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In the Sumerian Cities
By Nora and Simone
Life in the Sumerian City
Some of the first cities came from the region of Sumer
There was a lot of traffic because the roads were very thin
People had to go against the buildings because the roads were so thin
Sumerian houses were on inner courtyards, where the families ate and children
When it got hot outside, the families slept on their flat roof
The Sumerian streets were very busy with musicians, acrobats, beggars, and water
Scribes charged people that he helped to write letters
Cities in Sumer
• Many people think that towns and cities
began in Sumer around 700 years ago
• Nomads moved into the rich lands and
began small villages that turned into towns
• After a while, these towns formed into
civilization of Sumer
• Sumer is usually called “Cradle of
• The large cities became city-states where
the city gov. would rule over the cities and
the land around it
Sumerian Gov.
• The different governments
fought each other
• The different governments
built walls around their cities
• There were different citystates in Sumer, and some
of the most powerful citystates Eridu, Bad- Tibura,
Shuruppak, and Sipper
• Eridu was the first major city
that was formed
• Eridu is one of then oldest
cities in the world
More on Sumerian Gov.
• Each city state had its own ruler
that was like a king/governor
• Their were also laws in addition to
the king/governor
• Each city state had a large
temple for their own God
Jacobs, Heidi Hayes., Brenda Randolph, and Michal L. LeVasseur. The
Ancient World. Needham, MA: Prentice Hall, 1998. Print.
“Ancient Mesopotamia.” : Sumerians for Kids. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Sept. 2015
“Ancient Mesopotamia – The Sumerians.” Ancient Mesopotamia – The
Sumerians. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Sept. 2015
Mesopotamia Living!
Eliana Menashe
Clothing was usually made
from sheepskin or wool.
People mostly lived in mud brick homes. They
were rectangular and had 2-3 levels. The roofs
were flat and since it was so hot people would
often sleep on the roofs during hot summers .
With the start of the Sumerian civilization, daily
life in Mesopotamia started to change, people lived
in small villages and most people hunted and
gathered. There wasn't a lot of variety in jobs
Mesopotamia is located in Iraq
(Now in days)
As the city grew bigger there were more resources and there was
more free time and entertainment.
Ancient Mesopotamia
By Anna Benoliel
Uruk was one of the first cities in the world
Uruk had an estimated population of 80,000
people making it the largest city in the world
Uruk was able to grow so large because of advanced farming
Archeologists still haven't found Akkad
Akkad was one of the worlds first place with an official ruler
A lot of the sumarien cities took over Mesopotamia
Assur was the first capital of the Assyrian empire
But eventually another city takes over
Assur was named after the god of Assyrians
Babylon was the biggest next biggest city in the world it had an
estimated population of 200,000 people
Babylon is located along the banks of the Euphrates river
Today the ruins of the city can be found about 50 miles
south of Doeghdad
Nimrud became the capital city of the Assyrian empire in the
13th century BC
Nimrud was home to some of the most Magnificent places
in ancient history
The palace of shalmcaneser 3 had over 200 rooms
The city was built well king Sennacherib ruled
One of the reason Nineveh is famous form
the story of Jonah and the whale
G-d tells Jonah to travel up to Nineveh
Persepolis was the capitol of the Persian
The city was located in SE Iran
Most of the city is being reconstructed by
By: Aliza A. - Esti K.
Sumerin Gods/Beliefs
• Ancient Sumerian's worshiped many, many Gods.
• Each Sumerin city had their own God.
• Sumerin gods were a lot like humans.
• Sumerian's believed in myths such as genies, demons, and evil spirit.
• They believed that the world was surrounded by fresh ocean water.
• People said that if you made the gods angry, you’d be punished.
• The priests would wash the gods before and after each and every
• The Sumerin believed that plants grew because male gods mated
with female gods.
Temples/ Ziggurat
• Each city had a
ziggurat or temple.
• The priests would live
in the ziggurat and
make sacrifices.
• Some ziggurats
were even more
than 7 floors tall.
• Each ziggurat had
one temple on the
• The ziggurats were
the tallest and
biggest buildings in
Sumerin Gods
One of the most
important god Anu
was offered the
following meal daily:
• 1 bullock
• 2 bulls
• 2 vessels of milk
• 3 duck eggs
• 3 cranes
• 3 ostrich eggs
• 4 wild boars
• 7 ducks
• 8 lambs
• 21 rams
• 29 bushels of dates
• 60 birds
• 243 loaves of bread
Work Cited
1."Ancient Mesopotamia." : Religion and
Gods. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Oct. 2015.
2. Jacobs, Heidi Hayes., Brenda Randolph, and
Michal L. LeVasseur. The Ancient World.
Needham, MA: Prentice Hall, 1998. Print.