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What -To develop understanding of
How - To consider each of the separate
components of fitness
Finding out the name and the test
to the component
Why – For use in training both now and
in later life!
There is a clear link between health and
fitness and combining the two will allow
you to live a healthy, active lifestyle,
which in turn will increase the quality of
life that you are able to enjoy.
good health or good condition,
especially as the result of exercise and
proper nutrition
Cardiovascular Endurance
Strength can be divided into three
distinct and separate categories –
Dynamic Strength
Explosive Strength
Static Strength
Dynamic Strength
This is the strength that a sportsperson needs
to support their own body weight over a
prolonged period of time, or to be able to apply
force against some type of object
Explosive Strength
This is the strength used in one short, sharp
burst or movement
Static Strength
This is the greatest amount of strength that can
be applied to an immovable object
Most activities require a degree of
all of these types of strength. For
example, a rugby player needs
static strength to push against the
other pack in a scrum . . . .
Explosive strength to make a tackle or
sprinting to score a try……..
Dynamic Strength to last the whole of an 80minute match
It is possible to improve all aspects of
strength through strength training
Hand Grip Dynamometer
This is a test to measure grip or
forearm muscle strength. The
device is squeezed with maximum
effort for 5 seconds wit no other
body movement allowed.
Not a valid test of general strength
as the forearms do not necessarily
represent the strength of other
Test of speed?
This is the ability to move all or parts of
the body as quickly as possible.
Reaction time + movement time = result
It is possible to work on improving
some aspects of speed, but some
factors are inherent.
For example the amount of fast twitch
fibres in the muscle, which can result in
greater speed.
30m Sprint
Reaction time - is how quickly you are to able
respond to something or some form of
Movement time – how quickly a performer can
carry out an actual movement
Inherent – something you are born with
This is the combination of the
maximum amount of speed with the
maximum amount of strength.
What kind strength is closely linked
to power?
It is something that cannot be
maintained for long periods of time,
but it can be improved through
strength training
Explosive Strength
Test of Power?
Standing Broad Jump
Measures the explosive power
of the legs
Cardiovascular Endurance
This is also often referred to as
‘stamina’ and is the ability of the heart
and lungs to keep operating efficiently
during an endurance event. As with
many of the other components of
fitness discussed, this factor can also
be improved through training.
Tests – 12 minute Cooper run,
multistage fitness test
This is often called ‘suppleness’ and refers to the
range of movement around a joint. Increased
flexibility can help:
Make a performance more effective and more
Reduce the chances of injury
Improve body posture
It is possible to improve the levels of flexibility by
regular performing stretching exercises. Levels do
tend to decrease with age so this is even more
important as you get older.
Test – Sit and Reach
Examiners Tip
‘It is important to be aware of what
each of these components of fitness
is, being able to give a concise
definition for each of them. You
should also be able to identify how
each factor could be improved’