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Primary water and the sea level rise.
Dowsing, an explanation.
Primary water, as a renewable resource.
Primary water is water created deep in the earth, it rises towards the surface filling underground
aquifers. It flows into the ocean.
The concept of primary water is uncomfortable for academically trained hydrologists because it
stands their body of knowledge on end. For hydrologists to accept that primary water exist would be
to acknowledge that dowsers and water witches are right, that water does come from the center of
the earth.
The processes involved are uncertain but indications suggest that they are linked to magma activity
and granite rocks.
It seems that the human body is the best instrument to find and assess the quantity and quality of
underground water creation, movement and storage.
This paper explores these ideas and makes a suggestion as to how primary water could be shown
to be a renewable resource.
Where does primary water come from …
and its effect on ocean levels.
From page 51, National Geographic, December 2006
On July 14, 2005 the spacecraft [Cassini] descended to a hundred miles above Enceladus’s south polar
region. Working in concert its many insturments probed the enigmatic moon, monitoring surface heat,
chemical traces and magnetic fields. The data indicated that plumes of material were erupting near the south
pole. Four months later, as the distant sun silhouetted Enceladus, Cassini made images showed geyser like
eruptions of water vapor and ice particles shooting far into space.
Caption to photo of Enceladus on page 51… photo below
Water vapor and ice particles erupt hundreds of miles from Enceladus. Falling to the surface, the ice
smoothes the moon’s southern hemisphere (image on the right). The jets emerge from fractures fed by
subsurface reservoirs.
So here next to Saturn there is a tiny
moon with no atmosphere, no clouds,
no rain, and no water cycle. Yet it spews out
water which appear to be a by product of the
magma movements inside its core.
Further suggestions of water traces – totally
outside water cycle explanations - are found
on Mars and Jupiter’s moon Europa.
The world’s ocean level is rising. Undoubtedly in the past glacier and Antarctic ice
sheet movements have been major contributors but there is a steady background
rise as shown in this set of figures:
From the Barbados sea-level record (Fairbanks, 1989)
From 17,000 to 12,500 ago the sea level rise was
Then from 11,000 to 10,500 the rise was added another
Then 10,000 to 9,500 ago a further rise of
20 m
24 m
28 m
In the last 5,000 the rise has been about 1.5m every 1,000 years.
That’s a lot of water rise in a fairly short geological period but behind the sudden
ice flows is a steady 1.5 mm rise a year – and this has been going on for the last
5,000 years. This rise is seemingly independent of the two major known climate
drivers, the earth’s orbital shifts and the effects of solar flares.
So where does this water come from? Primary water is the simplest explanation;
but scientists are unwilling to accept this explanation, because it would force
them to abandon the water cycle theory - so they are asking for funds to improve
measurements from satellite data. This will let them prove what is already known,
that the oceans are rising and have been for a long time. Attached is a document
from a UNESCO conference that took place in Paris last year in which 163
scientists from 29 countries agreed to allocate funds to themselves over the next
ten years to refine sea level gauging techniques. It is interesting that nowhere in
the document is there a mention of the known sea level rises set out in the table
above. Incidentally the current estimates of annual sea level rise run to about
3mm per year.
Further discussion on Primary water.
On earth and on Enceladus the magma core is in dynamic movement and in this
process generates gases, particles, and waves. Magma dynamics is something
that quantum physics is yet to describe. Some of these gases, particles and
waves seemingly are associated with the production of water. This water-creating
cocktail of particles and waves can be called “proto water”. Current indications are
that the “proto water” particle/wave becomes water when it comes into contact
with granite, or maybe it actually becomes water inside hot pressurised and liquid
granite inside the earth’s crust. Silicates may also be involved as a catalyst.
The human body knows about this water and can sense it – just like we
instinctively know about gravity. This is not surprising, the human body has
developed on earth over millions and millions of years and in this time has learnt
to use and interpret all the forces on the planet – including the energies
associated with water creation. Humans are a part of planetary life and so it is not
surprising that we have an instinctive knowledge and reaction to the dynamics of
proto water. Consider the human body’s reactions to gravity. We know about it
and are in constant swaying movement to compensate for its effects.
How Dowsers find water
Proto water seems to be a form of energy that the human body searches for,
accumulates and uses. It appears to be part of the water cycle inside the body.
There are people who haven’t drank for a week but by their conscious control of
their proto water uptake have been able to survive without difficulty (see interview
with Robin Adams).
Proto water may be a particle or a wave, or both, or neither. It appears to be
strongly linked to the primary water. Certainly, both primary water and proto water
appear to be unacceptable conceptualizations to conventional science. But this
does not mean that primary water or proto water don’t exist much in a form that
has yet to be understood, measured and described by science. Scientists are
reaching new conceptualizations, new insights, all the time.
Modern scientific insights have done much to shake our current culturally
endorsed “common sense” world view. Quantum mechanics has led to a number
of things which contradict common sense – matter is a form of energy
(experimentally proved at Hiroshima); the observer is always part of the system;
particles are also waves at the same time as being particles, and all things are
waves; two particles at opposite ends of the universe can be linked together
instantaneously (Einstein-Podolski-Rosen paradox); outcomes of processes are
fundamentally unpredictable, no clockwork locks in causality at the quantum
scale. The world cannot be modelled as a system of billiard balls moving in a
predictable way.
There seems to be a natural link in the human body between primary water, proto
water particles/waves and the muscular system. A strong proto water signal
appears to create a electrical response in that in turn activates muscles.
Dowsing rods magnify, and so make visible this muscle response. Computers
could be programmed to measure and evaluate such weak muscle responses. It
is likely that animals share a similar muscle response set to humans.
As the nature of the particles or waves radiating from primary water are not
understood it seems unlikely that a machine – without a biological component –
will be built to chart primary water in the near future. Primary water makes
signatures in specific, known gamma ray radiation belts and magnetic flux
readings. These have been successfully assessed with complex computer
programs by Rob Gourlay (see and his friends. But when it
comes down to it, a skilled and experienced dowser is still an essential
component of any scientific attempt to chart and access primary water.
To underline the instinctive nature of this human response the example of the
‘first time’ casual dowser is interesting. It seems that about one person in eight is
a natural dowser. Put a rod into the hands of the average person, suggest that
they walk over an area of dowsing potential and the rods will show a reaction to
the proto water source. Seven out of eight people develop some dowsing ability
after a few trials. One in eight seem to be unable to make the necessary muscular
connections. Interpreting the signals that the muscles make to proto water
particles/waves takes training and practice.
Primary water movements
The creation process, whereby proto water is turned into water appears to take
place everywhere deep in the earth’s crust where magma-generated proto water
particles/waves come into contact with granite rocks – perhaps most noticeably
when they are in a heated semi-liquid state.
The greatest concentration of primary water forming locations is probably where
large quantities of proto water particles/waves are escaping from the earth. This
appears to be in regions of old and current tectonic activity. A clear location for
such activity is the deep ocean mantle expansion ridges with their vents of water
and associated “unearthly” life forms.
The map attached to the end of this article was drawn by Fran Duffy (Bindu ISBN
0 949076 12 0) for her paper on “The Dynamic Earth Energy Geography of
Tasmania, The Southern Continents, The Australian Plate”
The map gives locations where venting proto water particles/waves are likely to
be at a maximum. Note that they are associated with the Great Dividing Range in
eastern Australia and suggest that primary water outflows (where deep granite
rocks occur) must be flowing inland (to fill the Great Artesian Basin) and towards
the sea along the eastern seaboard.
It seems that the primary water that is formed in the hot pressurized locations in
the crust duly finds its way into the deep major fault lines. From these, pushed by
underground pressure, it moves into the strata nearer the surface, to come out
here and there as springs.
So perhaps there are three dynamic locations to be considered: 1. Deep hot,
highly pressurized areas where primary water is created. 2. Major fault lines which
transport the newly created primary water outwards and upwards. 3. Minor fault
lines that rise to near the surface and carry streams of water towards the lowest
points available in the vicinity. These are what is usually accessed with current
bore technology.
It is assumed that the deep fault lines can extend great distances and run into
continental shelves (like between New Guinea and Australia). The deep faults in
the shelves run towards the open ocean and allow these streams of water to exit
into the ocean. Locations where the major faults are open to the sea may be 500
or even 5000 meters deep and kilometers long. Water would flow out only slowly,
being held in by water pressure. Electrolyte testing should show exit areas.
Oceanographers may know of such areas but so far a literature search has not
brought to light any information in peer reviewed publications.
To take an example of a major fault line. A deep fault appears to run from Glen
Alice and Glen Davis, along the Colo River, under the Cattai area with its river to
run under the Lane Cove river gully. From there the fault continues under Gore
Hill and North Sydney park. It crosses Sydney Harbour and passes under Dover
Heights, from where it runs out to sea. This is a deep major fault, perhaps 800
meters down and carrying perhaps as much as 10,000 to 30,000 gallons a
This fault is relatively unknown, but signs of it should be apparent on the
continental shelf 20 kilometers out to sea at a depth of around 800 meters.
Electrolyte testing – with probes under tow - should indicate exit points.
A similar fault extending from inland Australia to Portsea near Melbourne has
been identified.
It is to be expected that there could be 20 or 30 major deep faults running from
the Great Dividing range to the sea along eastern Australia. Similar deep fault
lines could be carrying primary water from the Great Divide inland to recharge the
Great Artesian basin from deep underneath.
How much water is discharging into the sea?
How could estimates be made?
The guesstimate of up to 10,000 to 30,000 gallons a minute for the Glen Davis to
Dover Heights deep fault line was assessed by dowsing in North Sydney park.
The park is a location that seems a good one in which to drill a check hole.
Dowsing also reveals a smaller deep fault line running towards Middle Harbor
crossing at this spot. Fault crossing points are good places to drill, the deep
fracturing improving the possibilities of good water flows.
The intriguing possibility of finding the continental shelf exit points should be
pursued. Electrolyte testing – running a ‘tin fish’ along the ocean floor – should
give acceptable results. Surely the math involved in working back from grid
patterns electrolyte readings could be made to yield acceptable estimates of
fresh, primary water outflows into the sea.
Ocean outflow are a clear indication of what the sustainable outdraw of primary
water is within a deep fault line. Remember, primary water outflow into the sea is
lost to aquifers and could be accessed without any detrimental affects to existing
water basins.
Sea level is a known figure and one would expect that the water in a deep fault
line near the ocean would rise to sea level within a bore hole. If the water
withdrawal is limited to sea level plus a few meters then backflow from the ocean
would be impossible...and the pure fresh water could be used for urban and
agricultural needs rather then being allowed to flow directly into the world’s
This Sydney example could be repeated in many places in the world. The
mountain ridge that runs up the spine of South and North America is another
location where primary water appears abundant – there are many examples from
the American deserts as described in “The Divining Hand” by Chris Bird. This
book is a good source of information on primary water and dowsing; it makes the
point that a Dowser, with geological understandings, is the best (and perhaps
only) way to find self-sustaining primary water sources.
The keys to large sources seem to be old tectonic activity, heated granite and
deep fault lines. It seems that good places to search for primary water are where
these correlates are occurring and gamma ray and magnetic flux readings show
potential possibilities.
Steven Guth ……
[email protected]