New Year
double-page feature in the local newspaper aper and in
community newspapers.
b) More detailed information was distributed as part of
the sponsorship of the Lewis and Harris Sports Festival
and the Uist and Barra Football League. This included
the distribution of nationally produced publicity material
and a local newsletter.
c) Plans were drawn up for direct publicity about the
exact details of local services and service providers
School Drug education now delivered in all three SIP areas
Organisation and holding of an experience-sharing, issue-raising, strategy
conference for ADSAT, its subgroups and others involved in aspects of
community development and safety
Assessment of the impact of local publicity and information services
Additional media releases highlighting the work of ADSAT and its various
related groups
The focus of the information strategy will switch away from the aim of
general recognition of the problems and of the existence of ADSAT, to
concentrate on improving understanding and information about the services
on offer.
This will involve work with the general public and also with the agencies
involved, including the economic development groupings in rural areas. This
will involve further use of newspaper features, particularly in community
publications, as well as leaflets and related information posters
WI Enterprise
Northern Constabulary
WI Licensed Traders
WI Tourist Board
Set up Family Support
Group for families/carers
of drug misusers
Group set up April 2003. Provide information on national support networks.
Initial support with set up, venues, catering, advertisements, other sundries.
April 2003
£500 ADSAT
Alternatives to Prosecution
scheme/use of community
Aim to increase availability of probation as a sentencing option through court
and the sentencers. Provide information about services available locally for
offenders who have alcohol/drug problems so that appropriate supportive
interventions are maximised i.e CAR programme resulting in an increase in
clients sentenced to more focussed and appropriate alternatives. Numbers
relatively low makes realistic target setting difficult.
Establish links between ‘Moving On’ and ‘New Future’ initiatives.
Employment service, WIE, Careers Scotland, CnES Housing Department.
Community guidance model. In house Drug and Alcohol training with
Employment Service specialist workers scheduled for 2003.
On going
Social Work criminal justice
Northern Constabulary
WIE (New Future £30k per
CnES Housing
Employment Service
Careers Service
Ensure that drug misuse is
addressed within the wider
context of area regeneration
and social inclusion.
Perceived Priorities 2004/05:
Increase level of partnership working, joint planning and corporate budgeting. Establish closer working links with Community Plan, hence ensuring strategic congruence. Establish links with Business sector particularly
through Employment Service and training agencies. (Moving On, Progress 2 Work)
UK Aim (iii): Treatment - To enable people with drug problems to overcome them and live healthy and crime-free lives
UK Key Objective: Increase participation of problem drug misusers, including prisoners, in drug treatment programmes which have a positive impact on health and crime.
Scotland's Objectives
1. Reduce the health risks to individuals and communities from drug misuse, and reduce related infectious diseases.
2. Increase the number of drug misusers becoming and remaining drug free, and promote their inclusion in society.
3. Reduce the incidence of injecting, sharing and polydrug misuse among drug misusers.
4. Reduce the number of drug related deaths.
5. Increase the proportion of drug misusers in contact with services, including those in prison, through the development of good, accessible, responsive and effective services.
6. Reduce the numbers of drug misusers who have no quick access to appropriate treatment.
Scotland’s Targets and Standards
A. Reverse the upward trend in drug-related deaths and reduce the total number, by at least 25% by 2005
B. Increase the number of drug misusers in contact with drug treatment and care services in the community, by at least 10% every year until 2005.
C. Reduce the proportion of injecting drug users sharing needles and syringes by 20% by 2005, and reduce the percentage of injecting drug users testing positive for hepatitis C, by 20% by 2005.
Local Targets:
A Continue to maintain present situation i.e. low incidence of drug-related deaths
B Increase service contacts by 10% in present ISD reports (Target should be quantified)
C Continue to maintain present situation i.e. no reported injecting drug misusers
B. Every Local Health Care Co-operative or Primary Care Trust to have a locally approved shared care (or equivalent) scheme, by 2004.
C. All DATs to ensure that drug misusers aged under 16 have access to drug treatment and care services which are in line with national guidance, by 2004.
Shared care services
Action Undertaken 2002/03
Develop shared care arrangements with Shared Care
Facilitator and Uists Substance Misuse Community Worker.
Specialist services
As above. Worker in post Jan 2002. Approx 67% client
(user) focussed and 33% developing protocols/ joint up
working/pathways of care/ GP’s/ Agencies etc
Harm reduction / needle
Advice and information given at APU, Western Isles
Hospital No uptake of Needle Exchange to date
Support Domestic Abuse Forum re victims of drug and
alcohol related violence.
Domestic violence
Planned Action 2003/04
Awareness raising, training on and Implementation and monitoring
of Shared Care System
Sept 03 –
Jan 04 then
Concerted effort in Uists to increase contact with services in specific target
groups (young people, women, returning prisoners).
2002-03 (28 new clients total) Target 10% = 31clients. (Already in excess of
ISD reports: 43 in all Island Boards)
Increased awareness of needle exchange scheme via shared care protocols
and consultation meetings.
Domestic Abuse Service Development Co-ordinator appointed June 2002.
Multi agency training planned to raise professionals’ awareness about DA
and its effects. Raise community awareness via publicity/information
Jan 2002
Feb 2005
Jan 2003-July
March 2004
Approx Cost & Source
£79,000 (ADSAT Treatment
and rehab see Part C
£42,000 (as above)
£5000 ADSAT
Support the work of
the Community
Safety strategy in its
efforts to reduce
alcohol and drug
misuse in the
(Local Target B)
Local Target B:
Enable people with
drug problems to
overcome them and
to live healthy and
crime free lives by
developing joined up
services to provide a
more effective
service for users.
(Local Target B)
Obtain a clearer
picture of drug
misuse in the
community and
clients accessing
services (official
recording methods)
Contribute to the Community Safety Team’s development of
outreach facilities for problem substance misusers who are currently
not being accessed by existing agencies or presenting to treatment
and rehabilitation services
£19400 (Community Safety)
£2500 ADSAT
CnES Community Education
Develop an Arrest Referral scheme offering an opportunity to drug
users who have been arrested to engage with drug treatment and/or
other appropriate services with a view to reducing their offending
behaviour. (Target: 20 arrestees)
June 2003May 2004
Application for funding
(£2000 treatment)
(£1000 training of AR
Encourage treatment services to improve their reporting methods.
(Regularity of reporting).
Voluntary Orgs
Perceived Priorities 2004/05:
Establish Arrest Referral scheme and increase numbers of drug users in treatment services.
UK Aim (iv): Availability - To stifle the availability of illegal drugs on our streets
UK Key Objective: Reduce access to drugs amongst 5-16 year olds
Scotland's Objectives
1. Reduce access to drugs amongst all age groups.
2. Enforcement agencies to continue to identify, investigate and obtain evidence for the prosecution of persons engaged in drug trafficking and supply.
3. Reduce the amount of drugs entering Scotland by targeting distribution networks and dismantling organised trafficking.
4. Support constructive community involvement in reducing the availability of drugs locally.
5. Reduce the availability of drugs in prisons.
Scotland’s Targets and Standards
A. To reduce the proportion of young people under 25 who are offered illegal drugs significantly, and heroin by 25%, by 2005
B. Increase the number of drug seizures, by 25% by 2004.
C. Increase the number of offences recorded by Scottish police forces for supply or possession with intent to supply drugs, by 25% by 2004.
Local Targets:
B Increase police activity on drug seizures by 10% through intelligence led policing
(Target should be quantified) see below
C Increase police activity on supply or possession with intent to supply by 10% through intelligence led policing (Target should be quantified) see below
community involvement
availability of drugs
Action Undertaken 2002/03
A programme of events organised involving various
agencies to address the reduction of the availability of drugs
and drug related crime in the community.
Communication: Know the Score logos and/or material was
included in the publicity material outlined above.
Publications produced nationally were also distributed
locally through sports centres etc
Planned Action 2003/04
Continued joint working with police in raising community awareness. As to
the effects of drugs and alcohol on the community, parents’ evenings/adult
learning forum/community partnerships. Communications Strategy 2003-04
addressing community participation with links to national campaign.
Local leaflets/posters prepared and distributed and
incorporated with national campaigns. (SDEA)
2003March 2004
Approx Cost & Source
Health Promotion Service
Northern Constabulary
B Increase police activity on drug seizures by 10% through intelligence led
policing Number of seizures: 2002: 88. Target: 2003= 97
C Increase police activity on supply or possession with intent to supply by
5% through intelligence led policing in order to meet national target of 25%.
ie Western Isles Command Area target 2003: 92 offences detected
Additional media releases highlighting the work of ADSAT and its various
related groups.
Organisation and holding of an experience-sharing, issue-raising, strategy
conference for ADSAT, its subgroups and others involved in aspects of
community development and safety
Assessment of the impact of local publicity and information services
Northern Constabulary
March 2004
£2000 ADSAT/ subgroups
(Communication subgroup)
Health Promotion
Northern Constabulary
Personal links were established with local media as
part of the communications strategy. The concept of
ADSAT being involved in publicity became accepted
by the local and community media
Drugs Seizures
Drugs Offences
community involvement
Partly through the delivery of ‘Police, Drugs, Health &
Community’ multi-agency training sessions throughout
islands resulting in a more structured relationship between
ADSAT/ Subgroups and Northern Constabulary Drugs and
Community Liaison Officers.
Northern Constabulary
Injecting drugs
Special operation
Perceived Priorities 2004/05:
As in 2003-04, ensure availability of drugs for injecting purposes remain low.
Assist Northern Constabulary Drug Officers and Police Community Liaison
Officers in their efforts to ensure availability of drugs for injecting purposes
remain low. Use of National Intelligence Model: no increased reports of
availability, therefore no specific measures being taken
Operation HAAR targeting underage drinkers throughout Western Isles.
Reviewed by Tactical Tasking and Co-ordinating Group. (TTCG) every 46weeks.
On going
Northern Constabulary
April 2003
Northern Constabulary
DIRECT SPEND by partner organisations.
DIRECT SPEND information should be provided at NHS Board or Local Authority Level. Those Action Teams which cover only part of a Local Authority, or which are
one of a number of Action Teams in a NHS Board are not required to separately identify expenditure at Action Team level.
a) NHS Board(s)
NHS Board
Category of Spend
2002/03 budget
(inc. carry forward
where appropriate)
Spending review
2003/04 likely budget
(inc. carry forward
where appropriate)
Western Isles NHS
Training, Education and Resources
Communication Strategy
Treatment (Towards 2 joint funded posts
(CnES & NHS Board):
Uists Substance Misuse Community
Worker and a Substance Misuse Coordinator).
£ 8000
b) Local Authority (ies)
Local Authority
Category of Spend
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Rehabilitation (Towards 2 joint funded posts
(CnES & NHS Board): Uists Substance Misuse
Community Worker and a Substance Misuse
likely budget
(inc. carry forward where
Other sources and amounts of direct spend on drug misuse, if available:
(inc. carry forward where
Please identify source (e.g. SIP, CCSF, charitable foundation, etc.)
Category of Spend
likely amount
Category of Spend
likely amount
Category of Spend
likely amount
Category of Spend
likely amount
Category of Spend
likely amount
Category of Spend
likely amount
a) NHS Board(s)
How did the relevant NHS Board(s) spend their allocation of the 2002/2003 Spending Review additional treatment resources? Please include all resources carried
forward from 2001/2002.
NHS Board
Total Amount
Category of Spend
Western Isles NHS
b) Local Authority(ies)
How did the Local Authorities in the Action Team area spend their earmarked resources for drugs rehabilitation in 2002/2003? Please include all resources carried
forward from 2001/2002.
Local Authority
Total Amount
Category of Spend
Comhairle nan
Eilean Siar
Towards 2 joint funded posts (CnES & NHS Board):
Uists Substance Misuse Community Worker and a
Substance Misuse Co-ordinator.
New posts appointed January 2002 and (July 2002)