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Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
JTP : Maria Alejandra Villegas Práctico Nº 4
Vertigo is an abnormal sensation that is described by the person as a feeling they are spinning or
that the world is spinning around them. It is most often associated with an inner ear problem.
The inner ear has two parts, the semicircular canals and the vestibule, that helps the body know
where it is in relationship to gravity. There are three semicircular canals that are aligned at right
angles to each other and act as the gyroscope for the body. The canals are filled with fluid and are
lined with a nerve filled, crystal encrusted membrane that transmits information to the cerebellum,
the part of the brain that deals with balance and coordination. The cerebellum adds information
from sight and from nerve endings in muscles that deal with proprioception, the perception of
movement, to help the brain know where it is in relationship to gravity and the world.Normally,
when the head moves, fluid in the semicircular canals shifts and that information is relayed to
the brain. When the head stops moving, the fluid stops as well. There may be a slight delay and
is the basis for the vertigo experienced after people participate in many children's games and
carnival rides. In patients with vertigo, inflammation of the fluid or irritation of the crystals on the
nerve membrane that lines the walls of the semicircular canals may cause the spinning sensation
even without much head movement. Often, only one canal is involved and the person may be
symptom free if they don't move. While there are many causes of vertigo, the major distinction is
between central causes of vertigo and peripheral causes. Central causes occur because of an
abnormality in the cerebellum of the brain. Distinguishing between central and peripheral causes
for disease is an important concept in evaluating neurologic problems. The brain and spinal cord
make up the central nervous system while the peripheral nervous system describes the nerves
outside the central area. Sometimes it is easy to make the distinction, other times it is more
difficult to distinguish between central and peripheral causes. For example, if a person hits their
funny bone (elbow) and develops pain and numbness in their hand, it is mainly due to a direct blow
to the ulnar nerve at the elbow. This is a peripheral nerve problem and most people would not
seek medical care. If however, a person's leg became numb and weak, the cause may be central
(perhaps a stroke in the brain) or there may be a peripheral cause (sciatica or nerve impingement).
Our orientation in space and, therefore, our balance or equilibrium, is primarily measured by three
sensory systems:The eye (visual) system, The balance (vestibular) system of the inner ear, The
general sensory system including motion, pressure, and position (proprioception) sensors in joints,
muscles, and skin. These three systems continuously feed information to the brainstem and
brain about our position in space relative to gravity and the world. The brainstem connects the
brain to the spinal cord. The brain, in turn, processes these data and uses the information to make
adjustments of our head, body, joints, and eyes. When all three sensory systems and the brain
are properly functioning, the final result is a healthy balance system. Visual input shows the
brain where it is in space, what direction it is facing, what direction it is moving, and whether it is
turning or standing still. Simple tasks like walking and picking up an object are much easier if
we can see our surroundings. Feeling seasick is a problem resulting from a miscommunication
between a healthy visual system and a healthy inner ear (vestibular) system. In this circumstance,
the ears are telling the brain that there is movement, while the eyes may be seeing the fixed
surroundings of the cabin. Changes in visual acuity, glaucoma, and cataracts are examples of
visual problems that in some individuals may be enough to give them a balance disorder.
I.- Responda en español las siguientes preguntas según el texto.1.- Cuál es la definición de vértigo?
2.- Cuántas partes tiene el oído interno? Nombrarlas
3.- Cuáles son los síntomas del vértigo ?
4.- Cuáles son las causas del vértigo? Nombrarlas
5.- Cuáles y cuántos son los sistemas sensoriales?
II.- Explique en español el significado de las siguientes estructuras según el texto.-
1.- It is most often associated with an inner ear problem……………………………………………
2.- There are three semicircular canals that are aligned at right angles…………………………...
3.- that information is relayed to the brain………………………………………………………………..
4.- There may be a slight delay …………………………………………………………………………….
5.- other times it is more difficult to distinguish……………………………………………………..
6.- most people would not seek medical care. …………………………………………………………
7.- These three systems continuously feed information …………………………………………..
8.- When all three sensory systems and the brain are properly functioning,…………………..
9.- Simple tasks like walking and picking up an object are much easier …………………………..
10.- the ears are telling the brain that there is movement, …………………………………………